American Sign Language 1 and 2 Class Disclosure Ms. Threlkeld 801-256-5100 (main office) Available: 7:00 -7:30 a.m., 2:25 - 2:55 p.m., or by appointment Welcome to American Sign Language! I am excited to meet you and explore the world of American Sign Langauge and Deaf culture together! CLASS RULES & PROCEDURES Courtesy – Show respect to get respect Prepared – Come to class with the proper materials, homework, and attitude Paying Attention – As a visual language, you will have to be paying attention to learn signs Present in Class – It is vital that you come to class each day! On Time – We will start on time and have bell work – tardies will result in a loss of points You will need the following each day in class: Paper, pen or sharpened pencil Dry erase marker (dark color) and a scrap of cloth to use for erasing 3 ring folder or binder (or a section thereof) dedicated to Spanish 1 Most days will be ‘voices off’ meaning we will communicate only in ASL. ATTENDANCE/MAKEUP WORK The award of credit in this class is subject to the conditions outlined in the Bingham High School Attendance Policy. Absences in excess of 2 per class per quarter that are not made up or waived through the appeals process will result in loss of course credit regardless of the course grade. There is no tardy makeup. Missed work due to an excused absence is due in as many days missed unless extended by teacher approval. GRADING Grades are based as follows: 93-100%= 90-92% 87-89% 83-86% A = = = 25% Participation, 25% Assignments, 50% Tests & Quizzes 80-82% = A77-79% B+ 73-76% B 70-72% B= = = 67-69% = C+ 63-66% C 60-62% C0-59% = D+ = = F D D- EXTRA CREDIT Students may receive extra credit ONLY if they have less than three unexcused absences AND all required work has been turned in. Extra credit opportunities will be further outlined in class. TAPING Some assignments will need to be turned in as videos. These will be used only as self-reflection and teacher assessments. Facilities will be provided before and after school for students to record their term projects as needed or may be turned in as VHS or digital files through email. Please return to this page to Ms. Threlkeld STUDENT By signing this disclosure I agree to: Follow the rules and procedures outlined in the disclosure Come to class ready to learn Practice signing outside of class Student Name: _________________________________________ Period: ____________ Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN By signing this disclosure I agree to: Support my student in following the rules and procedures in the disclosure Encourage my student practice signing Communicate with the teacher when necessary to ensure my student’s success Allow videos of my student to be used for reflection and grading in the classroom Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email: ____________ ____________________ Date: ______________ Multimedia in the Classroom: Frequently I will be using multimedia in the classroom, including video clips, music, magazines, information from websites, movies, etc. I prescreen, and if necessary, adjust my usage of the materials to make sure they are appropriate for classroom use. While most of the movies and video clips I use are rated G or PG, a few might be rated PG-13. Movies that might be shown are, but not limited to: The Miracle Worker PBS: Through Deaf Eyes News broadcasts from If for any reason you prefer that your student NOT view certain media, please note below. An alternate activity will be provided for your student during those times.