1. Power and RMS Values 1 2 3 4 Instantaneous power p(t) flowing into the box i (t ) + v(t ) p (t ) v(t ) i (t ) Circuit in a box, two wires − i (t ) ia (t ) + p(t ) va (t ) ia (t ) vb (t ) ib (t ) va (t ) − Any wire can be the voltage reference ib (t ) + vb (t ) Circuit in a box, three wires − ia (t ) ib (t ) Works for any circuit, as long as all N wires are accounted for. There must 5 be (N – 1) voltage measurements, and (N – 1) current measurements. Average value of periodic instantaneous power p(t) 1 t o T Pavg p(t )dt T to 6 Two-wire sinusoidal case v(t ) V sin( ot ), i(t ) I sin( ot ) p(t ) v(t ) i(t ) V sin( ot ) I sin( ot ) zero average cos( ) cos( 2ot ) p(t ) VI 2 1 t o T VI V I Pavg p(t )dt cos( ) cos( ) T to 2 2 2 Pavg Vrms I rms cos( ) Average power Power factor 7 Root-mean squared value of a periodic waveform with period T 1 t o T 2 2 Vrms v (t )dt T to Compare to the average power expression 1 t o T Pavg p(t )dt T to The average value of the squared voltage compare Apply v(t) to a resistor 1 t o T 1 to T v 2 (t ) 1 t o T 2 Pavg p(t )dt v (t )dt dt t t t T o T o R RT o 2 Vrms Pavg R rms is based on a power concept, describing the equivalent voltage that will produce a given average power to a resistor 8 Root-mean squared value of a periodic waveform with period T 1 t o T 2 2 Vrms v (t )dt T to For the sinusoidal case v(t ) V sin( ot ), 1 t o T 2 2 2 Vrms V sin (ot )dt T to 2 t T 2 V V o 2 Vrms 1 cos 2(ot ) dt 2T to 2T t T sin 2(ot ) o t 2 o to 2 V V 2 Vrms , Vrms 2 2 9 Given single-phase v(t) and i(t) waveforms for a load • Determine their magnitudes and phase angles • Determine the average power • Determine the impedance of the load • Using a series RL or RC equivalent, determine the R and L or C 100 80 60 40 20 Voltage 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Current -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 10 Determine voltage and current magnitudes and phase angles Using a cosine reference, Voltage cosine has peak = 100V, phase angle = -90º Current cosine has peak = 50A, phase angle = -135º ~ 50 ~ 100 135 A Phasors V 90 V , I 2 2 100 80 60 40 20 Voltage 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Current -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 11 The average power is V I Pavg cos( ) 2 2 100 50 100 50 Pavg cos 90 ( 135 ) cos45 2 2 2 2 Pavg 1767W 12 Voltage – Current Relationships i R (t ) i L (t ) iC (t ) v R (t ) v L (t ) vC (t ) v R (t ) i R (t ) R di ( t ) v L (t ) L dt dv( t ) iC ( t ) C dt 13 Thanks to Charles Steinmetz, Steady-State AC Problems are Greatly Simplified with Phasor Analysis (no differential equations are needed) Resistor Time Domain Frequency Domain v (t ) i R (t ) R R ~ V Z R ~R R IR voltage leads current Inductor di ( t ) v L (t ) L dt current leads voltage Capacitor dv( t ) iC ( t ) C dt ~ VL Z L ~ jL IL ~ V 1 Z C ~C j C IC 14 Problem 10.17 V1 1 1 1 j4 3 2 1 2 1 2 V2 1 1 1 1 100 20 ~ 10020 j 4 3 2 V1 2 ~ 1 1 ~ j 4 1 V2 10020 V1 1 j 4 2~ 2 j 2 ~ 1 1 V 2 10020 1 2 j 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 V1 10020 j4 10020 1 1 1 1 2 j 2 D 1 2 1 1 D 1 j2 2 2 j4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 100201 1 1 D 1 j 4 2 2 j 4 3 2 2 j 2 2 10020 1 1 1 ~ V1 2 D j 2 1 10020 2 j4 1 1 100 20 1 2 j2 1 ~ V2 D 15 c EE411, Problem 10.17 implicit none dimension v_phasor(2), i_injection_phasor(2), y(2,2) complex v_phasor, i_injection_phasor, y, determinant, i0_phasor real pi open(unit=6,file='EE411_Prob_10_17.txt') pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0) y(1,1) 1 + 1.0 2 + 1.0 y(1,2) y(2,1) y(2,2) 1 + 1.0 2 + 1.0 = / / = = = 1.0 / cmplx(0.0,4.0) 3.0 2.0 -1.0 / 2.0 y(1,2) 1.0 / 2.0 / cmplx(0.0,-2.0) i_injection_phasor(1) = 100.0 1 * cmplx(cos(20.0 * pi / 180.0),sin(20.0 * pi / 180.0)) 2 / cmplx(0.0,4.0) i_injection_phasor(2) = 100.0 1 * cmplx(cos(20.0 * pi / 180.0),sin(20.0 * pi / 180.0)) determinant = y(1,1) * y(2,2) - y(1,2) * y(2,1) write(6,*) "determinant, rectangular = ",determinant write(6,*) "determinant, polar = ", cabs(determinant), 1 atan2(aimag(determinant),real(determinant)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) v_phasor(1) = (i_injection_phasor(1) * y(2,2) 1 - y(1,2) * i_injection_phasor(2)) / determinant v_phasor(2) = (y(1,1) * i_injection_phasor(2) 1 - i_injection_phasor(1) * y(2,1)) / determinant write(6,*) "v_phasor(1), rectangular = ",v_phasor(1) write(6,*) "v_phasor(1), polar = ", cabs(v_phasor(1)), 1 atan2(aimag(v_phasor(1)),real(v_phasor(1))) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) 16 1 atan2(aimag(v_phasor(1)),real(v_phasor(1))) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) write(6,*) "v_phasor(2), rectangular = ",v_phasor(2) write(6,*) "v_phasor(2), polar = ", cabs(v_phasor(2)), 1 atan2(aimag(v_phasor(2)),real(v_phasor(2))) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) i0_phasor = (v_phasor(1) - v_phasor(2)) / 2.0 write(6,*) "i0_phasor, rectangular = ",i0_phasor write(6,*) "i0_phasor, polar = ", cabs(i0_phasor), 1 atan2(aimag(i0_phasor),real(i0_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) end Program Results determinant, rectangular = (1.125000,4.1666687E-02) determinant, polar = 1.125771 2.121097 v_phasor(1), rectangular = (63.06294,-14.65763) v_phasor(1), polar = 64.74397 -13.08485 v_phasor(2), rectangular = (80.67508,-8.976228) v_phasor(2), polar = 81.17290 -6.348842 i0_phasor, rectangular = (-8.806068,-2.840703) i0_phasor, polar = 9.252914 -162.1211 17 Active and Reactive Power Form a Power Triangle V I Pavg cos( ), 2 2 V I Q sin( ), 2 2 ~ ~ S V I P jQ ~ V V ( ) ~ I I Complex power S Q ( ) Projection of S on the imaginary axis P Projection of S on the real axis cos( ) is the power factor 18 Question: Why is there conservation of P and Q in a circuit? Answer: Because of KCL, power cannot simply vanish but must be accounted for Consider a node, with voltage (to any reference), and three currents ~ ~ ~ I A I B IC 0 IA IB IC ~~ ~ ~ * V I A I B I C 0 ~~ ~ ~ V I A I B IC 0 PA jQA PB jQB PC jQC 0 PA PB PC 0 QA QB QC 0 19 Voltage and Current Phasors for R’s, L’s, C’s Resistor Inductor ~ V ~ ~ Z R ~R R, VR RI R IR ~ VL ~ ~ Z L ~ jL, VL jLI L IL ~ ~ VC I 1 ~ , VC C Capacitor Z C ~ j C j C IC Voltage and Current in phase Voltage leads Current by 90° Current leads Voltage by 90° Q=0 Q>0 Q<0 20 Complex power S Q ( ) Projection of S on the imaginary axis P Projection of S on the real axis ~ ~* S P jQ V I V I * VI P VI cos Q VI sin 21 Resistor ~ * ~ V V 2 V 2 S P jQ V * Z R Z also ~ ~* S P jQ I Z I I 2 Z I 2 R so V2 P I 2R , R Q0 Use rms V, I 22 Inductor ~ * V2 V2 jV 2 ~ V S P jQ V * jL jL L Z also ~ ~* S P jQ I Z I I 2 jL jI 2L so P 0, Q V 2 L I 2L Use rms V, I 23 Capacitor ~ * V2 V2 ~ V S P jQ V jCV 2 * 1 Z 1 jC j C also 2 1 I ~ ~* j S P jQ I Z I I 2 C jC so 2 I P 0 , Q CV 2 C Use rms V, I 24 Active and Reactive Power for R’s, L’s, C’s (a positive value is consumed, a negative value is produced) Active Power P Resistor Inductor Capacitor 2 Vrms 2 , I rms R R 0 0 Reactive Power Q 0 2 Vrms 2 , I rms L L 2 I 2 CVrms , rms , C source of reactive power 25 Now, demonstrate Excel spreadsheet EE411_Voltage_Current_Power.xls to show the relationship between v(t), i(t), p(t), P, and Q Vmag = Vang = Imag = Iang = wt 0 2 4 6 1.5 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 -1.5 34 0 36 38 1 0 0.90 90 -30 150 Phase A Phase A Phase A v(t) I(t) p(t) 1 0.779423 0.779423 0.999391 0.794653 Power 0.794169 Instantaneous in 0.997564 0.808915 0.806944 0.994522 0.822191 0.817687 0.990268 0.834465 0.826345 0.984808 0.845723 0.832875 0.978148 0.855951 0.837246 0.970296 0.865136 0.839437 0.961262 0.873266 0.839437 0.951057 0.880333 0.837246 0.939693 0.886327 0.832875 0.927184 0.891241 0.826345 0.913545 0.89507 0.817687 0.898794 0.897808 0.806944 0.882948 0.899452 0.794169 0.866025 0.9 0.779423 0.848048 0.899452 0.762778 0.829038 0.897808 0.744316 90 180 270 360 0.809017 0.89507 0.724127 0.788011 0.891241 0.702308 P Q Phase B 0.389711 0.225 v(t) 0.389711 0.225 -0.5 0.389711 0.225 -0.469472 Single-Phase Circuit 0.389711 0.225 -0.438371 0.389711 0.225 -0.406737 0.389711 0.225 -0.374607 0.389711 0.225 -0.34202 0.389711 0.225 -0.309017 0.389711 0.225 -0.275637 0.389711 0.225 -0.241922 0.389711 0.225 -0.207912 0.389711 0.225 -0.173648 0.389711 0.225 -0.139173 0.389711 0.225 -0.104528 0.389711 0.225 -0.069756 0.389711 0.225 -0.034899 0.389711 0.225 6.13E-17 0.389711 0.225 0.034899 0.389711 0.225 0.069756 450 540 630 720 0.389711 0.225 0.104528 0.389711 0.225 0.139173 Phase B Phase B Phase C Phase C Phase C A+B+C I(t) p(t) v(t) I(t) p(t) p(t) -0.779423 0.389711 -0.5 5.51E-17 -2.76E-17 1.169134 -0.763243 0.358321 Instantaneous -0.529919 -0.03141 0.016645 1.169134 Power in Three-Phase -0.746134 0.327084 -0.559193 -0.062781 0.035107 1.169134 -0.728115 0.296151 -0.587785 -0.094076 0.055296 1.169134 1.5 -0.70921 0.265675 -0.615661 -0.125256 0.077115 1.169134 -0.68944 0.235802 -0.642788 -0.156283 0.100457 1.169134 -0.66883 0.20668 -0.669131 -0.187121 0.125208 1.169134 -0.647406 0.178449 -0.694658 -0.21773 0.151248 1.169134 va -0.625193 0.151248 -0.71934 -0.248074 0.178449 1.169134 ia -0.602218 0.125208 -0.743145 -0.278115 0.20668 1.169134 0 -0.578509 0.100457 -0.766044 -0.307818 0.235802 1.169134 pa -0.554095 0.077115 -0.788011 -0.337146 0.265675 1.169134 P -0.529007 0.055296 -0.809017 -0.366063 0.296151 1.169134 Q -0.503274 0.035107 -0.829038 -0.394534 0.327084 1.169134 -0.476927 0.016645 -0.848048 -0.422524 0.358321 1.169134 -0.45 -2.76E-17 -0.866025 -0.45 0.389711 1.169134 -0.422524 -0.014746 -0.882948 -0.476927 0.421102 1.169134 -1.5 -0.394534 -0.027521 -0.898794 -0.503274 0.452339 1.169134 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 -0.366063 -0.038264 -0.913545 -0.529007 0.483272 1.169134 -0.337146 -0.046922 -0.927184 -0.554095 0.513748 1.169134 Q 0.675 0.675 0.675 Circuit 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 720 0.675 0.675 va ia vb ib vc ic pa+pb+pc Q 26 A Single-Phase Power Example A load consists of a 47Ω resistor and 10mH inductor in series. The load is energized by a 120V, 60Hz voltage source. The phase angle of the voltage source is zero. a. Determine the phasor current b. Determine the load P, pf, Q, and S. c. Find an expression for instantaneous p(t) 27 A Transmission Line Example Calculate the P and Q flows (in per unit) for the loadflow situation shown below, and also check conservation of P and Q. PL + jQL 0.05 + j0.15 pu ohms VL = 1.020 /0° PR + jQR VR = 1.010 /-10° IS j0.20 pu mhos IcapL IcapR j0.20 pu mhos 28 implicit none complex vl_phasor,sl,icapl_phasor,zcl,is_phasor,zline complex vr_phasor,sr,icapr_phasor,zcr real real real real real vlmag,vlang,vrmag,vrang,pi,qcapl,qcapr vl_mag,vl_ang,vr_mag,vr_ang rline, xline, bcap pl,ql,pr,qr,is_mag,is_ang,icapl_mag,icapl_ang,icapr_mag,icapr_ang qline_loss open(unit=6,file="EE411_Trans_Line.dat") pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0) vl_mag = 1.02 vl_ang = 0.0 vr_mag = 1.01 vr_ang = -10.0 rline = 0.05 xline = 0.15 bcap = 0.20 vl_phasor = vl_mag * cmplx(cos(vl_ang * pi / 180.0),sin(vl_ang * pi / 180.0)) vr_phasor = vr_mag * cmplx(cos(vr_ang * pi / 180.0),sin(vr_ang * pi / 180.0)) is_phasor = (vl_phasor - vr_phasor) / cmplx(rline,xline) icapl_phasor = vl_phasor * cmplx(0.0,bcap) icapr_phasor = vr_phasor * cmplx(0.0,bcap) sl = vl_phasor * conjg(is_phasor + icapl_phasor) sr = vr_phasor * conjg(-is_phasor + icapr_phasor) pl ql pr qr = = = = real(sl) aimag(sl) real(sr) aimag(sr) write(6,*) "is_phasor (rectangular) = ",is_phasor is_mag = cabs(is_phasor) is_ang = atan2(aimag(is_phasor),real(is_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) "is_phasor (polar) ",is_mag,is_ang write(6,*) write(6,*) "icapl_phasor (rectangular) = ",icapl_phasor icapl_mag = cabs(icapl_phasor) icapl_ang = atan2(aimag(icapl_phasor),real(icapl_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) "icapl_phasor (polar) ",icapl_mag,icapl_ang write(6,*) 29 write(6,*) "is_phasor (rectangular) = ",is_phasor is_mag = cabs(is_phasor) is_ang = atan2(aimag(is_phasor),real(is_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) "is_phasor (polar) ",is_mag,is_ang write(6,*) write(6,*) "icapl_phasor (rectangular) = ",icapl_phasor icapl_mag = cabs(icapl_phasor) icapl_ang = atan2(aimag(icapl_phasor),real(icapl_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) "icapl_phasor (polar) ",icapl_mag,icapl_ang write(6,*) write(6,*) "icapr_phasor (rectangular) = ",icapr_phasor icapr_mag = cabs(icapr_phasor) icapr_ang = atan2(aimag(icapr_phasor),real(icapr_phasor)) * 180.0 / pi write(6,*) "icapr_phasor (polar) ",icapr_mag,icapr_ang write(6,*) qcapl = cabs(vl_phasor) * cabs(vl_phasor) * (-bcap) qcapr = cabs(vr_phasor) * cabs(vr_phasor) * (-bcap) write(6,*) "pl = ",pl write(6,*) "ql = ",ql write(6,*) write(6,*) "pr = ",pr write(6,*) "qr = ",qr write(6,*) write(6,*) "qcapl = ",qcapl write(6,*) "qcapr = ",qcapr write(6,*) write(6,*) "pl + pr = ",(pl + pr) write(6,*) "ql + qr = ",(ql + qr) write(6,*) write(6,*) qline_loss write(6,*) write(6,*) write(6,*) "pline_loss = ",cabs(is_phasor) * cabs(is_phasor) * rline = cabs(is_phasor) * cabs(is_phasor) * xline "qline_loss = ",qline_loss "qline_loss + qcapl + qcapr = ",(qline_loss + qcapl + qcapr) end 30 PL + jQL 0.05 + j0.15 pu ohms PR + jQR VL = 1.020 /0° VR = 1.010 /-10° IS j0.20 pu mhos IcapL IcapR j0.20 pu mhos ----------------------------------Results is_phasor (rectangular) = (1.102996,0.1987045) is_phasor (polar) 1.120752 10.21229 icapl_phasor (rectangular) = (0.0000000E+00,0.2040000) icapl_phasor (polar) 0.2040000 90.00000 icapr_phasor (rectangular) = (3.5076931E-02,0.1989312) icapr_phasor (polar) 0.2020000 80.00000 pl = ql = 1.125056 -0.4107586 pr = qr = -1.062252 0.1870712 qcapl = qcapr = -0.2080800 -0.2040200 pl + pr = ql + qr = 6.2804222E-02 -0.2236874 pline_loss = 6.2804200E-02 qline_loss = 0.1884126 qline_loss + qcapl + qcapr = -0.2236874 31 RMS of some common periodic waveforms Duty cycle controller V 0<D<1 By inspection, this is the average value of the squared waveform 0 DT T T DT 0 0 1 2 1 2 Vrms v (t )dt T T 2 V 2 2 V dt DT DV T Vrms V D 32 RMS of common periodic waveforms, cont. Sawtooth V 0 T T 2 2T 2 1 V V V 2 2 3T Vrms t dt t dt t 3 3 0 T T T 3 T 0 0 V Vrms 3 33 RMS of common periodic waveforms, cont. Using the power concept, it is easy to reason that the following waveforms would all produce the same average power to a resistor, and thus their rms values are identical and equal to the previous example V V 0 0 0 -V V V V 0 0 0 V 0 V Vrms 3 34 2. Three-Phase Circuits 35 Three Important Properties of Three-Phase Balanced Systems • • Because they form a balanced set, the a-b-c currents sum to zero. Thus, there is no return current through the neutral or ground, which reduces wiring losses. A N-wire system needs (N – 1) meters. A threephase, four-wire system needs three meters. A three-phase, three-wire system needs only two meters. a b c n Three-phase, four wire system Reference • The instantaneous power is constant 36 Observe Constant Three-Phase P and Q in Excel spreadsheet 1_Single_Phase_Three_Phase_Instantaneous_Power.xls Vmag = Vang = Imag = Iang = wt 0 2 4 6 1.5 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 -1.5 34 0 36 38 1 0 0.90 90 -30 150 Phase A Phase A Phase A v(t) I(t) p(t) 1 0.779423 0.779423 0.999391 0.794653 Power 0.794169 Instantaneous in 0.997564 0.808915 0.806944 0.994522 0.822191 0.817687 0.990268 0.834465 0.826345 0.984808 0.845723 0.832875 0.978148 0.855951 0.837246 0.970296 0.865136 0.839437 0.961262 0.873266 0.839437 0.951057 0.880333 0.837246 0.939693 0.886327 0.832875 0.927184 0.891241 0.826345 0.913545 0.89507 0.817687 0.898794 0.897808 0.806944 0.882948 0.899452 0.794169 0.866025 0.9 0.779423 0.848048 0.899452 0.762778 0.829038 0.897808 0.744316 90 180 270 360 0.809017 0.89507 0.724127 0.788011 0.891241 0.702308 P Q Phase B 0.389711 0.225 v(t) 0.389711 0.225 -0.5 0.389711 0.225 -0.469472 Single-Phase Circuit 0.389711 0.225 -0.438371 0.389711 0.225 -0.406737 0.389711 0.225 -0.374607 0.389711 0.225 -0.34202 0.389711 0.225 -0.309017 0.389711 0.225 -0.275637 0.389711 0.225 -0.241922 0.389711 0.225 -0.207912 0.389711 0.225 -0.173648 0.389711 0.225 -0.139173 0.389711 0.225 -0.104528 0.389711 0.225 -0.069756 0.389711 0.225 -0.034899 0.389711 0.225 6.13E-17 0.389711 0.225 0.034899 0.389711 0.225 0.069756 450 540 630 720 0.389711 0.225 0.104528 0.389711 0.225 0.139173 Phase B Phase B Phase C Phase C Phase C A+B+C I(t) p(t) v(t) I(t) p(t) p(t) -0.779423 0.389711 -0.5 5.51E-17 -2.76E-17 1.169134 -0.763243 0.358321 Instantaneous -0.529919 -0.03141 0.016645 1.169134 Power in Three-Phase -0.746134 0.327084 -0.559193 -0.062781 0.035107 1.169134 -0.728115 0.296151 -0.587785 -0.094076 0.055296 1.169134 1.5 -0.70921 0.265675 -0.615661 -0.125256 0.077115 1.169134 -0.68944 0.235802 -0.642788 -0.156283 0.100457 1.169134 -0.66883 0.20668 -0.669131 -0.187121 0.125208 1.169134 -0.647406 0.178449 -0.694658 -0.21773 0.151248 1.169134 va -0.625193 0.151248 -0.71934 -0.248074 0.178449 1.169134 ia -0.602218 0.125208 -0.743145 -0.278115 0.20668 1.169134 0 -0.578509 0.100457 -0.766044 -0.307818 0.235802 1.169134 pa -0.554095 0.077115 -0.788011 -0.337146 0.265675 1.169134 P -0.529007 0.055296 -0.809017 -0.366063 0.296151 1.169134 Q -0.503274 0.035107 -0.829038 -0.394534 0.327084 1.169134 -0.476927 0.016645 -0.848048 -0.422524 0.358321 1.169134 -0.45 -2.76E-17 -0.866025 -0.45 0.389711 1.169134 -0.422524 -0.014746 -0.882948 -0.476927 0.421102 1.169134 -1.5 -0.394534 -0.027521 -0.898794 -0.503274 0.452339 1.169134 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 -0.366063 -0.038264 -0.913545 -0.529007 0.483272 1.169134 -0.337146 -0.046922 -0.927184 -0.554095 0.513748 1.169134 Q 0.675 0.675 0.675 Circuit 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 0.675 720 0.675 0.675 va ia vb ib vc ic pa+pb+pc Q 37 Imaginary Vab = Van – Vbn Vcn Vca = Vcn – Van 30° Real Van 120° Vbn Vbc = Vbn – Vcn The phasors are rotating counter-clockwise. The magnitude of line-to-line voltage phasors is 3 times the magnitude of line-to-neutral voltage phasors. 38 Imaginary Vab = Van – Vbn Vcn Vca = Vcn – Van Ic Ica 30° Iab Real Ia Van Line currents I a, Ib, and I c Ib Ibc Delta currents I ab, Ibc, and I ca Ic c Vbn Ica Balanced Sets Add to Zero in Both Time and Phasor Domains Ibc Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 Van + Vbn + Vcn = 0 Vab + Vbc + Vca = 0 Ib Vbc = Vbn – Vcn Iab b a – Vab + Ia Conservation of power requires that the magnitudes of delta currents I ab, Ica, and I bc are times the magnitude of line currents I a, Ib, Ic. 1 3 39 c c Ic Ic Z 3Z 3Z n Z a b Ib – Ia 3Z Vab Z a b Ib – Vab + + Ia The Two Above Loads are Equivalent in Balanced Systems (i.e., same line currents Ia, Ib, Ic and phase-to-phase voltages Vab, Vbc, Vca in both cases) 40 c c Ic Ic n – Van + a b Ib Ib – Ia Vab a b – Vab + + Ia The Two Above Sources are Equivalent in Balanced Systems (i.e., same line currents Ia, Ib, Ic and phase-to-phase voltages Vab, Vbc, Vca in both cases) 41 c KCL: I n = I a + I b + I c Ic But for a balanced set, Ia + Ib + I c = 0, so I n = 0 Z In n Z Z a b Ib – V ab + Ia Ground (i.e., V = 0) The Experiment: Opening and closing the switch has no effect because I n is already zero for a three -phase balanced set. Since no current flows, even if there is a resistance in the grounding path, we must conclude that Vn = 0 at the neutral point (or equivalent neutral point) of any balanced three phase load or source in a bala nced system. This allows us to draw a “one -line” diagram (typically for phase a) and solve a single -phase problem. Solutions for phases b and c follow from the phase shifts that must exist. 42 Zline c c Ic 3Zload 3Zload a b Zline – Vab a b Ia 3Zload + Zline Ib Zline a a Ia + Van – The “One-Line” Diagram n Zload n Balanced three-phase systems, no matter if they are delta connected, wye connected, or a mix, are easy to solve if you follow these steps: 1. Convert the entire circuit to an equivalent wyewith a grounded neutral. 2. Draw the one-line diagram for phase a, recognizing that phase a has one third of the P and Q. 3. Solve the one-line diagram for line-to-neutral voltages and line currents. 4. If needed, compute line-to-neutral voltages and line currents for phases b and c using the ±120° relationships. 5. If needed, compute line-to-line voltages and delta currents using the 3 and ±30° relationships. 43 Now Work a Three-Phase Motor Power Factor Correction Example A three-phase, 460V motor draws 5kW with a power factor of 0.80 lagging. Assuming that phasor voltage Van has phase angle zero, • Find phasor currents Ia and Iab and (note – Iab is inside the motor delta windings) • Find the three phase motor Q and S • How much capacitive kVAr (three-phase) should be connected in parallel with the motor to improve the net power factor to 0.95? • Assuming no change in motor voltage magnitude, what will be the new phasor current Ia after the kVArs are added? 44 Now Work a Delta-Wye Conversion Example The 60Hz system shown below is balanced. The line-to-line voltage of the source is 460V. Resistors R are each 5Ω. Z Z Z Part a. If each Z is (90 + j45)Ω, determine the three-phase complex power delivered by the source, and the three-phase complex power absorbed by the delta-connected Z loads. ~ ~ Part b. If Van at the source has phase angle zero, find Va'b' at the load. Part c. Draw a phasor diagram that shows line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic, and load currents Iab, Ibc, and Ica. 45 3. Transformers 46 Transformer Core Types 47 High-Voltage Grid Transformers, 100’s of MW 48 Single-Phase Transformer Φ Rs jXs Rm jXm Ideal Transformer 7200:240V Turns ratio 7200:240 7200V 240V (30 : 1) (but approx. same amount of copper in each winding) 49 Short Circuit Test Isc Rs + Vsc Short circuit test: Short circuit the 240V-side, and raise the 7200V-side voltage to a few percent of 7200, until rated current flows. There is almost no core flux so the magnetizing terms are negligible. jXs Rm jXm Ideal Transformer 7200:240V 7200V 240V Φ ~ Vsc Rs jX s ~ I sc Turns ratio 7200:240 (but approx. same amount of copper in each winding) 50 Open Circuit Test Ioc Rs jXs Rm jXm 7200V Φ + Voc - Ideal Transformer 7200:240V 240V Open circuit test: Open circuit the 7200V-side, and apply 240V to the 240V-side. The winding currents are small, so the series terms are negligible. ~ Voc Rm || jX m ~ I oc Turns ratio 7200:240 (but approx. same amount of copper in each winding) 51 1. Given the standard percentage values below for a 125kVA transformer, determine the R’s and X’s in the diagram, in Ω. 2. If the R’s and X’s are moved to the 240V side, compute the new Ω values. Single Phase Transformer. Percent values are given on transformer base. Winding 1 kv = 7.2, kVA = 125 Winding 2 kv = 0.24, kVA = 125 Load loss Rs Xs No load loss Magnetizing current jXs Ideal Rm jXm Transformer 7200:240V %imag = 0.5 %loadloss = 0.9 %noloadloss = 0.2 %Xs = 2.2 7200V 240V 3. If standard open circuit and short circuit tests are performed on this transformer, what will be the P’s and Q’s (Watts and VArs) measured in those tests? 52 X / R Ratios for Three-Phase Transformers • 345kV to 138kV, X/R = 10 • Substation transformers (e.g., 138kV to 25kV or 12.5kV, X/R = 2, X = 12% • 25kV or 12.5kV to 480V, X/R = 1, X = 5% • 480V class, X/R = 0.1, X = 1.5% to 4.5% Rs jXs Ideal Rm jXm Transformer 53 Saturation – relative permeability decreases rapidly after 1.7 Tesla Relative permeability drops from about 2000 to about 1 (becomes air core) Magnetizing inductance of the core decreases, yielding a highly peaked magnetizing current Linear Scale Log10 Scale 54 Transformer Core Saturation 6 Amperes 4 No DC Log10 Scale 2 0 -2 -4 -6 Magnetizing Current for Single-Phase 25 kVA. 12.5kV/240V Transformer. THDi = 76.1%, Mostly 3rd Harmonic. No DC With DC Linear Scale 55 Apply a DC Voltage to a Transformer and Watch It Saturate Where there is a DC current, there is a DC voltage, and vice-versa Cold Core Test on 1kVA Transformer (120V Winding Excited, 480V Winding Connected to 25 Ohm Resistor, Vdc = 150V on 6500 uF) MG, March 12, 2009 Transformer Current in 120V Winding 140 160 Voltage 140 Current 120 120 100 100 Saturates 80 80 \ 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 -20 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 Transformer Voltage Across 120V Winding 160 -20 0.025 Time - Seconds 56 B-H Curve Constructed from V-I Measurements Shows Linear Region, Saturation, Hysteresis, and Residual Magnetism 0.9 Severe hysteresis 0.8 Residual magnetism 0.7 Volt-Seconds 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Shape of normal hysteresis path 0.2 0.1 0.0 Residual magnetism -0.1 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Est. Magnetizing Amps 57 Distribution Feeder Loss Example Annual Loss Secondary Lines 21% Transformer NoLoad 45% • Annual energy loss = 2.40% • Largest component is transformer noload loss (45% of the 2.40%) Primary Lines 26% Demand values for the peak hour of (load + loss) Consumption/Demand Total Loss Line Loss (Wires) Transformer Loss (load plus no-load) Load Loss (Wires and transformers) No-Load Loss (Transformer magnetizing) Primary Loss (Includes transformers) Secondary Loss (No transformers) Primary Lines (Wires) Secondary Lines (Wires) No-Load Loss (Transformer magnetizing) Transformer Load Loss At Peak Hour Total kW % of Consump 5665 173 3.06% 123 2.18% 50 0.88% 144 2.54% 29 0.52% 116 2.05% 57 1.01% 66 1.17% 57 1.01% 29 0.52% 21 0.36% Annual Energy Total kWh % of Consumpt 22222498 534293 2.40% 250568 1.13% 283726 1.28% 291879 1.31% 242414 1.09% 421316 1.90% 112978 0.51% 137590 0.62% 112978 0.51% 242414 1.09% 41312 0.19% Transformer Load 8% Modern Distribution Transformer: • Load loss at rated load (I2R in conductors) = 0.75% of rated transformer kW. • No load loss at rated voltage (magnetizing, core steel) = 0.2% of rated transformer kW. • Magnetizing current = 0.5% of rated transformer amperes Single-Phase Transformer Impedance Reflection from High-Side (H) to Low-Side (L) by the Square of the Turns Ratio jXs Rs Rm Faraday’s law Conservation of power Ideal Transformer 7200:240V jXm 7200V 240V 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NH ~~ VH N H ~ ~ I H VL N L Z H VH / I H VH / I H , VH I H VL I L , so ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N Z N VL I L VH VL / I L V L /I H L H L L H H NH NL Ideal Transformer 7200:240V 7200V 240 jX m 7200 240V 2 240 Rm 7200 2 240 jX s 7200 2 240 Rs 7200 2 59 Now Work a Single-Phase Transformer Example Open circuit and short circuit tests are performed on asingle-phase, 7200:240V, 25kVA, 60Hz distribution transformer. The results are: Short circuit test (short circuit the low-voltage side, energize the high-voltage side so that rated current flows, and measure Psc and Qsc). Measured Psc = 400W, Qsc = 200VAr. Open circuit test (open circuit the high-voltage side, apply rated voltage to the low-voltage side, and measure Poc and Qoc). Measured Poc = 100W, Q oc = 250VAr. Determine the four impedance values (in ohms) for the transformer model shown. Rs Φ jXs Rm jXm Ideal Transformer 7200:240V Turns ratio 7200:240 7200V 240V (30 : 1) (but approx. same amount of copper in each winding) 60 A three-phase transformer can be three separate single-phase transformers, or one large transformer with three sets of windings Wye-Equivalent One-Line Model A Rs jXs N1:N2 Rm jXm Ideal Transformer N1 : N2 N N1:N2 N1:N2 Y-Y • Reflect side 1 wye ohms to side 2 wye ohms by multiplying by [N2 / N1]^2 Standard 345/138kV autotransformers, GY - GY, with a tertiary 12.5kV Δ winding to provide circulating 3rd harmonic current 61 For Delta-Delta Connection Model, Convert the Transformer to Equivalent Wye-Wye Wye-Equivalent One-Line Model A N1:N2 jXs 3 Rm 3 N N1:N2 Rs 3 jXm 3 Ideal Transformer N1 N 2 : 3 3 • Reflect side 1 delta ohms to side 2 delta ohms by multiplying by [N2 / N1]^2 • Convert side 2 delta ohms to wye ohms by dividing by 3 N1:N2 Δ-Δ • Convert side 1 delta ohms to wye ohms by dividing by 3 • Above circuit results in the proper reflection. Note that N2/Sqrt3 divided by N1/Sqrt3 is the 62 same as N2 divided by N1 For Delta-Wye Connection Model, Convert the Transformer to Equivalent Wye-Wye Standard building entrance and substation transformers. Δ high side/ GY low side Wye-Equivalent One-Line Model A N1:N2 N1:N2 Rs 3 jXs 3 Rm 3 N jXm 3 Ideal Transformer N1 : N2 3 • Reflect side 1 delta ohms to side 2 wye ohms by multiplying by [N2 / N1]^2 • Convert side 1 delta ohms to wye ohms by dividing by 3 • Above circuit results in the proper reflection N1:N2 Δ-Y 63 For Wye-Delta Connection Model, Convert the Transformer to Equivalent Wye-Wye Wye-Equivalent One-Line Model A N1:N2 Rs jXs Ideal Transformer Rm jXm N1 : N N1:N2 N2 3 • Reflect side 1 wye ohms to side 2 delta ohms by multiplying by [N2 / N1]^2 • Convert side 2 impedances from delta ohms to wye ohms by dividing by 3 • Above circuit results in the proper reflection N1:N2 Y-Δ So, for all configurations, the equivalent wye-wye transformer ohms can be reflected from one side to the other using the three-phase bank line-to-line 64 turns ratio For wye-delta and delta-wye configurations, there is a phase shift in line-to-line voltages because • the individual transformer windings on one side are connected line-to-neutral, and on the other side are connected line-to-line • But there is no phase shift in any of the individual transformers • This means that line-to-line voltages on the delta side are in phase with line-to-neutral voltages on the wye side • Thus, phase shift in line-to-line voltages from one side to the other is unavoidable, but it can be managed by standard labeling to avoid problems caused by paralleling transformers 65