Amazing Race final

Amazing Race
START When kids arrived, we had them pop a balloon that told them what color team they were on. (My
Balloons with team colors in them
CHALLENGE 1 The children were at the back of the house waiting for the race to start, from there they ran
around to the front of the house and had to find the Ziplock back that was assigned to them, inside were
headbands for each team member, each team had different head bands, and had to wear during the game.
(my front yard)
Gallon size bags with headbands
CHALLENGE 2 Go to the play set - the team members must work a math problem, then complete that
number of jumping jacks in unison if the answer is wrong, rework math problem and redo jumping jacks
until correct answer is achieved. (play set)
Pre-determined math problem
DETOUR 1 Brains or Braun - the teams had to decide once there if they wanted to use their (brains) look at
a tray for 30 seconds then write down all 15 items or (braun) carry 3 cement block around the parking lot
and back in a tub. (beside trampoline – hide tray behind table on side, come to card table on other
side to write down items. Braun must carry tub around outside of trees around Nanny’s house then
back to outside of trees.
Large table, card table, paper, pens, tray, 15 items, 15 cement blocks, 5 tubs
CHALLENGE 3 You must go to Nanny’s house. Once there, you'll need to knock on the door and when
someone answers say, "May I have a cookie please?" Each team member will be given a cookie. You
must eat the whole cookie, then you may ask for your next clue. (Nanny’s house – front door)
Chocolate chip cookies
ROAD BLOCK 1 a team member from each team were up in the play set while another member was on
the ground and blind folded. The team member has to use their voice to guide their team mate to their
colored easter egg on the ground. (play set & yard around it)
5 blindfolds, easter eggs
Amazing Race
CHALLENGE 4 Go to the picnic tables at Nanny’s. They had to duplicate the design of a bracelet with the
beads and string we provided. Each teammate made a bracelet. Once this was completed they received
their next clue. (Nanny’s picnic tables)
Completed bracelet, beads, string
DETOUR 2 "X Marks the Spot" Or "It All Adds Up" X Marks the Spot You must untie your colored ribbons
that are tied to tree branches in Nanny’s backyard until you find a ribbon with a black X on it. When you
have the ribbon, turn it in to receive your next clue. ***OR*** It All Adds Up on my deck you must count the
number of beans in the container provided. When you know the number, bring the container to me. If
correct, you'll receive your next clue. If not correct, you must count again until you add correctly. (Trees in
backyard and my deck)
Lots of colored ribbon, 5 containers with beans in them (counted)
CHALLENGE 5 I colored the prongs of 5 plastic forks black. Then stuck them and 200 other plastic forks
in a neighbors yard. Each member of the team had to choose a fork if it didn't have a colored prong they
had to put it in a bucket on the porch and another team member had to try until they found the colored fork.
(Mom & Dad’s front yard)
200 plastic forks, 5 with black prongs
U-TURN 1 Choose 1 of detours and do the other challenge
ROAD BLOCK 2 one team member must go to Mimi’s kitchen and finish eating a bowl of jello…through a
straw. (Mom’s kitchen)
Bowls of jello, straws
CHALLENGE 6 Take a water balloon and pass it back and forth until you get to the top of the basement
steps. If you drop the balloon you must come back and get a new one. Once complete write your name on
the sheet according to your arrival order. (from the bottom of Mom & Dad’s porch steps to the top of
my basement steps)
Water balloons
REST snack and drinks in basement (Basement)
Amazing Race
CHALLENGE 7 Go to puzzles on Pappy’s deck. Once completed give next. (Mom & Dad’s deck)
5 dollar store puzzles
CHALLENGE 8 Go to my front yard. One teammate had to stand in the bucket- the other 2 teammates
had to get sponges wet (about 10-15 ft away) throw the sponges to the teammate in the bucket and fill the
buckets to a designated line. Once complete they got their next clue. (My front yard)
Sponges, 5 buckets, large bin of water
DETOUR 3 Also, a detour we did was "pack" or "stack", where you both either had to stack 100 nickles
working together or pack a suitcase fitting all items from a huge bag full of toys and clothes. "Pack" was
chosen by all teams and took awhile for the teams to complete. It was fun to try to stuff all the things in the
small suitcase and be able to zip it up, though! (Mom & Dad’s deck)
500 nickles, 5 suitcases, various items for them
CHALLENGE 9 Go to Nanny’s side yard. Each team member is given 3 frisbees. There are 3 hula hoops
lying on the ground. From the line everyone must get a Frisbee in each hoop. Once this task was
complete they got their next clue. (Nanny’s side yard)
3 frisbees per person, 3 hula hoops
ROAD BLOCK 3 At the edge of driveway where sidewalk meets one person held a cup while the another
team mate ran to a bucket of water by Bobby’s trees and filled the syringe. The water had to reach the line
we drew on the cup. (My driveway)
5 plastic cups, 5 syringes
CHALLENGE 10 The next clue was to go Nanny’s picnic tables. There get a Pampered Chef catalog and
find answers to the questions. For example: we had to find what page the doctor is on which product has
spf and is waterproof the code of a certain colour nail polish what page has the red dot etc) (Nanny’s
picnic tables)
5 pampered chef catalogs, 5 clue pages
DETOUR 4 “Untie it” or “Find it” In untie it the team members had to untie a very very hard knot in a rope.
In find it the team members had to find a 1975 penny in a large box of pennies. (My deck)
Amazing Race
Lots of pennies – only 5 1975, 5 ropes with lots of knots in them
CHALLENGE 11 You will take worms from the bucket with your hands, run to the other side and fill the
bottle with the worms. Try not to drop the worms. All team members will do this task. When you've
reached the marked line on the bottle you may receive your next clue. (Worms were overcooked spaghetti
colored red in big buckets of water. They had to fill a 2-liter bottle to the line I had painted on it ) (Nanny’s
clothes lines)
5 2-liter bottles, lots of cooked spaghetti, bucket
U-TURN 2 Choose 1 of detours from the second half of the game and do the other challenge
ROAD BLOCK 4 The final road block was one team member had to eat 10 saltine crackers and whistle.
Since this is the last road block any team member may do this task. (Nanny’s picnic tables)
CHALLENGE 12 The last challenge was both team members had to go around the track (painted on the
grass around my back yard) balancing a ping pong ball on a spoon, if you dropped the ball you had to start
over. The team to get all team members to the finish line was the winner.
15 ping pong balls, 15 plastic spoons