Privacy Teaching

Privacy in Healthcare
Dr. Nicole Golda
PGY 5 Urology
 Have you:
– actually read through the privacy contract before
signing it to obtain EPR access?
– shared your login/password with a resident or
medical student?
– brought patient information home? Or emailed
patient information?
– left your ERP logged in at a nursing station or in
the OR?
– misplaced your patient list?
– discussed patient info in a public place or in front
of patient’s family members?
Why is privacy important?
 Patients entrust us with their care and private health info
only for the purpose of treating them
 Protecting privacy matters because if patients felt their
information would not be kept private, they would withhold information, ultimately affecting their care
 Canadians appear to be concerned about the privacy of their health
information. A recent online survey of 1002 Canadian patients indicated
that 43.2% have withheld or would withhold information from their
health care provider because of privacy concerns, while 31.3% of
Canadian patients have or would postpone care over privacy concerns,
and 42.9% would seek care outside their communities for the same
Privacy Laws Primer:
PHIPA: Personal Health Information Privacy Act
 Provincial law - took effect Nov 1, 2004
 Governs:
collection, use and disclosure of personal health
information (PHI), for health care and secondary
entrenched patients’ privacy rights:
access PHI
correct PHI
restrict use & disclosure of their PHI
notified if PHI stolen or lost
challenge an organizations’ privacy practices
‘Privacy’ is not a new issue in health
care… so why do we need privacy laws?
 Modern healthcare relies on electronic patient-care
systems i.e., EPR, PACS
 EPR increases the scope of info available to health
practitioners = better health care
 Privacy risks are inherent in EPR environment
ie. cannot lock down EPR so users can only access
info for patients assigned to them
Important that you only access info
if required to complete your job
Key Issues:
#1 Access to Information
 Access only the information/records needed to take
care of your patients
 Just because you have access to EPR, does not mean
you can access any record, even if it is kept
 This includes your own record and that of your
family, colleagues etc. – you cannot even look up
your colleagues birthdates/demographic info
Privacy Office audits EPR to determine compliance:
 on request of a patient/SDM - to investigate
 on randomly selected patients/staff/affiliates
 high profile patients; staff deaths
If a breach occurs, the hospital is required by law to
inform the patient of any unauthorized access
Access to your own records
Ex. Your throat is sore and an ER doctor sends a swab. Later that
night you call microbiology to ask them if your culture is
positive- can they give you the information?
Who can access your results?
A. Check yourself
B. ER doctor
C. ER resident
D. Collegue if you give them permission
Patients have the right to access their health information
(with some exceptions)
Residents who are also patients must access information
same as other patients e.g. through Health Records
Key Issues:
#2 Information Security
Do not share your login information
 You are responsible for any activity that occurs
under your login
 Log out of your network application when you are
 Do not ask another resident to access information on
patients if they are not providing the patient care
 Do not access information using someone else’s login
Log out of the network application when you are finished–
NEVER leave an access open and unattended
Keeping patient info secure
Store electronic confidential information on hospital
network, not on local/hard drives or portable devices
If you are required to store confidential information
on a hard drive or portable device it MUST be either
de-identified or encrypted
Ensure you have proper approval prior to collecting
patient information in a database or other application
(REB approval)
Never leave confidential information unattendedie. patients lists after rounds
Dispose of lists in confidential bins
Encryption of Files
Keeping patient info secure
 Ex. Post on Facebook- “on call at St. Mike’s and sick
trauma came in last night on call and got to go to
OR!” Is this OK since the patient is not identified?
 Do not post confidential information on personal or
public web pages, e.g. blogging, other social
networks, Internet messaging
 Do not take photographs, video record and/or sound
record patients unless you have the appropriate
consent – even if the photo/video/sound is ‘deidentified’
What about teaching rounds?
 Case Studies
– If education is being provided to colleagues who
provide the patient care, express consent from the
patient is not required
– If education is being provided to those who do not
provide care e.g. Grand Rounds, the information
must be “de-identified” OR you must obtain
express consent from the patient
Key Issues: #3 Communicating
confidential information
Select the most secure method of sending
hard copy and transmitting electronic
confidential information
 if you need to send confidential information
either de-identify the info, encrypt the file or
send in a secure manner– e-mail is not a
secure manner of sending outside the
organization/ outside the secure system
designating e-mails sent within the secure
system as “confidential” – subject line
Incidental Disclosure
 Cannot all be avoided, minimize the risk by:
– Not discussing PHI in public places,
e.g., elevators, hallways, cafeteria, etc.
– Not using your cell to discuss PHI in public places.
– Speaking softly when another patient is nearby
(e.g., double rooms, ICUs, etc).
– In clinics, speak to your patients in private rooms,
not in the waiting room.
– Keep charts, mail, test results, etc in protected
– If necessary for patient care and safety, limited
disclosure may be made (e.g., identifying a
patient as being on precautions).
Inappropriate disclosure –
watch where you discuss
confidential information
Privacy Breaches
 When PHI is collected, used, disclosed or disposed in
a was that does not comply with the Act.
 Most common:
– Unauthorized collection (patient not looking after, no
– Unauthorized disclosure: loss (leave pt list in public place),
theft (laptop stolen), mistake (fax/letter sent to wrong
– Unsecure disposal (unshredded file left in garbage)
 Privacy breaches are happening daily:
– Residents are unaware they are doing anything
– Residents don’t know what you can and cannot do
Consequences of a Privacy Breach
 If you violate the law, you may face:
Fines for an offence and/or a lawsuit for damages
Civil litigation
Loss of appointment or affiliation within a hospital
Report to CPSO – disciplinary proceedings
 If prosecuted and convicted of an offense:
– Hospital or physician could ne fined up to $250K
or $50K respectively
 A breach of privacy may entitle affected individuals to
sue you for damages for:
– Actual harm a breach caused, or
– Mental anguish (up to $10K)
What should I do?
Scenario #1:
Q: I am approached in the hallway by someone who
asks me if I know what room a patient is in. I saw
the patient’s name on the unit I just left. What
should I do?
A: Refer the person to the nurses’ station, information
desk, or hospital operator. You do not know
whether the patient has requested any restrictions.
Is this okay?
Scenario #2:
Q: I hear about a very unusual case in the OR. I am
an ortho resident and the patient is being operated
on for ambiguous genitalia. I read some of the clinic
notes in EPR. Is this okay?
A: No. While it might be argued that educational
benefit can be gained by reviewing unusual cases,
access to patients’ records in this type of situation is
not appropriate. Electronic records are monitored for
inappropriate access. If this patient is not under
your service, you could be flagged for inappropriate
Is it okay?
Scenario #3:
Q: My friend was admitted yesterday after collapsing
during a bike ride. I am very concerned about her
progress and would like to visit her but I don’t know
which room she is in. Is it okay if I look up the
information in the computer system?
A: No. Using your access privileges to look up any
information for any patient when there is no need to
know based on your responsibilities in the hospital is
a violation of patient confidentiality.
Is it okay?
Scenario #4:
Q: Giving handover to the staff and next resident on
call via:
- Email?
- Text message?
- What if do not use patient name but initials?
A: No. Unless txts are going through hospital security
system (hospital blackberry’s) then its not secure.
Cell phone provider has access.
Who is at fault?
Scenario #5:
Q: On morning rounds EPR is logged in under resident
A’s login. Resident B places an order for a patient.
Orders the wrong medication.
A: Resident A is accountable for resident B’s actions
 Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
 Ontario Hospital Association (Physician’s Toolkit)
 Hospital Privacy Office
Thank you