My C.I.V.I.L. Summary - MBA for Executives Career Management

My C.I.V.I.L. Summary
Competencies are comprised of:
Knowledge: Domain and/or functional expertise (e.g. a domain = energy, telecommunications, corporate development;
functional expertise = research, valuation techniques, accounting, etc.)
Skills: Specific things you know how to do (e.g. data analyses, marketing planning, business development, project
management, programming, etc.)
Traits: Your personal style or mode of operating (e.g. creative, scheduled, organized, big picture thinker, detailed
oriented, sensitive to others, relationship focused, logical, concrete, abstract, direct, assertive, quiet, etc.)
1. Summary/Highlights of CareerLeader Assessment Results (My Key Skills)
2. Skills, Knowledge, and Traits identified in the Determining Your Competencies Exercise in the Career
Handbook for Working Professionals (pg. 34-39)
Skills –
Knowledge –
Traits –
3. Summary of the Flower Exercise (My Transferable Skills) found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
4. Summary of Discovery/Exploration Questions – Competencies found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
5. Past Performance Review Competency Highlights
6. Certifications Earned for Specific Skills
7. Feedback from Conversations with Colleagues, Mentors, Friends, Family
8. Other
Interests are qualities, subjects or activities that evoke a mental state of curiosity, focused attention, or concern
1. Summary of MBTI Results (Implications for leading others, interviewing, working on teams, communication and
decision-making style)
2. Summary/Highlights of CareerLeader Assessment Results (My Key Interests)
3. Analysis/Summary of the Career Handbook for Working Professionals Vision Exercise (pg. 30-33)
Specific Vision Questions (i.e., Where do you want to be in your work life in five years?, What daily activities do
you see yourself doing?, What do you see as the most productive or exciting aspect of your career?)
Attributes of Your Vision Related to Your Interests –
4. Summary of the Party Exercise found in the CAP Exercise Booklet or Dr. Holland’s Self Directed Search
Holland Code –
Statement About Your Future Job/Career –
5. Summary of the 100 Jobs Exercise adapted from Timothy Butler’s book Getting Unstuck found in the CAP
Exercise Booklet
Twelve Roles –
Underlying Themes –
Dynamic Tensions –
6. Summary of Discovery/Exploration Questions – Interests found in the CAP Exercise Booklet (i.e., What did you
enjoy most about today? What was important? What gave me the greatest satisfaction today?, etc.)
7. Summary of Conversations with Coaches, Mentors, Friends, Family (They may have insight about your personal
style, and visibility into “what you like, “enjoy,” and when you seem the “happiest” or most satisfied)
8. Summary of Networking Experiences (People who don’t know you well will likely “see” you in a “different light”
and introduce you to new and/or different perspectives, career options, and resources)
9. Other
Values are beliefs in which we have an emotional investment (either for or against something), and which we feel
represent us; “what we stand for.”
1. Summary of MBTI Results (What your MBTI type values)
2. Analysis/Summary of the Career Handbook for Working Professionals Values Clarification Exercise (pg. 25-29)
Top Ten Values Identified –
3. Summary of the Flower Exercise (My Favorite Values and Goals section) found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
4. Results from the Rokeach Value Survey found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
Top 10 Terminal Values –
Top 10 Instrumental Values –
5. Results from Values List Exercise found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
Top 10 Values –
6. Summary of Discovery/Exploration Questions – Values found in the CAP Exercise Booklet (i.e., Generate a list
of values that you feel represent and hold true for you or an experience in your life (preferably in your personal
life) that made you feel special, thriving, ALIVE! What were you doing? Where were you? What was it about
this experience that you value?)
7. Feedback from Conversations with Coaches, Mentors, Friends, Family
8. Other
Tangible vs. Intangible Rewards
Salary, Equity, Discretionary Income,
Benefits, Development, Leadership
Opportunities, Status
Feeling Good/Having Passion For
Work, Helping People, Social Impact,
Lifestyle Match, Positive Work
1. Summary/Highlights of CareerLeader Results (My Key Motivators)
2. Analysis/Summary of the Career Handbook for Working Professionals Vision Exercise (pg. 30-33)
Specific Vision Questions (What resources do you want to have? What is the kind of impact you want to have? In
what kind of environment do you want to work? What kind of recognition would you like to receive, and from
Attributes of Your Vision Related to Your Income/Rewards –
3. Summary of the Flower Exercise (My Favorite Working Conditions section and Salary and Level of
Responsibility section) found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
4. Summary of Discovery/Exploration Questions – Peak Experience Exercise found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
(i.e., Refer back to value and peak experience exercises and/or identify and journal what factors tie into the
importance you place on income/rewards)
5. Feedback from Conversations with Coaches, Mentors, Friends, Family
6. Other
Lifestyle is how you want to live.
1. Analysis/Summary of Career Handbook for Working Professionals Vision Exercise (pg. 30-33)
Specific Vision Questions (When you look at your life as a whole, what part do you want your career to
play? Who do you want to work with?, In what other ways do you want to be growing and learning?)
Attributes of Your Vision Related to Your Lifestyle –
2. Summary of the Flower Exercise (Geography section) found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
3. Summary of Discovery/Exploration Questions – Lifestyle Considerations found in the CAP Exercise Booklet
(i.e., Geographic preferences/limitations? Family & social-life considerations? Climate and other environmental
considerations? Global and regional economic & job market conditions?)
4. Other
Overall CIVIL Summary
Your CIVIL leads to VISION
Please include a summary statement for each letter below highlighting your overall thoughts.
Competencies –
Interests –
Values –
Income/Rewards –
Lifestyle –
= Vision –
List of Resources:
1. Career Leader Assessment - MBA Exec CMS website:
2. MBTI Assessment - MBA Exec CMS website:
3. Career Handbook For Working Professionals - Available through CMS Director
4. Dr. John Holland’s Self-Directed Search -
5. Career Assessment Powerpoint Presentation - Available on Canvas
6. CAP Exercise Booklet - Available on Canvas
a. The Flower Exercise
b. The Party Exercise
c. Rokeach Value Survey
d. Values List Exercise
e. 100 Jobs Exercise
f. Discovery/Exploration Questions