
Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı 2 aşamadan oluşmaktadır.
a) Reading: 5 okuma parçasını kapsamaktadır.Her parçada 7 adet soru
bulunmaktadır.Toplam 35 puan.
b) Writing:
I.Kısım: 100 – 150 kelimelik bir paragraf yazdırılıyor.Toplam 10 puan.
II.Kısım: Bir metnin özeti yazdırılıyor.Toplam 5 puan.
I. Listening
a) Lecture: 2 adet var. Her bir lecture 10 puan ve 7 – 8 dakika sürüyor.
Sorular çoktan seçmeli.
b) Dialogue: Karşılıklı konuşma dinletiliyor. Toplam 5 puan.
II. Language use:
Paragraf tamamlayan ve bozan cümleler soruluyor. Toplam 15 puan.
III. Speaking
Toplam 10 puan.
Birinci aşamaya giren bütün öğrenciler puan şartı aramaksızın ikinci
aşamaya girebiliyorlar. Birinci aşama ve ikinci aşamadan aldıkları not
toplamı 60 ve üzeri olan öğrenciler Hazırlık Sınıfı okumuyorlar.
(Two grammar clozes consisting of 20 blanks, each 0.5 point)
Circle the correct alternative.
The history of molecular biology began in the 1930s with the convergence of
various, previously distinct biological disciplines. With the hope of (1)_____
life at its most fundamental level, numerous physicists and chemists also
(2)_____ an interest in what would become molecular biology.
In its modern sense, molecular biology attempts to explain the phenomena
of life starting from the macromolecular properties that generate them.
(3)_____, one definition of the scope of molecular biology is to characterize
the structure, function and relationships between two of macromolecules.
In its earliest forms, molecular biology, (4)_____ name (5)_____ by Warren
Weaver of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1938, was an ideal of physical and
chemical explanations of life, rather than a coherent discipline. Following
the advent of the Mendelian-chromosome theory of heredity in the 1910s
and the maturation of atomic theory and quantum mechanics in the 1920s,
such explanations (6)_____ within reach. Weaver and others encouraged
and funded research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics,
while prominent physicists (7)_____ Niels Bohr and Erwin Schrödinger
turned their attention to biological speculation.
In 1940, George Beadle and Edward Tatum demonstrated the existence of a
precise relationship between genes and proteins. In the course of their
experiments connecting genetics with biochemistry, they switched from the
genetics mainstay Drosophila to a/an (8)_____ model organism. In 1944,
Oswald Avery, (9)_____ at the Rockefeller Institute of New York,
demonstrated (10)_____ genes are made up of DNA.
1. A) to understand
B) understanding
C) understand
D) understood
2. A) have taken
B) take
C) took
D) were taken
3. A) Therefore
B) On the other hand
C) Meanwhile
D) In contrast
4. A) which
B) whom
C) whose
D) that
5. A) coined
B) coining
C) was coined
D) is coined
6. A) were seeming
B) seemed
C) seeming
D) had seemed
7. A) such as
B) except that
C) rather than
D) as well
8. A) less appropriately
B) more appropriate
C) least appropriate
D) as appropriately as
9. A) that worked
B) worked
C) works
D) working
10. A) what
B) wherever
C) that
D) whoever
(Two vocabulary clozes consisting of 5 blanks, each 1 point)
Circle the correct alternative.
Until this century, the word "intelligence" has been used primarily by
ordinary individuals in an effort to describe their own (1)_____ powers as
well as those of other persons. (2)_____ with ordinary language usage,
"intelligence" has been (3)_____ in anything but a precise manner.
Forgetting about homonyms which (4)_____ the gathering of information,
individuals living in the West were called "intelligent" if they were quick or
powerful or (5)_____ smart or wise. In other cultures, the individual who
was obedient, or well behaved, or quiet, or equipped with magical powers,
may well have been referred to by terms which have been translated as
1. A) mental
B) psychic
2. A) Insistent
B) Consistent
3. A) lost
B) criticized
4. A) reject
B) conceal
5. A) science
C) irrational
C) Denied
C) positioned
C) hide
B) scientist
D) indicate
C) scientific
(5 reading texts of 350-500 words / ±6 questions for each text
-4 comprehension, ±2 meaning/reference questions-)
High tech gadgets such as cell phones are bringing profound change to
developing nations, and not just economic progress. Text messaging, the
Internet and other innovations are having wide ranging social
repercussions, from exposing human rights abuses by repressive
governments to breaking traditional taboos governing courtship and other
human relationships.
Young people in India, like everywhere else in the world, have embraced
the cell phone, using it for everything from calling home to contacting
members of the opposite sex. Indian sociologist Radhika Chopra says the
cell phone and other technological innovations are having an impact on how
some young people are courting each other these days, mainly because
parents have less control. "The behavior of teenagers, and young adults in
the public space was much more visible and regulated, you might say,"
Chopra said. "You couldn't express unwanted love, in a public space - and
you still can't, actually. But the Internet and the mobile phone have created
a kind of subset of society of youngsters in the same age group, of the same
kinds of backgrounds or even across class and social backgrounds. I think
this has actually enabled them to be much more independent in their
thinking about what kind of a marriage they would look for."
Advances in communications via the Internet and cell phones are having
similar impacts on other traditional societies such as Iran. They are helping
to break down religious and other restrictions, according to Arthur Molella,
director of the Smithsonian's Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention
and Innovation in Washington. "If you have a society that is very restrictive
about public relationships between men and women, men and women still
have to get together in some way, and these technologies provide a means of
making appointments with one another that weren't available before. So I
think inevitably they have this kind of subversive effect on authority,"
Molella said.
In China, the Internet has served as a way to organize opposition to the
construction of chemical plants and other projects viewed as harmful to
health and the environment. "Governments usually have to catch up if they
want to stop something proliferating on the Internet. I think it's this instant
communication and talking back to authority, as it were, that is changing
the political scene."
Molella and others say the full magnitude of these technological innovations
and their impact on societies have yet to play out.
What does the text mainly talk about?
the social relationships in developing countries
the social impact of technology on developing nations
the interaction of teenagers via the Internet
the significance of cell phones on developing nations
Which one of the following topics is not mentioned as affected by
technological developments?
personal relationships
abuse of human rights
How did the technological developments alter the way teenagers flirt
in India?
Their relationships could be monitored more strictly.
The diversity of their background could be exhibited more clearly
C) Teenagers became more free to express their preferences in terms of
whom they want to flirt with
D) Parents became more involved in the process of choosing a person to
marry their children
We can infer from the text that ______________.
there are more impacts to come in the future
the effects mentioned in the text will be the only impacts of the
developing technology
experts do not approve the influence of developing technology
D) experts are frightened by the political impacts of developing
What does “proliferating” in paragraph 4 mean?
What does “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
men and women
these technologies
(Two sections: 1. Conversation/Dialogue tasks 2. Lecture)
The recording will be played once.
(± 10 exchanges with ±5 comprehension questions)
Ann : John, have you chosen any physical education class yet for this
John : No. Why?
Ann : You've got to take rock-climbing. We just had the first class and it
looks like it will be great.
John : You think I should take rock-climbing? You've got to be kidding.
Besides, how can they teach rock-climbing when it's completely flat around
Ann : That's not important. You can't just start climbing without any
training. You need to get in shape, learn how to use the ropes, the belts, the
buckles, there's a lot of preparation first.
John : You don't think it's just a little bit dangerous?
Ann : Not if you know how to use the safety equipment, which is, by the
way, pretty hi-tech. The ropes are made of elastic fabrics that stretch a
little, and the shoes have special plastic. You have to learn how to use all
these before you do any real climbing.
John : Well, what's the appeal? We'll spend the whole semester studying
something we don't actually get to do.
Ann : We will take a climbing trip during the spring break. But that's not
the point. Climbing is not the only goal. In preparing to climb you learn
patience, mental discipline and you gain fantastic physical strength,
especially in your hands. For the first few weeks we're going to concentrate
entirely on hand and upper body exercise.
John : All that in one sport? Maybe you are right. Since it's not too late to
join the class, maybe I will.
1. What is the woman trying to do?
A) convince the man to take a rock - climbing course with her
B) find a place to go rock climbing
C) find out if a rock climbing course will be offered
D) plan a rock - climbing trip over the spring break
2. What does the man imply about rock-climbing at their college?
A) There is no one to teach them how to do it.
B) Not very many students are interested in it.
C) The college doesn't have any rock-climbing equipment.
D) There are no appropriate places for rock climbing nearby.
3. Why is the woman interested in rock-climbing?
A) Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.
B) Climbers have the opportunity to be outside and enjoy the scenery.
C) Climbing isn't as expensive as other sports.
D) Learning to climb doesn't take a very long time.
(2 lectures of 900-1000 words with ±10 comprehension
Lecture 1: In a linguistics class, a professor talks about mnemonics. Listen
to the lecture and answer the following questions accordingly. You have 2
minutes to read the questions before listening and two minutes to complete
your answers after listening. The recording will be played once.
Good morning class. In today’s session we will be talking about the terms
used with memory, the connection between memory and learning but
basically we will concentrate on ways to improve memory. You should have
already read the chapter since it was assigned to you two weeks ago. Any
questions? All right!
Memory is basically the process by which people and other organisms
encode, store, and retrieve information. Encoding refers to the initial
perception and registration of information. Storage is the retention of
encoded information over time. Retrieval refers to the processes involved in
using stored information.
Okay! What about us-teachers and students? What’s the use of memory for
us? According to the experts and researchers, memory and learning are
closely related, and the terms often describe roughly the same processes.
The term learning is often used to refer to processes involved in the initial
acquisition or encoding of information, whereas the term memory more
often refers to later storage and retrieval of information.
Because memory takes such an important part in teaching and learning, it
is important to understand the techniques to improve our memories.
Memory improvement techniques are called mnemonic devices or simply
mnemonics. These have been used since the time of the ancient Greeks and
All mnemonic devices depend on two basic principles: (1) recoding of
information into forms that are easy to remember, and (2) supplying oneself
with excellent retrieval cues to recall the information when it is needed. For
example, many schoolchildren learn the colors of the visible spectrum by
learning the imaginary name ROY G. BIV, which stands for red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This example illustrates the principle of
Psychologists have devised much more elaborate recoding and decoding
schemes. Three of the most common mnemonic techniques are common
among psychologists. Research has shown that mnemonic devices such as
these provide greater recall than do strategies that people usually use, such
as ordinary rehearsal that is repeating information to oneself.
One of the oldest mnemonics is the method of loci. This method involves
forming vivid interactive images between specific locations and items to be
remembered. The first step is to learn a set of places. For instance, you
might familiarize yourself with various locations around your house: the
front doorstep, the front door, and so on. Once you have permanently
memorized the locations, you can then use them to recode experiences for
later recall. You can then use this method to remember any set of
information, such as a shopping list or points in a speech. The locations
serve as retrieval cues for the desired information. Although this technique
may seem far-fetched, with a little practice it can prove quite effective. In
fact, the amount of information one can remember using this method is
limited only by the number of locations one has memorized.
Another mnemonic that relies on the power of visual imagery is called the
peg-word method. There are many variations of the peg-word method, but
they are all based on the same general principle. People learn a series of
words that serve as “pegs” on which memories can be “hung.” In one
popular scheme, the peg-words rhyme with numbers to make the words
easy to remember: One is a gun, two is a shoe, three is a tree etc. To learn
the same grocery list, one might associate gun and bread by imagining the
gun shooting the bread. When you need to remember the shopping list, you
simply recall the peg-words associated with each number; the peg-words
then serve as retrieval cues for the items in the list. Peg methods such as this
one provide more flexible access to information than does the method of
loci. For example, if you want to recite the items backwards for some
reason, you can do so just as easily as in the forward direction. If you need
to know the eighth item, you can say “eight is a plate” and mentally look at
your image for the item on the plate.
The PQ4R method is a mnemonic technique used for remembering text
material. If you are interested in better remembering a chapter from a
textbook, you should first Preview the information by skimming quickly
through the chapter and looking at the headings. The next step is to form
Questions about the information. One way to do this is by simply changing
headings to questions. The third step is to Read the text carefully trying to
answer the questions. After reading, the next step is to Reflect on the
material. One way would be to create your own examples of how the
principles you are reading could be applied. The next step is to Recite the
material after reading it. That is, put the book aside or look away and try to
recall or to recite what you have just read. If you cannot bring it to mind
now, you will have little chance later. The last step in PQ4R is to Review.
After you have read the entire chapter, go through it again trying to recall
and to summarize its main points. Tests of the PQ4R method of reading text
material have shown its advantages over the way people normally read.
However, PQ4R method slows reading considerably, so students do not
prefer the technique, even though it is more effective. Most mnemonic
devices involve additional work, but they are well worth the investment for
improving memory.
Today’s session includes the following topics EXCEPT _____.
what to do to improve memory
importance of memory types
the relation between memory and learning
terms used with memory
According to the speaker, what is the difference between learning and
A) Learning occurs in the later stages whereas memory occurs in the
initial stage.
Learning is related to the retrieval of information whereas memory is
related to encoding of information.
C) Learning involves the acquisition of information whereas memory is
related to the later retrieval of it.
D) Learning is superior to memory because it includes both encoding
and retrieval of information.
All of the following about mnemonics are true EXCEPT they _____.
are techniques used to improve memory
have been used for a long time
are based on recording information and retrieval cues
aren’t as efficient as ordinary rehearsal or repeating oneself
How does the speaker feel about the efficiency of the method of loci?
Which of the following is not true for the peg word method?
It uses rhyming with numbers to make the words easy to remember.
It has a lot of variations which are based on different principles.
It uses the peg words as retrieval cues for different lists of items.
D) It is better than the method of loci in providing more access to
Lecture 2:
Have you had a headache recently? If your answer is yes, you are like
many millions of people worldwide who experience pain in the head. The
pain can be temporary, mild and cured by a simple painkiller like aspirin.
Or, it can be severe.
The National Headache Foundation says more than forty five million people
in the United States suffer chronic headaches. Such headaches cause severe
pain that goes away but returns later.
Some headaches may prove difficult and require time to treat. But many
experts today are working toward cures or major help for chronic
The US Headache Consortium is a group with seven member organizations.
They are attempting to improve treatment of one kind of headache -- the
migraine. Some people experience this kind of pain as often as two weeks
every month. The National Headache Foundation says about seventy
percent of migraine sufferers are women.
Some people describe the pain as similar to a repeated beat. Others
compare it to someone driving a sharp object into the head. Migraine
headaches cause Americans to miss more than one hundred fifty million
workdays each year. A migraine can be mild. But it also can be so severe
that a person cannot live a normal life.
Some people take medicine every day to prevent or ease migraine
headaches. Others use medicine to control pain already developed.
Doctors treating migraine sufferers often order medicines from a group of
drugs known as triptans.
Most migraines react at least partly to existing medicine. And most people
can use existing medicine without experiencing bad effects. Doctors
sometimes use caffeine to treat migraine headaches. Interestingly, caffeine
also can cause some migraines.
Medical experts have long recognized the work of the Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minnesota. The Mayo Clinic says several foods are suspected of
causing migraines. Cheese and alcoholic drinks are among them. Food
additives like nitrates and monosodium glutamate also are suspected
The Clinic tells patients to avoid strong smells that have seemingly started
migraines in the past. Some people react badly to products like perfume,
even if they have a pleasant smell.
The Clinic's experts say aerobic exercise can help migraine sufferers.
Aerobic exercise increases a person's heart rate. It can include walking,
swimming or riding a bicycle. But a sudden start to hard exercise can cause
headaches. The experts advise that people should plan to exercise, eat and
sleep at the same times each day.
The Clinic also says hypnotherapy might help suppress headaches. It says
the method could reduce the number and severity of a patient’s headaches.
In hypnotherapy, willing people are placed in a condition that lets them
receive suggestions. They look like they are sleeping. The suggestions they
receive may be able to direct their whole mental energy against pain.
The Clinic says the hypnotizer can never control the person under hypnosis.
It also says the hypnotized person will remember what happened during the
More people suffer tension headaches than migraines. But most tension
headaches are not as powerful.
Events that start tension headaches may include emotional pressure and the
deeper than normal sadness called depression. Other tension headaches
can start from something as simple as tiredness. Common changes in
atmospheric conditions also can be responsible.
The Clinic says you may feel a tension headache as tightness in the skin
around your eyes. Or, you may feel pressure around your head. Episodic
tension headaches strike from time to time. Chronic tension headaches
happen more often. A tension headache can last from a half hour to a
whole week.
The Clinic says the pain may come very early in the day. Other signs can
include pain in the neck or the lower part of the head. Scientists are not
sure what causes tension headaches. For years, researchers blamed muscle
tension from tightening in the face, neck and the skin on top of the head.
They believed emotional tension caused these movements.
But that belief has been disputed. A test called an electromyogram shows
that muscle tension does not increase in people with a tension headache.
The test records electrical currents caused by muscle activity. Such
research has caused the International Headache Society to re-name the
tension headache. The group now calls it a tension-type headache.
Some scientists now believe that tension headaches may result from changes
among brain chemicals such as serotonin. The changes may start sending
pain messages to the brain. These changes may interfere with brain activity
that suppresses pain.
Medicines for tension headache can be as simple as aspirin or other
painkillers. But if your pain is too severe, you will need a doctor's advice.
Another type of headache is cluster headache, which can be many times
more intense than a migraine. They usually strike young people. Smokers
and persons who drink alcohol often get these headaches. Men are about
six times more likely than women to have them. The Clinic says this is
especially true of younger men. Doctors say cluster headaches often strike
during changes of season.
Cluster headache patients describe the pain as burning. The pain is almost
always felt on one side of the face. It can last for up to ninety minutes.
Then it stops. But it often starts again later the same day. Eighty to ninety
percent of cluster headache patients have pain over a number of days to a
whole year. Pain-free periods separate these periods.
The Clinic says the cause of cluster headaches is in a brain area known as a
trigeminal-autonomic reflex pathway. When the nerve is made active, it
starts pain linked to cluster headaches. The nerve starts a process that
makes one eye watery and red.
Studies have shown that activation of the trigeminal nerve may come from
a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The Cleveland Clinic says
injections of the drug sumatriptan can help. Many other drugs also could
be used. For example, doctors say breathing oxygen also can help.
1. According to National Headache Foundation _______________.
A) it is impossible to cure migraine
B) 70 % of migraine sufferers are women
C) the pain migraine causes is similar to a repeated beat
D) chronic headaches never return after they occur
2. The purpose of The US Headache Consortium is to ______________.
A) gather patients who suffer from all kinds of headaches
B) improve the treatment of migraine headaches
C) focus on all chronic headaches
D) organize and inform doctors about the nature of chronic headaches
3. How does hypnotherapy help suppress headaches?
A) It lets patients sleep.
B) It reduces the number and severity of a patient’s headaches.
C) It helps patients receive suggestions about dealing with the pain
D) It increases their heart rate causing the pain decrease
4. The aim of the lecturer is to ___________.
A) inform people about the nature and the treatment options of various
B) criticize the current methods used in treating different forms of
C) warn people with headaches about the medications they should choose
D) explain the advantages of joining organizations concerned with the
treatment of headaches
(Three sections: 1. Paragraph Organization 2. Sentence Structure
3. Paragraph Writing)
(Finding irrelevant sentence -5 questions, 1 point each
Ordering paragraphs-5 questions, 1 point each
Paragraph completion-5 questions, 1 point each)
*Read the following paragraph and mark the sentence which breaks the
unity of the paragraph.
(I) When expectations are realistic, life feels more predictable and therefore
more manageable. (II) There is much we can do to help patients by letting
them know when their expectations are unrealistic. (III) There is an
increased feeling of control because you can plan and prepare yourself
(physically and psychologically). (IV) For example, if you know in advance
when you have to work overtime or stay late, you will take it more easily
than when it is dropped on you at the last minute.
A) I
* Put the following sentences into a logical order to make a coherent
(I) Traditional business subjects like business planning and finance,
business communications, organizational behavior and marketing are
therefore reconsidered in the business world with attention to the features
of art business.
(II) Such changes in the attitudes of people from both fields promote the
business of art which is a vital element of the creative industries sector of
the economy.
(III) The business of art means combining business theories and practices
with art-related issues.
(IV) Similarly, the key people in the field of art like artists, dealers, critics,
art historians and collectors become interested in business concepts such as
production, distribution and consumption.
* Read the following paragraph and mark the alternative which best
completes the paragraph.
The festivals in Ecuador provide tourists with a unique opportunity to learn
about the Ecuadorian culture. However, they also shut the Ecuadorian
nation down because banks and governmental offices close and popular
tourist destinations become overcrowded during these festivals. _____.
Knowing when these celebrations occur, finding out where most people are
going during these celebrations, deciding where you want to be accordingly,
and planning your transportation and accommodation in advance are the
keys to enjoying the best celebrations and festivals that Ecuador has to
A) As a result, most people visit Ecuador in winter to avoid such troubles
B) Therefore, to get the most from these celebrations and ceremonies, you
should plan your visit well
C) Some tourists are clever enough not to go to Ecuador because of the
possible dangers
D) In fact, you don’t need to be very careful when planning the details
because it is time to relax
(Paraphrasing- 5 questions, 1 point each
Sentence completion-5 questions, 1 point each)
* Mark the alternative with the closest meaning to the sentence below.
“The results of the experiment may shed light on at least one reason that up
to a third of frog species around the world are threatened with extinction.”
A) Every third frog among the world’s frog species population may be
facing death because of the experiment results.
B) The experiment results showed that one third of the frog species in the
world have disappeared.
C) Why one third of the world’s frog species are about to die out will
probably be explained after the
D) After the experiment scientists may be alarmed to find out that one third
of the world’s frog species are endangered.
* Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence.
1. You Tube’s Web site, ____________, has turned to be the ground for a
Turkey versus Greece video war.
A) millions of people watch videos every day
B) where millions of videos are watched every day
C) who watch millions of videos every day
D) watching millions of videos every day
(An opinion based paragraph of ±200 words)
Write a paragraph of 200 words on: “Is public transportation
advantageous or not?”
Write a paragraph of 200 words on: “Is media our friend or enemy?”
Write a paragraph of 200 words on: “Does modern technology work
to the benefit of
(1/2 pt. each; 35 pts.)
Questions 1- 70
On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes each
1. There is ________ entertainment in the country that I would probably be
a) so little c) such little
b) very little d) little
2. ________ the approaching storm, the wind began to blow hard and the
sky became quite dark.
a) Because c) Now that
b) Resulting in d) Because of
3. ________ the rhinoceros is carefully protected, it will soon become extinct
like some other species.
a) If c) Unless
b) As long as d) Whenever
4. In biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life __________ all the
components required for
independent existence.
a) contains c) it contains
b) is contained d) containing
5. I wish you ________ me that you didn't like fruit cake. I would have
made something else.
a) told c) would tell
b) had told d) would have told
6. James is considering ________ his job as he isn't satisfied with the
working conditions.
a) about changing c) changing
b) to change d) change
7. ________ we go to the cinema, a visit to the theatre is still something
a) Not only when c) As soon as
b) Once d) No matter how often
8. We can judge the success of your scheme ________ into account the
financial benefits over the past
few years.
a) when to take c) after being taken
b) by taking d) of taking
9. I'd rather you ________ Michael's car. I may need mine to pick up my
son from school.
a) borrow c) borrowed
b) will borrow d) would borrow
10. Did you remember ________ Tim that we can't come on Saturday?
a) telling c) that you told
b) to tell d) you told
11. The brakes need ________.
a) adjusted c) to adjust
b) to be adjusting d) adjusting
12. The dentist asked the little boy if he _________ his teeth regularly.
a) brushes c) had brushed
b) brushed d) will brush
13. The larger the earth's human population grows, ________.
a) it becomes more difficult to satisfy basic human needs
b) satisfying basic human needs becomes more difficult
c) the more difficult it becomes to satisfy basic human needs
d) the satisfaction of basic human needs becomes more difficult
14. Although the fire was very small, everyone panicked and rushed out of
the cinema, ________
complete chaos.
a) that caused c) caused
b) they caused d) causing
15. She ________ French for two years when she started to do her M.A. in
a) has been studying c) studied
b) had been studying d) was studying
16. It is necessary that she ________ her career no matter what difficulties
lie ahead of her.
a) pursue c) pursued
b) must pursue d) will pursue
17. If I'd accepted the job, I ________ earning a good salary now.
a) would be c) would have been
b) were d) had been
18. Not having any time to spare, we couldn't visit all the places we
________ to.
a) would like c) will like
b) would have liked d) could have liked
19. The local restaurant serves ________ food that people go there from
miles away.
a) such a good c) such good
b) very good d) so good
20. Scott Joplin is clearly the world's __________ composer of ragtime
a) very famous c) more famous
b) famous d) most famous
21. A discussion of group personality would ________ be complete without
a consideration of national
a) hardly c) nearly
b) almost d) rarely
22. ________ of the accident, the police rushed to the scene immediately.
a) Informing c) Having informed
b) Having been informed d) Been informed
23. I am not sure whether ________ present will make her as happy as
a) your/my c) their/our
b) them/mine d) my/yours
24. In order to proceed, we must agree ________ a plan of action.
a) with c) at
b) on d) in
25. By the time he ________ home, his children will have gone to bed.
a) had gotten c) gets
b) will get d) got
26. I prefer writing a term paper ________ taking an examination.
a) than c) instead
b) to d) from
27. It was in 1492 ________ Christopher Columbus arrived in the New
a) which c) when
b) that d) in which
28. Ride sharing ________ more popular ever since the government
________ making frequent
increases in gasoline prices.
a) became .... has started c) has become .... started
b) became .... started d) has become .... has started
29. The businessman had his store ________ up so that he could collect the
a) blow c) to blow
b) blowing d) blown
30. Only after they themselves become parents, _______ the difficulties of
raising children.
a) people realise c) did people realise
b) do people realise d) people realised
31. ________ Americans, who seem to prefer coffee, the English drink a lot
of tea.
a) Unlike c) While
b) Whereas d) Despite
32. His score on the exam was __________ to qualify him for a graduate
a) so good c) very good
b) too good d) good enough
33. Let's invite them to dinner some time, _______ ?
a) will we c) don't we
b) shall we d) won't we
34. ________ physical gestures and body language have different meanings
in different cultures
is a commonly-accepted phenomenon.
a) That c) There are
b) Whether d) The
35. __________ may sometimes appear that children are crying when they
are actually laughing.
a) They c) He
b) It d) There
36. Almost everyone in the class got a high grade on the exam. They all
________ hard.
a) might have studied c) must have studied
b) should have studied d) had to study
It was almost dark when we arrived ___37__ the hotel ___38__ we were
planning to spend the night.
37. a) to 38. a) which
b) at b) what
c) __ c) that
d) in d) where
Virtually ___39__ improvement in plumbing systems was made __40__ the
time of the Romans until the
19th century.
39. a) not 40. a) from
b) no b) since
c) none c) during
d) not only d) by
The baby ___41___ from drowning by a quick-thinking teenager is making
good progress and ___42___
to go home soon.
41. a) having saved 42. a) is allowing
b) being saved b) will be allowed
c) saved c) allows
d) was saved d) is being allowed
Studies show that students with high self-esteem get ___43___ ratings from
both themselves and their
teachers than ___44___ with low self-esteem.
43. a) high 44. a) those
b) higher b) that
c) very high c) ones
d) the highest d) others
A group of scientists working in eastern Kazakhstan ___45___ an
extraordinary discovery in the frozen
wastes: a tiny tooth less than 2 mm across. It belongs to a pouched
mammal, or marsupial, which makes it
the first remains of a marsupial ever ___46___ in Asia.
45. a) reporting 46. a) to be found
b) has reported b) been found
c) is reporting c) having found
d) to report d) being found
It's a pity you ___47___ come to the picnic on Sunday. The weather was
___48___ cold but we
___49___ warm by eating Sarah's wonderful homemade soup. The picnic
basket was quite heavy on the
way there, but it was ___50___ lighter when we carried it home. We played
volleyball on the beach until
it started raining and ___51___ we came home – tired and wet, but feeling
47. a) hadn't 48. a) rather 49. a) had to keep
b) shouldn't b) much b) would keep
c) wouldn't c) enough c) have kept
d) couldn't d) too d) were able to keep
50. a) a lot 51. a) when
b) lots b) after
c) a lot of c) then
d) lots of d) before
A speaker delivering a persuasive speech can make use of the testimonial
technique. The speaker chooses
a person ___52___ by the audience. Sometimes the person is local, ___53___
more often he/she is a
national figure. Names __54___ Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony,
Dwight Eisenhower, and Martin
Luther King inspire good feelings in the audience. The speaker then implies
that if one of these heroic
people ___55___ there, that person would do something this way or that
way. There is ___56___ any
evidence that these people ever spoke about the particular issue, but the
speaker claims he or she knows
___57___ these famous people would feel.
52. a) admiring 53. a) because 54. a) for example
b) admired b) indeed b) similar to
c) admiringly c) but c) as
d) admirable d) also d) like
55. a) would have been 56. a) seldom 57. a) however
b) were b) sometimes b) that
c) had been c) yet c) how
d) would be d) still d) why
It is widely believed that medical science has been gradually and
systematically reducing civilisation's
diseases. In the past, ___58___ ignorance and superstition that resulted in
epidemics like the medieval
plagues. However, during the 19th and 20th centuries, scientists finally
managed to discover ___59___
infectious diseases and began to cure them with drugs and immunisation.
Above all, improved technology
and advances in anaesthesia enabled surgeons to carry out sophisticated
operations; penicillin and
antibiotics helped complete the advance. And yet, some people disagree.
___60___ point out that more
credit ought to be given to social reformers ___61___ for purer water and
better sewage disposal so that
___62___. It is their opinion that the drugs and antibiotics merely speeded
up the process. ___63___ this
contribution was valuable, it did not lower the level of disease in general.
58. a) that the combination of 59. a) that caused 60. a) Those
b) it was the combination of b) causing b) They
c) the combination of c) whichever caused c) Some
d) there was the combination of d) what caused d) Others
61. a) whose campaigns 62. a) to improve living standards 63. a) In spite of
b) campaigned b) it improves living standards b) Nonetheless
c) who campaigned c) living standards should be improved c) While
d) being campaigned d) living standards could be improved d) Even so
The origins of baseball probably stretch back to 1839, ___64___ Abner
Doubleday, a civil engineering
student, laid out a diamond-shaped field at Cooperstown, New York and
attempted ___65___ the rules
governing the playing of ___66___ games as 'town ball' and 'four old cats',
the ancestors of baseball. By
the end of the Civil War, interest ___67 _ the game had grown rapidly.
There were over 200 teams or
clubs, ___68___ toured the country playing rivals. They belonged to a
national association of ' Baseball
Players' that had proclaimed a set of standard rules. These teams were
amateurs or semi-professionals, but
as the game waxed in popularity, it offered opportunities for profit, and the
first professional team, the
Cincinnati Red Stockings, ___69___ in 1869. Other cities soon fielded
professional teams, and in 1876
the present National League ___70___.
64. a) at which 65. a) standardizing 66. a) the
b) then b) to standardize b) same
c) when c) standardization c) some
d) in that d) standardize d) such
67. a) in 68. a) some 69. a) appeared
b) for b) those of which b) had appeared
c) about c) some of which c) was appearing
d) with d) of which d) has appeared
70. a) organised
b) was organised
c) had been organised
d) had organised
(1 pt. each; 65 pts.)
Questions 71-80
On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which is closest in meaning to
the underlined word or
71. He devised a folding toothbrush for travellers.
a) sold c) invented
b) brought d) described
72. Before landing the plane, the pilot checked with the tower for
verification of her location.
a) information about c) mention of
b) guidance on d) confirmation of
73. Eagles deliberately position their nests in high trees or on cliffs away
from other animals.
a) intentionally c) conveniently
b) independently d) constantly
74. Rhythm, although associated most often with music, is a component of
poetry as well.
a) an element c) a virtue
b) an attraction d) a material
75. Most of the conversation between the men was intelligible.
a) rapid c) understandable
b) disagreeable d) negotiable
76. Proper insulation prevents heat loss during the winter and allows the
building to remain cool in
a) aids c) reduces
b) stops d) produces
77. It is inevitable that smoking will damage your health.
a) invading c) unavoidable
b) unhealthy d) intriguing
78. Do you think your question is pertinent to the matter we are discussing?
a) perceptive c) discriminating
b) relevant d) apparent
79. The teacher asked the student to eliminate all the long sentences from
the text.
a) replace c) cut down
b) take out d) substitute
80. Fish have lived on the earth longer than any other backboned animal
and have shown great diversity
throughout their lifespan.
a) variation c) evolution
b) adaptation d) satisfaction
Questions 81-90
On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes the
meaning of each sentence.
81. A politician's private life should be _______ with his political beliefs so
that people won't accuse him
of having double standards.
a) reasonable c) constant
b) considerate d) consistent
82. I can't possibly ________ with such behaviour in class so try to control
a) get away c) put up
b) get on d) put away
83. The governor faxed a message to the Ministry of Interior Affairs and
demanded a(n) ________ reply
so that he could take action immediately.
a) urgent c) genuine
b) accurate d) rational
84. The girl's ________ in Spanish made her a valuable translator.
a) competition c) eagerness
b) competence d) encouragement
85. People work very hard all their lives to ________ as many material
possessions as possible.
a) accumulate c) require
b) acknowledge d) realise
86. Aspirin has become a widespread drug due to its ability to ________ all
kinds of pain.
a) devastate c) accelerate
b) alleviate d) enhance
87. Jack _______ needs to be looked after. He cannot possibly continue his
life as a bachelor.
a) exceptionally c) indefinitely
b) in particular d) desperately
88. The long-term _______ of the break up of the Soviet Union are still far
from clear.
a) reasons c) implications
b) interactions d) solutions
89. Some people compare the ________ of a second language to the way a
baby learns his first language.
a) experience c) adoption
b) exception d) acquisition
90. Being so hard-working and efficient, he ________ a promotion.
a) deserves c) supports
b) avoids d) invites
Questions 91-98
On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes each
sentence or thought.
91. Corporations are starting to reach the conclusion that desk-bound jobs
constitute occupational
hazards, so they are spending large sums of money on medical care to keep
their employees
physically and mentally healthy and productive. _______
a) The cause and cure of backaches are not always easy to pinpoint, even
though thousands of
employees are afflicted with back ailments.
b) Such expenditures have shaken large corporations into a realisation that
drastic measures need
to be taken to get desk-bound employees out of their seats.
c) In ten years' time, most companies will have abandoned such programs
due to their adverse
effects on the health of employees.
d) An official report has been released blaming corporations for the back
ailments of their
92. Many people who have to start the day early find it difficult to wake up
properly. For some of
them, the solution is to drink two cups of coffee. Taken in reasonable
amounts, the stimulating
caffeine can _______.
a) only be found in tea, coffee and cola
b) produce certain unpleasant side effects
c) help some people to work more efficiently
d) give the feeling of being wide awake
93. It is undeniable that TV has very adverse effects on child psychology.
Nevertheless, _______.
a) many parents are very selective when choosing the right programs to
b) they can learn a great deal from TV in spite of the harm it causes to their
c) parents seem to be quite reluctant to choose the right programs for their
d) many people just can't give up watching violent movies on TV
94. Plastic furniture is light-weight and comfortable. Furthermore,
a) it is less expensive than wood furniture
b) it is rarely used for interior decoration
c) detergents change its colour
d) it breaks under excessive weight
95. When a man competes, it seems winning becomes his primary objective.
a) Therefore, competition is the motivating feature of the modern
capitalistic system.
b) In fact, in the effort to avoid losing, he may ignore the moral aspects of
c) Similarly, the competitive structure of American society is responsible
for the pressure felt by the
average male.
d) Indeed, on certain occasions, a man would favour his family, leisure-time
activities and arts to
96. We think of learning and memory as somehow separate functions. On
the contrary, _______.
a) studies on memory show that it has a distinct function
b) there is interaction between the two
c) they are stimulated by external factors
d) the brain coordinates all parts of the human body
97. Men tend to be attracted by the speed of their computers. On the other
hand, _______.
a) women are much more interested in the machine's utility
b) technology means everything to them
c) women imitate men in their pursuit of speed
d) they are aware that computers are only machines
98. It is a well-known fact that divorce is an unpleasant experience for all
the members of a family. As
a result, _______.
a) whether or not to get a divorce should be the choice of the couple
involved, not other people
b) people who do not love each other should never attempt such a thing
c) the children of divorced parents suffer from psychological problems
d) such a decision should not be made without considerable thought
Questions 99-101
In the following items, three of the alternatives support the main statement
or idea and one does
not. Mark the alternative that DOES NOT support the given topic
99. DNA tests seem to solve many problems.
a) They can determine fatherhood.
b) Institutes have to have costly lab equipment to conduct them.
c) Criminals can easily be identified by DNA tests.
d) The probability of certain diseases can be detected by such tests.
100. Apart from being a means of communication, human language is one
of the principal means of all
mental activities.
a) Human language is, among other things, a means of thought,
introspection and problem
b) Along with other peculiarly human capacities, language is involved in the
most important
human characteristic - foresight.
c) Language keeps us aware of past and future, of continuity of existence
and its extension beyond
what is immediately sensed.
d) Human language, which is a system of interpersonal communication, is
absolutely distinct from
any system of communication used by other animals.
101. No matter how broad minded and modern we become, we cannot get
rid of the tendency to see
women as second-class citizens.
a) Even though today's woman has become a member of the work force, her
primary role
continues to be that of homemaker.
b) In business life, there still seems to be discrimination against women.
c) Many working women complain that even though they contribute to the
family budget, they
don't have a say in making decisions as far as purchases are concerned.
d) More and more women are experiencing the privilege of being helped by
their husbands despite
the negative reactions from other men in the society.
Questions 102-105
Mark the alternative which best completes each paragraph.
102. The wild turkey existed in great numbers when the settlers first
arrived in America. _________ The
axe, the plough and the gun are blamed for the decline of the wild turkey.
Recent game propagation
laws prohibit the shooting of anything but the bearded animals, usually
males, to protect the
brooding hens.
a) This great number seems to be a result of a combination of factors.
b) These days, however, their numbers have decreased so much that they
can no longer be found
in some states.
c) It is said that this particular breed of turkey is still found in abundance
in many states of
d) This breed of turkey owes a lot to the settlers who attempted to increase
the size of its
103. The fundamental components of the environment are plants, animals,
minerals and water. When
their inter-relationship does not change much from year to year, we observe
a balance of nature.
_________ As an example, the minerals taken from the soil are restored,
and the plants that die
are replaced by similar plants.
a) That is, the addition of plants, animals, minerals and water is equivalent
to the quantity that
has been removed.
b) After the balance of nature is disturbed, a period of rehabilitation must
c) Sometimes, however, the balance of nature is disturbed either by a
geological change or a local
d) The first life to appear is called pioneer flora and fauna, which is very
temporary and soon
replaced by other forms of life.
104. Balloons have recently been used in a new medical procedure, known
as balloon valvuloplasty, to
open up stiffened heart valves in aging adults. The four valves in the heart
keep the blood going in
the right direction, and if the valves become stiff, the result can be deadly.
___________ The
inflated balloon will split the valves apart, allowing them to open and close
more freely.
a) In the past, several other procedures were used to open stiff valves.
b) This procedure has been done since 1979 in children with valve disease,
but it has just
recently been done with adults.
c) In this procedure, a small balloon is inserted into the heart and then
inflated with a saline
solution for up to forty seconds.
d) After this procedure, the patient can be given a local painkiller and can
leave the hospital
in a few days.
105. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of 50-mile-thick plates that
comprise the earth's crust.
More than two thousand earthquakes occur daily somewhere on our planet,
but about 95 percent of
them are too weak to be felt except by sensitive seismometers. ___________
Each year, however,
about ten powerful earthquakes strike somewhere on earth, causing
extensive damage and loss of life.
a) A strong earthquake can virtually destroy a city in seconds, leaving
thousands of people dead,
injured or homeless.
b) Of those that are felt by humans, most cause relatively little damage,
particularly if they occur
in sparsely populated areas.
c) A mild earthquake may do no more than rattle windows; a severe
earthquake can devastate
a city and reduce it to a pile of debris.
d) Scientists have observed that certain phenomena seem to occur before an
earthquake as the
pressure within the plates intensifies.
Questions 106- 135
On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best answers the
question or completes the
statement about the text.
Deliberate car-wrecking exhibitions, known as demolition derbies, may be
safer than you think. The cars
used are reinforced in places that might give way on impact, injuring the
driver, so now the process of
wrecking cars while keeping the person inside safe has practically been
reduced to a science.
106. According to the text, _________.
a) demolition derbies appear to be more dangerous than they actually are
b) it is against the rules of the derbies to make any changes in the car
c) if the car is wrecked, the driver always has at least minor injuries
d) scientific studies indicate that demolition derbies should be prohibited
Our New Pacific Budget Fares:
Just $690 round trip to Manila
3 Just $698 round trip to Hong Kong or Taipei from San Francisco or Los
You can fly to the Orient on one of our daily 747 flights with confirmed
reservations and at big discount
off Economy Fare, too. To qualify for our special fare you must buy your
ticket at least 21 days in advance
6 of when you plan to leave. Your flight will be confirmed seven to fourteen
days before the week you take
off. Fifty percent rebates in the case of change or cancellation.
107. According to the text, the flights _________.
a) leave three times a day c) are cheaper than Economy Fare
b) are sometimes on 747s d) are confirmed 21 days in advance
108. To arrange for a flight, the passenger must _________.
a) buy a ticket one month in advance
b) notify the airline of the exact date he will leave
c) give seven to fourteen days' notice if he wants all his money back
d) be willing to take the flight assigned to him
Writers of advertisements are amateur psychologists. They know just what
will appeal to our instincts and
emotions. In general, there are three major areas in our nature at which
advertising aims – preservation,
3 pride and pleasure. Preservation, for example, relates to our innate desire
to live longer, know more, and
look better than our forefathers did. Pride encompasses all sorts of things our desire to show off, to brag
about our prosperity or our good taste, to be one of the elite. We all want to
enjoy the fruits of our
6 labours, and this is where the pleasure principle comes in. We want to be
entertained, to eat and drink
well, and to relax in comfortable surroundings.
109. An advertisement about the effects of vitamins on our body would
probably appeal to our sense of
a) preservation c) pleasure
b) pride d) all of the above
110. Based on the information given in the text, in which of the following
situations would you feel
a) Sitting by a poolside drinking cocktails c) Owning three expensive cars
b) Looking 35 at the age of 50 d) Sleeping in a water bed
111. Successful advertisers _________.
a) are aware of human nature c) satisfy all our desires
b) have strong instincts and emotions d) try to entertain us
Joan is fourteen years old, a bright student, and suffering from selfimposed starvation. She has
anorexia nervosa. Anorexia means 'without appetite' and nervosa means 'of
nervous origin'. One
morning six months ago Joan looked at herself in the mirror and decided
she needed to lose some
weight. Then 1.65 meters tall and weighing 50 kilos, she presently weighs 37
kilos and is in the
5 hospital where she is undergoing psychiatric treatment and being fed
What happened to Joan? Why has she ruthlessly starved herself nearly to
death? Joan is a typical
anorexic - an adolescent girl who refuses to eat for the purpose of rebelling
against the pressures
imposed upon her by the adult environment. Family members - sometimes
the mother, sometimes the
father, sometimes both - require her to achieve more than they have in their
lives. In her mind, school
10 unites with her family to push her forward. Submissive for years, what
does she finally do? She refuses
food, says no to the two forces that are pushing her. Instead of growing into
a mature woman, she
holds back her physical growth by self-imposed starvation. In fact, she
regresses to childhood, to the
stage when she lacked curves. No one expected much from her then, and
she was dependent upon adults
who gave her love and approval without demanding anything from her in
15 Anorexia nervosa, formerly not recognised as a disease, has become
common among adolescent girls.
Today the cure is prolonged treatment by a psychiatrist who initiates
discussion among family members
and the patient to determine the causes and ways to eliminate them in the
112. In line 1, 'self-imposed' means _________ oneself.
a) evaluated by c) impressed by
b) participated in d) forced on
113. In line 17, 'them' refers to the _________.
a) family members c) causes
b) family members and the patient d) causes and ways
114. The root of anorexia nervosa is _________.
a) lack of appetite c) adolescence
b) psychological problems d) physical deficiencies
115. It can be inferred from the text that those who have anorexia nervosa
a) generally have ambitious parents
b) were fat in their childhood
c) want to look more attractive
d) can be cured by a short treatment
116. According to the text, _________.
a) the origin of anorexia nervosa lies in a happy childhood
b) anorexia nervosa is a reaction against neglectful parents
c) anorexic adolescents prefer life at school to family life
d) anorexic adolescents do not want to take on the responsibilities of
117. The main idea of paragraph 2 is that _________.
a) an anorexic is most likely to be an adolescent
b) an anorexic is in rebellion against the pressures in her environment
c) Joan regressed to childhood because she thought she looked prettier then
d) Joan's parents wanted her to succeed in doing the things they couldn't do
America has tried to combat its epidemic alcohol problem with everything
from expensive therapies to
prohibition. By contrast, the Chinese have long relied on a simple and
inexpensive remedy, an extract of
kudzu root. Now American researchers confirm that it appears to be
extraordinarily effective. A recent
survey revealed that 80 percent of Chinese alcoholics who took Radix
Puerariae for two to four weeks
5 stopped craving a cold one. The herb, sold over the counter like aspirin,
not only kills the desire for
liquor, but according to Chinese herbalists, also improves the function of
vital organs adversely affected by
So why isn't this miracle herb being used in the United States? The Food
and Drug Administration requires
a more convincing proof than a billion Chinese. And they may soon have it.
A team of Harvard
10 researchers reports that the kudzu extract apparently works on another
group of alcoholics - hamsters.
The furry rodents are among nature's most natural drunks; given the
choice between alcohol and water,
they'll choose the booze every time. But, according to a paper published by
the National Academy of
Sciences, the hamsters cut their alcohol consumption in half after sipping a
synthetic form of kudzu
extract. And it had no effect on their other eating or drinking habits. "They
reacted to it in the same
15 way the Chinese herbalists say their patients do," says Bert Valee, a
Harvard Medical School biochemist.
The researchers don't know why the kudzu works. But they're planning to
move quickly to human trials.
A successful test could result in an anti-alcohol treatment being made
widely available in the United States
within a few years. And then your hamster will have no excuse for his
118. According to the text, _________.
a) America has more advanced and effective therapies for alcoholism than
elsewhere in the
b) the kudzu root cure for alcoholism is more popular in America than in
c) there is more than one positive effect of the kudzu root
d) the kudzu root actually worked on 20% of the Chinese alcoholics
119. In line 5, the expression 'craving a cold one' possibly means _________.
a) wanting to drink liquor
b) eating kudzu root
c) having colds
d) giving up alcoholic beverages
120. It can be understood from the text that the US Food and Drug
Administration _________.
a) has already licensed kudzu root in the US
b) is extremely cautious about giving licenses to new products
c) has been influenced by the experiences of a billion Chinese
d) is acting on some Harvard researchers' reports
121. Hamsters are small, grass eating animals which _________.
a) love to drink alcohol
b) hate water
c) are unaffected by the kudzu root
d) are used by the Food and Drug Administration for tests
122. According to the text, which of the following statements is NOT
a) Lab experiments using kudzu root on human beings have not yet been
made in the US.
b) Both the Chinese herbalists and the Harvard researchers use kudzu root
in treating humans.
c) In the near future, kudzu root may be used in the US for treating
d) The Chinese and the American approaches to medicine are quite
Before the Nobel Prize in literature was awarded to John Steinbeck in 1962,
only five Americans had been
previously thus honoured, the most recent being Ernest Hemingway in 1954
and William Faulkner in
5 1949. Steinbeck had been considered on those occasions and also in 1945.
As the honour is by far the
greatest any writer can receive, Steinbeck was elated. The feeling of elation
was tempered slightly,
however, by the observation expressed by Steinbeck in 1956, that recipients
of the Nobel Prize seldom
write anything of value afterwards. He cited Hemingway and Faulkner as
examples, minimizing the point
that by the time of their selection most writers had already written their
best work. At the age of sixty,
10 when he received the award himself, Steinbeck wrote to a friend that he
would not have accepted the award
had he not believed that he would continue to write well, that he "could
beat the rap." Like his
contemporaries, and others as well, however, he did not.
There was no expectation or need that the writer do so, for Steinbeck had
long since made his remark in
modern American literature.
123. According to the passage, Steinbeck observed that authors who receive
the Nobel Prize for literature
a) had already finished writing popular works
b) should follow the examples of Hemingway and Faulkner
c) rarely write significant works afterwards
d) are among the greatest contemporary writers
124. Steinbeck was sixty years old in _________.
a) 1949 c) 1956
b) 1954 d) 1962
125. According to the passage, Steinbeck wrote his best work _________.
a) before receiving the Nobel Prize c) while he was feeling elated
b) in an expressive style d) guided by his contemporaries
126. Before 1949, how many Americans had received the Nobel prize for
a) Two c) Four
b) Three d) Five
127. In the second paragraph, the phrase 'do so' refers to _________.
a) feel elated at receiving the Nobel Prize
b) accept the Nobel Prize if nominated
c) write well after receiving the Nobel Prize
d) honour Nobel Prize winners of the past
128. The author's attitude toward John Steinbeck is that he _________.
a) was an exceptionally different author
b) should have received the Nobel Prize earlier
c) wrote equally well throughout his life
d) earned his reputation well before 1962
The Indians of the Andes call it Camanchaca, the wetting fog. When the
cold air rising from the icy
Humboldt current collides with the warm air over the sunbaked Chilean
coast, it forms a thick, white
ribbon of mist that hugs the high ridge above Chungungo, 600 kilometers
north of Santiago. But the
Camanchaca clouds never burst into rain - by afternoon, the sun burns
them away and the landscape
5 remains arid as any desert. The lack of rainfall made agriculture almost
impossible, and even basic needs
like drinking water and sanitation became luxuries. A shower was a rare
luxury, and vegetables came
from the market 80 kilometers away.
But fortunes have changed for Chungungo's 320 residents. It was no sudden
climatic shift – the village
still receives only about 40 centimeters of rain a year – but rather the
adaptation of traditional
10 technologies to harvest the Camanchaca. High on the ridge overlooking
the town, near the abandoned
El Tofo iron mine, several dozen pairs of wooden posts have been planted in
the ground. Strung
between them are giant nets made of fine polypropylene. Like great spider
webs, these nets capture the
fog, trapping pearls of water in the fine mesh. The droplets slowly trickle
down the mesh into a plastic
trough, and gravity does the rest. The troughs drain into rubber tubing,
which transports the water
15 through a series of small tanks and filters and finally to a 25,000-gallon
storage tank 2,000 feet below,
where it is treated with chlorine to kill germs. On a good day, the 'fog
harvest' supplies 2,500 gallons of
fresh water - all the water Chungungo can drink plus some for bathing and
gardening. Flower and
vegetable gardens have appeared in patches that were once only dust and
gravel. Now, the residents
wash clothes every day, grow their vegetables and take a bath any time they
20 Reaping the fog is hardly new. For centuries, the Quechua placed bowls
below tree trunks to harvest fog
water, and there is evidence that the practice dates back thousands of years.
In the 1960s, Chilean
scientists began to research ways to use the fog to help restore forests that
had been levelled to stoke
the wood-burning furnaces of iron mines like El Tofo. "But we never
imagined supplying drinking
water," said Waldo Canto Veras, director of the Chilean Forestry Agency,
Conaf. With a $150,000
25 grant and technical help from Canada, Conaf succeeded in reaping the
fog. The water is not only clean
but half as expensive as hauling water over the mountain by truck, the only
way to supply the village
since an electrical train line that served the iron mine shut down when the
mine closed in the 1960s.
'This project has shown them that there are cheap, practical,
environmentally friendly ways to bring
water to poor communities.
30 That message is resonating worldwide. Some 47 coastal locations in 30
countries have conditions
similar to Chungungo's. Officials in Asia, Africa and other regions of Latin
America have visited the
town, which can supply a population of about 1,000, and begun research
into their own coastal fog
systems. In Chungungo, the ready supply of water has brought not only
new uses like gardening and icemaking
but also newcomers, increasing the strain on the new system. But that seems
a small price to a
35 people whose hopes, like their lands, dried up long ago.
129. In line 2 'it' refers to the _________
a) wetting fog c) cold air
b) warm air d) Humboldt current
130. In the past, the village of Chungungo suffered from _________.
a) a dense fog which made life difficult
b) lack of water for drinking and sanitation
c) the remoteness of the region from Santiago
d) not eating any vegetables
131. The technology to harvest water from fog is applied in Chungungo
because _________.
a) the yearly rainfall has dropped to only 40 cm lately
b) water from the fog is contaminated
c) the system which is used is very cheap
d) the fog itself does not precipitate as rain
132. It can be inferred from the text that the most important component of
the fog harvesting system is
the _________.
a) wooden posts c) polypropylene nets
b) plastic trough d) rubber tubing
133. Obtaining water from fog _________.
a) is both economical and efficient with the new system
b) had been used in the past in iron mines
c) is a new practice for the Chileans
d) cannot yield drinking water for poor communities
134. Conaf's project was initiated in order to _________.
a) supply drinking water c) restore the Chilean forests
b) clean the water supply d) reap the fog
135. According to the text, which statement is NOT TRUE about the fog
harvesting system?
a) It has set an example for other countries.
b) It can supply water for a very big town.
c) It has made new uses of water possible.
d) It has attracted the attention of authorities from areas with similar
Q 1 – 70 0.5 point
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. b
6. c 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. b
11. d 12. b 13. c 14. d 15. b
16. a 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. d
21. a 22. b 23. d 24. b 25. c
26. b 27. b 28. c 29. d 30. b
31. a 32. d 33. b 34. a 35. b
36. c 37. b 38. d 39. b 40. a
41. c 42. b 43. b 44. a 45. b
46. a 47. d 48. a 49. d 50. a
51. c 52. b 53. c 54. d 55. b
56. a 57. c 58. b 59. d 60. b
61. c 62. d 63. c 64. c 65. b
66. d 67. a 68. c 69. a 70. b
Q 71 – 135 1 point
71. c 72. d 73. a 74. a 75. c
76. b 77. c 78. b 79. b 80. a
81. d 82. c 83. a 84. b 85. a
86. b 87. d 88. c 89. d 90. a
91. b 92. d 93. c 94. a 95. b
96. b 97. a 98. d 99. b 100. d
101. d 102. b 103. a 104. c 105. b
106. a 107. c 108. b 109. a 110. c
111. a 112. d 113. c 114. b 115. a
116. d 117. b 118. c 119. a 120. b
121. a 122. b 123. c 124. d 125. a
126. b 127. c 128. d 129. c 130. b
131. d 132. c 133. a 134. c 135. B