Essay guidelines

• You have to write a 1500-2000 word essay
– The length must be within these limits
• You must write it alone
– Each student’s report must be completely unique; no
sharing or copying is allowed
– You can use books from the library and websites to
help you
– But you must not just copy from the books and
• The essay is due on the last day of class
Essay planning
• You need to look at some essay writing
advice websites this week.
• One recommendation is
• ***Ignore websites that offer to write your
essay for money.***
(look at planning now)
Use a search engine to find
information on the web
• But you must not *ONLY* use the Internet for your
• You can use the library for
– Books
– Academic online databases (more information next week)
• When searching, try
xyz article
xyz site:edu (in Google)
xyz bibliography
“books about xyz”
• Search and
Starting your essay research
You must go to the library!
You can search the library website
It may be easier to find things by searching Amazon
Further reading in Yule
Fromkin (some copies in the library)
Further reading in Fromkin!
Other linguistics books
Books on morphology, syntax etc.
• Newspapers, journals
• Web
– Search engines
– Wikipedia (but not only Wikipedia!)
• Keep a record of
– Book title, author, date, publisher, publication city
– Website name, URL, author, date visited
– Newspaper/journal name, author, article title etc.
• You need this information for your bibliography, so
don’t lose it!
Format of your essay
• You can use MLA style
• Or any other format which looks good
• For your references, also use MLA style
– For in-text citation
– And for your list of references at the end of the essay
• Or, you can use the Harvard system for in-text
citation and the reference list
• On the next slide is a reference list in Harvard
• A lot of journals are available in room
– Both in Chinese and English
• Some are kept on the library shelves
• Others can be accessed from the
computers in F603, or any campus PC
– Or you can set up your computer from home
Your homework
• Make a draft reference list for your essay (hand it in next
• Don’t just copy a bibliography from the web, or from a teacher
• When you write the reference list for your essay
– Only list the books and other publications that you actually use and
cite in your essay
• Don’t use too many websites as references
• Don’t just give links to homepages
– Give the link that has the information
• I want to see
– Books
– Articles from journals (from the library), newspapers or magazines
– If you want, you can cite radio & TV, even videos
Essay researching
• You need to start the research for your
essay this week.
• You can find some helpful hints on these
• Indirect quotations
– Jones (1999:123) believes [claims, says…]
that most Taiwanese students…
• Direct quotations
– According to Jones (1999:123), “most
Taiwanese students…”
– Jones (1999) writes “most Taiwanese
• You can cite works in any language (as
long as you understand it!)
• In your reference section, give the English
name if the publication has one
– If not, give it in Chinese and translate the
name yourself
• Give indirect quotations in English
• Give direct quotations in Chinese, and
provide an English translation.
Your own work
• If you use someone else’s work, you must
show it is not your idea
– You must cite the work
• Direct quotations (English or Chinese)
– Maximum: one sentence
– DO NOT take something from the web and
copy it
– DO NOT translate a whole paragraph from
Chinese (not even if you are the author)
Your own ideas
• You can use quotations from other people
to support your arguments
• You must think of your own ideas too
– Give the two sides of your question
– Use your own ideas AND other people’s ideas
to reach YOUR conclusion about your topic
References for your essay
• Harvard style with a Chinese example
Everything has an author, a title, a date
The author’s name goes first (family name first)
Websites have a URL and a title
Articles have a title and a newpaper or journal
• Everything (except a website) has a publisher
and city
Planning your essay
• There should be three main sections
– What are they?
• What should you say in the Introduction to
your essay (in general terms)?
– You might like to check this out