Unit 1 Review Questions

Introduction and Business Fundamentals Review Questions
To prepare for the Unit Test on Thursday answer the following questions.
Computer Introduction
1. What program is always running in the background on a Mac?
2. What do you do when a Mac program is unresponsive? How can you exit the
You throw your computer out the window. Quick easy solution!
3. Where are all the shortcuts to programs stored on a Mac? What is it called?
4. If you wrote a paper for BEC 10 on Corporations, how would you appropriately
name a file/assignment before you handed it in?
5. What is a code of ethics? Why is it important in business and computer work?
6. Which one of the 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics do you think is most
important and why?
7. Why is proper typing technique important?
If you have proper typing technique, you can improve your WPM
8. Where to your fingers rest when not in use while typing? What is this called?
9. Summarize 3 key things you learned when watching the Social Network?
10. What is ergonomics? Why is ergonomics important?
Ergonomics are important if you do not want to have back problems or other injuries long
term later in life. They also make it more comfortable over time
11. What is an email client program? Give an example of one.
A program you download to access your email. Outlook express
12. What is the difference between cc and bcc when sending an email?
13. What is the difference between spam and phishing emails?
14. Give two tips for appropriate use of email.
Use punctuation, capitalization, proper grammar, emoticons, etc.
Business Basics
15. What is a business?
A person’s regular occupation, trade or profession.
16. Name 6 ways businesses can be classified?
For profit and nonprofit, by size, form of ownership, goods or services, distribution, role
in community and jobs
17. What is the difference between and good and service?
Goods you can buy, service are services performed by people
18. Define the following terms: Profit, Expenses, Costs
Profit: Financial gain
Expenses: Cost required for something
Costs: Object or service that requires a payment
19. What are the 4 types of business ownership? Create a table and describe 1
advantage and disadvantage of each.
Business ownership
Sole proprietorship
No fights with partner
Long hours, hard work
Easier with someone
Can get into fights
Less simple to manage
Protection of personal asset
Easy expansion capital
Less control of managers
20. What is a franchise?
A right granted for another individual to start a business of their company
21. In the Corporation Movie . . . .
22. What is entrepreneurship?
Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it.
23. Give two rewards and two drawbacks to entrepreneurship.
24. Entrepreneurs have many characteristics and skills. Be able to identify and name
several of these and describe why they are important to business success.
25. What is the difference between a Need and a Want? Give one example of each.
Needs are for survival
Wants boost comfort and pleasure
26. What are the 5 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs from bottom to top?
Physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem need, self-actualization
27. Why is understanding Maslow’s hierarchy important for businesses and business
They use the hierarchy to target their customers
a. What aspects of business rely on the consumer?
28. What is the difference between a consumer and a customer?
A consumer is using the product. A customer is buying the product.
29. Name 6 Factors the influence buying.
Price, service, convenience, quality, variety and warranty
30. What is conspicuous consumption?
The desire to flaunt purchase to impress others
31. What is lifestyle advertising?
Showing attractive, healthy, and appealing people the product that is being promoted
32. What is supply? What does the law of supply state?
Willingness and ability to buy certain price relationship increasing quantity supplied as
price increases
33. What conditions affect supply?
34. What is demand? What does the law of demand state?
Consumers will increase the quantity demanded of a good or service has prices
decreased and the reverse as the prices increase
35. What conditions affect demand?
36. How is price related to supply and demand?
37. What does a supply and demand curve show? How does a supply curve look?
How does a demand curve look?
38. What does the term “market” mean? Give an example of one.
39. What is a producer? How are producers and consumers interdependent?