Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 1. Agrément South Africa PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENTARY PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS 11th November 2014 AGRÉMENT SOUTH AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 Committee Room 1, 90 Plein Street, Parliament, 09:30 – 12:45. Joe Odhiambo, CEO Agrément South Africa Thabelo Tshikomba, Financial Administrator Agrément South Africa Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 2. Framework for the presentation Performance Report Progress Against planned targets Governance matters Financial Report Slide 2 of 22 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 3. Support Government Policy Agrément South Africa continued with its role as an agent of the National Department of Public Works (NDPW). The government’s Medium-term Strategic Framework (MTSF) calls for the promotion of sustainable livelihoods, enhancement of service delivery as well as massive investment in public infrastructure. These goals offer an opportunity for the introduction and use of modern and improved innovative construction technologies to the market that will accelerate infrastructure roll out. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Support Government Policy Slide 4. The NDPW vision is to be a world-class public works department. NDPW is proud to have an internationally recognised technical assessment agency Tabling of the draft bill before the national Cabinet on 4 December 2013. The Bill recognises Agrément South Africa as a public entity. The Bill was published in the Government Gazette on 17 January 2014. The public was invited to submit comments to the NDPW before 17 February 2014. The draft Bill seeks to give Agrément South Africa legal status. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Support Government Policy Slide 5. Evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of nonstandardised construction-related products or systems for which a national standard does not exist, for use in the construction industry. The NDPW considers the bill as a catalyst for the creation of a dynamic and innovative construction industry that positively impacts on job creation while contributing to government’s infrastructure plans. Various government departments rolled out various pilot projects using Agrément South Africa-approved construction technologies in the year under review. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Support Government Policy Slide 6. Government is developing a strategy to implement infrastructure roll-out using innovative construction technologies. The strategy will result in a roll-out plan for the construction of clinics, schools, housing and student residences using innovative construction technologies across the country. This will ensure the world’s best practice is incorporated into this strategy. The key goal of the implementation strategy is to ensure that innovative technologies maximise industrialisation, mitigate climate change, create jobs and align to global sustainability objectives. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Support Government Policy Slide 7. The NDPW is of the strong opinion that this strategy will increase the use of innovative construction products, improve methods of construction and will contribute towards government’s developmental goals. Achieving these goals will make a positive difference in the lives of ordinary citizens of our beloved country. The Building Industry's 4 Levels of legislation + 1 1 2 SOLUTIONS TO SATISFY THE REGULATIONS Act 103 0f 1977 Building Industry is to be REGULATED PERFORMANCE BASED REGULATIONS Level 1 NRCS: REGULATION KEEPER 3 4 South African National Standards: SANS 10400 Other SANS documents: SANS 204, SANS 10252 Local Authority: Enforcer of REGULATIONS Voluntary Mandatory LEVELS OF LEGISLATION 5 Act 103 of 1977 GOAL Level 2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Level 3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Process Level EVALUATION “Deemed to Satisfy” the regulations 1 Rational Assessment Rational Design Competent Person Regulation 2008 SANS 10400 2010 Agrément certificate 3 2 Courtesy of NRCS 8 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 9 Typical Product Development Cycle No Duplication of roles. Only Collaborative Synergies Thursday, 24 March 2016 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 10 Impact and Achievements Met annual targets projections of outputs Aligns Strategy to support Key priority areas of Government & DPW: Unemployment, Poverty & Inequality – Triple Challenge. Supports and aligned to government’s growth path which sets a goal of 6 million job opportunities by 2019; Infrastructure: lays the basis for higher growth, inclusivity and job creation. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 11. Annual performance against planned targets Result Annual Actual Actual Percentage Target 2012/13 2013/14 change Applications received: 16 33 30 90% Evaluation offers made: 16 30 24 80% Evaluation offers accepted: 16 24 33 137.5% Certificates issued: 16 31 20 65% Over the past 45 years of the Agrément's existence, it has approved hundreds of buildings systems and products. Several of these have gone on to be used as conventional products in industry, including PVC bath tubs, PVC piping and Harvey roofing tiles amongst several other products. The impact of these products on the construction industry is highly appreciated. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Governance Slide 12 Annual report 2012 tabled in parliament September 2013. The Minister of public Works approved the Agrément South Africa’s 2014/15 – 2018/19 strategic plan. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 was delivered to the Parliamentary Stores in March 2014 for tabling. By undertaking technical assessments of innovative systems for and on behalf of the Government, Agrément South Africa has made a great contribution in the safe introduction of innovative technologies in the country with commensurate benefits. Innovative systems have potential to teach people the ways and gives them the means to take control over their own future accommodation by allowing them to build their own houses. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 13 Governance Matters: Values Agrément South Africa has excellent support systems, business enterprise processes & very strong linkages with global best practice organizations, processes and individuals. Agrément South Africa is very well governed with strong internal control processes and systems. The Board addresses issues of corporate governance to ensure compliance with treasury & national requirements. This ensures proper fiduciary management within the Agrément South Africa. Agrément is making a contribution to build a better South Africa! Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 14 Board Governance 8 Board members. Appointed for a period of three years. Current Chairperson is Mr. Pepi Silinga. Strategic planning session held annually. Board focussed on consolidating its previous strategic plans and moving the Agency forward. The Board's Technical sub-committee focused on key objectives & ensured Agrément South Africa was well governed. Financial statements are audited and received a clean audit report. Ms Nteboheng Ngcobo Mr Mninawe Pepi Silinga University of Coega Development Johannesburg Corporation Dr Jeffrey Mahachi NHBRC Mr MF Makamo SABS Mr Hans Ittmann HWI Consulting Ms Mariana Marneweck NRCS Ms Adelaide Ranape Legal Manager Mr DC Fredericks OHS E-Consulting Slide 15 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 16 Organisational structure Board Technical Committee Technical Agency Agrément South Africa Industry Technical Experts Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 17 Transformation Agrément South Africa continued its strong emphasis on the development of human resources to enhance the skills level and efficiency of technical staff. The technical committee has improved hugely in terms of both the number and skill of experts. Percentage of staff either black or female: 93% No. % Black Females 5 33% Black Males 8 53% White Males 1 7% White Females 1 7% Total 15 100% Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 18 Board Members remuneration 2011/12 2011 -2012 ACTUAL Adelaide Ranape Denzil Fredericks Hans Ittmann Ntebo Ngcobo Pepi Silinga (Board Chairperson ) TOTAL Board Technical Remuneration Remuneration Travel Rate Meeting Meeting Board Technical Expenses Attended Attended TOTAL 1855 2 0 3710 0 92.00 3802.00 1855 3 2 5565 3710 458.00 9733.00 1855 3 1 5565 1855 275.00 7695.00 1855 3 3 5565 5565 3298.00 14428.00 3055 3 2 9165 6110 0.00 15275.00 17240 4123.00 50933.00 29570 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 19 Board Members remuneration 2012/13 2012 2013 ACTUAL Board Technical Remuneration Remuneratio Rate Meeting Meeting Board n Technical Attended Attended Adelaide Ranape Denzil Fredericks Hans Ittmann 1947 3 1 5841 1947 183.00 7971.00 1947 2 4 3894 7788 1099.00 12781.00 1947 4 2 7788 3894 550.00 12232.00 Ntebo Ngcobo 1947 3 3(1 x chair) 5841 7101 3298.00 16240.00 Pepi Silinga (Board Chairperso n) 3207 1 0 3207 0 0.00 3207.00 26 571 20 730 5130.00 52431.00 TOTAL Travel Expenses TOTAL Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 20 Board Members remuneration 2013/14 2013 -2014 ACTUAL Rate Board Technical Remuneration Remuneration Meeting Meeting Board Technical Attended Attended Adelaide Ranape 2056 3 1x parliam ent (chair) Denzil Fredericks 2056 2 2 Hans Ittmann 2056 3 Ntebo Ngcobo 2056 4 Pepi Silinga (Board Chairperson) 1 TOTAL 3392 3 (1 x chair) 2(1 x chair) 0 Travel Expenses TOTAL 6168 3392 452.40 10012.40 4112 4112 732.80 8956.80 6168 7504 549.60 14221.60 8224 5448 3297.60 16969.60 3392 0 0.00 3392.00 28 064 20 456 5 032.40 53552.40 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 21 Staff Members remuneration Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 22 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for Agrément South Africa 2013/2014 2012/2013 Variance 11 052 016 9 933 321 1 118 695 - Grant Received 9 121 053 8 686 842 434 211 - Contract income 1 930 963 1 240 329 690 634 - Local private sector 1 688 133 1 138 529 549 604 - Local public sector 5 000 31 400 -26 400 - International sector 237 830 70 400 167 430 4 250 14 170 - 9 920 11 056 266 9 947 491 1 108 775 REVENUE Other income Total operating income Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 23 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for Agrément South Africa 2013/2014 2012/2013 Variance Employees’ remuneration 5 624 813 5 411 237 213 576 Depreciation 278 171 439 947 -161 776 5 008 197 4 447 686 560 511 Total operating expenditure 10 911 181 10 298 870 612 311 Finance income 162 442 185 755 -23 313 Surplus/Deficit for the year 307 527 -165 624 473 151 Expenditure Operating expenses Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 24 Notes on Revenue and Expenditure for Agrément South Africa Revenue Grant income: Increased by 5% Contract Income: Increased by 56% because of major increase in Local private sector Finance Income: Decreased by 13% Total Income: Increased by 11% overall Expenditure Employees’ remuneration: Increased by 4% Operating expenses: Increased by 13% Depreciation: Increased by 37% Total operating expenditure: Increased by 6% Board Members remuneration: Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 26 2012/13 AND 2013/14 ANNUAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE GRAPH Thursday, 24 March 2016 2014 ANNUAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE GRAPH Slide 27 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 28. Financial Comments Agrément South Africa (Agency) operates under ministerial delegation of authority from the Minister of Public Works. The grant funding for the Agency is channeled from the Department of Public Works (DPW). The funds are ring fenced within the Built Environment Unit in a separate Competence Area. The CSIR received an unqualified audit report. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 29. Contribution of Agrément South Africa products Provides independent authoritative assessment of system performance thus peace of mind & assurance of fitness for purpose of certificated products. Leads to improvement in performance of existing products. Allows for the safe introduction of innovative construction products. Enhances the export potential of South African manufactured products. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 30. Outcomes Cost-effective construction results in doing more with less input Efficient construction improves performance & human lives Environmentally sustainable construction improves the Earth Operating costs – Has potential to lower running costs Reduces Risk asset failure by incorporating global best practice Socially acceptable construction results in community buy-in Improved quality construction improves Return on Investment Enhanced role of the construction sector in economic growth Better-skilled construction employees with better jobs Skill transfer to local community results in community buy-in Job creation – improves lives of communities in need for jobs Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 31. Technical Outputs These certificates are technical documents that: describe the system or product summarise the assessed performance list the uses for which the subject of the certificate has been assessed to be fit for purpose give the conditions and requirements that must be met if the assessed performance is to be attained state which National Building Regulations are deemed to be satisfied by the subject of the certificate. . Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 32. Technical Outputs Building systems: the following aspects are assessed: structural strength and stability behaviour in fire water penetration thermal performance and energy requirements durability and the maintenance required the likelihood of condensation forming on the inside of the building acoustic performance the applicant’s quality management system. Thursday, 24 March 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Activities defined. Slide 33. Provides assurance of fitness-for-purpose of innovative, nonstandard construction as well as on-going quality assurance. Works with industry in the development of cost-effective, innovative technology & non-standardised construction technology. Disseminates correct, objective & relevant information in respect of the technical, socio-economic and regulatory aspects Supports policy makers in the use of innovative technologies. Actively involved in the SABS’s standards generation committee and various other technical committees. Supports the application of the National Building Regulations. Maintains international links with peer organisations and export activities by facilitating the approval of South African innovative construction products to countries abroad. facilitates the acceptance of innovative products within the context of the government’s new priorities and policies. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 34 Quality Management System A requirement for certification by Agrément South Africa: Is that each certificate holder has a quality management system in place that is documented in a quality manual. The quality management system and the implementation thereof as described in the quality manual must be approved by Agrément South Africa. No certificate will be granted until a satisfactory quality manual has been received and the quality management system approved by the Board of Agrément South Africa. The applicant must comply with Agrément South Africa’s quality management system which is broadly based on the SANS 9001: Quality management system. Assures credibility of the certificate. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 35 Quality Management Validity review Concept & Element To ensure that all factors relating to the validity of certificate are systematically managed so that Agrément certification maintains its credibility. Conformance monitoring (ongoing quality inspection and reporting) and consequential corrective actions. Periodic validity review and consequential decision-taking. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 36 Quality management Implementation The certificate holder must include, and elaborate on, the following for manufacturing and erection/installation processes, where applicable: management responsibility contract review design control purchasing process control inspections, testing and measuring equipment control of non-conforming products corrective and preventive action product identification, control and traceability control of records handling, storage, packaging and transportation training internal quality audit. Technical Outputs (Certificates Approved) Slide 37 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Target 2014/15 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Applications received: 12 17 17 29 36 33 33 Evaluation offers made: 12 16 15 24 33 30 30 Evaluation offers accepted: 12 12 7 19 16 24 24 Certificates issued: 12 9 12 15 20 31 31 Building products: 86 65 71 84 94 95 95 Building systems: 95 70 80 98 102 116 116 Roads products: 15 10 11 15 16 17 17 No. of Board meetings 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 38 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Technical Outputs1 Slide 39 Weber Brush Coat Single-coat application for weather- proofing walls Applied using a block brush Supplied in 20 kg bags and mixed on site with water. Exelis Development Building System Single-storey structure Utilises factory-produced wall and roof panels. Walls are light-weight sandwich panels comprising a polyurethane (PU) or expanded polystyrene (EPS) core encapsulated in two layers of magnesium oxide (MgO) boards. RPM PHD Building System Single-storey structure based on a sandwiched panel-system in which fibre cement boards encapsulate a polyurethane core. Incorporates galvanised light-weight steel frames. The walls are finished with waterproof skim plaster and joints are sealed with a silicon-based sealant. Rhino Linings Waterproofing System to trafficable concrete roof surfaces suitable for pedestrian traffic and light vehicular traffic including car parking. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Technical 2 Outputs Slide 40 Coffor Structural Formwork Building System Permanent shuttering system for reinforced concrete structures. Consists of two expanded metal laths, attached to vertical stiffening sections. The set of metal lath and stiffening sections are further strengthened by a horizontal rebar. Specialised Insulated Panel Building System Prefabricated components that are assembled on site. The walls comprise expanded polystyrene (EPS) core with fire-stop board on the inside, both encapsulated by pre-galvanised chromadeck sheeting. Chromadek is a zinc treated steel sheet with a white powder coated finish Febajoint Bridge Deck Expansion Joint System Asphaltic plug joint, aggregates, bridging plates & drainage channels. The binder and aggregates are heated on site and combined in situ to form a ‘plug’ in a trench cut through the deck surfacing. Mechanical construction allowing extension and compression in Bridges and overpasses where temperature changes can cause expansion and contraction that may overstress a structure Thursday, 24 March 2016 Technical 3 Outputs Slide 41 Britflex (BEJ) Bridge Deck Expansion Joint System Single seal, surface-mounted system. Elastomeric seal, Rapid curing resin compound, Provides unrivalled anchorage, No mechanical fixings. AquaFRICTIONCourse (AFC) road surfacing system Ultra-thin friction course (UTFC) 16 and 20 mm bituminous surface Consists of asphalt placed on a film on tack coat by self-priming paver. Used as a wearing course for heavily trafficked highways & major road. Starfront Designer cost and cutting computer software Assist the manufacturers of aluminium window, door and shop-fronts to design, cost and manufacture products based on Wispeco (Pty) Ltd’s aluminium extrusion systems. UkuZwana Building System Erection of single-storey structures utilising factory-produced or cast insitu cellular light-weight concrete (CLC) wall panels. The foaming agent for CLC is Neopor. Wall panel incorporates service connections and door and windows. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Technical 4 Outputs Slide 42 IES Virtual Environment Software (version VE 2013) is an integrated software system for environmental performance assessment of buildings either retrospectively or during the design stages of a construction project using dynamic thermal simulation Provides tools to design buildings that consume significantly less energy and incorporate low carbon and renewable technologies. Thursday, 24 March 2016 Technical The Non-tacky Tack Coat 5 Outputs Consists of bitumen emulsifier and filler which is applied to asphalt. An effective binding agent for an overlaid asphalt layer. Has a lower tackiness than conventional tack coats. Retards pick-up of the tack under construction vehicles Applied at ambient temperature prior to the an asphalt overlay. Modified Calcium Carbonate Coating System is a singlecoat, polymer-based, textured, coloured wall coating for use on all sound, and suitably prepared surfaces. It is suitable for use in all regions of South Africa. FrictionPave is an Ultra-thin Friction Course (UTFC) Bituminous road surfacing system with a nominal compacted thickness of between 16 and 25 mm. It is placed on a tack coat using a self-priming paver. Neopor Building System is for single and double-storey structures. The walls are constructed of Cellular Light-weight Concrete (CLC) cast in-situ. The CLC consists of sand, cement, water and Neopor as the foaming agent. Externally walls are finished with a 15 mm sand-cement plaster. Slide 43 Thursday, 24 March 2016 6 Outputs Technical Power Profile Building System. The external walls are structural prefabricated panels made up of expanded polystyrene core encapsulated by zincalume sheets. The inside face of the panel is lined with glass-wool insulation and fire-stop board. Appletech Light Steel Frame Building System comprises cold rolled light-gauge steel sections The frame has glasswool as infill material and is clad internally with fire-stop Gypsum board. It is clad externally with an Oriented Strand Board (OSB). Conform Building System. The superstructure walls are constructed of sliding and interlocking polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) modules incorporating vertical and horizontal cavities in which reinforcement steel are installed and filled with concrete. The PVC modules provide permanent shuttering.. Ezee Build Modular Building System The superstructure walls comprise galvanised three-dimensional welded wire mesh cages, connected with specially designed connectors (stools, shoes, etc.), which are filled with polystyrene slabs and finished both sides with structural plaster. Slide 44 Thursday, 24 March 2016 Slide 45 Thank you… for Achieving excellent results TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More GOAL EFFORT SUPPORT