CH 8 - St. Petersburg College




MAR 2011 Section 5350

Principles of Marketing

Fall Term 2015-2016

INSTRUCTOR: Roberto Fernandez

OFFICE: BT-117 (Clearwater Campus)

PHONE: 727-712-5770



OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays (10:00am – 2:00pm)


Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel: MKTG, 9 th Edition (Custom edition for SPC)

Access Code for CourseMate & Write Experience (Comes with the book)

Access to high speed Internet.

Bundle (Book + Access Code) - ISBN Number: 978-1-305-77165-9

CourseMate/CengageNOW - Course Key:


Write Experience Course Key : dtyt662tvb9v

Tech Support: 800-648-7450 Option 5 (8:30am – 9pm MO-TR; 8:30am – 6pm FR)

Important: This book comes in a bundle with CourseMate and Write Experience. Do not buy a used book as the code for CourseMate and Write Experience can be used only one time.

Students have to watch video about Write Experience.

Note: Instructions on how to register for CourseMate and Write Experience will be provided in “MyCourses”.

Library: .


This course covers the institutions and methods developed for carrying on trade operations, retail and wholesale agencies, elements of marketing efficiency, the cost of marketing, price maintenance, unfair competition, and the relationship of government to marketing. 47 contact hours.

MAR-2011 1


1. The student will gain an understanding of the marketing system and understand the significance of marketing in the American capitalistic system.

2. The student will evaluate retail and wholesale agencies, the elements of marketing efficiency, the costs involved, and the part these ingredients play in the marketing system.

3. The student will gain an understanding of the relationship of government and the importance of this relationship in the overall marketing system .



Module 1


CH 1

An Overview of Marketing:

1. Definition of marketing

2. Marketing management philosophies

3. Difference between sales and market orientations

4. Reasons for studying marketing

CH 2

Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage:

1. Importance of strategic marketing

2. Strategic business units (SBUs)

3. Strategic alternatives

4. Marketing planning

5. Business mission statement

6. Situation analysis

7. Competitive advantage

8. Marketing objectives

9. Target market strategies

10. Marketing mix

11. Marketing plan

12. Strategic planning

CH 3

Ethics and Social Responsibility:

1. Ethical behavior

2. Ethical behavior in business

3. Corporate social responsibility

4. Cause-related marketing


Case Discussion – Module 1

Quiz Chapter 1

Quiz Chapter 2

Quiz Chapter 3

MAR-2011 2


Module 2

Module 3


CH 4

The Marketing Environment:

1. External environment of marketing

2. Social factors that affect marketing

3. Importance to marketing managers of current demographic trends

4. Importance to marketing managers of growing ethnic markets

5. Consumer and marketer reactions to the state of the economy

6. Impact of technology

7. Political and legal environment of marketing

8. Basics of foreign and domestic competition

CH 5

Developing a Global Vision:

1. Importance of global marketing

2. Impact of multinational firms on the world economy

3. External environment facing global markets

4. Ways to entering the global marketplace

5. Elements involved in developing a global marketing mix

6. Internet effect in global marketing

CH 6

Consumer Decision Making:

1. Consumer behavior

2. Components of consumer decision making

3. Consumer’s post-purchase evaluation process

4. Consumer buying decisions

5. Cultural factors that affect buying decisions

6. Social factors that affect buying decisions

7. Individual factors that affect buying decisions

8. Psychological factors that affect buying decisions

CH 7

Business Marketing:

1. Business marketing description

2. Role of the Internet in business marketing

3. Role of relationship marketing and strategic alliances

4. Major categories of business market costumers

5. North American Industry Classification System

6. Business and consumer markets

7. Types of business goods and services

8. Business buying behavior


Write Experience – Module 2

Quiz Chapter 4

Quiz Chapter 5

Quiz Chapter 6

Case Discussion – Module 3

Quiz Chapter 7

Quiz Chapter 8

Quiz Chapter 9

MAR-2011 3


Module 3


Module 4


CH 8

Segmenting and Targeting Markets:

1. Characteristics of markets and market segments

2. Market segmentation

3. Bases used to segment consumer markets

4. Bases for segmenting business markets

5. Steps involved in segmenting markets

6. Selecting target markets

7. CRM as targeting tool

8. Positioning strategies

CH 9

Marketing Research:

1. Marketing decision support system

2. Marketing decision making

3. Conducting a marketing research project

4. Impact of the Internet on marketing research

5. When to conduct marketing research

6. Scanner-based research

7. Competitive intelligence

CH 10

Product Concepts:

1. Definition of product

2. Classification of consumer products

3. Product item, product line, and product mix

4. Branding

5. Packaging and labeling

6. Global issues in branding and packaging

7. Product warranties

CH 11

Developing and Managing Products:

1. Importance of developing new products

2. New product development

3. Global issues in new product development

4. Diffusion process

5. Product life cycles

CH 12

Service and Nonprofit Organization Marketing:

1. Difference between services and goods

2. Service quality

3. Marketing mixes for services

4. Relationship marketing in services

5. Internal marketing in services

6. Global issues in services marketing

7. Nonprofit organization marketing

Write Experience

– Module 4

(Write Experience)

Quiz Chapter 10

Quiz Chapter 11

Quiz Chapter 12

MAR-2011 4


Module 5

Module 6


CH 13

Supply Chain Management:

1. Definition of terms

2. Internal and external supply chain

3. Key processes

4. Key functional areas

5. New technology and emerging trends

CH 14

Marketing Channels and Retailing:

1. Marketing channels and channel intermediaries

2. Common channel and strategies

3. Channel relationship types and roles

4. Importance of the retailer within the channel

5. Types of retailers

6. Developing a retail marketing strategy

7. Roles of CRM and customer data

8. Trends in retail and channel management

CH 15

Marketing Communications:

1. Promotion in the marketing mix

2. Communication process

3. Goals and tasks of promotion

4. Elements of promotional mix

5. AIDA concept

6. Integrated marketing communications

7. Factors that affect the promotional mix

CH 16

Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales


1. Effects of advertising on market share and consumers

2. Major types of advertising

3. Creative decisions

4. Media evaluation and selection techniques

5. Public relations in the promotional mix

6. Sales promotion

CH 17

Personal Selling and Sales Management:

1. Personal selling

2. Relationship selling and traditional selling

3. Customer relationship management

4. Selling process

5. Functions of sales management



Case Discussion – Module 5

Quiz Chapter 13

Quiz Chapter 14

Quiz Chapter 15

Write Experience – Module 6

Quiz Chapter 16

Quiz Chapter 17

Quiz Chapter 18



Module 6



Social Media and Marketing:

1. Description of social media

2. Social media campaign

3. Measurement for social media

4. Consumer behavior on social media

5. Social media tools

Module 7

6. Impact of mobile technology

7. Social media plan

CH 19

Pricing Concepts:

1. Pricing decisions

2. Pricing objectives

3. Price determination

4. Yield management systems

5. Cost-oriented pricing strategies

6. Product life cycle, competition, distribution and promotion strategies, customer demands, the

Internet, and perceptions of quality

CH 20

Setting the Right Price:

1. Procedure

2. Legal and ethical constraints

3. Discounts, geographic pricing, and other tactics

4. Product line pricing

5. Pricing during inflation and recession

Module 8 Make sure there are no discrepancies in any of your grades. Also keep in mind that this is a short week ending on Wednesday at midnight EST.


Course dates: 10/12/2015

– 12/09/2015

Last day to drop and receive a refund: 10/16/2015

Last day to withdra w and receive a grade of “W”: 11/13/2015


Case Discussion – Module 7

Quiz Chapter 19

Quiz Chapter 20

Write Experience – Module 8

Academic calendar:

Financial Aid:

MAR-2011 6


Marketing is a very progressing and exciting field, responsible for researching and satisfying customer needs. This course will introduce the marketing concepts and expose students to a variety of marketing issues.

Communication is key in this area of study. In this way, a structured way of thinking and processing information will be required. Students will be expected to complete a number of written assignments within the “Write Experience” program included with CourseMate.

The learning process can be very demanding, but at the same time it will be very rewarding. The marketing field is fascinating and will help you develop a new set of skills that will open the doors to a whole new world of opportunities.


The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum at:

Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn from the class.

For face to face classes “No Show” means not physically present in the classroom at the moment attendance is taken.

For blended classes “No Show” means not physically present in the classroom and/or never logged into “MyCourses”.

For online classes “No Show” means never logged into “MyCourses”.

Students who have not completed more than 40% of their assignments due (homework

& chapter exams) at the 60% point will be considered as “not actively participating” in t he class and may be administratively withdrawn with a grade of “WF”.

GRADING: Grades will be earned in three parts, as follows:

Case Discussions ------------------------------------------------ 25%

Write Experience Cases --------------------------------------- 25%

Quizzes (1 attempt, time limit) -------------------------------- 50%

Total percentage ------------------------------------------------- 100.00%

A 90 - 100%





80 - 89%

70 - 79%

60 – 69%

Less than 60%

MAR-2011 7


It will be the students’ responsibility to complete their assignments on time and in an acceptable manner. Late assignments will only be accepted after properly documented extreme extenuating circumstances at the instructor’s discretion .

There are no exemptions to this rule.

Please pay attention to the instructions for every assignment such as due date, time allowed (if that is the case), maximum attempts, etc. The instructions will be displayed in in “MyCourses”, CourseMate, or Write Experience.

The assignments for each module are due on Sunday at midnight before the next module starts on Monday the next day. Each module corresponds to a week of class, except for the last module (module 8) which, is a short week ending on a Wednesday at midnight EST. You will find the date each module starts and ends under their corresponding tab.

All assignments are subject to the College’s “Academic Honesty Policy”. Please get familiar with it.


Online /Student Conduct

Online Student, Faculty and Staff Expectations and Performance Targets

Academic Honesty Policy


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.


Will be posted in

“MyCourses” and announced to all students.


Please make sure you read the information in the addendum.

MAR-2011 8
