Investigative Process: Metamorphis of a Luna Moth

Investigative Process:
Metamorphosis of a Luna Moth
5th and 6th grade science
Over the summer…
Mrs. McInnis nurtured several baby caterpillars which grew and grew
and grew into beautiful Luna Moths. Over the summer, the caterpillars
went through 5 instar stages. A cage was built in order to enclose the
beautiful caterpillars. It was transferred to Mrs. McInnis’s classroom just
in time for the students to arrive and begin studying the 4 that matured
and wove beautiful cocoons….
Scientific Method: State the Problem
• Are the Luna Moth Eggs Fertilized or Unfertilized?
• Luna Moth cocoons entered the classroom August 11, 2014
• August 12, 2014, Luna Moths emerged from the cocoons.
• 1 female and 3 males. Students identified the males because of the
antenna shape and size. Male moths have larger feather-like antenna
in order to sense the pheromones released by females up to 1 mile
• Female laid 350-400 eggs August 20, 2014.
Research the Topic: Observation
Using the microscope, students were able to view the insides of the
eggs for more intense observation.
Students formed hypotheses about the eggs’ fertility.
Students observed the eggs in a controlled environment. Same size
Tupperware containers were used, closed containers opened every day
or so.
Students observed for 18 days. Students came to a conclusion about
the Luna Moths.
Collecting Results, Drawing Conclusions
• Students completed their Scientific Method by concluding the eggs
were unfertilized based on the data that no eggs hatched within the
18 day period.
• And then….
New Experiment!...Fertilized eggs came in the
• Eggs arrive Friday night, September 19, 2014. Several caterpillars had
already hatched!
• Monday Morning students placed the caterpillars in Tupperware containers
with Sweet Gum leaves and placed holes in the tops with paper towels
covering the lids.
• Eggs were placed in another container without leaves.
• They munch and munch and the process continues….
• Students learn much about the life cycle, metamorphosis of a moth, the
scientific process. They also learned that their hypothesis my turn out to
be incorrect.
• Scientists repeat their experiments and observations over and over in order
to learn more about the environment we live in.