Seven Core Values of DUMC

Series on DUMC Core Values I:
Celebrative Worship in Joy and Gratitude(Psalm 96:1-13)
By Senior Pastor Dr. Daniel Ho
Definition of Core Values: Guiding principles that dictate behavior and action of a
church or organisation. Core values are about maintaining standards. How an organisation
operates is based on the core values of the organisation.
Core Values:
1) Defines the organisation/church
The core values of an organisation defines what the
organisation does.
2) Engenders passion of the people
- The core values of an organisation promotes and
cultivates passion in the lives of all who are serving and working
in the organisation.
3) Drives the organisation/church
Pastor Daniel recites from his book, The Dream Church:
In building a vision-focused and values-driven dream church,
sharing the same core values with one another becomes crucial
to mutual understanding and commitment to the work and ministry of the church.
Otherwise, we can keep on running into one another, and after awhile, we began to realise
that we share in a different value system, even though our vision may be the same. All
leaders are values-driven, and the ministries they build are the expressions of core values.
Kenneth Blanchard, the well-known management guru who
wrote the One Minute Manager, says, “Identifying the core
values that define your organisation is one of the most important
functions of leadership. The success or failure of this process can
literally make or break the organisation.” So I will be wise to
make identification of the Dream Church’s core values a top
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priority. However, it is important to note that core values are not the vision or purpose
statement of the church. Nor are these doctrinal statements of the church although it may
contain some doctrine sometimes. Core values certainly reflect the beliefs of the church,
however, core values are something the church cannot afford to be without.
Lou Schuler, a well-known church consultant says, “The most important element of any
corporation, congregation or denominational culture, however, is a value system. Core
values reflect the core beliefs of the church and are always
constant. They engender passion and drive ministry.”
I want to develop these core values carefully because they
communicate what is important in the Dream Church, determine
ministry distinctive, dictate ministry involvement, embrace
positive change, inspire people to action, enhance credible
leadership, shape ministerial character and contribute to ministry
success. These core values must be communicated carefully and
clearly so that members of the congregation will buy into it and
own it. Members must also see that you are deeply committed to
it, and that you cannot affirm it too much.
Aubrey Malphurs, also a well-known church consultant, says, “A ministry based on clearly
articulated core values drives a fixed stake in the ground that communicates to all, ‘This is
what we stand for, this is what we are all about. This is who we are, and this is what we can
do for you.
Seven Core Values of DUMC
Celebrative worship in joy and gratitude
Connected community of grace and godliness
Compelling faith through the word and prayer
Cohesive family through truth and faithfulness
Contagious evangelism through love and kindness
Compassionate service of hope and healing
Courageous world mission through the Spirit’s empowerment
This is what defines DUMC. This is what engenders and cultivates passion, and this is what
drives our church.
First DUMC Core Value: Emphasis on Worship
One of the best definitions of worship is given by Archbishop
William Temple, who says, “To worship is to quicken the
conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the
truth of God, to purge imagination by the beauty of God, to
open the heart to the love of God, and to devote the will to the
purpose of God. And all these gathered up in adoration is the
greatest of human expression of which we are capable.”
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Worship is the ultimate expression of a human being in experiencing real, true humanity.
Worship is so powerful because our conscience is quickened by the holiness of God, our
minds are filled by the truth of God. Our imagination takes on a new experience of what
creativity is all about, our hearts will expand and receive the love of God and it will set our
will on to want to live out the purpose and plan of God in this world. Worship is an unique
privilege of God’s people.
When we are not involved in worshipping the true and living God, we will end up
worshipping other gods. Worship is what we are preoccupied with. If we are not
preoccupied with the worship of the living God, we will be preoccupied with the worship of
money, power, position, wealth, success or degrees.
When we are caught up in the worship of the living God, we are transported into His
presence, and we experience healing and wholeness. We experience what it means to be a
real human person. Worship of the living God enlarges us, whereas worship of anything else
enslaves us and gives us no freedom whatsoever.
1. Tells our focus in church
The church helps us to learn to worship God, to be caught
up in His presence, and to be able to revel in the awesome
grace of God as we come in the worship of Him. One day,
we will be worshipping God in heaven forever and ever.
2. Shapes the choices we make in church
Worship is so critical and that is why we are careful and prayerful in the choices of songs
to be sung in the worship celebration, so that the lyrics and songs chosen will help us to
focus on God and not on Man.
3. Determines our direction as a church
We want to increasingly move more and more to become
worshippers of the living God, to be people who are enthralled in
God’s presence, to be people who are in no hurry to leave. This must
take us deeper, stronger and higher in the worship of the living God.
We believe in worship:
1. That is celebrative in nature
Music plays an important part in the life of the church. Music is the language of the heart,
the language that connects human beings. Music is the medicine of the soul. Music heals,
ministers, blesses and encourages. Music can be vibrant and loud, and music is a means of
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connection to the people of the world. 85-90% of young people listen to all kinds of music.
Even Christian young people listen to all kinds of music, including secular music.
Four Responses towards Music and Culture:
a) We become critics of culture and music
b) Finding fault with and condemning music and culture
c) Blindly copy music and culture
d) Create music and good music!
Music is an invention of God, not the devil. The devil copies and corrupts it. Music is
celebrative in nature, so sing out loud and dance to the Lord! David is a great worshipper of
the Lord, not only does he writes music and sings to the Lord, he dances to the Lord as well.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands. (Psalms 63:3-4)
Worship is an expression of adoration and love towards God. It is because we are so in love
with God, that we will be excited about worshipping Him.
2. That is expressed in joy and gratitude
We express gratitude for what God has done in our lives, and how He has transformed us. It
is important to be generous, for a generous person is never grumpy and grouchy, but
grateful and gracious. We are who we are today because of what God has done for us.
3. That is in spirit and in truth
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24)
Only the spirit of human beings can connect with the living
God; nothing and no one else can. We must worship God in
truth, for God is truth, and if there are lies and deceptions in
our lives, we cannot fully worship God. If we do not practice
integrity, our worship of God will be impoverished.
Worship is dynamic in nature; it is satisfying and brings true
fulfilment and contentment. Worship is eternal; it is an unending season of just spending
time in the presence of God. This is the joy, privilege and blessing of God’s people.
Sermon summary contributed by: Anthea Tan
Journaling and Prayer Points contributed by: Michelle Wong
* Weekly Reflection *
I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love
~~Henry Ward Beecher~~
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Rely on Him
To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence
without fault and with great joy (Jude 1:24)
Human beings are capable of falling into temptations, to stray away from worshiping the living God.
God, the Creator and upholder of all things, faultless and blameless, is ABLE to preserve all of us
from being enslaved by sin and helps us to overcome these temptations. God is ABLE to lead us to
this great joy when we come before His glorious presence, blameless as we have been redeemed by
the blood of Christ.
Without a doubt, it is easy to fall into temptations of the secular world when faith is not deeply rooted
in Christ. Believing is one thing, exercising faith is another matter. Obedience is vital. Like good deeds
without faith is useless, faith in Him to keep us from stumbling helps us to trust in Him deeper. To rely
on Him is to acknowledge that Christ is enough and to walk in humble obedience to our Master.
Abba Father, thank You for reminding us that You are our pillar of strength and joy. This is the
reminder that we can always rely on Christ to rediscover the joy of worshiping You again even in the
“busy-ness” of life. We know that Christ came not to be served but to serve. As ambassadors of
Christ, we find joy in serving others, and are reminded that every act of kindness is an act of worship.
Keep us from stumbling, for you are ABLE. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen.
I have recently been assigned to a project with tight deadline. It has been tiring and stressful, having
to deal with people of ‘unique’ characters and personalities. Yet, looking at front liners such as
customer service officers, I discover that they have to deal with similar situations on a daily basis. I
realise that they have to put on a smile and serve with patience and kindness because every
response is noticed and reflects the company’s image. This makes me reflect on my own actions, on
how easy it is sometimes to respond wrongly and wander off as if I do not belong to Christ. God
reminds me that if I want to reflect the presence of the Father, I must rely on the Son.
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SERMON: Celebrative worship in joy and gratitude
The church’s core values will function as the guiding principles that guard our
actions and behaviours.
The tangible presence of the Holy Spirit will continuously reside in the Church and
all gathered will find joy as we worship the Lord.
A heart to serve wherever help is needed, whether contribution is great or small.
We may display grateful and gracious hearts as God’s redeemed people.
We will give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6)
MINISTRIES &EVENTS: Missions Conference (21-22 February)
The presence of God to manifest during those two days so that people will be able to
feel the difference in the spiritual atmosphere throughout all the sessions.
Every participant and helper who is present will be touched and transformed by God.
God’s grace throughout the whole event for it to run smoothly from the start till the
end of the conference.
A heart of compassion and for participants to be inspired to be part of God’s agenda
for missions worldwide.
Declare his glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. (Psalm 96:3)
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MALAYSIA MY NATION: Economic Concerns
Economists warn Malaysians to brace themselves for higher cost of living and aggressive price
hikes in 2014 as a result of government measures to address national fiscal deficit.
Economic justice for Malaysia and that the poor will not be marginalised.
Wisdom for national leaders to resolve financial problems.
Humility to give without patronising those who receive.
Thanksgiving to God, the provider of our needs and to remind us that He is the
source of sustenance and economic resolution.
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. (Psalm 116:1)
A TRANSFORMED WORLD: China: Haze Tackling Measures
Since December 2013, 25 provinces and more than 100 large and medium cities have been suffering
varying degrees of hazy siege successively. Occurrence of haze becomes increasingly common and its
scope of influence also expands concurrently. China suffers from air pollution due to the nation’s
burst of economic and industrial growth.
Wisdom for the Chinese government and those in authority to take effective
measures for overall haze control to stem the cause of this pollution.
Drastic measures to ensure that the polluter will be held responsible.
God will intervene and bring justice and righteousness to this land.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must
believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6)
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