
The Chinese University of Hong Kong University General Education 2nd term, 2015
UGED 1251: Service Leadership in an Uncertain Era
502 Wong Foo Yuan Building – Monday 2:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Prof. Bernard Suen
Prof. Hugh Thomas
Coordinating Instructors:
Topical Instructors:
Prof. Chan Kin-man
Mr. Choy Chi-keung, Ivan
Dr. Terence Yuen
Guest Speakers
Dr. Po Chung, DHL International Co-Founder
Leaders in third sector enterprises (to be confirmed)
Forum participants (to be confirmed)
Teaching Medium
Cantonese and English
All students possess the potential to be service leaders. This course aims to promote a culture of service leadership
through cultivating appropriate knowledge, skills, character and care towards self, others, and the society. The
course will introduce students to theories of leadership from the disciplines of design, management, political
science and sociology. Because service is co-created between the provider and the recipient and because
leadership itself is a service, understanding effective service leadership requires sensitivity to oneself and to others.
The course will include exercises to enhance this sensitivity. Using business, social enterprise, NGO and political
cases and through introducing students to leaders in different spheres, the course will stimulate students’
reflections on how they can lead effectively in a world full of conflicts and uncertainties.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Reflect on the issues of leadership
- Understand how sensitivity to oneself and to others can enhance leadership
- Show an oral ability to summarize, classify, synthesize and evaluate service leaders in business,
non-profit and political situations
- Demonstrate knowledge of theories of leadership through using them to assess words and actions
of recognized service leaders
Student Evaluation
Service Design Group Project due on week 8
In-Class Contribution
Individual Term Paper due on April 15
Tentative Schedule
Course Introduction
Theories of
leadership I :
Chan Kin-man
Bernard Suen
Hugh Thomas
Service leadership in Business
Northouse; Zigarelli, Hung Fuk
Tong case
Hugh Thomas
Service Design I
Parker, S. and J. Heapy
Bernard Suen
Service Design II
Parker, S. and J. Heapy
Bernard Suen
Cases of Service Leadership in Busines
Guest Lecture: Po Chung
Cisco China and Constellation
Po Chung
Hugh Thomas
Student Presentations
Service Design Group Project Due
Bernard Suen
Service Leadership in Non-Profits
Drayton, Chung and Ip
Terence Yuen
Cross Sector Leadershp
Riders for Health in Africa
Terence Yuen
Guest Lecturer
Political Leadershp: Traditions
de Tocqueville; Confucius
Hugh Thomas
Political Leadership Forum
Choy Chi Keung
plus two guests
A Synthesis: Service leadership in an
uncertain world :
Chan Kin-man
Bernard Suen
Hugh Thomas
Wrap up: leaders you wish to follow
Chan Kin-man
Reading / Assignment
Required Readings
Week 1
1. Heifetz, Ronald, “Mobilizing Adaptive Work” Leadership Without Easy Answers. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
1994) Chapter 4.
2. Heifetz, Ronald, “Creative Deviance on the Frontline” Leadership Without Easy Answers. Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, 1994) Chapter 8.
Week 2
3. Northouse, Peter, Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sage, Thousand Oaks, 2013. Chapter 1
4. Zigarelli, Mike “Ten Leadership Theories in Five Minutes” Youtube Video
5. Hung Fuk Tong video
Weeks 3
6. Parker, S. and J. Heapy (2006). The Journey to the Interface – How public service design can connect users to reform,
Demos. Chapter 1
Weeks 4
7. Parker, S. and J. Heapy (2006). The Journey to the Interface – How public service design can connect users to reform,
Demos. Chapters 3 and 4
Week 5
7. Thomas, Hugh and Robert P. Lee, “Cisco and Cloud-based Education in China”, SLI Case, Hong Kong.
8. Thomas, Hugh “Constellation: the Distribution of Minibonds” SLI Case, Hong Kong.
9. Chung, Po, Service Reborn: the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Service Companies, Lexingford, New York, 2012.
Chapter 1.
10. HKSLI Website: SLI Introduction
Week 6
Your service design group presentations
Week 7
11. Drayton, Bill. (2006). Everyone a changemaker: Social entrepreneurship’s ultimate goal. Innovations: Technology,
Governance, Globalization, 1(1), 80-96.
12. Chung, Po and Saimond Ip The First 10 Yards: the 5 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Cengage Learning, Singapore, 2009
Chapters 2 and 3.
Week 8
13. Au, Tsiu and Chan Dialogue in the Dark Richard Ivey School of Business Case, 2014
14. Au, Kevin & Anna Tsui, “Diamond Cab: Investment Of A Venture Philanthropy Fund”, SLI Case, Hong Kong
15. Riders for Health in Africa
16. Austin, James E. “Guidelines for Collaborating Successfully” Chapter 9 in The collaboration challenge how nonprofits
and businesses succeed through strategic alliances Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 2000
Week 10
17. Alex de Tocqueville Democracy in America excerpts
18. Confucius Excerpts China Text Project
Recommended Readings
Blanchard, K., Zigarmi, P. and Zigarmi D Leadership and the one Minute Manager William Morrow & Co., New York, 1982.
Cass R. Sunstein, Why societies need dissent, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2003.
Chung, P & S. Ip, The First Ten Yards: The Five Dynamics of Entrepreneurship, Cengage, Singapore, 2009 .
Chung, P Service Reborn: the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Service Companies Lexingford, New York, 2012.
Drucker, Peter, The Age of Discontinuity Heinemann, London, 1968.
Goffman, Erving, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Anchor Book, New York, 1959. (chapters 2 & 6)
Haifetz, Ronald Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for
Changing Your Organization and the World, Harvard Business Press, Boston, Mass., 2009
Heifetz, Ronald. Leadership Without Easy Answers. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
Moritz, S, Service Design: Practical access to an evolving field. London, 2005
Northouse, Peter Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sage, Thousand Oaks, 2013.
Perry, James, The Jossey-Bass Reader on Nonprofit and Public Leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2010.
Philips, Donald T., Martin Luther King, Jr. on Leadership, NY:Warner Books, 1998.
Rotberg, Robert I., Transformative Political Leadership , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, NY: Vintage Books,1989.
Siegel, D The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-being, Norton, New York, 2007
Details of Student Evaluation
1. Individual Term Paper due on April 18 (45%)
Each student is required to submit (in one hard copy and one soft copy through Veriguide) an individual term
paper of no more than 2,000 words in English on the subject “A Good Leader That I Want To Follow”. The essay
should describe a real leader in the field of government/politics, business and/or the civil society/NGO/social
enterprise sector who has achieved sufficient fame to allow you to conduct secondary source research. Your essay
should discuss how your leader demonstrates leadership consistent the topics/concepts covered in the course. Your
leader may not be any of the leaders from the video-assisted cases or the guest speakers introduced in this class
and may not be a leader from last year’s class of UGED 1251. To help you in your work, we will post individual
term papers from last year whose writers consent to the postings and who will be available to discuss with you
their leaders.
2. Service Design Group Project due on 22 February (45%)
Each student will join a group of from 3 to 5 students to design a service or product that solves a problem for an
identified target group. The service design may be for a for-profit or not-for-profit good or service, a political
movement or a social event. The only constraints are that the service must enhance the value of the target group
and must be feasible. The group will present their service design in a video of not more than 5 minutes and a
class discussion of not more than 15 minutes. Group marks will be adjusted by group peer assessments.
3. In-Class Oral Contribution (10%)
Please attend all classes and contribute to our discussions of service leadership.
Citations of Sources
Whatever work you submit must be your own. Claiming work written by others to be your own is plagiarism, a
serious academic offence. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. We encourage you to use any and all relevant sources
but whenever you quote directly you must use quotation marks around your direct quote and insert a footnote and
whenever you paraphrase another person’s words, you must insert a footnote. In either case, your footnote must
contain a full citation that will enable the reader to find the source, independently verify facts, determine the
extent to which your ideas derive from the source and follow your original reasoning.
We hope that you will find this course informative, thought-provoking and useful.