Oil & Gas Journal
August 2010
• Make creative use of media
to tell the oil and gas story –
in all dimensions, most
• The oil and gas story has
timely and timeless
dimensions of value to the
• Oil & Gas Journal has natural
boundaries between its
timely and timeless value
OGJ - A Year of Change
June 2011
• iPad app Launch – October
– 6,765 New Users
– 26,000 User sessions
– Avg. 1.7 sessions per day
• OGJ website increased 1.37
million page views
• 20.25 million E-Newsletters
• 20.2% Open Rate
• 19.4% Click through Rate
• .043% Unsubscribe
Consistency of Coverage
• OGJ Editorial covers
more industry news and
technology trends and
applications than any
other petro magazine.
• The expanse of the
editorial has increased
with the new methods of
transmission, but retains
its unique quality in the
Google’s Push for Quality - OGJ
• Google’s Panda program changed the algorithm
for search results in order to improve the quality of
results by reducing shallow content as measured
by duplicate postings of the content on multiple
• Content aggregators who post a high volume of
press release originated stories fell dramatically in
the Google search rankings.
• Originally sourced stories such as those developed
by OGJ gained significantly in Google search
Google’s Push for Quality - OGJ
• Google defines high-quality stories as those with
trusted information, written by subject matter
experts and driven by the genuine interests of the
readers. Emphasis is given to original content,
reporting, research and analysis.*
• What counts as high-quality content are sites that
are recognized as experts on the topics covered
with substantial coverage as might be expected in
a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book.*
*Google, “More Guidance on building high-quality sites”, May 6, 2011
Subscribers Respond
*In what format would you prefer to receive OGJ?
• 36% - Print
• 25% - Digital publication (Replica of print publication
digital format)
• 21% - Both print and digital publication
• 10% - Both print and online/html (Content on
• 8% - Online/html (Content on OGJ.com)
• 1% - No preference
*April 4, 2011 Signet Readership Study
Oil & Gas Journal
Online Delivery
1,137,627 digital copies of OGJ
were delivered electronically.
276,592 were downloaded or
viewed online.
24.3% open rate
2011; Jan. 3 – May 23
327,981 digital copies of OGJ were
delivered electronically.
88,979 were downloaded or viewed
27.1% open rate
In 5 months, OGJ is already at
32.2% of the opens over the
previous 5 years.
More from Subscribers
*How useful is OGJ and how do you
use it in your job?
In times of change and innovation, it’s important to
stay informed. Knowledge is necessary to not fall
behind your competition. Engineering/Technical/Geosciences
I use O&GJ to keep up with what’s going on in the oil patch. I
trust it much more than the headline grabbing publications.
Company Management (CEO, Pres, VP, Partner, Director, Manager,
Keeping current on trends, new technology and industry
activities. Company Management (CEO, Pres, VP, Partner, Director,
Manager, etc.)
O&GJ is a vital information resource to me and keeps me
abreast of technological developments and advances in the oil
and gas industry. Company Management (CEO, Pres, VP, Partner,
Director, Manager, etc.)
I like the new format. Consulting
It was great current info on A&D activity while in business
development. Now I’m using it for information on drilling and
production activity/technology in the Permian basin.
It’s extremely useful for market and industry trends. In
particular, the subscriber surveys are a must have. Consulting
* April 4, 2011 Signet Readership Study
Oil & Gas Journal
Shale Coverage
• Bakken – June OGJ
• Eagle Ford – July OGJ
• Marcellus – August OGJ
• Niobrara, Haynesville,
Fayetteville, Barnett,
Horn River, etc. will
covered in the coming
months, as will potentials
in International Markets
OGJ June 6, 2011
Oil & Gas Journal
Thanks for your attention … and best regards from
Andreas Sicking and Wilhelm Sicking
Sicking Industrial Marketing
PennWell Petroleum Division – Sales Office
Emmastrasse 44 – 45130 Essen
Phone: ++49 (0)2903-3385-70 (Andreas Sicking)
Phone: ++49 (0)201-779861 (Wilhelm Sicking)
Fax: ++49 (0)201-781741
EMail: wilhelms@pennwell.com