Leerdoelen wi4011 In this document the learning objectives of the course WI4011 Computational Fluid Dynamics are formulated. For each course objective, the relation to the end terms is shown by a label. A. General objective Upon completion of the course the student should be able to formulate, evaluate and apply a numerical method based on staggered discretization for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to model (nearly) incompressible two-dimensional flow. B. Specific Objectives Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Derive the equations of fluid dynamics in differential and integral form from first principles using the transport theorem, as opposed to considering an infinitesimal control volume.(1) 2. Explain the difference in behaviour of a scalar convection-diffusion equation for different values of the Peclet number (elliptic/hyperbolic differences, characteristics vs. sub-characteristics). (5) 3. Choose boundary conditions for discretization of a simple convection-diffusion equation as well as for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, such that a well-posed boundary value problem results without unphysical boundary layers in the solution. Consider the three standard boundary conditions, as well as boundary conditions specifically for the N-S Equations.(1) 4. Use the finite volume method to discretize a convection diffusion equation and derive the discretization errors that results when either a smooth or a rough tessellation is used.(2) 5. Explain that although the properties of the convection diffusion equation change with the Peclet number a discretization method can be formulated that is uniform in both work and accuracy, for a simple convection-diffusion equation as well as the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Note: take into account the boundary layer resolution and the positivity of the scheme.(1) 6. Explain the advantages of a staggered discretization scheme over a collocated discretization scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.(1) 7. Apply Fourier analysis to determine linear stability properties of a temporal discretization method for convection diffusion equation.(1) 8. Derive the pressure-correction method algorithm from the discretized momentum and continuity equations. (2) 9. Explain how distributive iteration methods can be applied to saddle-point problems, and derive the simple method from the discretized momentum and continuity equations. Choose the most efficient iterative method to solve the linear system resulting from the discretisation of the Navier-Stokes equations. 10. Choose and motivate a method to generate a fold-free curvilinear mesh for a given two-dimensional domain.(3) 11. Explain advantages and disadvantages of Delaunay triangulation versus advancing front tessellation for generation of a fold free grid for a given two-dimensional domain. (2) Specificatietabel1 (ook wel ‘toetsmatrijs’) voor [Computational Fluid Dynamics] Een specificatietabel is een matrix met enerzijds te toetsen onderwerpen en anderzijds het cognitieve niveau van de toetsvragen. De specificatietabel weerspiegelt de doelen van het vak. Het gebruik van de specificatietabel is noodzakelijk om de toets zo representatief mogelijk te laten zijn. In de cellen komt te staan hoeveel vragen gewijd gaan worden aan een bepaald onderwerp, gegeven een bepaald niveau. Als u van mening bent dat een bepaald onderwerp erg belangrijk is, dan maakt u daar relatief veel vragen over. Bij gelijkblijvende leerdoelen en inhoud over de jaren heen mag de specificatietabel niet wijzigen. Dit zorgt voor een onderlinge vergelijkbaarheid van de toetsen. Vak: Computational Fluid Dynamics Vakcode: wi4011 Leerstof / niveau Feitenkennis (leerstof kunnen reproduceren) Inzicht (leerstof kunnen uitleggen in eigen woorden) Toepassing (leerstof kunnen gebruiken in vergelijkbare situatie) Probleem oplossing (analyseren en oplossen van nieuwe vraag) Totaal Derive equations of fluid dynamics in differential and integral form from first principles using transport theorem Explain difference in behaviour of a scalar convection-diffusion equation for different values of Peclet number Boundary conditions for discretization of a simple convectiondiffusion equation and for the 1 Berkel, H.van: (1999) Zicht op toetsen, toetsconstructie in het hoger onderwijs. Van Gorcum, Assen p.7882. incompressible Navier-Stokes equations Three standard boundary conditions and boundary conditions (specifically for N-S Equations) Finite volume method to discretize a convection diffusion equation Derive the discretization errors that results when either a smooth or a rough tessellation is used A discretization method can be formulated that is uniform in both work and accuracy, for a simple convection-diffusion equation and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations Advantages of a staggered discretization scheme over a collocated discretization scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Apply Fourier analysis to determine linear stability properties of a temporal discretization method for convection diffusion equation Derive the pressurecorrection method algorithm from the discretized momentum and continuity equations Explain how distributive iteration methods can be applied to saddlepoint problems, and derive the simple method from the discretized momentum and continuity equations. Choose the most efficient iterative method to solve the linear system resulting from the discretisation of the Navier-Stokes equations Choose and motivate a method to generate a foldfree curvilinear mesh for a given twodimensional domain Explain advantages and disadvantages of Delaunay triangulation versus advancing front tessellation for generation of a fold free grid for a given twodimensional domain Totaal Invulinstructie: Keuze tussen cijfers en percentages: Cijfers: U geeft 1 (beetje belangrijk), 2 (gemiddeld belangrijk) en 3 (zeer belangrijk) per onderwerp en (eventueel meerdere) niveau. Bij een 3 stelt u drie keer zoveel vragen over dit onderwerp op het aangegeven niveau. Percentages: U verdeelt percentages over de onderwerpen en niveaus. Als u zich strikt houdt aan de percentages kan het lastig worden deze om te zetten in (hele) aantallen vragen.