Lesson Plans for Week of Oct. 13th-16th, Oct. 19th Monday-Tuesday TEKS: 5.10 The student knows that likenesses between offspring and parents can be inherited or learned. The student is expected to (A) identify traits that are inherited from parent to offspring in plants and animals. According to the Benchmarks for Science Literacy, by the end of 5th grade, students should know that: o Some likenesses between children and parents, such as eye color in human beings, or fruit or flower color in plants, are inherited. Other likenesses, such as people's table manners or carpentry skills are learned. o For offspring to resemble their parents, there must be a reliable way to transfer information from one generation to the next. (B) Give examples of learned characteristics that result from the influence of the environment. 5.6 Science concepts. The student knows that some change occurs in cycles. The student is expected to (C) Describe and compare life cycles of plants and animals. Including describe and sequence: Most plants as having life cycles that include seeds, seedlings, mature plants with roots, stems, leaves, and flowers that reproduce to form seeds before dying. Sequence the stages of the life cycle of an organism. Including describe and compare life cycles: Life cycles of different organisms Plant to plant Guiding Questions: How are the life cycle of plants and animals the same and different? (5.6C) What traits are inherited and what behaviors are learned? (5.10A, B) What traits are inherited from parent to offspring in plants and animals? (5.10A) What are learned characteristics that result from the influence of the environment? (5.10B) Monday: Student Holiday/Teacher Conferences Wednesday: Complete TAKSscope, use on-line review, give assessment Thursday: How do we know plants are living? Refer back to anchor chart on what determines life. Observe the two types of plants and take Notes in journals about physical properties of both physical and aquatic plants. Review as a class how these plants carry out the six life processes and have students take notes as they watch following movie clip. Clip: http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=B1A77A8C-1586-40A5-BA69A0CE35DC9EA8&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US Than students will add to their anchor chart about how plants, specifically, carry out the 6 life processes. Friday: How does a plants seed enable it to carry out a life process? Engage: Life Cycles (5.6C): Teachers will follow Life Cycle (5.6C) Power-point, using various fruits to determine seeds importance and explore the fruits life cycle: relate back to a seeds ability, with the right conditions, to enable a plant to carry out the process of reproduction (like potential energy) Explore: Life Cycles (5.6C) Students will observe how plants go through the beginning of the plants life cycle. Students will examine various plant life cycles. Part 1: Life Cycles of Plants 1. Examine the bean seed, bean sprouts, and bean plants and record your observations in your student journal. 2. Draw the life cycle of the bean from a seed to a plant in your journal. 3. Compare the soaked bean with the dry bean and record your observations. 1. Carefully remove the outer skin on the soaked bean with your fingers, split the bean lengthwise, and observe the three parts of the bean. Use a hand lens to observe the tiny plant inside the bean. Draw a picture of the inside of the bean. Label the three parts of the seed: embryo (baby plant), seed coat, and stored food. Lead into language arts section by reading: Facts of the Case/All About Seeds/Seed Structure Materials: -Mary Cavett (Seeds, Aquatic Plants , Cactus Plants) -Potting Soil (?) Ask Pam about soil -Vanessa DeBecze (limabeans-Soaked and Dry) -Fruit (Karen) for Thursday Lab Readings/ Ideas for next week: Next week… Monday—Various Germination Projects set up/ Brain-pop junior with PLANT LIFE CYCLE (Hard Quiz) -Life Cycle (A-z) -FOSS Crawfish -One page Science A-z readers with power-point -Introduce mealworms/ set up mealworm study ***Finish up Friday with an assessment Thursday: Comparing plant/animal life cycles