HZT4U PHILOSOPHY Student Course Outline MR. GILLIS Room: 210 Text: Philosophy: Questions and Theories Email: Gillis@alcdsb.on.ca Web Page: http://schools.alcdsb.on.ca/hcss/teacherpages/gillis The above is my school email address. Students are more than welcome to use it to send me assignments or to ask for clarification on difficult topics or to get work missed due to prolonged absence. I check it roughly 3 times a day. Course Description This course enables students to acquire an understanding of the nature of philosophy and philosophical reasoning skills and to develop and apply their knowledge and skills while exploring specialized branches of philosophy (the course will cover at least three of the following branches: metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of science, social and political philosophy, aesthetics). Students will develop critical thinking and philosophical reasoning skills as they formulate and evaluate arguments related to a variety of philosophical questions and theories. They will also develop research and inquiry skills related to the study and practice of philosophy. Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations This course supports the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations by providing students with the opportunity to explore the main areas of philosophy from the perspective of the Catholic faith tradition and to apply philosophical methods of inquiry to this mode of study. Each unit addresses the creative interaction between philosophy and the Catholic philosophical tradition. The skills associated with philosophical inquiry allow for the development of cogent arguments based on sound reasoning and effective communication. These skills are essential to becoming a creative and reflective thinker. By raising these questions and developing these skills, this course leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the relationship between Catholic faith and philosophy. Units: Titles and Time Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit Introduction to Philosophy and Critical Thinking Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics/Social and Political Philosophy Text Chapters 1, 3 & 4 6, 7 & 8 9, 10 & 11 2, 12 & 13 Length 18 Lessons 18 Lessons 18 Lessons 18 Lessons Course Notes The culminating activity for the course is intended to be an analysis of a philosopher’s primary source writing. The student will have to read a primary source philosophical document of at least 125 pages. The student will have to explain and evaluate the philosophical arguments put forth by the author and then share their own personal views. Evaluation Term Work : Rubrics specific to the assigned task will determine the expectations for each activity to be assessed and evaluated. Each Unit’s assessment will consist of a test, one or two major assignments which will be used to calculate the 70% allotted to Term Work. Each test and assignment will be weighted equally. An assortment of other assessments will be used to monitor the student’s progress but will not be reflected in their overall mark. Summative Evaluation: The summative evaluation should, wherever possible, provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate learning in the four categories of achievement: Knowledge and Skills, Thinking/Inquiry, Communication, Connection/Application. Thirty percent of the Final Grade will be based on a combination of Summative tasks: An analysis of a philosopher’s primary work (10%) a Final Exam (20%) Term Work: 70% Category Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry Communication Application Total Weight 15 15 20 20 70% Final Evaluation: 30% Task Weight Paper 10 Final Evaluation 20 Total 30% Problem Evaluations (Extracts from School Board Evaluation Policy) All summative evaluation activities are due on the date specified by the teacher. Once assignments (class set) have been returned to the students, a teacher is under no obligation to accept a late assignment. In cases of chronic lateness, a teacher may use small mark penalties/deductions (i.e., one level, no more than 10 % of the final grade) which do not distort achievement or motivation. If a student misses a summative evaluation, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss the completion of the activity and subsequent consequences with the teacher on the day of the student’s return to school. Extenuating circumstances may warrant, at the teacher’s discretion, an extension or an alternative demonstration of the expectations. Where a student has missed or failed to submit an evaluation activity and therefore has provided no evidence of achievement, the teacher can record a zero. Revised Sept. 1, 2013