Project 2 Overview (Threads in Practice)


Thread Implementation and



Andrew Whitaker

Scheduling: A Few Lectures Ago…

 Scheduler decides when to run runnable threads

1 2 3 4 5 scheduler {4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, …}


 Programs should make no assumptions about the scheduler

 Scheduler is a “black box”

This Lecture: Digging into the


 Previously, we glossed over the choice of which process or thread is chosen to be run next

 “some thread from the ready queue”

 This decision is called scheduling

 scheduling is policy

 context switching is mechanism

 We will focus on CPU scheduling

 But, we will touch on network, disk scheduling

Scheduling goals

 Maximize CPU utilization

 Maximize throughput

 Req/sec

 Minimize latency

 Average turnaround time

 Time from request submission to completion

 Average response time

 Time from request submission till first result

 Favor some particular class of requests

 Priorities

 Avoid starvation

These goals can conflict!


 Goals are different across applications

 I/O Bound

 Web server, database (maybe)

 CPU bound

 Calculating

 Interactive system

 The ideal scheduler works well across a wide range of scenarios


 Non-preemptive : Once a thread is given the processor, it has it for as long as it wants

 A thread can give up the processor with

Thread.yield or a blocking I/O operation

 Preemptive : A long-running thread can have the processor taken away

 Typically, this is triggered by a timer interrupt

To Preempt or not to Preempt?

 Non-preemptive schedulers are subject to starvation while (true) { /* do nothing */ }

 Non-preemptive schedulers are easier to implement

 Non-preemptive scheduling is easier to program

 Fewer scheduler interleavings => fewer race conditions

 Non-preemptive scheduling can perform better

 Fewer locks => better performance

Preemption in Linux

 User-mode code can always be preempted

 Linux 2.4 (and before): the kernel was non-preemptive

 Any thread/process running in the kernel runs to completion

 Kernel is “trusted”

 Linux 2.6: kernel is preemptive

 Unless holding a lock

Linux 2.6 Preemption Details

 The task_struct contains a preempt_count variable

 Incrementing when grabbing a lock

 Decrementing when releasing a lock

 A thread in the kernel can be preempted iff preempt_count == 0

Algorithm #1: FCFS/FIFO

 First-come first-served / First-in first-out ( FCFS/FIFO )

 Jobs are scheduled in the order that they arrive

 Like “real-world” scheduling of people in lines

 Supermarkets, bank tellers, McD’s,

Starbucks …

 Typically non-preemptive

 no context switching at supermarket!

FCFS example

 Suppose the duration of A is 5, and the durations of B and C are each 1. What is the turnaround time for schedules 1 and 2 (assuming all jobs arrive at roughly the same time) ?

Job A B time

C 1

2 B C Job A

 Schedule 1: (5+6+7)/3 = 18/3 = 6

 Schedule 2: (1+2+7)/3 = 10/3 = 3.3

Analysis FCFS

+ No starvation (assuming tasks terminate)

Average response time can be lousy

Small requests wait behind big ones

FCFS may result in poor overlap of CPU and I/O activity

 I/O devices are left idle during long CPU bursts

FCFS at Amazon: Head-of-line


 Clients and servers at Amazon communicate over HTTP

 HTTP is a request/reply protocol which does not allow for re-ordering

 Problem: Short requests can get stuck behind a long request

 Called “head-of-line blocking”

B Job A C

Algorithm #2: Shortest Job First

 Choose the job with the smallest service requirement

 Variant: shortest processing time first

 Provably optimal with respect to average waiting time

SJF drawbacks

 It’s non-preemptive

 … but there’s a preemptive version – SRPT (Shortest

Remaining Processing Time first) – that accommodates arrivals

 Starvation

 Short jobs continually crowd out long jobs

 Possible solution: aging

 How do we know processing times?

 In practice, we must estimate

Longest Job First?

 Why would a company like Amazon favor

Longest Job First?

Algorithm #3: Priority

 Assign priorities to requests

 Choose request with highest priority to run next

 if tie, use another scheduling algorithm to break (e.g.,


 To implement SJF, priority = expected length of

CPU burst

 Abstractly modeled (and usually implemented) as multiple “priority queues”

 Put a ready request on the queue associated with its priority

Priority drawbacks

 How are you going to assign priorities?

 Starvation

 if there is an endless supply of high priority jobs, no lowpriority job will ever run

 Solution: “age” threads over time

 Increase priority as a function of accumulated wait time

 Decrease priority as a function of accumulated processing time

 Many ugly heuristics have been explored in this space

Priority Inversion

 A low-priority task acquires a resource

(e.g., lock) needed by a high-priority task

 Can have catastrophic effects (see Mars


 Solution: priority inheritance

 Temporarily “loan” some priority to the lockholding thread

Algorithm #4: RR

 Round Robin scheduling (RR)

 Ready queue is treated as a circular FIFO queue

 Each request is given a time slice, called a quantum

 Request executes for duration of quantum, or until it blocks

 Advantages:

 Simple

 No need to set priorities, estimate run times, etc.

 No starvation

 Great for timesharing

RR Issues

 What do you set the quantum to be?

 No value is “correct”

 If small, then context switch often, incurring high overhead

 If large, then response time degrades

 Turnaround time can be poor

 Compared to FCFS or SJF

 All jobs treated equally

 If I run 100 copies of SETI@home, it degrades your service

 Need priorities to fix this…

Combining algorithms

 In practice, any real system uses some sort of hybrid approach, with elements of FCFS, SPT,

RR, and Priority

 Example: multi-level queue scheduling

 Use a set of queues, corresponding to different priorities

 Priority scheduling across queues

 Round-robin scheduling within a queue

 Problems:

 How to assign jobs to queues?

 How to avoid starvation?

 How to keep the user happy?

UNIX scheduling: Multi-level

Feedback Queues

 Segregate processes according to their CPU utilization

 Highest priority queue has shortest CPU quantum

 Processes begin in the highest priority queue

 Priority scheduling across queues, RR within

 Process with highest priority always run first

 Processes with same priority scheduled RR

 Processes dynamically change priority

 Increases over time if process blocks before end of quantum

 Decreases if process uses entire quantum

 Goals:

 Reward interactive behavior over CPU hogs

 Interactive jobs typically have short bursts of CPU

Multi-processor Scheduling

 Each processor is scheduled independently

 Two implementation choices

 Single, global ready queue

 Per-processor run queue

 Increasingly, per-processor run queues are favored (e.g., Linux 2.6)

 Promotes processor affinity (better cache locality)

 Decreases demand for (slow) main memory

What Happens When a Queue is


 Tasks migrate from busy processors to idle processors

 Book talks about push vs pull migration

 Java 1.6 support: thread-safe doubleended queue ( java.util.Deque


 Use a bounded buffer per consumer

 If nothing in a consumer’s queue, steal work from somebody else
