Job Applications & Interviews ppt

Initial Teacher Training – School Direct 2014/15
MFC Weds 25th February 2015
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
By the end of this session:
Finding your first teaching post
The application process
The interview process
A Head Teacher’s perspective
An Interviewee’s perspective
Learn how to cope with ‘rejection’ and
make the most of ‘feedback’
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
How to find your first teaching post
Local Council websites
Times Educational Supplement (TES)
Local press
National press
Ear to the ground
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
‘Look-Around’ Visits to Schools
• Visit
• Smile
• Pre-visit research
• Ring to make an
• Prepare a list of
• Remember a ‘date’ is a
two-way process
• Dress appropriately
• Go alone!
• Under-estimate the value
of this
• Miss out the visit
• Be late
• Take photographs without
• Forget to ask pertinent
• Be a question ‘terrorist’
• Make comments about
the school to other
‘prospective candidates’
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
In small groups
make a list of
things you
would be
looking out for
on a visit to a
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process
• Preparation
• Research ~ including school websites,
visits to the school, local intelligence,
• The application form including letter of
application and references
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ preparation
• School Direct course including all assignments,
research and practice periods
• Identifying your key strengths ~ accurate self
evaluation ~ constructively critical
• Identifying your key areas for improvement ~
progress you have made
• Demonstrating that you are a reflective
• You can’t just turn it on at interview!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process
• Write down 3 things
you have found out
about yourself as a
result of being on
the School Direct
make them 3 good
things you have
found out or had
• Go walkabout ……
share your thinking
with others…..and
listen to what others
have to say about
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process
• Now write down the
key area, aspect or
issue that you have
identified to date
that needs
addressing through
your professional
development ~
before you complete
your training…
ready to share it!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ research
• The best applications ~ irrespective of job level ~ are
aligned to the needs of the individual school
• Finding out as much as you can about the school
environment and its particular challenges will enable
your application to shine
• From the application pack you should already have a
feeling for the ethos of the school, its pupil intake,
staff size, etc.
• But there is plenty more you can do to demonstrate
your understanding of the school and the NQT role
you are applying for
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ research
~ do your homework
School websites ~ a useful source of information
Visiting the school ~ if possible before the interview
Ofsted website ~ how was the school judged in its
last inspection
Government performance tables
Local intelligence ~ building your own data base
Beyond interview ~ what level of support will you
receive from your school/LA/Alliance/sponsor when
you are an NQT?
Choose your school as carefully as they WILL
choose you
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ research
~ get to know the process
• Most schools still want you to fill in an
application form ~ but an increasing number are
also choosing to ask for CVs
• Some expect applications to come straight to
the school whilst others may use local
authorities or recruitment agencies to field
• Governors and Heads frequently point to the
number of applicants who have NOT read the
small print carefully…..
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
know what’s expected of you
• Read the advertisement thoroughly
• Download the application pack, job description,
person spec and application form (if appropriate)
• Some may still send things by post!
• Note any fixed dates including the closing date
and interview dates
• There may be tens of applications for each NQT
post ~ don’t fall at the first hurdle!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
the application form
Completing the form ~ time,
focus, precision, accuracy
Letter of application
CV ~ if requested
• Middlesbrough’s application
• CES application form
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
• Familiarisation
time ….. Take a
few minutes to
flick through the
• Any surprises,
The application process
Skooel …
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ polish your
letter of application/personal statement
This is where you can distinguish yourself from
other candidates and prove that you are worth a
closer look at interview. So ~ you need to show
that you:
• Possess the particular knowledge, skills and
experiences they seek
• Have done your research, understand the
school context and how you would fit in
• Bring a commitment and passion for their school
and community
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
letter of application ~ TOP TIPS!
Tailor the letter for each job application
Keep it short ~ min. 1 side of A4 max. 2
Address it to a specific person
Refer to the particular school and the specific job
you are applying for
• Strong first paragraph describing your
experience and expertise and what you would
bring to the school
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
letter of application ~ TOP TIPS!
• Outline significant learning and professional
development in your training ~ give some insight
into your personality
• Short closing statement demonstrating your
excitement for the post and passion for beginning
your teaching career
• Keep it concise, easy to read and jargon free
• Edit out all typos, formatting and spelling errors
• Get it checked by a reliable source
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process
~ letter of application
• Have a go ~ Draft a
first paragraph.
Imagine you are
applying to your host
school ….. you need
to cover your
experience and
expertise to date and
consider what you
would bring ) to the
school ~ (think about
your own personal
• Write for just 5
minutes and then
share with a
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~ references
• Mainly used now to confirm an offer of a post
• Choose your referees wisely
• Check that you have their permission to use
them as a referee
• Give them details of the post(s) you are
applying for
• Bring them up to date with any recent
developments/changes to what they know
about you
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
put together a winning CV
• 2 sides of A4 is plenty
• Concentrate on achievements when outlining your
work experience
• Tailor your information to the job you are applying
• Use the first person singular ~ the school wants to
know what you can do
• Avoid any gaps in dates ~ if you have had any
time out state what and why
• Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar
• Have it validated by someone you trust
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process ~
covering letters
Now with so many online applications ~ less likely
but just in case ~ they give an opportunity to bring
a CV or application form to life and inject an
impression of enthusiasm for the job
Key essentials:
• Brevity
• Core credentials
• How your experience matches school needs
• One or two measurable achievements
• Why you want the job
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The application process
• Any
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process
Congratulations ~ you have made it through to interview. But
before you get your interview dress/suit pressed, it’s best to
find out what interviewers are likely to throw at you!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
interview tasks
• Panel interview ~ could be the Head Teacher, future
colleagues, governors etc.
• Pupil interview ~ ‘If you were a chocolate what chocolate
would you be…and why?’ Don’t expect gimmicks as
feedback from pupils is being increasingly listened to
• Presentation ~ could take many shapes and forms ~
normally for NQT you would have any title in advance
• Teaching ~ proving that you can do it in the classroom
• Group discussion ~ less likely but has been known
• In-tray exercise ~ possibly testing your problem solving
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ the cornerstones
• Be prepared
• Make an
• Get to grips
with tricky
• After the
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ be prepared
• Research the school ~ be aware of what Ofsted say about the
school, be knowledgeable about their website, show yourself
as being reflective if you have visited the school
• Understand the job ~ sounds simple enough as you are
applying for your first post ~ but schools are very different and
you will have to work out how the NQT fits into the full school
• Know yourself ~ read through your application/CV/portfolio ~
work out how your knowledge and experience fits with what
the school is looking for. What are your strengths and
• Identify your audience ~ your responses need to be
accessible to everyone on the panel ~ likely to be HT, possibly
a member of SLT and a governor
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ be prepared
• Practise answering
questions ~ in front of the
mirror or with people you
can trust
• What have you done and
achieved? What skills
have you used? What are
your strengths?
• Think of real examples
where you can
demonstrate different
competencies such as
leadership, teamwork,
creativity and autonomy
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ make an impression
Interviewing is not a precise art. Many appointment
decisions are strongly influenced by what happens in
the first few minutes of interview.
First impressions do count.
• Dress appropriately ~ think formal business wear
• Get there on time
• Acknowledge everyone in the room
• Use open body language
• Be friendly and confident but not too chatty
Remember this is an interview for a professional post!!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ make an impression
• Gauge the level of formality or informality and
adapt your style accordingly
• Answer the question ~ may seem obvious but is a
common downfall
• Judge the length of your answers
• Use specific examples to prove your strengths
• Answer all questions with enthusiasm and
• Avoid ambiguous answers e.g. ‘I think I could’
‘..maybe’ or ‘..probably’
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ make an impression
• Be ready for the question that requires you to think on
your feet. ‘What makes you laugh?’ ‘If you were an animal
what would you be and why?’ ‘When was the last time you
• Be aware of body language ~ do not lean back or slouch
as this can make it look too relaxed ~ you can project
confidence and interest by leaning forward slightly ~
crossing your arms can be defensive so pick a neutral
• Maintain sincere eye contact but avoid staring ~ the 70%
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ DON’T
Give one or two word answers (unless specifically asked)
Be overly negative about past experiences/jobs
Get angry or use inappropriate language
Use colloquialisms/slang/bad language
Yo Dudes!
Talk extensively about personal details
Sit down before you are invited
Smoke before the interview
Chew gum
Take notes
Be late
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
some basic interview questions
• Tell me about yourself
• Why teaching? What attracts you to the profession?
• Tell me about a time when you have…; failed …; gone
beyond what was expected of you; worked in a team;
shown leadership abilities; dealt with change; worked
in a stressful situation, etc.
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• What is your most significant achievement?
• What three words best describe you?
• What three things have contributed most to your
personal development and why?
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
some basic interview questions
• Why should we offer you this job…..your first
teaching post?
• Why do you want to work in this school?
• What are your future aims/goals/career plans?
• How do you organise yourself?
• What could you bring to our school as an NQT?
• What would you want pupils/colleagues/parents to
say about you after you have been here for a
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~ work
in groups of 3
• Select a question from the ‘basic
questions list’ and pose the question
to one of your colleagues whilst the
third observes ~ then repeat the
process until you have all had the
chance to be interviewer, interviewee
and observer
• If, when in role as interviewer, you feel
the answer hasn’t been full enough ~
ask a supplementary or follow–up
• You have 3 minutes for each round
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
get to grips with tricky questions
Pupil interviews aside, it’s often the most routine
questions that can put you off your stride
• Why do you want this job in this school?
• How would you help us raise standards?
• What do you think underpins outstanding
teaching and learning?
• During your training what have you identified as
your strengths and weaknesses?
• How would you ensure that the pupils in your
class were well behaved at all times?
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
Ready now for the real thing?
• Volunteer(s) to act as
• Volunteer(s) to act as
interviewers – to be
briefed by a ‘real’
head teacher
• Whilst the group
watches…and learns
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process ~
after the interview
• When leaving thank the panel for their time ~ and if
appropriate reiterate your interest in the post
• Take time to evaluate your performance. Think
about what you said and how you came across.
What did you do well? What did you find difficult and
how could you handle it better next time? What can
you do to prepare better in the future?
• If you are successful ~ Well done!
• If not ~ Do not ‘beat yourself up’
• If rejected ask for feedback ~ ideally verbal ~ listen
to what they have to say ~ take notes ~ this is not
time for discussion ~ simply absorb the information
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Feedback …
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
The interview process
• Any
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
What are schools looking for?
“I’ll tell you what I want, what I
really, really want …”
Phil Thackstone
Head Teacher – Lingfield Primary
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Not the ABCs of Interviewing but the CCCs
(and more than a few Ps!)
Concise ~ Prepared, Practised, Pertinent, Precise
and stick to answering the question
Charismatic ~ Passion, Positive, Pace, Pitch
- speak with passion and enthusiasm, avoid
mention or talk about negative things
Convincing ~ Personal, Proof, Pictorial
~ tell a story with your answers to provide enough
detail and evidence of why you are what you say
you are and do it in a colourful way
Remember ~ A good application will get you the
interview; a good interview will get you the job!
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Interview Video
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
WHY do you want to teach?
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance
Useful Links
Web Addresses:
• (interview
preparation style/clothing video)
• (blog)
• @newteacherstalk
• @MyEdHunt
• @tesNewTeachers
• @MSTAlliance
Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance