materi speaking and listening

Rangkuman :Materi Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris
: Ganjil
: SMP N 19 Kota Serang, Banten.
Guru Bid Studi: Tri Ilma Septiana, S.Pd.I
: Speaking and Listening.
A. Asking someone’s help
To ask for someone’s help we can use these expressions:
 Would you like…?
 Would you able…?
 Could you please…?
 Can I ask for your help?
 Could you do me a favor?
 Do you mind…?
Positive Response
 Of course,
 Certainly,
 Sure, what is it?
 No problems…
Negative Response
 I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t…
 I’m really sorry. I’m very busy
 Sorry, but I have to do something else.
B. Giving help to someone
To give help to someone we can use these expressions:
 May I help you?
 Can I do something for you?
 Here, I’ll do it for you.
C. Rejecting someone’s help
To reject someone’s help we can use these expressions:
 No, it’s not necessary.
 Thank you for offering, but I can do it.
 No, I’m fine.
 That’s very kinds of you, but…
D. Asking for things or items.
To ask for things we can use these expressions:
 Can I have…?
 Would you be so kind to give me…?
 Can you give me…?
 May I have…?
E. Offering for things.
To offer for things to someone we can use these expressions:
 Will you have…?
 Do you want…?
 Would you like…?
F. Giving for things.
To give things to someone we can use these expressions:
 Take this…
 Let me give you…
 Here you are…
 Please accept…
 This is for you…
G. Rejecting for things.
To reject things to someone we can use these expressions:
 No, thank you.
 Not for me, thanks.
 That’s very kind, but I won’t thank you.
H. Admit a fact.
To admit a fact we can use these expressions:
 Yes, I admit it.
 Yes, I did…
 Yes, it’s true.
I. Deny a fact
To deny a fact we can use these expressions:
 I’m not lying dad. (Actually you lie).
 No, I didn’t say that. (Actually you said it).
J. Asking for opinions.
To ask for opinions we can use these expressions:
 What do you think…?
 What’s your opinion…?
 How do you feel about…?
 Do you have any ideas?
K. Giving for opinions
To give for opinions we can use these expressions:
 I Think…
 I must say…
 I feel that…
 I believe that…
 In my opinion…
 Honestly, I don’t really know…
L. Inviting someone
To invite someone we can use these expressions:
 Shall we…?
 Can you come to…
 Would you like to come?
 I’d very much like you to come.
M. Accepting an invitation
To accept an invitation we can use these expressions:
 Yes, certainly I will come.
 Absolutely, count me in.
 I would, very much.
 Yes, I’d like nothing better.
N. Declining an invitation,
To decline an invitation we can use these expressions:
 I’m terrible sorry, I don’t think I can.
 I’m very sorry, I can’t.
 Thank you very much, but…
 I’m afraid, I can’t…
 Thank you very much, but…
O. Saying agreement
To say you agree you can use these expressions:
 I agree with you.
 I’m along with you.
 I agree completely.
 I think so.
 That’s true.
P. Saying disagreement.
To say you agree you can use these expressions:
 I disagree with you.
 It’s true, but
 I don’t think so.
Q. Compliment to someone
To compliment someone we can use these expressions:
 That’s nice…
 You are looking good.
 Wow. You’re clever.
 What a beautiful dress.
 That looks nice.
R. Congratulate to someone
To congratulate someone we can use these expressions:
 Congratulation.
 Well done.
 Fantastic.
 Let me congratulate you on..
 I’d like to congratulate you.
 Please accept my heartiest congratulations.