great depression and new deal test



Multiple Choice: Select the answer that best completes each question or statement.

Pick the BEST answer for credit.

Multiple Choice

1. Most of the wealth in the U.S. was held in the hand of


a very small percentage of the people


the majority of the population


only those who invested in the stock market

2. The United States instituted a tariff on imports to


get back at other countries for taxing our goods.


punish Europe for not paying us back our loans from WWI.


keep our money from going to support their economy.


push Americans to buy American-made products.

3. As the depression worsened, small banks were forced to pay back their loans to

A. the federal government

B. the local governments

C. wealthy financers

D. larger banks

4 . Farmers purchased new equipment with the hopes of


laying off workers so they could save money


increasing production


feeding the poverty stricken

5. Hoover’s belief that the federal government should not be responsible for the people is called

A. rugged individualism

B. welfare state

C. pump-priming economics

6. John Steinbeck’s

The Grapes of Wrath sympathetically portrayed the plight of:

A) Oklahoma Dust Bowl migrants.

B) unemployed Detroit factory workers.

C) new immigrants in New York City.

D) poor black farmers in Georgia.

7. Factory owners and farmers lost money due to

A. stock market crash

B. underproduction

8. Which is not a cause of the Dust Bowl?

C. laying off workers

D. overproduction

A. high winds B. severe drought C. over-cultivated land D. Overuse of machines

9. FDR passed more legislation in the First ______ than most presidents do in two years.


50 days B. 100 days C. 200 days

10. FDR’s cabinet members were extremely intelligent individuals referred to as the

A. Smart Ones B. Brain Trust C. Intelligentsia

11. What was the first major action Roosevelt took as president?


He proposed a reorganization of the Supreme Court


He established the Civilian Conservation Corps to provide job relief


He closed all the nation’s banks for inspection.

12. As a result of FDR’s presidency, it was established that


presidents could not serve more than 2 terms or 12 years in office


the federal government was responsible for the economic welfare of the people


the local government was given more jurisdiction


the Supreme Court selections would be at the sole discretion of


13. What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the Roosevelt Administration?


served as cabinet member


served as an important advisor on domestic issues


became involved in international politics

14. FDR would have been supported by his cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, even though they were in opposing political parties because both could be considered

_____________________________ presidents.

A. Isolationist

B. Progressive

C. Ethnocentric

D. Ideological

15. Hoover’s response to the onset of the Depression would best be described as:

A) rapid and aggressive action to revive the economy.

B) hesitating to act, then doing too little too late.

C) a radical restructuring of the federal government’s role in the economy.

D) being mainly concerned with the plight of individuals.

16. These pieces of legislation were those to prevent another depression from occurring: _____________________________.

A. Relief B. Recovery C. Reform

17. He tried to use ‘pump priming’ in 2006 with no success: ______________.

A. Clinton B. George H.W. Bush C. George W. Bush D. Obama

18. By the end of the 1930s, more than ___________ of Americans had access to a radio.

A. 30% B. 50% C. 80% D. 95%

19. FDR attended the ________________ Conference which divided up Germany before he died in April of 1945.

A. Yalta B. Potsdam C. Munich D. Nuremberg

20. He wrote the Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men that continue to be popular literary selections today.

A. Steinbeck B. Fizgerald C. Hawthorne D. Hemingway

Matching: Select the answer that best completes each of the following.


______ 21. Truman

______ 22. Hoover

______ 23. Teddy Roosevelt

______ 24. Franklin Roosevelt

______ 25. Coolidge


This Republican allowed business as usual to happen during the 1920s.


He often gets blamed for the Great Depression.


He handled WWII after FDR’s death.


He introduced the idea of our welfare state.


He was the big conservationist and an early Republican!

______ 26. mergers

______ 27. Hawley-Smoot Tariff

______ 28. Dust Bowl

______ 29. Bonus Army

______ 30. Alphabet soup


The formation of these resulted in the unequal distribution of corporate power.


Veterans who pushed to get their WWI promised benefits.


The acronyms of the NEW DEAL


It was supposed to stimulate the economy but backfired


The CCC was supposed to make sure this never happened again!

_____ 31. precedent

______ 32. pump priming

______ 33. bureaucracy

______ 34. Trickle down theory

______ 35. ideology


one’s guiding philosophy


investing money into the people


investing money into businesses


different departments do different things


an example or beginning

______ 36. Douglas MacArthur

______ 37. penny auctions

______ 38. hobos

______ 39. Hoover flags


traveled the rails to find opportunities


successful attempts that protected farms from the banks


He really punished the Bonus Army protesters and Hoover as well!


Inside out pockets devoid of any $.

Label the following legislation or events as part of Hoover or Franklin

Roosevelt’s terms in office. Use A for Hoover or B for Roosevelt, C= Both

40. Many building projects and schools were named for him.

41. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was his idea.

42. He won the Election of 1932 by a landslide!

43. He suffered from polio.

44. He was very wealthy and did not have to suffer the effects of the depression personally.

45. Started the Bank Holiday!

46. PA voted for him in 1932!

47. He tried to pack the Supreme Court!

48. The Republican Party picked him AGAIN for the 1932 Election!

49. He was one of the most well-known figures of the 1920s.

50. His wife helped get him re-elected time and time again.

Matching: Select the answer that best completes each of the following.

______51. AAA

______52. CCC

______53. TVA

____ _ 54. WPA

______55. CWA


Gave men jobs planting trees and building roads in an effort to prevent another Dust Bowl.


Primarily helped artists and musicians but also built schools and bridges


Hired men to build factories and dams on rivers for hydroelectric power


Paid farmers to plow under crops and kill animals


Spent money on infrastructure like bridges, causeways, hospitals and airports

______ 56. Bank Holiday

______ 57. FERA

______ 58. NRA

______ 59. SS

______ 60 SEC


Today’s workers pay for today’s retirees


Direct loans were given to prevent foreclosure of homes/farms


Set a minimum wage, monitored working conditions and fixed prices


Made sure insider trading was caught, no fraud


Closed banking institutions to see which were safe before re-opening

______ 61. FDIC

______ 62. NLRA/B

______ 63. Reform

______ 64. Relief

______ 65. Recovery


Insured money in accounts up to 5,000


Actions designed to halt economic deterioration


Re-start the economy was the plan


Permanent programs to prevent another depression


Designed to prevent monopolies

Label the following New Deal Programs: Relief, Recovery and Reform. A=Relief,

B=Recovery and C=Reform

66. Social Security

67. Tennessee Valley Authority

68. Federal Emergency Relief Act

69. Civilian Conservation Corps

70. National Labor Relations Act/Board

71. Security and Exchange Commission

72. Agricultural Adjustment Act

73. Civilian Works Administration

74. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

75. Works Progress Administration

76. “We’re in the Money”

77. “Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries”

78. “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime”

79. recession

80. depression


she used call and response in the song


a long very grim period of economic decline


this song seems light and bright but references a dark part of the depression


a shorter period of economic decline, with lower unemployment rates


references the Empire State building, Bonus Army and the railroads

81. President Hoover’s plan for recovery focused on restoring the confidence of:

A) the consumer.

B) business.

C) local governments.

D) international markets.

82. In the election of 1932:

A) Roosevelt won by a razor-thin margin.

B) Hoover pledged, if reelected, to launch a “new deal.”

C) Roosevelt won in an unprecedented landslide.

D) Republicans retained control of Congress.


All of the following would have voted for the New Deal EXCEPT:

A) bankers and businessmen.

B) white southern Democrats

C) industrial workers.

D) farmers.


Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother photograph:

A) was sponsored by the American Communist Party

B) blamed migrant workers for their own plight.

C) was intended to build popular support for New Deal farm programs.

D) provoked outrage and resentment against federal welfare recipients.

85. The geographic center of the Dust Bowl was in the:

A) Ohio River valley.

B) southern Great Plains.

C) Deep South.

D) upper Midwest.

Short Answer: Answer each of the following questions in a complete and specific manner.

86..-90. Provide four causes of the Great Depression and three effects that were experienced as a result of it. Make sure that you include an explanation of both the causes and effects.

91.-93. Provide two PROS and two CONS of FDR’s legacy. Do you feel that the positives or negatives associated with his terms in office are more valid? Explain.

94.& 95. Evaluate one FDR quote and one quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. You supply them and tell me what they mean in your own words.

96. Explain the political cartoon attached.

97.-98. Name THREE policies that Hoover used and define them. Also evaluate each of their effectiveness.

99. & 100. Provide two positive personality attributes that Hoover displayed and two negative ones from the clip that we watched. Explain why it may not be fair to really compare Hoover and FDR.

101-105. Evaluate the effectiveness of FDR’s New Deal legislation. Look at the impacts of Relief, Recovery and Reform legislation on the short-term and long-term economy. What should have been done differently? Are there any lessons that

Obama should specifically take or learn from FDR? How has this recession impacted you already or how will its effects impact you in the future?
