E-ressources for PhD students in international law


E-resources for Master Students in International Law

Martine Basset

Céline Vilmen


17 March 2011


-Reading a reference


- an article

- a treaty

- an international case-law

- the national and international practice

- introduction to the boolean search

- the doctrine

-Reference management

Reading a reference 1/3

Article in a book:

Islamic Capital Markets: a Growing Area for Investments

Mahlknecht, Michael / World Scientific / In: Current Issues in

Islamic Banking and Finance : Resilience and Stability in the Present System / ed. Angelo M. Venardos, ISBN

9789812833921/ 2010

Reading a reference 2/3

Article in a periodical:

Humanitarian Limits to Sovereignty: Common Concern and Common Heritage

Approaches to Natural Resources and Environment.Stec, Stephen / In: International

Community Law Review; vol. 12, afl. 3, pag. 361-389 / 2010

Reading a reference 3/3

Article in a periodical (reference with an acronym)

Thomas M. Franck, The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance , 86 Am. J. Int'l

L . 46 (1992)

-> Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations


Retrieving a journal article

Essential data: author, title of the article, journal, volume, date, page

First step

-> A to Z E-journals list

-> HeinOnline / Ingenta

-> Westlaw

-> Lexis Nexis

Second step

-> Library catalogue

Third step

-> Interlibrary Loan

Retrieving a treaty

Essential data: participant, date of conclusion, title (eventually date of entry into force, treaty type, subject term)

-> United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) and League of Nations Treaty Series


-> International Legal Materials (ILM)


-> Subject guide

Retrieving an international case-law

Essential data: case name, Court, date

-> Reports of International Arbitral Awards

-> International Court of Justice (ICJ)

-> Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals

-> Oxford Reports on International Law (ICC)

-> International law reports

-> Investment claims

-> International Chamber of Commerce dispute settlement

-> Westlaw (American Courts)

Retrieving national practice

-> International Yearbooks (HeinOnline)

-> Web (Government)

-> Westlaw

-> Lexis Nexis

Retrieving international practice

-> United Nations Documents (ODS.un.org)

-> WTO (WorldTradeLaw.net)

-> EU Law (Eur-lex)

Boolean search


State AND contracts

« State contracts » AND investment AND oil

(State contracts NOT investment) AND IRAN


« State contracts » OR « investment contracts »


Retrieving the doctrine

Essential data: Books (author, title, publisher, date)

-> Library catalogue (+ classification)

-> E-books


Reference management

-> Zotero

-> Endnote catherine.brendow@graduateinstitute.ch

More questions?


