STUDENT EXPECTATION Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository test and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
12B-distinguish factual claims from commonplace assertions
Verbs/Academic Vocabulary
Cause and effect
Quality Questions and Level
What are some ways the plague bacterium
How? Strategy or Strategies Real World Application
Understanding and organization spread through Europe?
How did lack of knowledge about disease encourage the spread of the plague?
How did the Black Death affect the
European economy?
What characteristics of the plague epidemic made it, as Dianna Childress says, a “natural disaster”? Support your answer with evidence. identifying the main causes in informational texts and determining what the effects of those causes are.
Days of the Week
Review cause and effect organization
Socratic Seminar
STUDENT EXPECTATION-Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and respond by providing evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
15A-describe the structural and substantial differences between an autobiography or diary and a fictional adaptation of it.
Verbs/Academic Vocabulary
First person point
of view
Third person point of view
Quality Questions and Level
What do you think Armstrong’s
purpose is for writing his autobiography? (Identify purpose)
What message about life do you think the excerpt from 23 Days in July conveys?
Would Armstrong still be a winner without having achieved an unprecedented number of victories at the Tour de France? Explain.
How? Strategy or Strategies Real World Applications
Biographies and autobiographies have a myriad of reasons for their need and importance and understanding such as:
-to capitalize on their notoriety and fame for financial gain.
-to defend against criticism by telling their side of the story
-to help others understand who they are or what they believe in.
Quickly re-read “Like Black Smoke, The Black Death’s Journey”
Review and discuss causes and effects for the black death
Days of the Week
Introduce elements of biographies and autobiographies
Review biography/autobiography
Read It’s Not About the Bike
Review and discuss author’s purpose, theme
Discover elements of autobiography in It’s Not About the Bike
Read 23 Days in July
Discover elements of biography in It’s Not About the Bike
STUDENT EXPECTATION-Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
4A-analyze the importance of graphical elements on the meaning of a poem.
Verbs/Academic Vocabulary
Narrative Poetry
Quality Questions and Level
What creates the rhythm of a poem?
How does the major conflict in the poem drive the action?
The highwayman is a law-breaker. Is it still possible to see him as a man of honor?
How? Strategies
Real World Applications
Understanding how many poems were written about historical events and how the poem portrays those events.
Days of the Week
Review narrative poetry, rhythm, meter and imagery in poetry
Review The Highwayman
Read aloud The Highwayman
Paraphrase and discover elements of poetry in the poem
Continue to read, paraphrase and discover elements of poetry in the poem
Summative over Non-fiction
Ticket Out
Ticket out
Socratic Seminar
Socratic Seminar