Does Gender Play a Role in Obtaining an Educational Technology Certificate? AbstractThe purpose of the study was to identify the difference between male and female technology professional developer’s conceptions, misconceptions, and lack of knowledge associated with obtaining the Educational Technology Specialist Certificate (ETS). The knowledge was tested using a portion of the 2009 New York State Educational Technology Specialist content specialty exam (CST 71). This portion was made up of 16 survey questions which related directly to learning objectives needed to obtain the certificate. The goal of this study is to evaluate the level of knowledge held by technology professional developers and to find if there are any differences in knowledge related to gender. 68 surveys were returned. A 62 item survey was developed based on studies discussed in the review of the literature. Results showed that females possessed more of the required knowledge needed to obtain the ETS certificate than did their male counterparts. Male technology professional developers, on the other hand, were more apt to admit when they did not know an answer and this may contribute to males being easier to train. Proposal Purpose The purpose of the study was to identify the difference between male and female technology professional developer’s conceptions, misconceptions, and lack of knowledge associated with obtaining the Educational Technology Specialist Certificate (ETS). Perspectives Technology implementation research indicates that teacher’s beliefs and knowledge influence the integration of technology. Traditional research has identified “misconceptions” as strongly held incorrect knowledge and it is argued that this knowledge can be identified, refuted through instruction, and replaced. Misconceptions can include not only the need to train teachers but a need to deconstruct incorrect knowledge and construct new knowledge (Morote & Tatum 2010). In a critical evaluation of research on student misconceptions in science and mathematics; however, Smith III, diSessa and Rochelle (1993) found misconceptions could not simply be identified and replaced as, ".. .it is impossible to separate students' misconceptions, one by one, from the novice knowledge involved in expert reasoning". Smith III et al. (1993) found that misconceptions were important in achieving sophisticated learning and negotiating understanding. It is important to incorporate a hybrid approach to professional development that provides hands-on activities, discussions and ample practice for students to overcome and eliminate misconceptions (Lucariello, 2013). Gender in Technology Gender in technology has played an important role in gender equality over the last 20 years (Clegg, Trayhurn, & Johnson, 2000; Wender, 2003). Clegg et al. (2000) found that women needed a more collegial environment to succeed in computer technology. In an exploration of gender differences at a large Canadian university, Zhou and Xu (2007) surveyed 100 full-time and seasonal instructors using an online survey. Zhou and Xu (2007) found female instructors used greater student-centered teaching strategies, learned well from others, but had less confidence then when compared to men’s technology knowledge. The males tended to learn more from their own experiences. He and Freeman (2009), confirmed that women were less confident with computers and more anxious than their male counterparts. The inequity of females in the technology field will only be eliminated by providing mentoring and training geared towards building female self-efficacy through professional development (Wender, 2004). Lofstrom and Nevgi (2007), surveyed 333 Instructional Computer Technology (ICT) support staff, teachers and students at the University of Helsinki, in planning and implementation of information and communication technology in teaching, males consistently estimated their ICT skills, Internet skills, and use of multimedia higher than females. These results do not support the findings of Davis and Davis (2007), who examined the role of technology and its integration into technology teacher and of business trainer preparation programs at the University of A&M. Methods & Data Source This study is part of a larger study conducted by Marr (2011). From a potential pool of 349 participants, Marr (2011) surveyed approximately 183 people belonging to professional development organizations. 68 surveys (37%) were completed using an online survey instrument created using Google Docs for Education. The survey was composed of 16 questions developed from sample questions provided in the New York States Content Specialty Test (71) preparation guide found at For this study an independent-samples t test was performed that specifically looked at whether males and females differ in terms of amount of conceptions, misconceptions, and I don’t know (IDK) answers on an evaluation designed to assess required knowledge necessary to obtain the ETS certificate. Results Table 1 T-test Gender and Misconceptions, Conceptions and I don’t know Gender N M SD SEM t df p 22 3.91 2.09 .45 .046 30.965 .964 Females 44 3.89 1.42 .21 Males 9.50 3.11 .66 -2.620 64 .011 Females 44 11.07 1.76 .26 Males 22 2.59 4.06 .86 1.747 22.979 .023 Females 44 1.05 1.24 .19 Misconceptions Males Conceptions I Don’t Know 22 The test for conceptions was significant, t(64) = 2.62, p= .01. Female technology professional developers got on average more answers correct (M = 11.06, SD = 1.78) than did the male technology professional developers (M=9.50, SD=3.11). The test for IDK was also significant, t(64) = 2.34, p = .02. In contrast to the conceptions, male technology professional developers chose on average more IDK answers (M = 1.05, SD = 1.24) than did the female technology professional developers (M=1.05, SD 1.24). The t test for misconceptions was not significant. Table 2 Frequency Responses to Conceptions, Misconceptions, and I don’t know (IDK) Females NYS Objectives Correct Males Incorrect IDK Correct Incorrect IDK 15.9 18.2 59.1 27.3 13.6 63.6 27.3 9.1 Field 71 Educational Technology Specialist Test 0001-Understand computer basic 65.9 operations, concepts, and care. 0002 –Understand basic 65.9 34.1 troubleshooting techniques for computer systems and related peripheral devices. 0003-Understand equity, 54.5 ethics, and 15.9 29.5 27.3 27.3 45.5 6.8 9.1 68.2 4.5 27.3 etiquette issues associated with the use of technology in education. 0004-Understand legal, 84.1 privacy, security, and safety issues associated with the use of technology in education. 0006-Understand the 65.9 22.7 11.4 59.1 9.1 31.8 54.5 4.5 22.7 63.6 13.6 features and uses of telecommunication, information access, and delivery systems. 0007-Understand the use 40.9 of computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. 0008-Understand 97.7 9.1 86.4 methods and strategies for planning, delivering, and assessing concepts and skills relevant to educational computing in technology, literacy across curricula. 0010-Understand 59.1 36.4 4.5 36.4 45.5 18.2 0011-Understand factors 79.5 18.2 2.3 77.3 4.5 18.2 principals of instructional design and product development. involved in creating and maintaining learning effective environments using technology. 0012-Understand issues 75 25 54.5 36.4 9.1 95.5 4.5 90.9 9.1 6.8 90.9 2.3 81.8 40.9 6.8 68.2 9.1 22.7 11.4 9.1 77.3 9.1 13.6 relating to software and hardware selection, installation, and maintenance in the educational environment. 0013-Understand methods and strategies for the use of computers and other technologies in developing and implementing instructional programs. 0014-Understand 18.2 methods and strategies for designing, implementing, evaluating and educational technology professional development programs. 0015-Understand issues 52.3 related to facilities and resource management. 0009- Understand 79.5 educational technology-related and research. 0016-Understand issues 86.4 11.4 2.3 86.4 4.5 9.1 81.8 9.1 9.1 relating to and strategies related to managing the change process in the educational environment. 0016-Understand issues 93.2 6.8 relating to and strategies related to managing the change process in the educational environment. In table 2, results were further organized to show what percentage of each gender chose either conceptions, misconceptions, or IDK for each of the 16 survey question. To see the questions please refer to Marr (2011, page 76). The objectives listed on the left hand side come from national and state standards and are the required knowledge needed to pass the ETS certificate Results from table 2 show the comparative percentages of both male and female technology developers and show that both male and female got the answer correct on various survey questions linked to corresponding objectives. Results linked to objective 8 indicate that both male and female technology developers have a good understanding of the methods and strategies for planning, delivering, and assessing concepts and skills relevant to educational computing in technology, literacy across curricula. The survey question corresponding to objective 3 is an example of a result where there was a large difference between the percentage of females and males who chose the correct answer. This finding may indicate that male technology developers could benefit from additional instruction aimed at how to understand equity, ethics, and etiquette issues associated with the use of technology in education than could their female counterparts. Similar results were found in objective 4. In contrast the percentage of males who chose the correct answer related to objective 14 was much higher than the percentage of female participants who got the answer correct. These results may suggest that female technology developers could benefit from increased practice understanding methods and strategies for designing, implementing, and evaluating educational technology, than could their male counterparts. Educational Importance These results are important and can help with the professional development of educators. By allowing applicants further opportunities to practice skills associated with the objectives connected to the survey questions that they got wrong, current professional development programs could be improved upon so that future applicants are more prepared to obtain the ETS certificate. Continuos improvement is necessary for technology professional development programs to keep pace with the latest developments in technology (Anthony, 2012). References: Develop student thinking about knowledge and learning (2002). Retrieved July 8, 2013, from American Psychlogical Association: New York State teacher certification examinations: Educational technology specialist test framework. (2011, February 20). 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