Project Guidelines - Fredericksburg Academy

Fly or Drive Project
Systems of Linear Equations
Name ____________________
Algebra I
Overview: In this lab, you will try to answer the question: “At what point is it cheaper to fly instead of drive?”
To do this, you will select eight major cities across the country and research data on traveling to
those locations. You will then compare the costs to determine what the “break-even” distance is.
Consider the pictures to the right. There is a
red circle in each picture that represents the
area in which it is cheaper to drive from
Fredericksburg than it is to fly from
Which circle (first, second, or third) do you
believe best represents the area that it is
cheaper to drive than it is to fly? Fully explain
why you feel this. If you think none of the
choices are a good representation of when it is
cheaper to drive than it is to fly, explain why.
Then add your own map with a circle to display
the distances when it is cheaper to fly than
drive. What questions might you want to ask
before trying to determine whether flying or
driving is the cheaper option?
Is it cheaper to
fly or drive?
Data Collection (Day 1)
Head to
Choose eight destinations and search for one-way flights from Richmond International Airport (RIC).
Enter the flight info into the chart. (Make sure to add $8 for the cost of gas from Fredericksburg to Richmond to EVERY Flight cost.)
Go to GasBuddy and find the driving cost from Fredericksburg to your destinations:
Calculate additional driving costs as follows: +$10 for every 5 hours (meals), +$75 for every 18 hours (hotel room)
Flight Cost
Gas Buddy
Driving Time
Driving Costs
Total Driving
Columbia, South
Data Analysis (Day 1)
You will be analyzing your data by creating a scatter-plot of the data. Remember, we want to compare the
cost of flying and the cost of driving with respect to the distance of the trip. You will be creating two
scatterplots that will be plotted on the same graph. The independent variable is the distance from
Fredericksburg. The dependent variables are the cost of the flight and the cost of driving.
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. Copy the following three columns into Excel: Distance, Flight
Cost, Total Driving Cost. See picture to the right.
3. Highlight all three columns and select “Insert” then
A scatter-plot will be created with both the flight cost as one set of data and the driving cost as another set
of data, similar to what is seen below.
4. Next, you will create trend lines (aka lines of best fit) for each set of data. Select the “Flight Cost” scatterplot by clicking on one of the flight cost data points. Left-click on the data point and select “Add
5. Make sure “Linear” is the type of trend selected. Also, make sure
that “Display Equation on chart” is also selected.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the Driving Cost set of data.
At the completion of step 5, you should have a graph that looks
similar to the graph below:
6. Print off or save your graph digitally to turn in with your final lab report.
Reflections (Day 2)
Answer the questions below, completely. Write in complete sentences where appropriate.
1. What is the equation of the trend line for flight cost? ______________________________________
2. What is the equation of the trend line for driving cost? ____________________________________
Note that both trend lines utilize the same independent (distance from Fredericksburg) and dependent (travel
cost) variables.
3. What is the slope of the flying cost trend line? __________________
4. What does this slope represent?
5. What is the slope of the driving cost trend line? __________________
6. What does this slope represent?
7. Do your lines intersect? If so, what do you think the real-world implication of these lines intersection is?
8. Approximately, what is the (x, y) point where the two trend lines intersect? ________________________
9. Describe this point in real-world terms (i.e. at a certain distance, the cost is…)
10. Still thinking of the point of intersection you indicated in problem 8; notice that the point is on each line.
That means the (x, y) ordered-pair should be a solution to each equation. Let’s check that. Below,
substitute your (x, y) ordered-pair into the equation of the trend line for flight cost. Show work. Does the
point satisfy the equation? If not, is it close?
11. Repeat question 10 for the trend line for the driving cost.
12. Briefly summarize this lab. What did you learn? What does the point of intersection represent? How can
we find it and check it? Why is it an important concept to study? Answer this question in at least 5
complete sentences.
13. Now go back to the intro question on page 1. Answer the questions to the introduction in at least 5
complete sentences.
Rubric: Fly Or Drive Project
Due Date: ___________________
Grading: This project counts as a 100 point quiz. (You may turn your project in digitally or as a hard copy.)
Data Collection
Printed copy of data table is attached to project.
You have collected data for a minimum of 8 destinations.
Data is complete and accurate.
Data is organized, neat, and legible.
Data Analysis
Printed copy of Excel graph is attached to project
The graph has an appropriate title
The x- and y- axis are labeled accurately.
Data sets are clearly labeled on graph with a key
Trend Lines are included for both sets of data, and are clearly
Equations of Trend lines are included and easily identified.
The graph is neat and the scale is appropriate.
The data from the collection matches the data on the graph.
*Note: You will lose a letter grade for each day that the project is turned in late.