Psychology Module 4 Study Guide Module 4 Help Session Video: Psychology Lesson 4.00 Study Guide Assignment 4.00: It's just a pre-test again. Your best guess will do just fine. Be sure to look for the answers to any you miss as you go through the module. Psychology Lesson 4.01 Study Guide Guiding questions: 1. Describe the components of classical conditioning. 2. Who is known for the following? o o o Conditioning dogs Little Albert Peter 3. What is emotional conditioning? Psychology Lesson 4.01 Video Link Having trouble understanding the difference between classical and operant conditioning? Let Mr. Stephenson make it easy to understand. Click on the picture below to watch a fun and informative presentation! Click on the picture to view a webina1 concepts. Check out the chart below to help you understand better the difference between reinforcement and punishment, both negative and positive. Positive ( add something…) Negative (take away something…) Reinforcement (increase a behavior) + R = Add something GOOD to increase a behavior - R = Take away something BAD to increase a behavior Punishment (decrease a behavior) + P = Add something BAD to decrease a behavior - P = Take away something GOOD to increase a behavior Psychology Lesson 4.02 Study Guide Guiding questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who is best known for his work with Operant conditioning? What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? What is positive and negative reinforcement? What is punishment? Discuss the following in classical and operant conditioning: o o o o o Generalization Discrimination Extinction Shaping Chaining Psychology L e s s o n 0 4 . 0 3 S t u d y G u i d e G u i d i ng q u e s t i o n s : 1. For what is Albert Bandura most noted? 2. Describe the Bobo-Doll experiment. 3. What are cognitive maps? Psychology Lesson 4.04 Study Guide Guiding questions: 1. List and describe the special learning processes. 2. Describe the term schema. 3. Compare and contrast negative and positive transfer of learning. Psychology L e s s o n 0 4 . 0 5 S t u d y G u i d e G u i d i ng q u e s t i o n s : 1. What is the difference between long and short-term memory? 2. Describe ways to improve memory. 3. Describe recall and recognition. Psychology L e s s o n 0 4 . 0 6 S t u d y G u i d e G u i d i ng Q u e s ti o n s : 1. For what are the following noted? o Alfred Binet o David Wechsler 2. How does intelligence vary? 3. What is intellectually disabled and it's classifications? Psychology L e s s o n 4 . 0 7 S t u d y G ui d e G u i d i ng q u e s t i o n s : 1. What is the difference between intelligence and creativity? 2. Describe the term "mental set." Psychology Lesson 4 . 0 8 St u d y G ui d e Congratulations on completing Module Four! You have learned about acquiring, processing, and forgetting information and about intelligence and creativity! To prepare for your Module Four exam, you should spend time with this exam review. This exam has 20 questions and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Please plan accordingly and ensure you have enough time to spend before beginning the exam. M o d u l e F o u r E x a m Re v i e w Q u e s ti o n s : L e s so n 0 4 . 0 1 : 1. Describe the components of classical conditioning. 2. Who is known for the following? o o o Conditioning dogs Little Albert Peter 3. What is emotional conditioning? L e s so n 0 4 . 0 2 : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who is best known for his work with Operant conditioning? What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? What is positive and negative reinforcement? What is punishment? Discuss the following in classical and operant conditioning: o o o o o Generalization Discrimination Extinction Shaping Chaining L e s so n 0 4 . 0 3 : 1. For what is Albert Bandura most noted? 2. Describe the Bobo-Doll experiment. 3. What are cognitive maps? L e s so n 0 4 . 0 4 : 1. List and describe the special learning processes. 2. Describe the term schema. 3. Compare and contrast negative and positive transfer of learning. L e s so n 0 4 . 0 5 : 1. What is the difference between long and short-term memory? 2. Describe ways to improve memory. 3. Describe recall and recognition. L e s so n 0 4 . 0 6 : 1. For what are the following noted? o o Alfred Binet David Wechsler 2. How does intelligence vary? 3. What is intellectually disabled and it's classifications? 1. What is the difference between intelligence and creativity? 2. Describe the term "mental set."