Petroleum Engineering 613 Natural Gas Engineering Texas A&M University Lecture 06: Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow T.A. Blasingame, Texas A&M U. Department of Petroleum Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3116 +1.979.845.2292 — PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 1 Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Historical Perspectives "Backpressure" equation. Arps relations (exponential, hyperbolic, and harmonic). Derivation of Arps' exponential decline relation. Validation of Arps' hyperbolic decline relation. Specialized Gas Flow Relations: Fetkovich Gas Flow Relation. Ansah-Buba-Knowles Gas Flow Relations. Specialized Oil Flow Relations: Fetkovich Oil Flow Relation. Inflow Performance Relations (IPR): Early work (for rationale). Oil IPR and Solution-Gas Drive IPR. Gas Condensate IPR. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 2 History: Deliverability/"Backpressure" Equation Gas Well Deliverability: The original well deliverability relation was completely empirical (derived from observations), and is given as: qg C( p2 p2 )n wf This relationship is rigorous for low pressure gas reservoirs, (n=1 for laminar flow). From: Back-Pressure Data on NaturalGas Wells and Their Application to Production Practices — Rawlins and Schellhardt (USBM Monograph, 1935). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 3 History: p2 Diffusivity Equations Diffusivity Equations for a "Dry Gas:" p2 Relations p2 Form — Full Formulation: 2 2 (p ) p [ln( g z )]( p ) 2 2 2 g ct k t ( p2 ) p2 Form — Approximation: 2 2 (p ) PETE 613 (2005A) g ct k t ( p2 ) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 4 History: Gas p2 Condition (gz vs. p, T=200 Deg F) "Dry Gas" PVT Properties: (gz vs. p) Basis for the "pressure-squared" approximation (i.e., use of p2 variable). Concept: (gz) = constant, valid only for p<2000 psia. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 5 History: Gas p2 Condition (gz vs. p, T=200 Deg F) g z p p ppg dp p p z pn base g "Dry Gas" PVT Properties: (gz vs. p) Concept: IF (gz) = constant, THEN p2-variable valid. (gz) constant for p<2000 psia. Even with numerical solutions, p2 formulation would not be appropriate. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 6 History: "Arps" Equations Arps' (Empirical) Rate Relations: Exponential decline case (conservative). Harmonic decline case (liberal). Hyperbolic decline case (everything in between). Fetkovich (Radial Flow) Decline Type Curve: Exponential, hyperbolic, harmonic decline cases. Derivation of the Arps' Exponential Rate Relation: Combination of liquid material balance and liquid pseudosteady-state flow equation solved for pwf constant. Useful for deriving auxiliary relations (cumulative production functions, in particular). Derivation of the Arps' Hyperbolic Rate Relation: Interesting exercise, limited practical value. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 7 Arps Relations: Summary Flowrate-Time Relations: Exponential: (b=0) Hyperbolic: (0<b<1) Harmonic: (b=1) (1/2) q qi exp( Di t ) q qi (1 bDi t )1 / b qi q (1 Di t ) Cumulative Production-Time Relations: Exponential: (b=0) Hyperbolic: (0<b<1) Harmonic: (b=1) PETE 613 (2005A) q N p i [1 exp( Di t )] Di qi Np [1 (1 bDi t )11 / b ] (1 b) Di q N p i ln(1 Di t ) Di Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 8 Arps Relations: Summary (2/2) Flowrate-Cumulative Production Relations: Exponential: (b=0) q qi Di N p Plot of: q versus Np Hyperbolic: (0<b<1) q1b (1 b) Di qi b (N N p ) qi b or ( N N p ) q1b Plot of: log(N-Np) versus log(q) (1 b) Di Harmonic: (b=1) D q qi exp i N p qi PETE 613 (2005A) Plot of: log(q) versus Np Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 9 Arps Relations: Example 1 Sewell Ranch Well No. 1 — Barnett Field (NorthTexas) 2000 1800 Gas Flowrate Exponential Rate Model Hyperbolic Rate Model Wellbore Pressure 1600 1.E+03 1400 1200 1000 1.E+02 800 600 1.E+01 400 Flowing Tubing Pressure, psig Gas Production Rate, MSCFD 1.E+04 200 1.E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 4000 Producing Time, days a. Semilog "Rate-Time" Plot: Barnett Gas Field. (1/2) a. q qi exp( Di t ) qi q (1 bDi t )1 / b (Exponential) (Hyperbolic) b. q qi Di N p (Exponential) 1 1b qi q (1 b) Di b 1 ( N N p )1b (Hyperbolic) qi b c. ( N N p ) q1b (1 b) Di (Hyperbolic) Sewell Ranch Well No. 1 — Barnett Field (NorthTexas) 1.E+07 Sewell Ranch Well No. 1 — Barnett Field (NorthTexas) (G-Gp) Data Function Hyperbolic Model 1400 Cumulative Gas Production Exponential Model 1200 Hyperbolic Model 1.E+06 (G-Gp), MSCF Gas Production Rate, MSCFD Exponential Model 1000 800 600 1.E+05 400 200 Method is designed for hyperbolic decline case 0 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 1.E+04 1.E+01 Cumulative Gas Production, MSCF b. Cartesian "Rate-Cumulative" Plot: Barnett Gas Field (North Texas). PETE 613 (2005A) 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 Gas Production Rate, MSCFD c. Log-Log "(G-Gp)-Rate" Plot: Barnett Gas Field (North Texas). Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 10 Arps Relations: Example 1 (2/2) Sewell Ranch Well No. 1 — Barnett Field (NorthTexas) 2000 Gas Flowrate Exponential Rate Model Hyperbolic Rate Model Wellbore Pressure 1800 1600 1.E+03 1400 1200 1000 1.E+02 800 600 1.E+01 400 Flowing Tubing Pressure, psig Gas Production Rate, MSCFD 1.E+04 200 1.E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 4000 Producing Time, days q qi exp( Di t ) (Exponential) q qi (1 bDi t )1/ b (Hyperbolic) EUR Analysis: Barnett Field (North Texas (USA)) Semilog "Rate-Time" Plot: Barnett Gas Field. Note data scatter and apparent fit of hyperbolic function. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 11 Arps Relations: Example 2 SPE 84287 — East TX Gas Well 1 (Low Permeability Gas) 3000 Gas Flowrate Exponential Rate Model Hyperbolic Rate Model Wellbore Pressure 2750 2500 2250 1.E+04 2000 1750 1500 1250 1.E+03 1000 750 500 Flowing Tubing Pressure, psig Gas Production Rate, MSCFD 1.E+05 250 1.E+02 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 350 Producing Time, days a. Semilog "Rate-Time" Plot: SPE 84287 — East Texas Gas Well 1. (1/2) a. q qi exp( Di t ) qi q (1 bDi t )1 / b (Exponential) (Hyperbolic) b. q qi Di N p (Exponential) 1 1b qi q (1 b) Di b 1 ( N N p )1b (Hyperbolic) qi b c. ( N N p ) q1b (1 b) Di (Hyperbolic) SPE 84287 — East TX Gas Well 1 (Low Permeability Gas) 1.E+07 SPE 84287 — East TX Gas Well 1 (Low Permeability Gas) (G-Gp) Data Function Exponential Model Hyperbolic Model 9000 Cumulative Gas Production 8000 Exponential Model 7000 Hyperbolic Model 1.E+06 (G-Gp), MSCF Gas Production Rate, MSCFD 10000 6000 5000 4000 3000 1.E+05 2000 1000 0 Method is designed for hyperbolic decline case 0 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 Cumulative Gas Production, MSCF 1.E+04 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 Gas Production Rate, MSCFD b. Cartesian "Rate-Cumulative" Plot: SPE 84287 — East Texas Gas Well 1. PETE 613 (2005A) c. Log-Log "(G-Gp)-Rate" Plot: SPE 84287 — East Texas Gas Well 1. Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 12 Arps Relations: Example 2 (2/2) SPE 84287 — East TX Gas Well 1 (Low Permeability Gas) 1.E+05 6000 5000 4500 1.E+04 4000 3500 3000 2500 1.E+03 2000 1500 Flowing Tubing Pressure, psig Gas Production Rate, MSCFD 5500 Gas Flowrate Exponential Rate Model Hyperbolic Rate Model Wellbore Pressure 1000 500 1.E+02 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 350 Producing Time, days q qi exp( Di t ) (Exponential) q qi (1 bDi t )1/ b (Hyperbolic) EUR Analysis: SPE 84278 Well 1 (East Texas (USA)) Combination "Rate-Time" and "Pressure-Time" plot. Note pressure buildup (used to check with PTA). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 13 Fetkovich Decline Type Curve: Empirical Fetkovich "Empirical" Decline Type Curve: Log-log "type curve" for the Arps "decline curves" (Fetkovich, 1973). Initially designed as a graphical solution of the Arps' relations. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 14 Analytical Type Curves: Radial Flow "Analytical" Rate Decline Curves: From: SPE 04629 — Fetkovich (1973). Data from van Everdingen and Hurst (1949), replotted as a rate decline plot (Fetkovich, 1973). This looks promising — but this is going to be one really big "type curve." What can we do? Try to collapse all of the trends to a single trend during boundary-dominated flow (Fetkovich, 1973). "Analytical" stems are another name for transient flow behavior, which can yield estimates of reservoir flow properties. From: SPE 04629 — Fetkovich (1973). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 15 Fetkovich Decline Type Curve: Analytical Fetkovich "Analytical" Decline Type Curve: (constant pwf) Log-log "type curve" for transient flow behavior (Fetkovich, 1973). First "tie" between pressure transient and production data analysis. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 16 Fetkovich Decline Type Curve: Composite Fetkovich "Composite" Decline Type Curve: Assumes constant bottomhole pressure production. Radial flow in a finite radial reservoir system (single well). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 17 Derivation: Arps' Exponential Decline Case Oil Material Balance Relation: 1 Bo p pi Np Nct Boi Oil Pseudosteady-State Flow Relation: o Bo 1 4 1 A p pwf bo, pss qo bo, pss 141.2 ln s 2 kh 2 e C A rw Steps: 1. Differentiate both relations with respect to time. 2. Assume pwf = constant (eliminates d(pwf)/dt term). 3. Equate results, yields 1st order ordinary differential equation. 4. Integrate. 5. Exponentiate result. 1 q qi exp Di t PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow 1 Bo Di b Nc B o, pss t oi Slide — 18 Validation: Arps' Hyperbolic Decline Case (Details of derivation are omitted, see paper SPE 19009, Camacho and Raghavan (1989)). a. Hyperbolic flowrate relations for the case of constant pressure production from a solution gas drive reservoir (Camacho and Raghavan (1989)). PETE 613 (2005A) b. Hyperbolic decline type curve with data simulation performance data superimposed (Camacho and Raghavan (1989)). Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 19 Specialized Gas Flow Relations Fetkovich Gas Flow Relation (poor approximation): Rate-time. Characteristic behavior plot. Results from Knowles-Ansah-Buba work: Rate-time. Rate-cumulative. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 20 Fetkovich Gas Flow Relation: Poor Approximation Gas Material Balance Relation: (z=1 ! (ideal gas?)) p p pi i Gp ( z zi 1) G Gas Pseudosteady-State Flow Relation: (Fetkovich) 2 2 n q g C g ( p pwf ) Final Result: (Fetkovich) qg q gi PETE 613 (2005A) 1 2n q gi 2n 1 1 (2n 1) t G ( pwf 0) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 21 Fetkovich Decline Type Curve: Gas Fetkovich "Analytical" Gas Decline Type Curve: (pwf = 0) Cheated (z=1) ... this is not a valid solution (Fetkovich, 1973). Good intentions ... wanted to develop a "simple" gas solution. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 22 Knowles — Gas Rate-Time Relation "Knowles" rate-time relation for gas flow: Models decline of gas flowrate versus time. Better representation of rate-time behavior than the "Arps" hyperbolic decline relations. 1 p wD 1 exp( pwD t Dd ) 1 pwD 1 ) 1 pwD exp( pwD t Dd ) 1 1 pwD 2 q gDd qg 2 pwD q gi (1 pwD2 t Dd 2qgi pwf / z wf 1 G pi / zi pwD 2 t pwf / z wf p / z i i Assumptions: Volumetric, dry gas reservoir. pi < 6000 psia. Constant bottomhole flowing pressure. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 23 Knowles-Buba — Gas Rate-Cumulative Relation This work presents an analysis and interpretation sequence for the estimation of reserves in a volumetric dry-gas reservoir. This is based on the "Knowles" ratecumulative production relation for pseudosteady-state gas flow given as: q g q gi 2qgi 2 p /z 1 wf wf G pi / zi Gp qgi p /z 1 wf wf pi / zi 2 2 Gp G2 "Knowles" relations for gas flow: qg — Gp follows quadratic "rate-cumulative" relation. Approximation valid for pi<6000 psia. Assumes pwf = constant. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 24 Simplified Gas Flow: Validation of Knowles Eqs. b. Simulated Performance Case: Gp versus t (pi= 5000 psia, pwf=1000 psia, Gquad=4.20 BSCF). qg vs. t and Gp vs. t: a. Simulated Performance Case: qg versus t (pi= 5000 psia, pwf=1000 psia, Gquad=4.20 BSCF). PETE 613 (2005A) Base plots ― verify models by Ansah, et. al Comparative trends of 0.9qgi , qgi and 1.1qgi . Comparison applied to all analysis plots. Very good match on both plots, accuracy verifies model. Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 25 Simplified Gas Flow: Validation of Buba Eq. qg qgi DiGp Di 1 Di 2 Gp 2 G 2qgi p /z 1 wf wf pi / zi 2 G "Knowles-Buba" relations for gas flow: Simulated performance case: qg-Gp (quadratic "rate-cumulative"). pi= 5000 psia, pwf=1000 psia, Gquad=4.20 BSCF. Data function matches well with quadratic model function. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 26 Specialized Oil Flow Relations Fetkovich Oil Flow Relation: Rate-time (Decline Type Curve Analysis). Deliverability (Isochronal Testing of Oil Wells). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 27 Fetkovich Oil Flow Relation: (Approximation) Oil Material Balance Relation: (p2 – formulation!) ( pi ) 2 ( p ) ( pi ) Np N Oil Pseudosteady-State Flow Relation: (Fetkovich) p 2 2 n qo J oi ( p pwf ) pi Final Result: (Fetkovich) 2 2 qo 1 qoi 1 q 2n 1 oi t 1 2 N PETE 613 (2005A) ( pwf 0) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 28 Fetkovich Decline Type Curve: Solution Gas Drive Fetkovich "Analytical" Oil Decline Type Curve: (pwf = 0) Cheated (pressure-squared material balance relation?) ... this is not a valid solution (Fetkovich, 1973). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 29 Oil "Backpressure" Relation: Fetkovich a. Deliverability ("backpressure") plot developed for Well 2/4-2X prior to matrix acidizing treatment. (Fetkovich [SPE 004529 (1973)]). PETE 613 (2005A) (1/2) b. Deliverability ("backpressure") plot developed for Well 2/4-2X after matrix acidizing treatment. Note much higher flowrate performance and apparent nonlinear (i.e., non-laminar) flow behavior (Fetkovich [SPE 004529 (1973)]). Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 30 Oil "Backpressure" Relation: Fetkovich a. Comparison of simulated and predicted IPR behaviors for solution-gas-drive case (Vogel [SPE 001476 (1968)]). PETE 613 (2005A) (2/2) b. Deliverability ("backpressure") plot developed using Vogel data. Proof of concept for "backpressure" flow relation (Fetkovich [SPE 004529 (1973)]). Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 31 Inflow Performance Relations (IPR) Early work (for rationale) Oil IPR and Solution-Gas Drive IPR Vogel IPR work (for familiarity with approach) Other IPR work (for reference/orientation) Gas Condensate IPR Fevang and Whitson work (for reference) PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 32 History Lessons — Early Performance Relations Early “Gas Deliverability Plot," note the straight-line trends for the data (circa 1935). Early “Gas IPR Plot," note the quadratic relationship between wellhead pressure and flowrate (circa 1935). Well deliverability analysis: (after Rawlins and Schellhardt) These plots represent the earliest attempts to quantify behavior and to predict future performance. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 33 History Lessons — "Backpressure" Equation Gas Well Deliverability: The original well deliverability relation was derived from observations: qg C( p2 p2 )n wf The "inflow performance relationship" (or IPR) for this case is: (assuming n=1) qg C ( p 2 p 2 ) wf 2 From: Back-Pressure Data on NaturalGas Wells and Their Application to Production Practices — Rawlins and Schellhardt (USBM Monograph, 1935). PETE 613 (2005A) qg ,max C( p ) ( p 0) wf p 2 qg wf 1 q g ,max p Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 34 History Lessons — IPR Developments/Correlations p p 2 qo wf wf qo,max 1 0.2 p 0.8 p p qg wf qg,max 1 p qo qo,max 1 Early "Inflow Plot," an attempt to correlate well rate and pressure behavior — and to establish the maximum flowrate, (after Gilbert (1954)). pwf p 2 IPR "comparison" — liquid (oil), gas, and "two-phase" (solution gas-drive) cases presented to illustrate comparative behavior (after Vogel (1968)). Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR): Correlate performance, estimate maximum flowrate. Individual phases require, separate correlations. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 35 Solution-Gas Drive Systems — Vogel IPR Vogel Correlation: (Statistical) p 2 p qo 1 0.2 wf 0.8 wf qo,max p p IPR behavior is dependent on the depletion stage (i.e., the level of reservoir depletion). No single correlation of IPR behavior is possible. The Vogel IPR correlation and its variations are well established as the primary performance prediction relations for production engineering applications. The original correlation is derived from reservoir simulation. Vogel IPR Correlation: Solution Gas-Drive Behavior Derived as a statistical correlation from simulation cases. No "theoretical" basis — Intuitive correlation (qo,max and pavg). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 36 Solution-Gas Drive Systems — Other Approaches Fetkovich IPR: (Semi-Empirical) p qo 1 wf qo,max p 2 n Richardson, et al. IPR: (Empirical) p 2 p qx 1 ν wf (1 ν ) wf x x qx,max p p (x = phase (e.g., oil, gas, water)) Other IPR Correlations: Fetkovich: Derived assuming linear mobility-pressure relationship. Richardson, et al.: Empirical, generalized correlation. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 37 Solution-Gas Drive Systems— Other Approaches Wiggins, et al. IPR: (Semi-Rigorous) p 2 p 3 p qo 1 a wf a wf a wf ... 1 p 2 p 3 p qo,max Other IPR Correlations: Wiggins, et al.: Used a polynomial expansion of the mobility function in order to yield a semi-rigorous IPR formulation. Coefficients (a1, a2…) are determined based on the mobility function and its derivatives taken at the average reservoir pressure. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 38 Solution-Gas Drive Systems— Other Approaches Pseudopressure Formulation – Oil Phase p k μ B o dp p po( p) o o ko p p μo Bo n base Mobility Function ko f ( p) a 2bp μoBo p p 2 p qo 1 ν wf (1 ν ) wf o o qo,max p p Other IPR Correlations: n strong function of pressure and saturation. Semi-rigorous IPR formulation (derived for the solution-gas case) has the same form of the Richardson, et al. IPR (which is empirical). PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 39 Gas Condensate Systems — Pseudopressure Three flow regions were characterized: Region 1 — Main cause of productivity loss, oil and gas flow simultaneously. Region 2 — Two phases coexist, but only gas is mobile. Region 3 — single-phase gas. p k k 1 k h o o dp qg R s μo Bo 141.2 ln(re /rw) 3/4 s p μo Bo wf Fevang and Whitson Correlation: Gas Condensate systems Pressure and saturation functions need to be know in advance — GOR, PVT properties and relative permeabilities. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 40 Gas Condensate IPR — Del Castillo 2003 (TAMU) Model-Based Performance Study: Radial, fully compositional, single well simulation model Parameters/functions used in simulation: Reservoir Temperature: T = 230, 260, 300 Deg F Critical Oil Saturation: Soc = 0, 0.1, 0.3 Residual Gas Saturation: Sgr = 0, 0.15, 0.5 Relative Permeability: 7 sets of kro-krg data Fluid Samples: 4 synthetic cases, 2 field samples Assumptions used in simulation: Interfacial tension effects are neglected Non-Darcy flow effects are neglected Capillary pressure effects are neglected Refined simulation grid in the near-well region Skin effect is neglected Gravity and composition gradients are neglected Simulations begun at the dew point pressure Correlation of gas and gas-condensate performance using Richardson IPR model. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 41 Gas Condensate — IPR Trends (Condensate) IPR Curves - Condensate Production (Case16) 6000 0.8 Np/N = 0.18% Np/N = 0.36% Np/N = 1.79% Np/N = 3.58% Np/N = 5.37% Np/N = 7.15% Np/N = 8.94% Np/N = 10.73% 4000 3000 2000 0.7 qo/qo,max pwf , psia 1 0.9 Legend 5000 Normalized Oil Flowrate (Case16) 0.6 Legend 0.5 Np/N = 0.18% Np/N = 0.36% Np/N = 1.79% Np/N = 3.58% Np/N = 5.37% Np/N = 7.15% Np/N = 8.94% Np/N = 10.73% IPR Model 0.4 0.3 0.2 1000 0.1 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p wf /p bar Normalized Oil Flowrate Dimensionless IPR plot (condensate) — Case 16 (gas condensate system) Base IPR plot (condensate) — (Case16) 1 Case 16 0.9 (gas condensate system). 0.8 0.7 qo/qo,max 0 q o , STB/D 0.6 0.5 Condensate IPR Correlations (gas condensate reservoirs) 0.4 Np/N = 0.18% Np/N = 0.36% Np/N = 1.79% Np/N = 3.58% Np/N = 5.37% Np/N = 7.15% Np/N = 8.94% Np/N = 10.73% IPR Model All eight depletion stages regressed simultaneously. 0.3 0.2 Excellent correlation — all stages. 0.1 PETE 613 (2005A) 0 Semi-Analytical Rate Relations p wf /p bar for Oil and Gas Flow 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Slide — 42 Gas Condensate — IPR Trends (Gas) IPR Curves - Gas Production (Case16) 6000 0.9 0.8 0.7 Gp/G = 0.09% Gp/G = 0.47% Gp/G = 0.95% Gp/G = 4.75% Gp/G = 9.5% Gp/G = 23.74% Gp/G = 47.48% Gp/G = 66.48% 4000 3000 2000 qg/qg,max pwf , psia 1 Legend 5000 Normalized Gas Flowrate (Case16) 0.6 Legend 0.5 Gp/G = 0.09% Gp/G = 0.47% Gp/G = 0.95% Gp/G = 4.75% Gp/G = 9.5% Gp/G = 23.74% Gp/G = 47.48% Gp/G = 66.48% IPR Model 0.4 0.3 0.2 1000 0.1 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 p wf /p bar q g , MSCF/D Normalized Gas Flowrate Base IPR plot (gas) — Case (Case16) 1 16 (gas0.9 condensate system). 0.8 1 Dimensionless IPR plot (gas) — Case 16 (gas condensate system). qg/qg,max 0.7 0.6 0.5 Gas IPR Correlations (gas condensate reservoirs) Gp/G = 0.09% Gp/G = 0.47% Gp/G = 0.95% Gp/G = 4.75% Gp/G = 9.5% Gp/G = 23.74% Gp/G = 47.48% Gp/G = 66.48% IPR Model 0.4 All eight depletion stages regressed simultaneously. 0.3 Excellent correlation — even when there is a more pronounced curve 0.2 0.1 overlap (gas). 0 PETE 613 (2005A) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p wf /p bar Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 43 Gas Condensate — Difference in IPR Trends IPR Curves - Condensate Production (Case16) 6000 6000 Legend 5000 Np/N = 0.18% Np/N = 0.36% Np/N = 1.79% Np/N = 3.58% Np/N = 5.37% Np/N = 7.15% Np/N = 8.94% Np/N = 10.73% 4000 3000 2000 Legend Np/N = 0.43% Np/N = 0.86% Np/N = 4.29% Np/N = 8.59% Np/N = 12.88% Np/N = 17.17% Np/N = 21.46% Np/N = 25.76% 5000 pwf , psia pwf , psia IPR Curves - Condensate Production (Case1) 1000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 q o , STB/D Oil Flowrate Base IPR Normalized plot (condensate) — (Case16) 1 Case 16 (Very rich gas 0.9 condensate system). 0.8 0.7 0.6 Np/N = 0.18% Np/N = 0.36% Np/N = 1.79% Np/N = 3.58% Np/N = 5.37% Np/N = 7.15% Np/N = 8.94% Np/N = 10.73% IPR Model qo/qo,max qo/qo,max 400 Normalized Oil Flowrate Base IPR plot (condensate) — (Case1) Case 1 1(Lean gas condensate 0.9 system). 0.8 0.7 0.5 300 q o , STB/D 0.6 0.5 Np/N = 0.43% Np/N = 0.86% Np/N = 4.29% Np/N = 8.59% Np/N = 12.88% Np/N = 17.17% Np/N = 21.46% Np/N = 25.76% IPR Model 0.4 0.4 Condensate IPR Shape (gas condensate reservoirs) 0.3 0.3 Remarkable difference in shape between a 0.2 very rich gas condensate 0.2 system and a lean one. 0.1 0.1 0 PETE 613 (2005A) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p wf /p bar Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow p wf /p bar Slide — 44 0.2 Gas Condensate — IPR Parameter (no or ng ) 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p wf /p bar Dimensionless IPR curves Dimensional IPR curves 1 0.9 6000 0.8 pwf , psia 0.7 qo,g/qo,g,max Legend 5000 0.6 0.5 Legend Legend = 0.15 0.4 no,g no,g no,g no,g no,g no,g 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 = 0.18 = 0.29 = 0.49 = 0.55 = 0.68 = 0.15 = 0.18 = 0.29 = 0.49 = 0.55 = 0.68 no,g no,g no,g no,g no,g no,g 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 p wf /p bar Dimensionless IPR plot. 500 1000 1500 2000 Oil or Gas flowrate Base IPR plot. 6000 p 2 p qx 1 ν wf (1 ν ) wf x x 4000 qx,max p p 3000 5000 (x = phase (e.g., oil, gas, water)) 2000 Condensate or gas IPR parameter (gas condensate reservoirs) 1000 0 Low no or ng values — IPR more concave. 2000 0Exact500value1000 of not1500 crucial — similar curves for different no or ng values. PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 45 Petroleum Engineering 613 Natural Gas Engineering Texas A&M University Lecture 06: Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow (End of Lecture) T.A. Blasingame, Texas A&M U. Department of Petroleum Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3116 +1.979.845.2292 — PETE 613 (2005A) Semi-Analytical Rate Relations for Oil and Gas Flow Slide — 46