Horticulture Syllabus - Orion High School Career & Technical

Instructor: Mr. Jay Solomonson
Phone: Office: 309-526-3361, Ext. 301
E-mail address: jsolomonson@orionschools.us
Course Website address: classroom.google.com
Text(s) and Supplemental
Class Location: Room C3 (Ag Building)
Office Location: C-3 Ag Conference
Office Hours:
10:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. M-F
2:30p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Introductory Horticulture, 8th Edition, Shry & Reiley
Horticulture Lesson Plan Library, Mycaert
Other various packets and resources
Course Description:
This course offers instruction in all areas of the horticultural industry. Units of study include horticulture science,
plant identification, greenhouse management, culture of greenhouse crops, and floral design. Also included are
units on landscaping, turf grass management and fruit and vegetable production. Agribusiness units will cover
operating a horticultural business, pricing work, advertising, and sales. Leadership skill development is an
integral part of this program and is delivered through student organization (FFA) activities. Individualized
instruction and learning reinforcement are provided through supervised agricultural experience programs
(SAEP’s) maintained by each student.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
Define and describe the significance of horticulture to society.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the fundamental principles of plant growth and development.
Apply the fundamentals of plant growth and utilize practical applications in horticulture.
Define and demonstrate current technologies used in today’s horticultural enterprises.
Identify a variety of horticultural plants including bedding plants, bulbs, foliage plants, flowering container plants,
cut flowers, herbaceous perennials, ground covers, shrubs, and trees.
F. Identify careers associated with horticulture.
Course Grading:
Student grades will be based on the total points system
utilizing the following types of assessments:
Exams (Midterm and Final Exams)
Lab Activities and Projects
The grading scale will be based on the following:
92 - 100
84 - 91
76 - 83
68 - 75
67 and below
Extra Credit will be available by attending FFA events & doing more than the minimum with your SAE project. You
may earn up to 25 points extra credit per nine weeks (50/semester). Points will be added during midterm and final
exam times. Refer to the FFA Point System Chart for points available per activity.
Materials Needed for Class:
1. You will need a folder, paper, and writing utensils each day.
Course Policies/Procedures:
Attendance/ Makeup Work / Late Work Policy
Students are expected to be at every class. You cannot receive credit if you are not here. If you miss a class it is
your responsibility to get any notes, make up work, etc. you missed when you were gone. Check both online and
the absent student files trays in the back of the room for the notes, assignment, in-class activity, or lab sheet (if one
was passed out in class). Get any notes you missed from a classmate or check online. Please turn in any work you
missed while you were gone either online or in the tray on the podium in front of the room. A student will be given 2
days for the first day and 1 day for each additional day absent to make up work. If a student misses a lab or video
worksheet that cannot be made up they will have to type a 1 page single-spaced essay on the topic of the lab or
video to earn those points. Most Labs cannot be made up so attendance is very important!
Course assignments and labs are expected to be turned in on time. This policy teaches responsibility and time
management skills to students. Labs or assignments not turned when they are due will be considered late work.
Students turning in any assignment late (after it has been collected or due online) can receive a maximum of 80% of
the total possible points. Late assignments/labs will be accepted up until midterm time for the first nine weeks and
the week before final exams the second nine weeks. Nothing will be accepted the week of final exams. NO
Tardy Policy
Students entering class late (after the bell has rung) are considered tardy. As stated in the school handbook,
students will receive a detention for their 3rd tardy to class and for every tardy thereafter. I will start counting tardies
after the first week. Tardy accumulation will start over each semester.
Tests and Quizzes Policy
1. Exams and quizzes will be given periodically to assess your learning.
2. If you miss any exam or quiz for an illness, you will be expected to make it up the day you return to
class. If you miss a review day and are present on the day of the exam, you will be expected to take the
3. If any student is caught cheating, their test or quiz will be confiscated and they will be given a zero.
4. Students are to remain quiet after finishing tests/quizzes so other students can finish. They may work
on other homework while other students finish their tests. Students that are talking before everyone is
finished will be given a detention.
5. Most exams will be given online.
Beginning of Class
Once students enter the classroom they should immediately find their assigned seats and be ready for class to
begin. You should go and get your assigned Chromebook if instructed to do so. You should try to do all
housekeeping chores (sharpening pencils, turning in homework, etc.) before class starts. This does NOT include
working on things that are due that day. All work must be done before the students enter class. The daily
announcements will also be given at the beginning of class.
Turning in Work
All graded work done on paper will be turned into the red file tray on the podium in front of the classroom. All
activities or labs not turned in when the instructor collects them will be considered late. (If an activity or lab is to be
turned in online, it must be submitted by the beginning of class period the day it is due.) Please make sure your
name is on all work. Activities or labs turned in without a name will have points subtracted from their grade and be
put in the box in the back of the classroom until they are claimed.
Leaving the Classroom or Lab Area
Students are not allowed to leave these areas unless it is an emergency. Students should also not enter the
instructor’s office or use the phone without his permission. Try to use the restroom before or after class and
remember to bring everything with you. I will usually let you use the restroom if you ask prior to the bell. If you do
get permission to leave the classroom you must have a pass from your planner to leave.
Class Dismissal
At the end of the class period I will let you know when you can leave. The bell does not dismiss you. You need to
make sure all tables, chairs, etc are straightened, Chromebooks are put back in their correct spot and plugged in,
and that all class materials are cleaned up and put away. Please put things back the way you found them when you
arrived. You will be given the last few minutes of class to do this.
Student Expectations:
“The Essential 7”
1. You will be expected to come to class on time and be ready to begin when the bell rings. This means
that you need to be seated in your assigned seat with your textbook, paper/folder, writing utensils, and/or
other class materials ready each day.
2. You will be expected to remain quiet while the instructor or other speakers are talking. If you would
like to talk, please raise your hand to be called upon.
3. You will be expected to pay attention in class. This includes participating in class discussions, taking
notes, asking questions, work cooperatively on group projects, staying awake, using your class time wisely,
and working on only agriculture class work. Please do not work on another class’s homework in my class.
4. You will be expected to always use appropriate language for the classroom. Profanity or any prejudice
remarks are unacceptable in my classroom and on class/FFA trips.
5. You will be expected to behave as a mature young adult. No Fooling Around, which means no
acting in a way which interferes with the class process. Examples include bothering other students,
hitting /touching, fighting, throwing things, talking out of turn, making noises, etc.
6. You will be expected to respect everyone and everything in the classroom and lab areas. This
includes no name calling, bullying, messing with other peoples’ belongings, or other disrespectful behavior
to students, the teacher, and the classroom facilities and equipment.
7. You will be expected to follow all school rules. Since these are school-wide, as a teacher I am expected
to follow and enforce these rules. This includes rules on using non-school related electronic devices (cell
phones, mp3 players, video games, etc.), wearing a hat in school, food/drinks in the labs, being in the hall
without a pass, proper computer lab usage, etc. Refer to your student handbook for the complete list.
Consequences for Not Abiding by the Student Expectations
First Offense: A verbal warning will usually be given, depending on the severity of the offense; otherwise
refer to the following.
Second Offense: An office referral will be given to the individual(s) involved and participation points will be
deducted from their grade.
Third Offense: The student will be sent to the office and their parents will be contacted.
*Automatic detentions will be given for items stated in the student handbook and for actions which I believe
are necessary for a detention. If a student is caught with a cell phone it will also be confiscated and given to
the high school administration in addition to the detention.
**If any student disobeys any safety rule in the laboratory or shop or is caught destroying/ defacing school
property, they will be automatically referred to the Principal for punishment.
Tentative Course Outline:
Semester 1 Tentative Course Outline:
Required Reading(s)
Week 1
Course Introduction, Discuss SAE
Topic: Leadership Development in
Unit 56
Week 2
Assign: Unit 56 Book Assignment (onlineMycaert)
Topic: Exploring the Horticultural Field
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers,
Unit 1 Book Assignment
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Unit 1
Unit 2
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers.
Unit 2 Book Assignment
E-unit: Classifying Ornamental
Unit 3
Lab: Photosynthesis Lab
Topic: Environmental Requirements for
Good Plant Growth
Week 8
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Preparation for Soils CDE
Lab: Plant Growth Lab/ Lab Report
Topic: Growing Media, Nutrients, &
Week 9
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Preparation for Soils CDE
Work on SAEs
Individual Project Plan Work
Midterm Exam
Quiz 2
9/7- No School
Quiz 3
E-units: Root Anatomy; Stem
E-units: Leaf Anatomy, Flower
9/18- SIP Day ½ Day
Quiz 4
E-unit: Plant Physiology
Quiz 5
Unit 4
Mini-Leaf Collection
Project Due
Quiz 6
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Week 7
Quiz 1
E-units: Understanding
Horticulture; Exploring
Careers in Horticulture
Lab: Landscaping Around Greenhouse & Ag
Building, Areas of Horticulture Collages
Topic: Plant Taxonomy
Lab: Invent a Plant
Topic: Plant Anatomy
(Roots and Stems)
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Book Worksheet 2-2 (48-49)
Preparation for Forestry CDE
Lab: Plant ID Techniques Video/WS
Topic: Plant Anatomy
(Leaves, Flowers)
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Book Worksheet 2-5 & 2-6 (53-54)
Preparation for Forestry CDE
Lab: Mini-Leaf Collection Project (47)
Topic: Plant Physiology
Important Dates & Major
Exams and Projects
E-units: Understanding Light,
Temperature, Air, and Water
Effects on Plant Growth
E-units: Understanding
Properties of Growing Media;
Understanding Growing Media
Components; Supplying
Nutrients to Floricultural Crops
Quiz 7
10/12- No School
10/15- Midterm Time
Midterm Exam
Individual Project Plan
Plant Growth Lab
Report Due
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Topic: Sexual Plant Propagation
Unit 6
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Book Worksheets 3-3, 3-4, 3-7 (89, 90, 9394)
Preparation for Agronomy CDE
Topic: Asexual Plant Propagation
E-units: Examining Sexual
Reproduction of Flowering
Plants; Propagating Plants
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Preparation for Agronomy CDE
Lab: Tissue Culture Lab (102-105)
Topic: Asexual Plant Propagation
E-units: Propagating Plants by
Cuttings; Tissue Culture
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Plant Propagation Video and WS
Preparation for Agronomy CDE
Topic: Integrated Pest Management 1
E-units: Propagating Plants by
Division, Separation, and
Layering; Propagating Plants
by Grafting and Budding
Unit 16, 18, 20
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Unit 16 Book Assignment (185-186)
Preparation for Agronomy CDE
Topic: Integrated Pest Management 2
E-units: Understanding IPM;
Determining the Kinds of
Unit 17
Quiz 12
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Unit 17 Book Assignment (195)
E-units: Using Pesticides
Safely; Applying Pesticides
Individual Projects Due
Topic: Creating Holiday Arrangements
Unit 47
11/24- SIP Day ½ Day
11/25-11/27- No School
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Unit 7, 8
Unit 9, 10, 11, 12
10/22- No School- P/T
10/23- No School- P/T
Quiz 8
Quiz 9
Quiz 10
11/11- No School
Quiz 11
E-unit: Designing Holiday
Lab: Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Week 16
Week 17
Topic: Basic Floral Design 1
Unit 49, 48
Quiz 13
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Unit 49 & 50 Book Assignment (603, 610)
Lab: Corsage Video, Corsage
E-units: Understanding the
Principles of Floral Design;
Understanding the Design
Elements; Caring for Fresh
Cut Flowers and Foliage;
Designing Corsages
Unit 50, 46
Quiz 14
Topic: Basic Floral Work 2
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers;
Unit 46 & 47 Book Assignment (583, 588)
Lab: Christmas Centerpiece, Wreath
Week 18
- Review
- Semester Exam
E-units: Identifying Floral
Design Tools & Supplies;
Designing Basic Floral Work,
Designing Vase
Arrangements; Designing
Semester Exam
Semester 2 Tentative Course Outline:
Week 1
Course Introduction
Week 2
Week 3
Important Dates & Major Exams
and Projects
1/15- SIP Day ½ Day
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
E-unit: Exploring
Lab: Build Your Own Greenhouse Lab
Topic: Controlling the Greenhouse
E-unit: Controlling the
Greenhouse Climate
1/18- No Class
Work on SAEs
Topic: Exploring Greenhouse Structures
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Week 4
Lab: Evaporative Cooling Lab
Topic: Using Automated Systems in a
E-unit: Using
Automated Systems
in a Greenhouse
Quiz 3
Lab: Automated Greenhouse Systems Lab
Topic: Managing the Greenhouse
E-unit: Managing the
Quiz 4
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Unit 51, 52
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Week 5
Week 6
Lab: Greenhouse Crop Scheduling
Topic: Understanding Hydroponics
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Week 7
Lab: Project- If you Build it, They will
Topic: Growing Crops by Hydroponics
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Week 8
Lab: Hydroponics Project
Topic: Greenhouse Crop Production
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
2/12- SIP Day ½ Day
E-unit: Growing
Crops by
2/15- No Class
E-unit: Growing
Bedding Plants;
Growing Foliage
Quiz 7
Quiz 5
Quiz 6
Lab: Getting the Greenhouse Ready
Week 9
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Unit 25
Assign: None
Week 10
Week 11
Lab: Seeding Labs- Greenhouse
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Review for Midterm Exam
Assign: None
Preparation for Horticulture CDE
Lab: Greenhouse Work
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Assign: None
Preparation for Horticulture CDE
Lab: Greenhouse Work
3/10- Midterm Time
Midterm Exam
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
3/24- Teachers Inservice
3/25- No Class
Assign: None
Preparation for Horticulture CDE
Lab: Greenhouse Work
No Classes- Spring Break
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Assign: None
Preparation for Horticulture CDE
Lab: Greenhouse Work
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Assign: None
Preparation for Horticulture CDE
Lab: Greenhouse Work
Topic: Greenhouse Crops
Assign: None
Week 17
Lab: Greenhouse Work
Topic: Vegetable Production
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Lab: Planning a Vegetable Garden (267271; 273-274); Greenhouse Work
Week 18
Topic: Fruit Production
Assign: Weekly E-unit Questions & Answers
Lab: Apple Lab
E-units: Planning &
Preparing a
Vegetable Garden;
Planting &
Maintaining a Garden
Unit 38, 39, 49, 41
E-unit: Growing &
Maintaining Small
Fruits; Growing &
Maintaining Fruit
4/29- Plant Sale- REQUIRED TO
5/6 and 5/7- Plant SaleREQUIRED TO WORK ONE
Quiz 8 (Fruit and Vegetables)
Unit 42, 43, 45
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
5/30-6/3 (If
Clean Greenhouse
5/22- Graduation
Final Exams- Seniors
Final Exam
SAEs Due
5/30- No Class
Final Exams- Others
Final Exam
Orion High School Agriculture Department
Permission/ Acknowledgement Forms
The following items are permissions and acknowledgements for students in the department of agriculture. All items need to be reviewed and
the page signed and returned to the agricultural teacher by the end of the first week of classes. These items include field trip permissions,
photo release, and syllabus acknowledgement information.
Course Syllabus Acknowledgement
This Course Syllabus has been provided to help your son/daughter gain the greatest possible benefit from his/her agriculture
classroom/FFA/SAE experience. The agriculture department needs your cooperation. It is very important that each student understand the
information in this document. Please go over all information on the syllabus and return the signed acknowledgement form to your
Agriculture teacher. Your signature and that of your child acknowledge the receipt of the syllabus and the agreement to abide by the policies,
procedures, regulations, and rules set forth herein the document.
Photo and Web Site Permission
I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize the use, publication and reproduction in any and all media at any time by the Orion FFA
Chapter or anyone it authorized, of any and all photographs/video taken of me with or without names, as the case may be, for any editorial
purpose, promotion, advertising, trade, or other purpose whatever.
I understand that the photographs or videos may be used initially in any or all publications in the promotion of the Orion FFA and the OHS
agriculture department. I realize that this coverage may place my picture with or without further explanation, alone or accompanied by other
pictures, in a news story, on the FFA’s Web site, Facebook page, or on a cover of any or all publicity of the Orion FFA Chapter. By signing
below, I hereby release the Orion CUSD 223, Orion FFA Chapter, its advisor and students, or anyone it authorizes, from any and all claims
whatsoever relating to or arising from the uses consented above.
Field Trip Permission/ Agriculture Department & FFA Event Code of Conduct
By signing below, we authorize our student to attend agriculture department field trips including any FFA events the student may sign up for
during this school year. It is understood that the student shall abide by the Agricultural Department & FFA Code of Conduct while on these
trips. Furthermore, it is agreed that upon violation of the Code of Conduct, the violator(s) may be asked to leave the hotel/motel and/or
conference/activity by the chapter advisor or other chaperone. Serious misconduct will be reported to parents, school officials, and local
chapter advisors/chaperones. Serious misconduct will result in the member being sent home.
It is the responsibility of all members and adults participating in any agriculture department or FFA activity to adhere to the Code of Conduct
from the time they depart from home or school until they return. Attendance and participation in these events are a privilege. Knowing any
school or organization is judged largely by the behavior and appearance of its participating individuals, the following Code of Conduct is
subscribed to for members, guests, chaperons, and advisors.
All participants are expected to follow school rules while on a trip. Additionally, it is expected that participates shall conduct themselves
as mature adults and act in a respectful manner at all times.
Official FFA dress may be expected for several functions. If official dress is not required, students are still expected to follow the school
dress code.
The FFA Code of Ethics will be strictly adhered to.
No ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR ILLEGAL DRUGS in any form shall be possessed or used at any time or under any circumstances
on public or private properties. Smoking during activities, events, or in official FFA dress will not be permitted. The FFA advisor
and/or chaperone will have the right to check all luggage and belongings of students prior and during the field trip/FFA event to check
for such items.
On overnight trips, curfew regulations shall be interpreted to mean that all members shall be in, and remain in, their assigned rooms after
their scheduled room checks. Advisor/chaperones and/or scheduled activities may require adjustment of the curfew regulations as the
situation warrants. 11:30 p.m. shall be the curfew when other factors are not present.
All participants shall read and be familiar with any special rules and guidelines for specific activities as stated by the advisor.
Also in case of a medical emergency on a trip, I do voluntarily authorize the FFA Chapter Advisor and/or chaperons to administer and/or
obtain routine or emergency diagnostic procedures and/or routine or emergency medical treatment for my student as deemed necessary by
medical judgment.
Printed Name of Student
Student Signature
Parent Signature