Human Resource Management Mission 2003

Human Resource Management
Mission 2003
Mission to meet Best Employers in
India (Mumbai & Pune)
Proctor & Gamble India
Core Values
•People : Recruitment at entry level only. Building orgn. By promoting and
rewarding the employees from within.
•Leadership :
•Ownership :
•Integrity : Operate within the letter and spirit of the law
•Passin for winning : Compelling desire to improve and to win in
•Trust :
Salient Feature
• HR is a strategic business partner
• Every relationship is Adult business Devl. Even HR is involved in
• No Performance Appraisal System but Work Development System in
• Cabin less office
• Excellent enviornment
• Best Recruitment / Selection process
• Entry level officer can become CEO / GM or Operation Head
• Masters / Experts are created
• Work Development System based on …..
What did he do to build the system ?
What did he do to improve the system?
What did he do to improve Business
Visit to Proctor & Gamble Salient
Other renowned and popular facilities
Let’s Talk : :Last Friday of every month, open discussion
Every employee has access to all the things related to him
Functional intranets
Team spaces : Discussion database
Virtual Library
Physical and Virtual networks
Committees of Practice
Open Job Postion
Stock ownership prog.: 100 shares to new comers
To the top Non-Stop : Called project, rewards for that, individuals in the systems are
made responsible
Rapid Learn : Online training, Prog. Schedules, Online mgt. Trg. Prog., Open to all
OSGM : Objectives, Goals, Strategy, Success measures , OR ownes & Delivers,
Involvement of indi. In the Dev. Process, Building commitment ot the OSGM and
linkage to indi. Planning, Rebust review mechanism
Orgn. Practices / Philosophy
• “Principle based approach and not the Rule based
• Rule Based: People are there to make rule sand to
see that they are followed. Supervisory kind of
approach of HR
• Principle Based : Managers are ther to help build
the technology, you don’t need supervisors. Teach
the peopleand leave the the people
HR Role
• HR VISION : People performing at their peak,
improving the lives of the world’s consumers.
• How HR vision come to life :
1. By being : In touch with the business and the
market place around us
2. Involved in the biggest decisions, the best plans
and the most challenging projects
3. In the lead with the knowledge, expertise,
break through capability cration.
HR Role
• HR Purpose : In partnership with their
business leaders, they….
1. Crate & sustain business growth &
competitive advantage with people,
organization, systems & culture
2. Preserve a value drive, principle base
3. Leverage the strengths of their brand
Visit to Larsen & Toubro (L&T)
Salient Features :
• Transforming L&T - HR as Competitive
• Talent Identification : Trg. Need
identification, Owning a Mgt. Dev. Centre
at Lonavala
L&T : The Role of HR
Role :
Role of HR
Attract the Talent
Develop the Capability
Leadership Competency
Retain the talent
Business Specific Competency
L & T – Leadership Programmes
• There are five types of Leadership Progs:
1. Supervisory
2. Technology
3. Executive
4. Management
5. Global Leadership Programme (under process)
All the above are Holistic in nature.
competencies are assessed through assessment
L & T – Special features
-Traning needs identification : starts at
assessement centre
- Coaching website
- Workshop –
1. Preworkshop reading & test
2. Imparting Knowledge & skills
- UTSAH – Universal Training Self
Assessment and Harmony
L & T – Special Features
• Capability & Leadership Programme (CALD)
1. Strategic Leadership for Sr. Mgt. Level
2. Tactical Leadership for Middle Level Mgt
3. Operational Leadership – Jr. Level
• Performance Base Incentive Scheme :
employee getting the rank in the performance
appraisal system, would be compared with his
peer group & then reward is given.
• HR Role
1. Identifying the Right Gene Pool by
- Academic Interface Programme
- Accreditation process
- Campus Target Driven
- Academic Portal
TCS –Recruitment starts….
Recruitment through e-Recruitment portal
Interview Panel Screening
Aptitude, Psychometric & Skill testing
Reference checks
TCS –New employee joins ..
• Nursery days : 72 days exhaustive training
- at Corporate Learning Centre at Trivendrum
- Initial Learning Programme (ILP) which focuses
on Software Engineering, Life skills, Vission
Mission Values and Tata Code of conduct.
- Life Gurds provided
TCS –Employee nurtured ..
• Kindergarten : 75 days
- International forum for Elect. & Electronics
Engineers – Membership fees 75 $ paid by TCS
on behalf of employees
- Manpower Allocation Task Committee ( MATC)
- Resource Allocation Matrics
- Career Management throu Speed (Performance
Evaluation Employee Development)
- Ultimatix
TCS –Employee grows ..
• Teenage : 14 days of a year
- Continuous Learning Programme (5 to 6% of
revenue is spent on this)
- e- knowledge management
- Technology Certification
- Foreign Language Technics
- Career streams
- Career Management – Linked to Balance score
card thru SPEED
- Associate Engagement - Calander of events,
Participation, Owning / Cultural movement
TCS –Matured Employee
• Adulthood : Employee has arrived
- Competency Management System
- Personal Devt. Programme
- Certified Software Quality Assurance &
Quality initiatives
- Management Development Programmes
- Excellence in Cell
- Winners conference
TCS – Salient Features
Tata Welfare Trust
Sabbaticals – Study leave
Maitree – Spouse of employee manages
Hats off ! – Momento for a period of service
Johnson & Johnson
• HR Branding : Small company’s
environment, Big company’s impact means
the more & more decentralized management
• HR Vision : To be recognized by the
employees as the best company to work for
in India
Johnson & Johnson – Values & Philosophy
• CREDO : The CREDO was published way back
in 1943 by the founder Rober Wood Johnson.
• CREDO’s contents
- A balanced scorecard approach means the
responsibilities of J & J to their Customers,
Employees, Community & Stake Holders
- It is a framework of fundamental values & ethical
standards of who we are and why we exist into the
Johnson & Johnson – Values & Philosophy
• CREDO challenge meetings help maintain
the CREDO as a living document
• CREDO : Passionately espoused &
followed by each and every employee
across the world
• CREDO operational through Personal Code
of Conduct (PCC). MD of the J&J discuss
PCC personally with every new entrant.
Johnson & Johnson – Values & Philosophy
• CREDO Values :
1. Trust worthiness
2. Respect
3. Taking Responsibility
4. Fairness
5. Caring
6. Citizenship
Johnson & Johnson – CREDO
• CREDO based Decision Process:
1. Recognise the more challenge
2. Search for a good solution
3. Test your provisional decision
4. Act with courage
Johnson & Johnson – Standards of Leadership
• Standards of Leadership :
1. Organisation and Employee Development
2. Customer / Marketing focus
3. Innovation
4. Interdependent partnering
5. Master Complexity
Johnson & Johnson
• Process Excellence through :
1. Assessment
2. Improvement : using Six Sigma, Lean
Thinking and Design Excellence
3. Recognition
Johnson & Johnson – Salient Features
• Attracting Talent thru…
- e-recruitment, Employee Referral Programme (
Rect. Thru Emp.’s reference), Campus rect., skill
building thru Selection, skill workshop and the use
of STAR (Situation Task Action Result) technique
of Behavioral Interviewing.
• Compensation Approach : Benchmarking surveys
thru external consultants, Annual reviews based on
Performance on objectives as well as SOL
(standards of Leadership) only. Timely monetary
& recognition awards.
Johnson & Johnson – Salient Features
• Learning & Development Approach
- Individual development plan in Employee
development review, Feedback from Training
partners, Progs. Tailored around SOL, Functional
competency mapped, Customised Vs. General
workshop, Need based learning prog. , Review to
improve learning effectiveness, involvement of
managers in review, e-learning, J&J University,
J&J leadership effectiveness through design
excellence & obtaining voice of customer,
Johnson & Johnson – Unique practices
• Training partner : Building ownerhip into the
learning & development process, Brand learning
& devt. within company
• Career Planning : Talent Scope Methodology
(Brick system), Individual development plan,
Fulfilling regional requirements, Top management
involvment in selection and development,
Breakfast meeting with Field staff, International
deputations, All internal job opening are published
by LAN
• Employee Feed back : 8 questionnaire survey
(even MD has to fill it), Top management support
& involvement, Close monitoring of results.