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Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
The Edge District
Strategic Planning
Collaborative Engagement
Real-Time Record
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Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Building our 2020 Strategic Vision & Plan
8:15am –
Celebrating and Leveraging our Strengths/Successes
Grab a coffee, find a seat and add a Strength/Success to one of the EDGE District
“Strengths/ Successes” whiteboards at the front of the room:
 Design
 Economic Restructuring
 Organization
 Promotion
Welcome & Session Objectives
– 9:15am
Welcome & Setting the Stage for a Successful Day
Collaborative Labs’ Team will invite participants to share examples of Strengths/Successes.
Collaborative Labs’ Team will share the Session Objectives & Collaborative Process
Envisioning our Ideal 2020 Future
Part 1: Build our 2020 Ideal Vision & Goals
 All Teams will develop an Overarching 2020 Ideal Vision as a main headline,
with Sub-Headlines/2020 Goals for the following Strategic Focus Areas:
9:15am –
Economic Restructuring
Part 2: Build our 2020 EDGE District Value Proposition Statement
 Next, Teams will develop a 2020 Value Proposition Statement, including:
Services/Programs and their Differentiating Features; Target Audiences &
the Benefits Received; Advantages over “Competitors” (if applicable).
Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies to realize our 2020 Vision/Goals – Part 1
11am –
Prioritize Strategies/Metrics for each of the Strategic Focus Areas:
 Design
 Economic Restructuring
12pm –
Networking Lunch
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Building our 2020 Strategic Vision & Plan - continued
Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies to realize our 2020 Vision/Goals – Part 2
Prioritize Strategies/Metrics for each of the Strategic Focus Areas:
 Organization
 Promotion
Building our 1-Year Tactical Plan
– 3pm
Build our 1–Year Plan (Tactics/Metrics/Champions/Timeline) for each Focus Area.
 Team 1: Design
 Team 3: Organization
 Team 2: Economic Restructuring
 Team 4: Promotion
3pm –
Highlights, Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Helpful Strategic Planning Definitions
Vision: An aspirational description of what we want to achieve in the Future.
Value Proposition Statement: A one to three sentence “elevator pitch” that summarizes (in
lay terms) an organization’s offerings/differentiating features, target audience/benefits
received and advantages over competitors.
Goal: An observable and measurable end result achieved within a specific timeframe.
Strategy: A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as an achieving a
Metric: A number or quantity that records a directly observable value.
Tactic: A detailed action by which a strategic priority is
carried out.
Accountable Champions: Persons willing to accept responsibility for the implementation
of an action/plan.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Teams: Envisioning our Ideal 2020 Future
Harvey, Jr.
Lea Ann
Team 1
Farm to Fork Organics
Brocante Market
Creative Clay
City of St. Petersburg
Greehouse Manager
Grand Central Business District
Furnish Me Vintage
Team 2
Tampa Bay Rays
Mayor's Office
Dan Harvey Jr.
City of St. Petersburg
Team 3
EDGE Business District Association
ARTicles Gallery and Custom Framing
Deuces Live!
City of St. Petersburg
Ferg's Sports Bar & Grill
Skyway Marina District
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Teams: Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies – Part 1
Lea Ann
Harvey, Jr.
Team 1
EDGE Business District Association
Deuces Live!
City of St. Petersburg
City of St. Petersburg
Grand Central Business District Association
Team 2
Tampa Bay Rays
Brocante Market
Creative Clay
City of St. Petersburg
Greehouse Manager
Ferg's Sports Bar & Grill
Skyway Marina District
Team 3
Farm to Fork Organics
ARTicles Gallery and Custom Framing
Mayor's Office
Dan Harvey Jr.
Furnish Me Vintage
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Teams: Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies – Part 2
Lea Ann
Harvey, Jr.
Team 1
Farm to Fork Organics
Tampa Bay Rays
EDGE Business District Association
Brocante Market
ARTicles Gallery and Custom Framing
Team 2
Creative Clay
Mayor's Office
Deuces Live!
City of St. Petersburg
Dan Harvey Jr.
City of St. Petersburg
Furnish Me Vintage
Skyway Marina District
Team 3
Greehouse Manager
City of St. Petersburg
Grand Central Business District
Ferg's Sports Bar & Grill
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
8:15am –
Celebrating and Leveraging our Strengths/Successes
Grab a coffee, find a seat and add a Strength/Success to one of the EDGE District
“Strengths/ Successes” whiteboards at the front of the room:
 Design
 Economic Restructuring
 Organization
 Promotion
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Welcome & Session Objectives
8:30am –
Welcome & Setting the Stage for a Successful Day
Collaborative Labs’ Team will invite participants to share examples of Strengths/Successes.
Collaborative Labs’ Team will share the Session Objectives & Collaborative Process
Andrea Henning, Executive Director, Collaborative Labs, St. Petersburg
College: Collaborative Labs is part of St. Petersburg College. How many of you have
never stepped foot in here before? Welcome. It’s great to have you and all of you who
are returning. We are going to get a lot of work done today. I’d like to ask Sean to
welcome the group.
Sean: This is a time share event, it’s ok. Real briefly, we all have a lot
to do and it means a lot that you took time out of your day to investment
in this. Our objective is to establish our vision and goals. Thank you for coming.
Andrea: Thank you. We have been excited about this. Every time I go through Central
Avenue I feel like I’m entering a new dimension or something. It’s like this little slice of
eclectic heaven. It exciting to be part of what’s already a success and to see how you are going to grow
and thrive in your future successes. Here is our agenda. We are going to get through our agenda by 3
or 3:30, you will be exhilarated and exhausted. That means you did great work. First you will share
some key strengths and successes that we can build upon. Part of the labs model is called Appreciative
Inquiry. We ask strength based questions versus deficit based questions, you get a different answer
when you ask what’s right with the world than when you ask what’s wrong. Then we will beam you into
the future and begin with the end in mind. We will have you envision 2020 and what is your value
proposition. Then we will say the future is bright, and we will build the plan to get from here to there.
Once we get a solid bridge to get from here to there, we will build a tactical plan for the next year. Most
of you are involved in a subcommittee. We need to emerge with your roadmap as committees and
determine how we are going to mobilize for the next year. On your tables there are 3 documents, the
agenda, team assignments, and descriptions of our categories of focus. To the extent that we can, we
want to draw some boundaries to define who the owner is of each category.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Design Strengths/Successes!
Design Strengths/Success!
Great lighting
Baum Ave (Unique “side” street/parking)
2 big info kiosks
Bookmarked by 2 active/vibrant districts
*Banners in August!
Palm trees for branding of district
Round about!
LeaAnn: Great lighting, it’s not too tall, so that it goes out, and it adds to the walk ability of the district.
Dan: There was a ton of money spent on the landscape architecture plan. There was a big effort so
we get the benefits that traffic is calm going through there. Land regulations were changed to allow
more density.
Leslie: I put the roundabout, it slows people down. Hopefully, one day we’ll improve the appearance.
John: With the work that has been done, we have a great canvas. That’s a product of the architects
that were involved. I don’t know of any other business district through the county that has given as
much attention to the canvas.
Leslie: The last thing it needs is a good frame.
Andrea: Our artist is Jonathan. He’s behind pole #1. He will capture the future vision in a picture
form. Perhaps it could be one of your promotional items. PJ is our tech guru and he will be driving the
technology we use in our process, as well as taking your pictures. Then there is Trish over here on
keyboard. She will be capturing the wisdom that happens in the room. You will receive the meeting
notes from today in your email tomorrow. Have you ever received meeting notes the very next day?
Sean: Some of the opportunities are the fact that it’s not completely build. It allows us to change.
Dan: We would be remiss if the Rays weren’t right there. This weekend we have Boston in town and
that’s a big weekend.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Economic Restructuring Strengths/Successes!
Economic Restructuring
Master plan development
New businesses joining the mix
Land available – for new development
Good mix of businesses – Strong niches
TIFF District
Location – in relation to dwtn/region
CRA – Intown West
Residential Projects
Green Light Pinellas
Dan: Yesterday, we brought in the new police chief. They intend to build a new station across the
street and then we can redevelop the lot. It makes it a different feel when you are drinking across from
the police station, you feel like you are pretty safe there. They are going to keep it there. That’s a
benefit of having the opportunity of developing what we want.
John: The first one says a great deal about why we are here. There is a master plan process. It gets
us thinking in alignment. We have a nice mix of attractive businesses in the area, we need a good mix,
it will attract different people. The businesses will get them to come back. We have some land that can
be built out. Some buildings need to be rehabbed. We have a source of funds to help pursue some of
the opportunities. Location, that isn’t necessarily true, we will spend money to get to the appealing
places. We do have the recognition as an economic district that warrants the funds.
Dan: CRA is the funding source that he referred to.
Sean: If we don’t get organized and come up with a plan, we will lose that parked money that is set
aside for us.
Leslie: I don’t see residential. We have a mix of businesses but we have mixed use period.
Roger: Being part of the enigma group that came in, in May, if you look back, the influx is helping drive
the momentum.
Dan: Another economic feature and design is the Green Light Pinellas, the rail will come right through
The Edge. The vote will be in November, there is also the rising of a bike trail coming through the old
CSX rails. And there are trolley stops. It’s really important that the retailers that are established remain
and they don’t get pushed out because they can’t afford to stay. If you can’t get a lease that works and
you can’t stay there, we need to keep folks that got us there. Most main streets are built out, how do
we maintain that with all the big buildings going in?
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Sean: We haven’t touched on that, and it’s a really good point.
LeaAnn: That comes along with the culture of the district. If we establish a culture that it’s not
allowed, than it won’t happen. We are establishing what are norms are.
John: On those points, the importance of getting people on board, we can’t continue to experience the
cycles, how does that development blend with the existing businesses that are there?
Comment: It’s not always what the rent is, it’s the bottom line. The landlords and tenants produce
that sustainability.
Comment: I believe Green Light Pinellas will impact The Edge District before the rail comes in with
additional bus stops.
Sean Kennedy: 1st Avenue North and South are the best East/West roads in the county.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Organization Strengths/Successes!
Organization Strengths/Successes!
 Main street status application
 Main street office
 Active Board of Directors
 Active Committees
 Regular meetings
o Board
o Committee
 Economic Advisor – Gary Jones
Lauren: I put LeaAnn up there. We are in constant contact and I think she is a strong asset and she
should be top of the list.
Leslie: I’ve been in The Edge District for 10 years or so, and we are finally organized. We have a great
Board of Directors and active committees. That is huge.
Sean: I gave Gary Jones a title change. It’s a lateral move. I wanted to touch that Gary is an advisor
to us and that is definitely a strength to us.
John: Not that either of the city staff need any protection, but the current mayor’s campaign talked
about economic development and we have the support we need to move this forward.
Dan: We are part of an organization of Main Street. We are part of a statewide and nationwide
organization. We are a Main Street and we follow under conferences, and a Board of Directors that has
to be qualified. We have joined an organization of strength with rules set down that there are only 3
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Promotion Strengths/Successes!
Promotion Strengths/Successes!
 Mardi Gras!
 FolkFest
 Lots of Talent in District (w/ marketing)
 Business owners – see their success in
 Artwalk participation
 External Support – in area – St. Pete
Times, I love the Burg, KSPL, Chamber
LeaAnn: I put up Mardi Gras and Folk Fest. Thanks to Creative Clay, we got them back and want to
keep them there. We have a lot of talent in the area and we want to keep them there. We have a lot of
people that have different backgrounds that we can tap into.
Kim: I want to shout out to all the business owners that helped us get there last year. LeaAnn helped
with that by going door to door.
Sean: Going forward and as we grow, we need to become self sustainable. We need to grow our
financial revenue so we don’t have to live off what the city gives us. Sustainability is definitely a goal for
John: I’ve never seen a time when the business owners were as in sync with what needs to be done.
The business owners were seeing opportunity before they even signed on the dotted line. Everyone is
coming together and they have done some combined advertising already.
Roger: External support and encouragement through I Love the Burg, Keep St. Pete Local, The Times,
there’s always articles that are Edge oriented.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
“Other” Strengths/Successes!
“Other” Strengths/Successes!
Diverse businesses
St. Pete’s popularity – emerging market
Real Estate appeal
Small – Large Business Appeal
Growing adjacent residential base
Sean K: I put up, there’s over a 1,000 residences coming in downtown.
Sean: I think our timing is great because I think it’s an emerging market. You can plan and try all you
want. Our timing is quite right to make this successful.
Andrea: Do you feel successful after going through this activity? You have done a lot. I think we are
ready for a group hug.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Envisioning our Ideal 2020 Future
Part 1: Build our 2020 Ideal Vision & Goals
 All Teams will develop an Overarching 2020 Ideal Vision as a main headline,
with Sub-Headlines/2020 Goals for the following Strategic Focus Areas:
9:15am –
Economic Restructuring
Part 2: Build our 2020 EDGE District Value Proposition Statement
 Next, Teams will develop a 2020 Value Proposition Statement, including:
Services/Programs and their Differentiating Features; Target Audiences &
the Benefits Received; Advantages over “Competitors” (if applicable).
Andrea: We are going to beam you into the future, 2020. As I mentioned you
have team assignments for this first visioning assignment. We will divide and
conquer into teams, you get more done that way. When we come back together,
you’ll see there is alignment across the whole group. When you hear music, that’s
your cue to move. We’ll be working in the Forest. Take breaks as needed. There
are lockers around the corner to store your stuff. The key to our success is to dream big and work hard
and to enjoy this process. The first part of visioning is to create a magazine cover. You are going to
create an overarching headline for 2020. What you want to do is appoint a keyboard savvy person who
will drive the keyboard. So brainstorm keeping these ideas in mind, in the scratchpad on the left. Once
you land on the best one, you copy and paste it over here. Then you’ll have 3 sub-headline areas.
You’ll create goals or sub-headlines. To the extent that you can, add a metric or goal, those are always
good. Then once you have three compelling sub-headlines, you can change the magazine title, you can
add people, objects, scenery to compliment your headlines. That’s part one.
Part Two is to create a value proposition statement. This is your elevator pitch. What are you going to
tell them to get them to say “Wow, I need to go there.” You start with the assets services, products, what do you have that is very special? Then you will add what are the differentiating features. Then
you go to the target audiences, who do you want to know about the Edge District. Then go over to the
benefits and add what they receive. Then at the bottom, add the advantages over competitors. Once
you have key content in these areas, you have the making of a value proposition. You will string these
together into one sentence. This is future oriented. We will then synthesize one final value proposition
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 1 Magazine Cover
Team 1 Spokesperson: Our artwork speaks for itself. Basically it will say Edge District: A new
model for sustainable development. Then we have Edge District voted most pedestrian friendly,
Edge District voted most desirable place to live, and Life is moving in the Edge. I think these
pictures represent the greenscape. They are family and pedestrian friendly.
Andrea: What do you like about this cover? What leaps off the page?
Comment: The light bulb, sustainable development, the environment is important, Florida’s first green city, I see
recycling in there.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 2 Magazine Cover
Team 2 Spokesperson: To kind of have another view, the binoculars are a great image because it
ties into looking at the Edge. Living on the Edge and loving it. It’s about the business people, the
residents. It takes terms that don’t normally fit together and make its interesting. Identity, affinity and
proximity, we are a main street. This is the business development of where we are and putting it in a
Main Street setting. Live, Work, Play – It’s all here. It has everything we need. Stop, shop and play –
you’ll be back. We talk about the visitors and the goods and services.
Andrea: What did you like about Team 2’s view of the future?
Comment: The binoculars, we all agree that live, work, and play is important, it’s all here, the main street model.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 3 Magazine Cover
Team 3 Spokesperson: We went with Florida Trend. Cutting Edge District leads the west coast in
technology, culture, residential and retail ventures in 2020. We figured who else is going to be doing
that. Since the women were busy we put some guys down there to hold up the world. Laughter. Edge
District allows for access by residents and consumers with multi-modal development. Edge district has
become a destination with Folkfest, 12 Galleries for Artwalk, Mardi Gras, etc. Edge District wins national
main street award for second year in a row, we won our award again. We see the future and where we
are headed.
Andrea: What do you like about Team 3’s cover?
Comment: It’s a good business twist, by 2020 magazines will be out of business but this one might keep it in
business, technology.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
2020 Themes
Andrea: As you look at the views of the future, what are the themes that are emerging?
Comment: Work live play, sustainability, diversity of the district, accessibility, we are a part of the
downtown region, we have a sense of place, an identity, award winning, local business, the effort we
put in will be a guiding force to it.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 1 Value Proposition
The EDGE District, a historic main street community, is an eclectic,
walk-able neighborhood offering entertainment, dining, galleries,
and a unique blend of small businesses.
Craft Beer
Cajun Food
Latin Food/Cuban Sandwiches
Vintage furniture
Home theater
Home décor
Professional services
Health and Wellness
Target Audiences
Young professionals
Adults 21-54
Easy walkability
Diversity of services and products
Hover cars
Cuter dogs
Size of district—easy to walk
Differentiating Features
Proximity to downtown
8 minutes to beach
Interstate access
Easy access to east/west arteries: 1st North
and South
Diversity of Businesses
Benefits Received
One stop shopping
Local business/product/pride
Advantages over “Competitors”
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 1 Spokesperson: The EDGE District, a historic main
street community, is an eclectic, walkable neighborhood
offering entertainment, dining, galleries, and a unique blend of
small businesses. This is a mouth full but I think most are. I
think it’s pretty easy to look at our assets and see what we
have to offer, what’s hard is our differentiating feature. Also,
who is our target? It’s a realistic mix, we would like to have the
21 and up crowd, and then what are the benefits, we offer one stop shopping. We are easily walkable,
we’re compact. In 2020, we will have good parking and people will not worrying about being towed.
Hopefully, it will be utilized by the shoppers and commuters. We’re not a one trick pony, for us to be
diverse is a strength.
Andrea: Ok, let’s take in this statement again. If you are on the elevator, here’s the message, what
would make you want to stay and find out more?
Comment: Cuter dogs, safety of the area, I like the word eclectic, walkable is a good word because it
creates an image in peoples mind, there’s more than one thing to see.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 2 Value Proposition
The EDGE - Entertainment, Dining, Galleries, Etc – an eclectic mix
where you can live, shop and play.
One-stop mix of retail, restaurants, residential
Transportation Tie In, key to the region
Trop site
Ease of parking
Proximity to beaches and downtown
Differentiating Features
 Unifying features – urban elements
 Sense of place
 Proximity to Trop site
 Unique nightlife not offered in other areas
 Focused unique retailers/artisan/arts-centric
feel in the district
 Location to other distinct
 Purposeful landscape design
Target Audiences
Benefits Received
Visitors (local visitors and tourists from outside
 Options for parking
the region/state)
 Variety of activities and central to downtown
Residents of the EDGE
experience and offers day trip for beach-based
Draw of good mix due to variety that district
 Sense of community (relationship between
businesses, residents, visitors, etc)
Advantages over “Competitors”
Quirky – that’s a good thing!
Critical mass (blending historic with opportunities for growth) –> volume
Best mixed district –> selection
Police Station
Team 2 Spokesperson: The EDGE - Entertainment, Dining, Galleries, Etc – an eclectic mix where you
can live, shop and play. We took a little bit of a different direction. Transportation tie in will be key.
We are always going to have the Trop site next to us. Ease of parking, we have to make sure we have
that. It’s strong to know we have an identity, focused on uniqueness so you can get things there you
can’t get anywhere else, landscape. The target group, visitors, residence. Quirky, the Edge needs to
paint that sort of a feeling. That critical mass of a full area that has a really good mix. The police
station provides security and uniqueness.
Andrea: Why do you want to find out more about The Edge District?
Comment: The unique night life, the elements that make the business run, it’s quirky.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Team 3 Value Proposition
The EDGE Main Street District is a unique destination with a
creative mix of residential and independent commercial ventures
boasting an easily accessible location for great entertainment,
dining, galleries, etc. nestled between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of
Mixed Use
Eclectic Business Mix
Art Galleries
Differentiating Features
Great Access – Interstate, relation to downtown
access and beaches
 Booker Creek
 Major League Baseball
 Art/Murals
 Police Station
 Driverless Cars
 Wide Sidewalks/pedestrian friendly
 Palm Trees
 Expanded Pinellas Trail to Beaches
Target Audiences
Benefits Received
 Live/Work Space
 Great Transit Options
Potential Businesses
 Shopping, dining and entertainment options
Downtown workers
 Proven business Success
 Convenience for Residents
Creative Minds
 Main Street Benefits
Advantages over “Competitors”
Location (physical)
Unique, local, independent businesses
Strong Main Street Organization
Multi-modal transit options bringing people together
Team 3 Spokesperson: The EDGE Main Street District is a unique
destination with a creative mix of residential and independent commercial
ventures boasting an easily accessible location for great entertainment,
dining, galleries, etc. nestled between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.
No wonder I didn’t think it was ours. It says it all. We all agree on the
assets. Folks like Creative Clay and CASA are a big part of the area. There is great access. We have Booker
Creek. We don’t care whether the dogs are cute or not. Target audiences are like everyone else. Entrepreneurs
and creative minds. You can live there, you can shop, you can eat. There’s no Publix, but that will change by the
end of the year.
Andrea: It was a great ride, what would make you want to stay on?
Comment: I’m interested in how they target entrepreneurs, we would be able to say it looks the way it does
because we have been able to support their efforts, The Edge is a business district but we delve out into our
location and tie into the residential with a business twist to it.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Synthesized Value Proposition
Andrea: You guys are one of the most dynamic, creative groups we have had in the house. I offer a
Cut 1 of the value proposition. Here it is:
The EDGE District is a historic main street community where
you can live, shop and play. It is a walkable neighborhood
with an eclectic mix of accessible residential and small
business ventures. It is a unique destination boasting great
entertainment, dining, galleries, etc. nestled between
Downtown and the Beaches.
Comment: I just love nestled. It sounds all warm and cozy.
Comment: Tampa Bay is too big. That’s my only thought that’s against the grain, maybe we should
say nestled between the beaches and downtown.
Andrea: Wordsmith to your heart’s desire. How does it look?
Comment: I like it.
Dan: Arc is going to say something like this tomorrow. This falls in line with what we are talking about.
Andrea: Do you want to tackle that right now or do you want to noodle on it a little bit?
Comment: Let’s change it.
Andrea: Ok, good work.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies to realize our 2020 Vision/Goals – Part 1
11am –
Prioritize Strategies/Metrics for each of the Strategic Focus Areas:
 Design
 Economic Restructuring
Andrea: There are a lot of secret sauces that are emerging. We are going to synthesize all three
proposition statements into one.
Andrea: Ok, we are going to come back to reality. We all want to go there, right? We have to come
back to 2014 and do strategery. How do we get from here to there? We will take each strategic bucket,
one at a time. When you get to your new teams, you’ll start with the design bucket. Your keyboarder
will come down here to this area here and do one strategy at a time. Hit insert and it will appear on the
community whiteboard. After we have a list of 15 – 20 strategies, we’ll ask you to pick 3 and drag them
to the best bucket. Then you’ll move into economic restructuring bucket and repeat the same process.
Then we will prioritize those strategies. Do you want to narrow it down to the top 3, would that be a
good goal?
Comment: Can we sideline the others?
Andrea: Absolutely. So 3 is a manageable list?
Comment: That would be good.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Design Strategies
Place making through cohesive look and image
Recycling program for bars, restaurants, businesses who sell cans, bottles, etc.
District Identification
Celebrate the History
Enhancing natural features of district
Improve Safety Feeling
Enhance and promote sense of place
Best Design
1. Strengthen district identity and branding
2. Enhance relationship between natural and built environment - examples: benches, trash cans, facade
programs, addressing deferred maintenance issues, streetscaping, etc
3. Keep the District Green and Clean
4. parking strategies
5. Way Finding Campaign
6. Create more green space
7. Maintain historical buildings and Booker Creek
8. bike safety awareness and informational campaign
Team 1 Spokesperson: We did parking strategies because we have empty lots in the
districts. We did 7 and 8. There’s always an issue with the bikes on Central Avenue and
Team 2 Spokesperson: We think keeping it clean and green is important, a way finding
campaign, and making more green space.
Team 3 Spokesperson: 1 and 2. We gave some examples to show. Really anything that the area
has in moving that forward and addressing some of the deferred maintenance issues.
Andrea: Ok, what can we combine?
Comment: 5 into 1.
Comment: Now, 3 and 5 into 2.
Andrea: Ok, pretty soon we won’t even have to vote. Now we have our top 5.
Comment: We are trying to say both are important and the relationship between them is strong.
Comment: We are trying to get some input to the master plan. All of this input is going into our
identity and our branding. I have a hard time choosing 3.
Comment: We are not necessarily losing them, we have to have priorities or nothing gets done.
Comment: If you are identifying a brand, doesn’t it pick up everything underneath of it.
Comment: I’m interested in people moving, I always think parking and transportation are related. I’d
like to add pedestrian to 5. I see transportation related to 3.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Comment: Bike safety is different than parking or transportation. Bikes are not running into cars, they
are running into people. I see bikes as a safety issue not a transportation issue.
Comment: District identity and way finding signs are different than maintaining buildings and Booker
Andrea: Ok, let’s launch the poll and see where it lands.
Choose the Top Three 2020 Strategies for Design
1. Strengthen district identity and branding / Way Finding
Campaign 36%
2. Enhance relationship between natural and built environment
- examples: benches, trash cans, facade programs, addressing
deferred maintenance issues, streetscaping, etc /Keep the
District Green and Clean / Create more green space 34%
3. parking strategies 12%
4. Maintain historical buildings and Booker Creek 5%
5. bike and pedestrian safety awareness and informational
campaign 14%
Andrea: Let’s see what the top 3 priorities are. 1, 2, and 5. There’s a lot of energy around 3 also.
Should we advance 3 or 4?
Comment: 4.
Top 2020 Strategies for Design
Strengthen district identity and branding / Way Finding Campaign
Enhance relationship between natural and built environment - examples: benches, trash
cans, facade programs, addressing deferred maintenance issues, streetscaping, etc
/Keep the District Green and Clean / Create more green space
bike and pedestrian safety awareness and informational campaign
parking strategies
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Economic Restructuring Strategies
Economic Restructuring
Mo money mo money mo money
Recruiting new businesses to complement the current mix
Existing business TLC while working to recruit new
Short-term business co-opportunity
Business incentives
Best Economic Restructuring
Assisting existing businesses through individual needs assessments
Place for start up businesses
Utilizing vacant lots and buildings for redevelopment
Market analysis
Market Study to identify opportunities and address cost
Infrastructure Investment and Planning and use of TIF funds - transportation, parking, people
Small Business assistance - help educate what's available to them. Examples: small business loans,
Enterprise Zone and other incentives, marketing packet to promote the district, etc
8. Collaboration economy to make the EDGE District a resource for our business members
Team 1 Spokesperson: We wanted to assist businesses through individual needs assessments. The
other one was collaboration. This feeds into matching them to other businesses or the greenhouse to
meet their needs. #1 and #8
Team 2 Spokesperson: I think it was important for us to have places that are pop up
places that can move into brick and mortar places. A market analysis or study to figure
out what would work well there. Also, figuring out and utilizing the vacant lots for
redevelopment. 2, 3, and 4.
Team 3 Spokesperson: 5, we agree about the market study. We looked at 6, really talking about the
use of the TIFF funds to address our main needs, transportation, parking and people. 7, small business
assistance, educating the small business owners so they know what’s available.
Andrea: We are seeing some common themes, some overlap. We will need to merge like items so we
don’t split the vote.
Comment: 4 and 5.
Andrea: Ok. That’s an easy combo.
Comment: Remove 1 and keep 7.
Andrea: Ok, we’re going to vote. You’ll pick your top 3 in order of priority. When you press your
numbers, look at your key pad, press with conviction. Ok, let’s vote.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Choose the Top Three 2020 Strategies for Economic Restructuring
Place for start up businesses 5%
Utilizing vacant lots and buildings for redevelopment 5%
Market analysis / Market Study to identify opportunities 27%
Infrastructure Investment and Planning and use of TIF funds transportation, parking, people 26%
5. Small Business assistance - help educate what's available to
them. Examples: small business loans, Enterprise Zone and
other incentives, marketing packet to promote the district, etc
6. Collaboration economy to make the EDGE District a resource
for our business members 9%
Andrea: Alright, survey says, 5, 3, 4.
Top 2020 Strategies for Economic Restructuring
1. Small Business assistance - help educate what's available to them. Examples: small
business loans, Enterprise Zone and other incentives, marketing packet to promote the
district, etc
2. Market analysis / Market Study to identify opportunities
3. Infrastructure Investment and Planning and use of TIF funds - transportation, parking,
12pm –
Networking Lunch
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Elevating our 3-5 Year Strategies to realize our 2020 Vision/Goals – Part 2
Prioritize Strategies/Metrics for each of the Strategic Focus Areas:
 Organization
 Promotion
Andrea: We are now in your last team configuration. We are focused on Organization Strategies and
Promotion Strategies. We lost some people so would you like to nestle into 2 teams?
Comment: Yes.
Organization Strategies
1. Develop public-private partnerships
Best Organization
1. Sustainable funding for Main Street organization
2. Develop and foster open and constant
communication with government, civic entities and
public-private partnerships
3. Develop strong membership and volunteer initiatives
4. Organizational accountability
5. Model Best Practices of other Main Streets
6. Structured interaction with other business districts, associations, chamber, etc
7. 0
8. Recognition of accomplishments within the district
9. Find additional funding sources for economic stability: increase fundraising, sponsorship, grants, etc
10. Main Street educational and training
11. Explore residential participation within the business district
Team 1 Spokesperson: We elevated 1 - 5. 1 should be a priority. 2, basically opening up our
organization is important to the diversity as well as longevity. 4, in the past we modeled this around who
is willing to be on the board. Therefore we are beyond the point of hoping people will do it, we need an
accountability checklist. 5, we’ve been doing that definitely, but we also modeled our forms off of theirs.
You can take it and make it your own instead of recreating the wheel every time.
Team 2 Spokesperson: 6, Sean wanted the Chamber pulled out separately. 10, so more people
become aware of what that means.
Andrea: Ok, what can we combine?
Comment: 1 and 9.
Comment: 6 and 7.
Andrea: Ok, let’s lose 7 because it’s in the new 6.
Comment: As a starting district it doesn’t make sense to create all of these forms when Central already
has them.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Andrea: Are we ready to poll? Ok, let’s press your top 3.
Choose the Top Three 2020 Strategies for Organization
1. Sustainable funding for Main Street organization / Find
additional funding sources for economic stability: increase
fundraising, sponsorship, grants, etc 33%
2. Develop and foster open and constant communication with
government, civic entities and public-private partnerships 22%
3. Develop strong membership and volunteer initiatives 10%
4. Organizational accountability 0%
5. Model Best Practices of other Main Streets 11%
6. Structured interaction with other business districts, chamber of
commerce and other associations 10%
7. Recognition of accomplishments within the district 2%
8. Main Street educational and training 2%
9. Explore residential participation within the business district 8%
Andrea: Ok, 1 comes up first and then 2.
Andrea: Let’s revote on 3, 5, or 6. You only get one vote.
Choose the Top Three 2020 Strategies for Organization
1. Sustainable funding for Main Street organization / Find
additional funding sources for economic stability: increase
fundraising, sponsorship, grants, etc
2. Develop and foster open and constant communication with
government, civic entities and public-private partnerships
3. Develop strong membership and volunteer initiatives 42%
4. Organizational accountability
5. Model Best Practices of other Main Streets 25%
6. Structured interaction with other business districts, chamber
of commerce and other associations 33%
7. Recognition of accomplishments within the district
8. Main Street educational and training
9. Explore residential participation within the business district
Andrea: Ok, so we are keeping 1, 2, 3, and 6.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Top 2020 Strategies for Organization
Sustainable funding for Main Street organization / Find additional funding sources for
economic stability: increase fundraising, sponsorship, grants, etc
Develop and foster open and constant communication with government, civic entities
and public-private partnerships
Develop strong membership and volunteer initiatives
Structured interaction with other business districts, chamber of commerce and other
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Promotion Strategies
Promo/community event around the opening of the new police station
Rays - EDGE co-promotion
Utilize co-op advertising and co-promotion
Use roundabout as part of branding and promotions
The EDGE district to "own" all quirky events in the community
Creation of special events
EDGE Map with sponsorship
Best Promotion
EDGE tee shirts (made by Creative Clay) and discount card for all businesses in the district to sell
Creation of sales events for businesses
Interaction between Folkfest St. Pete and EDGE District - signature event
Partnership with the Rays
Creation of EDGE District branding events and events calendar
Sponsorships for events and corporate funding for Main Street
Enhanced online presence
EDGE Business Awards - best non-profit, business of the year
Increased usage of EDGE logo
Team 1 Spokesperson: Making everyone aware is important. Sponsorship is important for main
street. The last we had Edge Business Awards is a great way to get everyone involved. This would be a
way to get membership involved.
Team 2 Spokesperson: In the spirit of creating promotion and financial sustainability is to come up
with a t-shirt as a way to raise money and promote focus on the Edge district. We thought it would be
beneficial to have a signature event and an increased online presence.
Andrea: Ok, let’s see if there are any combinations so we don’t split the vote.
Comment: 2 and 5.
Andrea: Any objections? Ok, let’s combine.
Comment: 1 and 8.
Comment: Move t-shirts to the end of 8.
Comment: Add other promotional items at the end of 8.
Comment: If we had a monthly event, where would that be?
Andrea: That will be in the next round.
Andrea: Ok, polls are open. Please select 3 in order of priority.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Choose the Top Three 2020 Strategies for Promotion
1. Discount card for all businesses in the district to sell 10%
2. Creation of sales events for businesses / Creation of EDGE
District branding events and events calendar 27%
3. Interaction between Folkfest St. Pete and EDGE District signature event 19%
4. Partnership with the Rays 0%
5. Sponsorships for events and corporate funding for Main Street
6. Enhanced online presence 6%
7. EDGE Business Awards - best non-profit, business of the year
8. Increased usage of EDGE logo / EDGE tee shirts (made by
Creative Clay) or other promotional items 19%
Andrea: 2, 3 and 8 are tied, and then 5 right on the heels.
Andrea: Ok, so we’ll move forward 4 items.
Top 2020 Strategies for Promotion
Creation of sales events for businesses / Creation of EDGE District branding events and
events calendar
Interaction between Folkfest St. Pete and EDGE District - signature event
Sponsorships for events and corporate funding for Main Street
Increased usage of EDGE logo / EDGE tee shirts (made by Creative Clay) or other
promotional items
LeaAnn: When you put interaction between FolkFest and the Edge
District, what did that mean? The Edge district wouldn’t get any money
from that. The money would go to Creative Clay. We need that $5k to
keep our program running.
Comment: Maybe spin off events would be under your control.
Comment: This will be the 8th year of FolkFest.
Comment: It’s a fundraiser for the whole district. You can’t quantify
the impact the dollars will have on the businesses in the future.
Comment: Where does our organization come up with the money to
do that?
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Comment: What happens if we help with the leg work? Then, it would be a true partnership instead
of a sponsorship.
Comment: I think the solution is that this is not just one district, we have to put together the
strategies and events that insure you hit your budget and we hit ours. That’s the solution. We are not
going to do what we did last year and next year won’t be the same as this year.
Comment: How many days is FolkFest?
Comment: 2.5.
Comment: Ok, the band promo last year didn’t work because it
rained. This is a 3-day event in the Edge District with Central Avenue
closed. It’s significant.
Comment: What are your thoughts Kim?
Comment: For many years, many businesses benefited and we never
asked for anything. It is each individual business to determine if it is
important to them and whether or not they want to donate to the
event. If we want it to make it “The Edge presents Folkfest” than it’s a
whole other conversation. Ricky P’s felt the benefit and it was
with one?
Andrea: This is good. Can we enlarge the signature events or stay
Comment: We discussed we needed our own. They are two different things.
Comment: Hi I’m Zeb from Fergs.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Building our 1-Year Tactical Plan
– 3pm
Build our 1–Year Plan (Tactics/Metrics/Champions/Timeline) for each Focus Area.
 Team 1: Design
 Team 3: Organization
 Team 2: Economic Restructuring
 Team 4: Promotion
Andrea: Alright. We’re in the home stretch. Good work. Come on in, I’ll set you up for success for
your last activity here. We are finally to the tactical stage. Let’s reconvene. As the day goes on, the
more nestled we become. I want to introduce you to Alan Martinez, he’s our business development
Alan Martinez, Business Development Officer, Collaborative Labs, St. Petersburg College:
How are you guys doing? High on energy? Good, good. I just want to mention something to you. We
put together a few years ago, days like today it’s a decent ticket in terms of the cost. It’s difficult for
small businesses to do this. So we came up with the idea a while back of creating cohorts. Each
company could bring their team and we’d end up with about 25 – 30 people in the room that would cost
each business less than $1000. At the end of the day they would walk out with a 1-year tactical plan. I
know there’s a lot of small businesses, if you find there are companies that are struggling to find their
way or are looking for their “edge”, send them our way. Thanks guys!
Andrea: We are going to get tactical. You get to pick your own team. Pick your team where you can
add the most value. We have at least 2 for each bucket. You’ve probably worked with Gantt charts
before. We have your strategies pre-populated. I would recommend you come up with at least 3 tactics
per strategy. For each tactic you’ll add champions, success metrics, then add an “x” in the quarter in
which the tactic begins and then all the way through where the tactic would end. How does that sound?
Comment: Good.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Design 1-Year Tactical Plan
Design Team Spokesperson: A lot of the Design Committee tactics are going to be
addressed in the master plan. Some things could be accomplished on a measurable
system. This takes all the Board of Directors involvement. We should have that
accomplished by the end of the year. We thought way finding signs may be covered in
the master plan. We don’t have to wait to be told, we should do this. We want to do this.
Branding stickers, this is a way to get the logo out there. The second strategy, a lot of
this is master plan oriented. The Edge Quarterly Clean Up is something we will continue. We want
businesses to chip in and do this. Fill the planter campaign, buy annuals and put them in the existing
planters. Ugly wall paint campaign, we select a wall that is not appealing and we donate paint and time
to clean it up. One building a quarter is just a suggestion. #3, this is sort of a hard thing. In the
meantime, there was another district that did an awareness campaign on the road. Another thing would
be an On The Edge map that’s dedicated to bike safety. We thought a district bike lock up station at
both ends. This would look a lot better. This would encourage people to ride their bikes. Then we have
parking strategies. Explore shared parking opportunities, lifting the restrictions. These all come to one
thing, parking on Central is a premium. If we open that up, people would stay. These are just ideas.
Some are measurable and some are not.
Comment: The city is doing a parking study and they are going to look at the Edge as part of that
study in September.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Comment: Most everybody has heard the huge lot was purchased; he might be willing to participate in
a shared parking program until he has more of a need. He seems to be in tune with economic
Comment: When we said only for event parking, maybe we could have them for other uses. When
they sit empty most of the time, we have the gap look.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Economic Restructuring 1-Year Tactical Plan
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Economic Restructuring Spokesperson: Tactic one for the first strategy is how do we increase the
awareness. We think we can do that right away. We are looking at creating and matching the needs to
the programming that is available. We are looking at how The Edge can position themselves to visit the
businesses to identify needs and connect them to the solutions. Priority 2, this is where we will engage
consultants in helping us with a study. We will do a version of a needs assessment and follow up on
those needs and the use of TIFF funds, and parking. You could have some solutions that are temporary
and then plan for future ones. Baum Avenue is important to the district. Finally is the market analysis.
We need to engage the consultant and have sessions to identify where the opportunities are. We will
have a marketing package for future and current and existing businesses.
Comment: If that goes in writing to the right people, it will explain what comes out of this lab for the
TIFF funds.
Comment: This will happen this year. The information not only helps us it will be there to provide
guidance for the consultant.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Organization 1-Year Tactical Plan
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Organization Team Spokesperson: Basically the organization focus is money and
funding. How are we going to get all of this done? We put on here ongoing fundraising,
sponsorships, and grants. Develop a fundraising marketing plan, these we would need to do
with the marketing committee because it needs to be paid for. Neighborhood and condo
association, that’s ongoing. We’d identify volunteer opportunities. Create and maintain a
volunteer database. I attend meetings about once a month. We added quarterly meeting with the St.
Pete Police Department.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Promotion 1-Year Tactical Plan
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Promotion Team Spokesperson: We’d like to look for a signature monthly event; we’d
include every single business that wants to be part of it. Third Thursday. Then we would
pitch St. Pete Pride, not cannibalizing it, just be a part of it. Do an event that’s residentoriented. For #2 we would need to identify the mechanics of the FolkFest. I developed a
new going forward symbol that means it keeps going. The next identifies what’s in it for
them. We’d have the info available on the website. We would identify the swag that people like to wear
and use. Humor has the ability to engage people and increases the longevity.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
3pm –
Highlights, Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Andrea: Alright. Do you feel good about what you are doing? Good. You made tremendous progress
today. PJ is going to bring up what a sample Real-Time Record looks like. You’ll see the cover will have
links to the Gantt charts you just created. You’ll see everything you did today. Everything that landed
on a white board will be in there. The magazine covers, the value propositions, the synthesized value
proposition, Jonathan’s art work. All of the brainstorming is in there, so nothing is lost. The results of
the voting slides for the 4 areas and the screen shots of the tactical plans. It’s all in there.
Collaborative Engagement – July 23, 2014, 8:30am – 3:30pm
Jonathan: You dropped a lot of visuals this morning, you know the art and the art
scene seemed to be very important. The whole idea of the canvas seemed to be
important. It’s a vibrant thriving community. The frame is what supports the Edge
District movement. That holds us together. Starting at the left with your relationships,
the concept of keeping the artists in the Edge, the cornucopia of money, everything from
shared parking to the rail. Maybe the Edge sponsors the north fishing pier and turns it
into a shipping port. I figured we should use what’s left of the pier and turn it into a shipping port.
Comment: It’s awesome.
Andrea: LeaAnn we can give you a large version of this. Great job today.
LeaAnn: Thank you everyone for being here. I know it’s a lot out of your day.
Comment: I’d like to add thank you to the Collaborative Labs for being here and providing the
guidance that we need. It’s a great start to the master plan as we begin looking at our past, present,
and future.
Andrea: You are my new official best client.