Unit 1 Summative Assignment

Ms. Roy
Astronomy Summative Assignment: Stellar Evolution and Astronomy
Learning Goal:
 To demonstrate an understanding of the universe, its components, and scientists who have
contributed to this understanding.
 To analyze the H-R diagram to further develop our knowledge of our galaxy and its
During this unit, we studied the scale of distances between celestial bodies, stellar evolution, galaxies and
theories on the origin of the universe. Use the H-R diagram on page 626 of your text to help you understand the
relationship between a star’s luminosity and temperature. Because a star’s colour is directly related to its
temperature, and because its luminosity is directly related to its absolute magnitude, a colour magnitude diagram
shows very similar information and can be plotted directly from observations taken by telescopes.
Section A Part 1: H-R Diagram: Plotting Data
1. Use the blank graph paper below, and plot each star's Absolute Magnitude on the y-axis (the vertical axis)
and its Spectral Type on the x-axis (the horizontal axis). Each star will be a dot somewhere on this graph.
We will not be plotting apparent magnitude. Be sure to be accurate with your plotting. Use Table 01: Star
Data below. See rubric for marking scheme. 4 marks.
Section A Part 2: Analysis of the H-R Diagram and Stars. 6 marks (1 mark each question). Please type.
1.) Based on the stars that are furthest away from earth, what general statement can you make about these stars
based on their location on the H-R diagram?
2.) Which star in the diagram is both bright and cold?
3.) Which star in the diagram is hot and dim?
4.) Based on your diagram, which stars are likely red giants? How do you know?
5.)a.) Compare Antares and Betelgeuse. What two similarities do these stars have?
b.) What two differences do these stars have?
Section A Part 3 Conclusion: 2 marks. Write a conclusion for the lab indicating why the H-R diagram is a useful
tool in the field of astronomy. In your statement, give an example of how scientists use it regularly.
Ms. Roy
Marking Scheme
Section A Part 1 H-R Diagram: Plotting Data Rubric 4 marks.
Application: Graphing
procedures and accuracy
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Graphs have been
attempted but are
incomplete and
inaccurate/ hard to
read at times
Graphs have been
completed with
accuracy OR labeled
Graphs have been
constructed with
accuracy and are
correctly labeled
Graphs have been constructed with
precision and accuracy.
Some criterion
One criterion missing
Many criterion missing
Part 1: _________/4 marks
Part 2:
All data points have been plotted
with care.
All titles, stars, and data are
labelled correctly.
No errors, neatness is exceptional.
_________/6 marks
Part 3: __________/ 2 marks
Section B: Accomplishments in Space Science ~ Research and Making Connections
Part 1: Edwin Hubble is considered to be one of the most accomplished scientists in astronomy. In your opinion,
what was Hubble’s greatest accomplishment? Explain with detail and support. 4 marks
Understanding of content
about scientific
contributions (e.g.,
concepts, ideas, theories,
principles, )
Expression and
organization of ideas and
information (e.g., clear
expression, logical
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
demonstrates limited
understanding of
demonstrates some
understanding of
understanding of
demonstrates thorough
understanding of content
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with limited
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
some effectiveness
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
expresses and organizes ideas
and information with a high
degree of effectiveness
Part 2: A recent finding about gravitational waves brings new evidence to support Einstein’s theory of relativity.
You may use the following link as your starting point,
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/feb/11/gravitational-waves-discovery-hailed-as-breakthrough-ofthe-century, then answer the following;
1.) What are gravitational waves and what do they suggest? Be specific and clear in your description. 4 marks.
Understanding of
content about
scientific terms and
Expression and
organization of ideas
and information (e.g.,
clear expression,
logical organization)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
demonstrates limited
understanding of
demonstrates some
understanding of
understanding of
demonstrates thorough
understanding of content
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with limited
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
some effectiveness
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
expresses and organizes ideas
and information with a high
degree of effectiveness
Part 3: Choose one OTHER space scientist of your choice and in a short paragraph, discuss what they have
contributed to space science.
Choose from: Stephen Hawking, Fritz Zwicky, Karl Jansky, Vera Rubin, Sir. Frederick William Herschel ( 4 marks)
Understanding of
content about
scientific terms and
Expression and
organization of ideas
and information (e.g.,
clear expression,
logical organization)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
demonstrates limited
understanding of
demonstrates some
understanding of
understanding of
demonstrates thorough
understanding of content
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with limited
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
some effectiveness
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with
expresses and organizes ideas
and information with a high
degree of effectiveness
Part 4: Referencing: Please include a list of references in APA style referencing. (You may use Google’s Easy Bib
add-on) (2 marks.)
Part 1: ______/4 marks
Part 2: _______/4 marks
Part 3: ________/ 4 marks
Part 4: ______/2 marks
Ms. Roy
Ms. Roy