February break work list for absent students

Español 1
Work List – February Break
Sra Grant
Below is the work we will be covering in class over February break (with extensions). Locate the days you will be
absent and complete the assigned work. See the chart below for directions as to what must be handed in upon
your return. Notice we are having a QUIZ on time on Tues 3/1 – Wed 3/2. This quiz will cover culture, so you will
need to come see me before then (during lunch/after school) to ensure you understand the culture – this will only
take about 5 minutes. Enjoy your vacation!! 
** work marked with asterix is graded, must be handed in upon return
(*) work marked with this symbol is attached for your practice. Will not be graded.
© cultural topics you will need to research or come see me to discuss before QUIZ
Thursday 2/17
** Calentamiento – P/A p.28 wksht #7 + 8 (has pictures of clocks at the top)
- go over homework
(*) Quia computer practice
© Time zone notes/activity (use website below to research answers to tomorrow’s calentamiento)
** Homework – “la hora” wksht (with picture of clocks) – write in time on clock on each line, below each line
write in what time it would be in Spain (+6 hours)
Friday 2/18
**Calentamiento – time zone calentamiento (“Zona horaria”)
- listening activity p.78 #13
© notes: a qué hora
**practice text activity – p.80 #16
**Homework – text p.R19 #4 + 3
Tuesday 2/22 - Wednesday 2/23
- work on project/textbook homework in class
Thursday 2/24
**Calentamiento – “¿A qué hora?” (1/2 sheet of paper)
- review notes, go over homework
- 24hour clock notes
- TV Schedule lab
(*) Quia computer practice 2
-Homework = project
Friday 2/25
**Calentamiento – “El horario del tren” (full paper)
- discuss 24hour clock in reference to train Schedule
- listening activity p.80 #15
- KOOSH game (to review time)
- Homework: study for Quiz on Tuesday
Monday 2/28
**Calentamiento – “translate time” (1/2 paper)
- discuss “la hora latina” – textbook p.83 (read)
- review for quiz
- present projects
Tuesday 3/1 – Wednesday 3/2
**Calentamiento – “preparación para la prueba” (1/2 paper)
**QUIZ – telling time, telling at what time things happen, culture (time zones, 24h clock, hora latina)
**CAPT activity – “Los chicos ticos – un día típico”
Español 1
Telling time – online practice
1. Open Internet Explorer and go to this address: http://www.quia.com/profiles/egrant114
- the page should say “Erin Grant” on the top.
2. Click on the Quia activities to practice telling time.
Work your way down the list – there is a fun game at the end! (rags to riches)
- JG: choose one of the activities available (flashcards, matching, concentration, wordsearch)
- JG: match the pictures with the times given
-RR: similar to “who wants to be a millionaire” – see if you can win the 1,000,000
3. When you have finished practicing/playing, complete the Quiz below. Show me your results before closing.
Español 1
Zonas horarias
Based on yesterday’s discussion in class on time zones, answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
1. Would you say the following places are “ahead” of us (in CT) or “behind”. By how many hours?
- México D.F, México
- Santiago, Chile
- Los Ángeles, California
- Madrid, España
2. The time in CT is 1:00pm. What time is it in the following places?
- México D.F, México
- Santiago, Chile
- Los Ángeles, California
- Madrid, España
3. (a) You are living in Spain and want to call your mother in the US. It is 8:00am in Madrid. Would it be a good
idea to call now?
(b) Now it is 6:00pm in Madrid and you want to call your best friend in the US. Would you be able to reach her if
you called now?
Español 1
¿A qué hora?
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. ¿Qué hora es ahorita? (usa la televisión)
2. ¿A qué hora es período G hoy? (usa el horario en la pizarra)
3. ¿A qué hora es el almuerzo hoy?
4. ¿A qué hora es la cena (dinner) en tu casa?
Español 1
AT what time?? - online practice
*The organized page will not be available until Thurs 2/24, but the links should work at any time
1. Open Internet Explorer and go to this address: http://www.quia.com/profiles/egrant114
- the page should say “Erin Grant” on the top.
2. Click on the Quia activities to practice telling time vs telling at what time something happens.
Work your way down the list – there is a fun game at the end! (rags to riches)
- POP: answer questions (telling time vs at what time) http://www.quia.com/pop/495139.html
- BA: battleship – answer “at what time” things happen http://www.quia.com/ba/483161.html
-RR: similar to “who wants to be a millionaire” – see if you can win the 1,000,000
*be careful with small differences between answers, they are tricky!
Español 1
El horario del tren
Based on the schedule above, answer the following questions. They get harder as you go along, so start from #1
and answer as many as you can in the time you have (challenge yourself).
1. What time (am/pm) does train #02281 leave?
2. What time (am/pm) does train # 02151 leave?
3. What time (am/pm) does train #09333 arrive?
4. From what city are these trains leaving? To which city are they going? On which date?
5. What is the name of the train company?
6. What is the difference between the AVE trains and the ALVIA trains?
Español 1
Translate time
Translate the following phrases to Spanish.
1. It is 6:15pm.
2. I have Spanish at 12:48pm.
3. What time is English class?
4. It’s at 2:30.
5. I’m late - I have to hurry.
Español 1
Calentamiento – preparación para la prueba
A. ¿Qué hora es? Write the time in Spainsh.
1. 9:18am
2. 4:00pm
B. ¿Cuándo haces estas cosas…?
Write at what time you have the following.
1. La clase de español
2. Almuerzo
C. Cultura
Answer these questions in English
1. What are the time differences between CT and the following places:
2. On a 12 hour clock, what time would be equivalent to these 24h times? (write am/pm)