Revolutions of the 1820s to 1830

Lesson Objective
• Successfully compare and contrast
the political, economic, social, and
cultural philosophies of
conservatism, liberalism, and
– Look at essential Qs 2, 6 and a little of 4
Key Players
at Vienna
Foreign Minister,
Viscount Castlereagh
Tsar Alexander I
The “Host”
Prince Klemens von
Metternich (Aus.)
King Frederick
William III (Prus.)
Foreign Minister, Charles
Maurice de Tallyrand (Fr.)
An Evaluation of the Congress of Vienna
4 What were the motivations behind the
Congress of Vienna?
4 What solutions did the leaders at the Congress
come up with (add to your number 2!)
4 In what ways were the Congress of Vienna a
Key Principles Established
at Vienna
Balance of Power
Coalition forces would occupy France for
3-5 years.
France would have to pay an indemnity of
700,000,000 francs.
Key Principles Established at Vienna
Balance of Power
arranged the map of Europe so France was
End of Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire
Enhanced Austrian influence over the
German states
Only Britain remained as a growing power—
began their century of world leadership from
1814 to 1914.
Key Principles Established at Vienna
Legitimacy -
returning to power the ruling
families deposed by more than two decades of
revolutionary warfare.
Bourbons restored in France, Spain, and
Dynasties restored in Holland, Sardinia,
Tuscany and Modena.
France was deprived of all
territory conquered by Napoléon.
England received naval bases (Malta, Ceylon,
Cape of Good Hope)
Russia expanded.
Prussia expanded.
A Germanic Confederation of 30+ states
(including Prussia) was created from the
previous 300, under Austrian leadership.
End of the Holy Roman Empire
Austria expanded.
Europe A fter the Congress of Vienna
19c Conservatism
4 Conservatism arose in reaction to liberalism &
became a popular alternative for those who were
frightened by the violence unleashed by the
French Revolution.
4 Early conservatism was allied to the restored
monarchical governments of Austria, Prussia,
France, and England.
4 Support for conservatism:
 Came from the traditional ruling class.
 Also supported by the peasants.
4 Supported by Romantic writers,
conservatives believed in order, society
and the state, faith, and tradition.
Characteristics of Conservatism
4 Conservatives viewed history as a continuum.
4 The basis of society is organic, not contractual.
4 Stability & longevity, not progress and change,
mark a good society.
4 The only legitimate sources of political authority
were God and history.
 They rejected the “social contract” theory.
4 Conservatives believed that self-interests do not
lead to social harmony, but to social conflict.
 Denounced individualism and natural rights.
4 To conservatives, society was hierarchical.
“Political” Liberalism
1. Favored the idea of the sovereignty of the
people, but…
Government should rest on the organized consent
of at least the most important sections of the
An extension of the franchise to include all men
of property.
 Exclude the working class!
2. A good constitutional monarchy was the best
form of government.
3. Valued liberty more than equality.
Confidence in man’s powers of self-government
and self-control.
Freedom of the press.
Free right of assembly.
4. Written constitutions.
“Economic” Liberalism
5. Economic policies:
Laissez-faire economy.
Free trade.
Lower tariffs.
Against the right of the working class to organize
into unions.
6. The general progress of humanity would emerge
from the growth of wealth and from science and
7. Established churches & the landed aristocracy
were obstacles to the advancement of
8. Orderly change by legislative process.
9. A dislike of wars, conquests, a standing army,
and military expenditures.
10. Hated the idea of revolution!
to the
“Concert” System:
T he 1820s-1830
By Ms. Susan M. Pojer
Edited by Mr. Hermosillo
Challenges to Liberalism
 From above  the conservative
upper class.
 From below  socialism/Marxism.
 From organized religions.
 From militarism and imperialism.
 From economic upheavals:
Irish Potato Famine [1845-1852].
Great Depressions [1873-1896].
The Decembrist Uprising - 1825
The Decembrist Revolt, 1825
4 Russian upper class had come into contact with
western liberal ideas during the Napoleonic Wars.
4 Late November, 1825  Czar Alexander I died
 He had no direct heir  dynastic crisis
Constantine  married a woman, not of royal blood.
Russian troops were to take an oath of allegiance to
Nicholas, who was less popular than Constantine [Nicholas
was seen as more reactionary].
Nicholas  named by Alexander I as his heir before his
 December 26, 1825  a Moscow regiment marched
into the Senate Square in St. Petersburg and
refused to take the oath.
The Decembrist Revolt, 1825
4 They wanted Constantine.
4 Nicholas ordered the cavalry and artillery to attack
the insurgents.
 Over 60 were killed.
 5 plotters were executed.
 Over 100 insurgents were exiled to Siberia.
4 Results:
 The first rebellion in modern Russian history where the
rebels had specific political goals.
 In their martyrdom, the Decembrists came to
symbolize the dreams/ideals of all Russian liberals.
 Nicholas was determined that his power would never
again come into question  he was terrified of change!
The Decembrist Uprising - 1825
Nicholas I
• The conservative Tories (who had defeated Napoleon)
controlled the government.
• Corn Laws of 1815: halted importation of cheaper foreign
– Benefited wealthy landowners at the expense of the rest
of the English population.
– Liberals were outraged but lacked necessary political
influence to repeal the law
Peterloo Massacre, 1819
Fire on
Let us die
like men,
and not be
sold like
“Peterloo Massacre” of 1819
• Pro-liberal crowd listening to anti-Corn law
rhetoric were attacked by police.
– Eleven people killed; 400 wounded (including
100 women)
• The press was brought under more firm control
and mass meetings were abolished.
• By 1820 England seemed to be moving towards
becoming a repressive authoritarian state
The Spread of Radical Ideas
• How did economic liberalism become tied
to upper class business interests?
Early Socialists
Socialism can be defined as an economic
system in which the means of production,
exchange, and distribution are owned by
the state rather than private individuals.
Designed to abolish the abuses of
capitalism by promoting collectivization.
Socialism ranged from strictly economic
reform in the context of a democratic
government to the extreme of Marxism.
Utopian Socialists
Utopian socialists offered no practical plan
for achieving the ideal societies they
envisioned and thought industrialists
would support their ideas as soon as they
saw their merit.
Socialism developed independently in
France and England in the 19th century.
Utopian Socialists
Saint-Simon: (1760-1825): French:
Advocated the abolition of private property
and the development of an industrial state
under the direction of a board of directors
made up of scientists & skilled businessmen
who would work for the betterment of all
people, including the working class.
Had little practical impact
Pierre Proudhon: French: “Property is
Theft.” Influenced Karl Marx.
Utopian Socialists
Charles Fourier (1772-1837): French:
Called for a society made up of small
cooperative communities called phalanxes in
which economic competition would be
eliminated & all work done voluntarily.
People in his society would live in communal
Too idealistic & failed in his attempts.
Utopian Socialists
Robert Owen: (1771-1858): successful English
Believed that environmental factors influenced
people and thought factories and communities
needed to be clean, and provide decent wages.
Wanted to outlaw child labor & provide mandatory
Created a model cotton mill in Scotland, but failed
in his attempts in Indiana.
Did a lot to popularize the need for social reform in
Utopian Socialists
Louis Blanc: French: (1811 - 1882) organized a
socialist political party to achieve socialist
measures in France.
Believed that governments have the duty of
providing workers with farms and shops to replace
privately owned ones. He called these national
These would be run by the workers for their own
Wanted democratic government.
Undermined by the provisional gov’t in 1848.
Founded by Marx & Engels, it was a militant
form of socialism which is often called
Marx and Engels asserted their ideas in The
Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital
Differed from other forms of socialism because
it called for a revolutionary overthrow of the
existing system. No accommodation.
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx
Marxist Ideas
History must be interpreted economically.
Economic factors shape the institutions of
civilization, such as religion & politics.
Surplus Value: the value of all commodities is a
result of the labor put into them.
If a worker gets paid less than the labor he put into
a product, he is being exploited.
“History is a constant series of class struggles”
between the exploited & the exploiters.
More Marxist Ideas
Dialectic: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.
Believed this process would continue inevitably
until Communism was established. Then there
would be no more opposition to the new system.
Believed in no God or divine presence and
believed that all things happened mechanically with
no divine guiding principle.
Marxism is also called Dialectical Materialism.
 The “Hegelian Dialectic”
History advances
through conflict.
One phase of history
creates its opposite [ex:
absolutism to
George Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel
More Marxist Ideas
Capitalism is a necessary step in the
eventual development of Communism.
Revolution in which the proletariat
overthrows the bourgeoisie is inevitable
but must be led by Marxist intellectuals
called the “vanguard of the revolution.”
A temporary “dictatorship of the proletariat
must be established after the revolution to
reorder society.
More Marxist Ideas
Marx envisioned a situation in which workers all
over the world would eventually overthrow their
existing conditions and create Communist
When this had occurred, he believed there
would be no need for governments and
predicted the “withering of the state.”
Believed in the principle “From each acc. to his
ability, to each acc. to his need.”
Emergence of Nationalism
• Nationalism became perhaps the greatest
force for revolution in the period between
1815 and 1850.
Nationalism is a theory of political
legitimacy, which requires that ethnic
boundaries should not cut across political
ones, and, in particular, that ethnic
boundaries within a given state – a
contingency already formally excluded by
the principle in its general formulation –
should not separate the power-holders
from the rest.
-Ernest Gellner
Revolutionary Movements in the Early 19c
Wallachia & Moldavia
in the Balkans
Greek Revolution - 1821
Greek Independence
4 The “Eastern Question”
4 Hetairia Philike  a secret
society that inspired an uprising
against the Turks in 1821.
4 Pan-Hellenism
4 1827  Battle of Navarino
 Br, Fr, Rus destroyed the
Ottoman-Egyptian fleet.
4 1828  Rus declared war
on the Otts.
Greece on the Ruins of
Missilonghi by Delacroix, 1827
4 1829  Treaty of Adrianople
4 1830  Greece declared an
independent nation [Treaty of
Lord Byron – Martyr in Greece
The 1830 Revolutions
France: The “Restoration” Era
4 France emerged from the chaos
of its revolutionary period as
the most liberal large state in
4 Louis XVIII governed France as
a Constitutional monarch.
 He agreed to observe the
1814 “Charter” or
Constitution of the
Restoration period.
Limited royal power.
Granted legislative power.
Protected civil rights.
Upheld the Napoleon Code.
Louis XVIII (r. 1814-1824)
The “Ultras”
4 France was divided by those
who had accepted the ideals of
the Fr. Revolution and those
who didn’t.
4 The Count of Artois was the
leader of the “Ultra-Royalists”
4 1815 “White Terror”
 Royalist mobs killed 1000s of
former revolutionaries.
4 1816 elections
The Count of Artois,
the future King Charles X
(r. 1824-1830)
 The Ultras were rejected in
the Chamber of Deputies
election in favor of a moderate
royalist majority dependent on
middle class support.
France: Conservative Backlash
4 1820the Duke of Berri, son of Artois, was
4 Royalists blamed the left.
4 Louis XVIII moved the govt. more to the right
 Changes in electoral laws narrowed the eligible voters.
 Censorship was imposed.
4 Liberals were driven out of legal political life and
into illegal activities.
4 1823 triumph of reactionary forces!
Fr troops were authorized by the Concert of Europe to
crush the Spanish Revolution and restore another
Bourbon ruler, Ferdinand VII, to the throne there.
King Charles X of France (r. 1824-1830)
4 His Goals:
 Lessen the influence of the middle
 Limit the right to vote.
 Put the clergy back in charge
of education.
 Public money used to pay nobles
for the loss of their lands during
the Fr Revolution.
4 His Program:
 Attack the 1814 Charter.
 Control the press.
 Dismiss the Chamber of Deputies when it turned against him.
 Appointed an ultra-reactionary as his first minister.
King Charles X of France (r. 1824-1830)
41830 Election brought in another liberal
4July Ordinances
 He dissolved the entire parliament.
 Strict censorship imposed.
 Changed the voting laws so that the
government in the future could be assured of a
conservative victory.
To the Barracades  Revolution, Again!!
Workers, students and some of the middle class call for a Republic!
Louis Philippe  The “Citizen King”
4 The Duke of Orleans.
4 Relative of the Bourbons, but
had stayed clear of the Ultras.
4 Lead a thoroughly bourgeois life.
4 His Program:
 Property qualifications reduced
enough to double eligible voters.
 Press censorship abolished.
 The King ruled by the will of the
people, not by the will of God.
 The Fr Revolution’s tricolor
replaced the Bourbon flag.
4 The government was now under the
control of the wealthy middle class.
(r. 1830-1848)
Louis Philippe  The “Citizen King”
4 His government ignored the
needs and demands of the
workers in the cities.
 They were seen as another
nuisance and source of possible
4 July, 1832  an uprising in Paris
was put down by force and 800
were killed or wounded.
4 1834  Silk workers strike in
Lyon was crushed.
 Seething underclass.
A caricature of
Louis Philippe
 Was seen as a violation of the
status quo set down at the
Congress of Vienna.
Belgian Independence, 1830
4 The first to follow the lead of France.
4 Its union with Holland after the Congress of Vienna had not
proved successful.
4 There had been
very little popular
agitation for Belgian
nationalism before
1830  seldom had
nationalism arisen so
4 Wide cultural
 North  Dutch  Protestant  seafarers and traders.
 South  French  Catholic  farmers and individual workers.
Belgian Revolution - 1830
A Stirring of Polish Nationalism - 1830
A Stirring of Polish Nationalism - 1830
4 The bloodiest struggle of the 1830 revolutions.
4 The Poles in and around Warsaw gain a special status by the
Congress of Vienna within the Russian Empire.
 Their own constitution.
 Local autonomy granted in 1818.
4 After Tsar Alexander I dies, the Poles became restless
under the tyrannical rule of Tsar Nicholas I.
4 Polish intellectuals were deeply influenced by Romanticism.
4 Rumors reached Poland that Nicholas I was planning to use
Polish troops to put down the revolutions in France and
4 Several Polish secret societies rebelled.
A Stirring of Polish Nationalism - 1830
4 Had the Poles been united, this
revolt might have been successful.
 But, the revolutionaries
were split into moderates
and radicals.
4 The Poles had hoped that Fr &
Eng would come to their aid,
but they didn’t.
4 Even so, it took the Russian army
a year to suppress this rebellion.
4 The irony  by drawing the Russian army to Warsaw for
almost a year, the Poles may well have kept Nicholas I
from answering Holland’s call for help in suppressing the
Belgian Revolt.
Europe in 1830
The Results of the 1820s-1830 Revolutions?
1. The Concert of Europe provided for a recovery of Europe
after the long years of Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
2. The conservatives did NOT reverse ALL of the reforms
put in place by the French Revolution.
3. Liberalism would challenge the conservative plan for
European peace and law and order.
4. These revolutions were successful only in W. Europe:
 Their success was in their popular support.
 Middle class lead, aided by the urban lower classes.
5. The successful revolutions had benefited the middle
class  the workers, who had done so much of the rioting
and fighting, were left with empty hands!
6. Therefore, these revolutions left much unfinished & a
seething, unsatisfied working class.