THE BENEFIT IN TEACHING LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND CULTURE (Result of the Research in Character Building of Indonesian Through Ethnic Poetics, 2012-2013) Dr. Sudarmin Harun, M.Hum. University of Hasanuddin Makassar-Indonesia Abstract Education of language, culture, and literature is philosophically multi-discipline that could develop the basic ability of pupils, students, teachers, and lecturers comprise perceptual, intellectual, emotional, social, creativity, and ethics. The presence of language, culture, and literature will continually bring about some changes. Globalization and sophisticated information technology continually flow in all aspects of human life. Awareness and social control mainly derive from the society as the owner of language, literature, and culture. They are expected to have deep and powerful understanding about cultural values existing in each ethnic group in Indonesia. The awareness, mainly self-awareness, could create the character building of the nation like magetteng ‘consistent’, warani ‘brave’, malempu ‘honest’ never lie/corrupt, macca ‘smart/clever’, mapaccing ‘clean life’, maperru ‘thoughtful’, malabo ‘generous’, pattulung ‘helpful and philanthropy’, sipakatau, sipakalebbi, and sipakaraja ‘mutual honor, respect, and values’ (Harun, 2012: 242) This research aims to find out: (a) the meaning of literature which has philosophical, religious, and social values in Buginese traditional ethnic poetics and (b) the meaning of cultural symbols which contains in Buginese Ethnic Poetics (BEP). This research was based on field research as well as text analysis in terms of Semiotic Symbols. The managing of documentation and revitalization of language, literature, and culture has been done, but it is still not maximal yet. This is done in order to avoid extinction. Therefore, the teachers and lecturers now must do research to reveal the meaning of them and to teach them to their students about ‘ancestral local genius/local wisdom’ of each ethnic group in Indonesia. The best solution is to teach them through early education. By this way, the nation generations will know and understand their language, literature, and cultural message. Therefore, it is hoped, it could accelerate the character building, dignity, and civilization of the nation towards globalization. Keywords: Teaching language, literature, culture, and ethnic poetics. Abstrak Pendidikan bahasa, budaya, dan sastra pada hakekatnya bersifat multi disiplin yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dasar siswa, mahasiswa, guru, dan dosen meliputi perseptual, intelektual, emosional, sosial, kreativitas, dan etika, Aktualisasi dan keberadaan bahasa, budaya, dan sastra akan terus mengalami perubahan dan kesinambungan. Gelobalisasih dan kemuttahiran teknologi informasi yang mengalir deras terus menerus di dalam sendi kehidupan manusia. Kesadaran dan kontrol sosial utamanya dari masyarakat pemilik bahasa, sastra, 1 dan budaya, diharapkan memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam dan kuat mengenai aktualisasi, keberadaan nilai-nilai budaya yang ada pada setiap suku di Indonesia. Kesedaran tersebut dapat menghasilkan sikap magetteng ‘teguh dalam pendirian’, warani ‘berani’, malempu ‘jujur’, macca ‘pintar’, mapaccing ‘bersih’, maperru ‘saling merasakan’, malabo ‘suka memberi’, pattulung ‘suka menolong’, sipakatau, sipakalebbi, and sipakaraja ‘saling menghargai dan menghormati’ (Harun, 2012: 242). Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan: (a) makna sastra yang memilki nilai-nilai filosofi, religius, social/kemenusiaan yang terdapat dalam puisi-puisi tradisional suku bugis; (b) makna simbol-simbol budaya yang terdapat dalam puisi-puisi tradisional suku bugis. Upaya dokumentasi dan revitalisasi bahasa, budaya, dan sastra daerah sudah dilakukan namun belum maksimal, hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya kepunahan. Dengan demikian guru, dan dosen harus secara dini meneliti, mengungkap, dan mengajarkan makna yang terkandung di dalam ethnic poetic dan menyampaikan pesan leluhur masing-masing etnik di Indonesia. Solusi terbaik adalah melalui jalur pendidikan lebih awal. Dengan jaluru inilah, generasi-generasi bangsa akan mengetahui, memahami budayanya. Dengan demikian dapat mempercepat pembentukan karakter dan jati diri bangsa yang berbudaya, bermartabat, dan berperadaban memasuki era globalisasih. Kata kunci: Pengajaran bahasa, sastra, budaya, dan ethnic poetics. I. INTRODUCTION Literary work has an aesthetic and beauty side, because of its harmonization, balance, and it can focus on the aspect of philosophy, culture, social life and religion. Literary work can make the readers realize the truth of life, as we know that literary work includes reflection of our life. Some kind of literary workssuch as poem, novel, short story, and drama could reflect the life of community in a certain time. Literary works cannot be separated from human life. Literary works also give much information, such as history, culture, social condition, and politic. The literary work, both prose and poetry that might include the Buginese traditional poetics have been known by society, and their existence as literary works have a high cultural value. Moreover, the Buginese traditional poetics have also some cultural symbols that have a function as moral teaching. It is worth studying and analyzing the meanings of symbols that might appear in the literary work. If the Buginese ignores these Buginese literary works, it is possible these local literary works are in danger of extinction. The functions of Buginese poetics or traditional songs are included in medium of communication, entertainment, and social control, while the meanings are included in the symbol of honesty, braveness, and cleverness. All of these include in prose and poetry or in Buginese literary work that are called Buginese Ethnic Poetics (BEP). In this research, the researcher elaborates and reveals the cultural symbols, cultural values, and the context that appear in BEP. These objects of research are based upon the symbols used by the addresser or author to imply his/her ideas, intentions, and messages to the audience. Traditional poetics as genre of literary work have Galigo pattern and Non-Galigo pattern. Culture is a distinctly human capacity for adapting to circumstances and transmitting this coping skill and knowledge to subsequent generations. Culture gives people a sense of who they are, of whom they belong to, of how they behave and what they should be doing. Culture affects behavior, morale and productivity at work 2 including values and patterns that influence people or institute. Culture gives people a sense of identity, whether in regional and national levels, especially in terms of human behavior and values to be encouraged. A wide knowledge of culture provides insight in which, for instance, the appropriate literary analysis can be applied in tune with local character, codes, ideology and standards. According to Salim (1984: 4-7), there are two cultural massages that are always implied in BEP namely: Lontaraq of local wisdom (Lontaraq Pappaseng) and Lontarq of advice (Lontaraq Pangaja). Lontarq Pappaseng is the collection of instructions or messages of Buginese ancestor that are written and bequeathed hereditary to his sons and daughters or grandchildren. This Lontaraq consists of the ways of doing good governance and family relationship, while Lontaraq Pangaja is the collection of ways of life or advices that are conveyed by parents to their sons and daughters. This Lontaraq only consists of the ways of life in family relationship. The functions or meanings of the Buginese traditional poetics are for personal and public entertainments that have significant cultural values and a very important role in the life of the Buginese communities. According to Rahim (1985: ix) Buginese cultural values consist of siri ‘dignity’, awaraningeng ‘braveness’, agettengeng ‘consistency’, alempureng ‘honesty’, and keimanan ‘faithfulness’. Therefore, in the aspect of cultural values we can find philosophical, religious, social/humanity, and other values. The experts of culture are aware how important of the meaning and role of ancestral cultural values as a framework in the life of society itself. Koentjaraningrat (1974: 25) remarks that cultural value is in the first level of ideal culture or customs. Cultural value is the most abstract layer and broad its point of view where in these levels the ideas that conceptualize more things in the society life. He also remarks that based on cultural value system consisting of the concepts that exist in thought in a big part of societies about things that they consider very precious in life. Therefore, a cultural value system usually functions as the highest guidance for man behavior. The system of man behavior structure, its level is more concrete like specific rule, customs and traditions, customary law, and norms all of them are based on the guide of cultural value system. Linton (1984: 215) considers that what we need in modern world at present is a series of ideals and values in which still exists and still followed by all society members. It shows that how important the meaning and role of cultural values in the people life, either in modern society that has been prosperous or in simplest life of society. Based on the above description, it can be inferred that the local wisdom (Pappaseng) is a cultural term of Buginese oriented to a moral message or cultural values that uttered by the ancestor of Buginese. It has become a convention, guiding principle, and directive of daily life as a civilized ethnic. We must hold it firmly and implement it in our daily life. “Paseng”, is a noun while “Pappaseng” is a verbal noun that has an active functions in meaning, in Indonesian “Kearifan Lokal”, is a word, term or diction in Buginese that contains moral message, cultural values, customs and traditions, norms, adat law, religion beliefs, conveyed by Buginese ancestor. The aim is to guide someone not to do negative acts or deeds. The word “wisdom” is derived from the word “wise”, an adjective that means having or relating from knowledge and intelligence (Carver, 1985: 454). Thus, wisdom means having good quality of being resulting from knowledge and intelligence. Therefore, the local wisdom (local genius) in English is equivalent to Indonesian phrase “Kearifan Lokal” synonymous in Buginese “Pappaseng”. Local genius is the first times introduced by Quaritch Wales, he is an anthropology of England. 3 The term “Local Wisdom”–“Kearifan Lokal”–“Pappaseng” has a significant meaning and become a cultural word being familiar at present. Many expressions and behaviors contain glorious value, full of wisdom, appearing in society as an effort in responding the problems of life that are happening or will occur in society. This reality appears on the surface caused by no global solution that can help to settle all social problems occurred around their residence. General premises at present become general standard in solving all social problems appearance are not able to solve the problems that appear in local society. The people occupying a certain residence are able to resolve their problems with full of wisdom without having to use a general standard any more. On the other sides, the local community resolved the problem of life with their owned wisdom. The appearance of local wisdom derived from their experiences that had happened and then become a solution to the social problem, they are facing. Their ancestor has bequeathed his local wisdom (local genius) to his grandchild or to the next generations become more important for the existence of their local genius. That local genius functions as a solution to the problems appearing around them. Therefore, in some aspects, there may possibly appear different kinds of local genius in community although in the same object of problem such as “corruption” and “riot –tawuran”. Sandarupa (2011) conveys that the main theme for each culture in Indonesia is the local genius, a cognitive principle believable and receivable by their followers and considered right and valid. That culture is pappaseng in Buginese, Ma’daratakkun in Torajanese, Budya Alus in Java, wisdom that can be used as a preventive action against corruption and riot ‘tawuran’ in Indonesia. The first problem is BEP have many cultural symbols that have literal, idiomatic, metaphorical and conventional meanings that are very difficult to understand by all generations. The second one is Buginese language still has no trilingual dictionary (A Buginese-Indonesian-English Dictionary) or bilingual dictionary (A Buginese-English Dictionary) has been written and printed talking about the cultural symbols which symbolize the cultural values implied in BEP. The third one is that by the use of cultural symbols the addressers insert and imply the local genius or message of Buginese ancestor in old Buginese version in BEP. Example: Buginese cultural symbols that have literal, idiomatic, metaphorical and conventional meanings. Ground Representamen golla nawale paria golla palm sugar ‘goodness’ Representamen ˃˂ Refers to ˃˂ Repaid with = Causes to 4 paria bitter guard ‘badness’ Object = Goodness repaid with badness II. Conceptual Framework Things Cultural Symbols Plants Terrestrials Philosophy Ethnic Poetics Values Religion Buginese Socio Cultural Values Social/Humanity Galigo Pattern (Form) Non-Galigo Parallelism III. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Semiotics is the science of sign; the term comes from the Greek word “semion” that means “sign”. Sign is found anywhere: word is the sign moreover signal movement like traffic light, flag, etc. The structure of literary work, film, building, and bird’s sounds are also sign. Everything can be a sign. A philosopher of America, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 – 1914) states that we can only think with medium of sign, of course, without sign we cannot communicate (Sudjiman, 1992: 1- 3). According to Zoest (1980: 5) semiotics is a study about sign and everything relates to it: the way to function, its relation to the other signs, addresser, and relation to the other signs, the way cooperates in doing its function that is the work of syntax semiotics. If the study about this sign is necessitate the interconnected between signs and addresser and addressee, that is the work of pragmatics semiotics, and if this study of sign is more prominent or more emphasized the relation of signs with its referent and with the result of its interpretation, that is the work of semantics semiotics. The researcher analyzes the main Buginese cultural symbols, applying Peirce’s literary semiotic approach in the theory of symbols (signs). According to Peirce (1960), a sign or representamen is something, which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody, that is, creates in the main of that 5 person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign. The sign, which it creates, Peirce calls the interpretant of the first sign. The sign stands for something, its object. It stands for that object not in all respects, but in reference to a short idea, which Peirce has sometimes called the ground of the representamen. Peirce (1960), Haley (1988), and Sandarupa (2012), representamen has trichotomy: symbol, index, and icon. In Peirce’s semiotic of symbol, there are representamen or signs, ground of representamen (idea and concept), and object. Representamen does not run straightly to the object but it runs through the ground of representamen (idea and concept), and then runs to the object. Between representamen and object, there are icon, index, and symbol. The following chosen signs or representamens are the signs, which characterize Buginese character building and ethos of work through their culture. Let us look at the figure: Notes: 1. SIGNS (Representamen) 2. Ground of Representamen (Idea and Concept) 3. Object 4. Idea/ground of similarity is icon. 5. Idea/ground of causal or coexistent is index. 6. Idea/ground of convention or rule of agreement is symbol. 1. SIGNS (Representamen) 4. Icon 5. Index 6. Symbol 3. Object 2. Ground of Representamen (Idea and Concept) Figure 1: Peirce’s Literary Semiotic (Symbol) Signatum 1 Unganna Panasae ‘jackfruit Flower’ (tunas nangka -lempu) ‘honest’ Datum 1 (1) duami kualla sappo # dua + mi + ku + alla + sappo # two def p1sg take fence only two I take as my fence (2) ungana panasae # uŋa + na + Flower pos honesty and (3) belo kanukue # belo + kanuku adornment nail cleanness panasa + jackfruit + e# def 6 e# def Metaphor/Symbol tunasnangka jackfruit flower 2. 1. icon = ungannapanasa index = kejujuran symbol = lempu unganna panasae jackfruit flower lempu honesty 3. Figure 2: Signatum 1 Unganna Panasae ‘jackfruit flower’ Description: First box contains ungannapanasae ‘jackfruit flower’. Second box contains tunasnangka ‘jackfruit flower’. Third box contains lempu ‘honesty’. This symbol has an icon ‘ungannapanasae’, an index ‘kejujuran’, and a symbol ‘lempu’. “Unganna panasae” is a cultural symbol of Indonesian Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in their daily works. “Unganna panasae” or “tunas nangka” is a sign or a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “lempu”. It is based on its physical appearance that straightly appears on the trunk of jackfruit. It is always straight up or down. “Unganna panasae” is an aesthetical form that means “be honest”. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she is “jujur” ‘trustworthy’. Its icon (similarity) is “malempu” ‘be honest’. “Malempu” is the physical performance of “unganna panasae”. It is always in straight form. Its index (causal) is “kejujuran” ‘honesty’. “Kejujuran” is caused by “lempu”. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “lempu” ‘honest’. Therefore, “unganna panasae” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “lempu” ‘honesty’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, “Lempu” is the object of the ground of representamen as the concept of “unganna panasae” as an aesthetical form of an advice and metaphor/symbol of “lempu”. Signatum 2: Belo Kanukue (Pacci) ‘Nail Adornment’ (hidup bersih) ‘cleans life’ Datum 2 (3) belo kanukue # belo + kanuku adornment nail cleanness + e# def 7 Metaphor/Symbol pacci LAWSANIA ALBA 2. 1. icon = pacci index = makanja’ati Lsymbol = mapaccing belokanukue nail adornment A mapaccingW cleannessS 3. A N I Figure 3: Signatum 2 Belo Kanukue (pacci) A ‘nail adornment’ Description: A First box contains belokanukue ‘nail adornment’. Second box contains pacci L ‘LAWSANIA ALBA’. Third box contains mapaccing ‘cleanness’. This symbol has an B icon ‘pacci’, an index maknja’ati ‘good heart’, and a symbol ‘mapaccing’. A “Belo kanukue” is a cultural symbol of Indonesian Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in undertaking their daily works. “Belo kanukue” or “pacci” is a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “hidupbersih” ‘clean life’. It is based on “pacci” sacred function; Buginese believes that this cultural symbol can create the effects of cleanness, either physically or mentally (sennung-sennungeng ‘symbol of safety’). The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she is “mapaccing or hidup bersih”. Its icon (similarity) is “paccing”. Its index (causal) is “good attitude, baikhati, tidakkorup, iri or dengki” ‘no grafts’, ‘jealous or slander’. It is caused by “hati bersih or hidup bersih” Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “hidup bersih” ‘clean life’. Therefore, “belo kanukue” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “paccing” ‘cleanness’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, “Hidup bersih” is the object of the ground of representamen as the concept of aesthetical form of an advice and a metaphor/symbol of “hidup bersih” ‘clean life’. Signatum 3: Mabbulo Sibatang (be a bar of bamboo) ‘Unity’ (massiddi -bersatu) togetherness Datum 3 (12) tomabbulo sibatang # to + ma + bulo + si + bataŋ # p1pl pref bamboo res bar let us unite (13) taro ada temmaluka # taro + ada + put utterance tə neg + maluka # loose 8 never disavow the promise Metaphor/Symbol massidi unite 2. 1. icon = bulosibatang index = tudangsipulung symbol = assiddiang mabbulosibatang unity assidiang unity 3. Figure 4: Signatum 3 Mabbulo Sibatang ‘Unity’ Description: First box contains mabbulosibatang ‘unity’. Second box contains massidi ‘unite’. Third box contains assidiang ‘unity’. This symbol has an icon bulosibatang ‘a bar of bamboo’, an index tudangsipulung ‘sitting together’, and a symbol ‘assidiang unity’. “Mabbulosibatang” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in their daily life. “Mabbulosibatang” ‘be a bar of bamboo (unite)’is a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “assidiang” ‘unity’. This is based on the physical appearance of bamboo, in this case “be a bar of bamboo” that means “unite”. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-people if he/she always “massiddi” ‘unite’. Its icon (similarity) is “assidiang” ‘unity’. Its index (causal) is “tudang sipulung or kerjasama” ‘unite or cooperate’. It is caused by the attitude of unity. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “massiddi” ‘unite’. Therefore, “mabbulosibatang” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “massiddi” ‘unite’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, “Massiddi” is the object of the ground of representamen as the concept of aesthetical life (guidance) and metaphor/symbol of “mabbulosibatang” ‘unite’. Signatum 4: Sulo ‘Torch’ (Obor –paddisengeng) ‘knowledge’ Datum 4 (3) paddisengeng mitu matti knowledge only later only the knowledge later (4) sulo mattappa rialewe # sulo + ma + tappaa + ri + ale torch pref shine prep body can be a torch that shines out of our body 9 + we # p1pl pos Metaphor/Symbol obor torch 2. 1. sulo torch Icon = sulo Index = cahaya Symbol = paddisengeng paddisengeng knowledge 3. Figure 5: Signatum 4 Sulo ‘Torch’ Description: First box contains sulo ‘torch’. Second box contains obor ‘torch’. Third box contains paddisengeng ‘knowledge’. This symbol has an icon bulosibatang ‘a bar of bamboo’, an index tudangsipulung ‘sitting together’, and a symbol paddisengeng ‘knowledge’. “Sulo” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in their daily works. “Sulo” or “obor” ‘torch’is a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “paddisengengorilmu” ‘knowledge’. It is based on the physical appearance of “sulo” ‘torch’ that functions to shine everything around it. Something that could shine out of the mind or body of someone is his/her knowledge or goodness. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best quality and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she becomes “macca” ‘smart’. Smart people could illuminate the people around them. Its icon (similarity) is “pelita” ‘lamp. Lamp, torch, and lantern’ function to illuminate everything around them in the darkness. Its index (causal) is “cahaya terang” ‘clear gleam’. The appearance of clear gleam caused by the lamp is on. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “paddisengeng” ‘knowledge’. Therefore, “sulo” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “paddisengeng-macca” ‘knowledge-smart’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, it is called “tau acca” ‘clever man’. Knowledge is a torch that shines out of someone’s body and mind. “Paddisengeng” ‘knowledge’ is the object of the ground of sign or representamenas the concept of “qualitas diri or tau macca” ‘self-quality or smart’. Signatum 5: Bokong ‘Provisions’ (bekal -amal) ‘charity’ Datum 5 Bokong Temmawari Unspoiled Provisions (1) passaniasani bokotta’ # passaniasa + ni + prepare imp prepare your provisions! bokoŋ + provisions 10 ta # p2pos hon Metaphor/Symbol bekal provisions 2. 1. icon = bokong index = ibadah symbol = amala’ bokong provisions 3. Amala’ charity Figure 6: Signatum 5 Bokong ‘provision’ Description: First box contains bokong ‘provisions’. Second box contains bekal ‘provisions’. Third box contains amala’ ‘charity’. This symbol has an icon bokong ‘provision’, an index ibadah ‘religious service’, and a symbol ‘amala’ ‘charity’. “Bokong” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in their daily works. “Bokong” or “provision” is a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “amal” –charity. It is based on the physical appearance of “bokong” that contains full of rice in it. It is analogized with preparations or provisions of life in the world and the next world. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she is philanthropy “suka-membri or malabo” ‘social or generous’. Its icon (similarity) is “bekal” ‘provisions’. Its index (causal) is “beribadah, pogaudeceng, suka memberi, and suka menyumbang” ‘helpful and philanthropy’. These cause someone to get many provisions or charities. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “amal” ‘charity’. Therefore, “Bokong temmawari” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “amal” ‘charity’. In philosophy of life of Buginese social and helpful are the characteristics of faithful person. “Amala’” ‘provision’ is the object of the ground of representamen as the idea or concept of aesthetical warning and metaphor/symbol of “bekal hidup dunia-akhirat” ‘provisions of life’ in the world and the next world. Signatum 6 Golla ‘Palm Sugar’ (macenning –kebaikan) ‘goodness/happiness’ Datum 6 Golla Nawale’ Paria Palm Sugar Retaliates with Bitter Gourd Repay Good with Evil 11 Metaphor/Symbol macenning sweet 2. 1. icon = golla index = macenning symbol = kebaikan golla palm sugar 3. kebaikan goodness/happiness Figure 7: Signatum 6 Golla ‘Palm Sugar’ Description: First box contains golla ‘palm sugar’. Second box contains macenning ‘sweet’. Third box contains kebaikan ‘goodness’. This symbol has an icon golla ‘palm sugar’, an index macenning ‘sweet’, and a symbol kebaikan ‘goodness/happiness’. “Golla” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in their daily life. “Golla” or “cenning” is a representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “kebaikan” ‘goodness’, the word “golla” ‘palm sugar’ connotes to goodness, this is based on the taste of palm sugar, and sweet taste for Buginese is always considered a good thing. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she is “maperru” ‘thoughtful’. Its icon (similarity) is “gollacella” ‘palm sugar’. Its index (causal) is “deceng” ‘good attitude or behavior’. This is caused by goodness that owned by someone. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “kebaikan” ‘goodness’. Therefore, in philosophy of life of Buginese, “golla” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “kebaikan” ‘goodness, welfare, and pleasure’. “Kebaikan” is the object of the ground of representamen as the concept of “berbuat baik” ‘do goodness’, not on the reverse “berbuat jahat” ‘do evil’. Signatum 7 Ulaweng ‘Gold’ (Ulawengngi Mammekkoe) ‘be silent is the best’ Datum 7 (9) ulawengngi mammekkoe # ulawəŋ + i + ma + gold dem pref be silent is the best (10) salakai mette’e # salaka + i + silver dem to talk is better (11) mettekki’ nasitinaja # mətte + ki mətte talk + na məkko silent + + e# def + 12 sitinaja # e# def talk p2pl hon talk only properly! (12) tongeppi naripuada # toŋəp + i + true dem say only the true! pref naripu pref properly + ada # say Metaphor/Symbol mammekko be silent 2. 1. icon = ulaweng index = mammekko symbol – sifa’makanja’ ulaweng gold 3. sifa’makanja’ good attitude Figure 8: Signatum 7 Ulaweng ‘Gold’ Description: First box contains ulaweng ‘gold’. Second box contains mammekko ‘be silent’. Third box contains sifa’ makanja’ ‘good attitude’. This symbol has an icon ulaweng ‘gold’, an index mammekko ‘be silent’, and a symbol sifa’makanjja’ ’good attitude’. “Ulaweng” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in conveying the true utterance. “Ulaweng” is a sign or representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “ulawengngimammekoe”–be silent is the best. It is based on the value of gold. Gold is finery or thing that has high quality in the life of people, so, “mammekkoe” is an analogy of “ulaweng”. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates the best attitude and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she is “malempu or jujur”. Its icon (similarity) is “kebenaran” ‘rightness’. “Kebenaran” is something that has high value and quality in society. Its index (causal) is “jujur” ‘honest’. “Kejujuran” is caused by the rightness and reflected by the true remarks and deeds of someone. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “kejujuran” ‘honesty’. Therefore, “ulaweng” as Buginese cultural symbol, is a metaphor or symbol of “sifa makanja” ‘good behavior’ and ‘good attitude’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, if someone does not know the rightness of something, it is better to be quiet “ulawengngi mamekkoe” as the object of the ground of representamen as the concept and idea of ethnic poetics (symbol), “say the true and never lie”. Signatum 8: Salaka ‘Silver’ (Salakai Mette’e) ‘to talk is better’ Datum 8 (10) salakai mette’e # salaka + i + mətte + e # silver dem talk def 13 to talk is better (11) mettekki’ nasitinaja # mətte + ki + talk p2pl hon talk only properly! (12) tongeppi naripuada # toŋəp + i + true dem say only the true! na + pref naripu pref + sitinaja # properly ada # say Metaphor/Symbol mette reply 2. 1. icon = salaka index = mette symbol = adatongeng salaka silver adatongeng true utterance 3. Figure 9: Signatum 8 Salaka ‘Silver’ Description: First box contains salaka ‘silver’. Second box contains mette ‘reply’. Third box contains adatongeng ‘true utterance’. This symbol has an icon salaka ‘silver’, an index mette ‘talk’, and a symbol ‘adatongeng’ true utterance’. “Salaka” is a cultural symbol of Buginese that has a significant meaning of life of Buginese in conveying the true utterance. “Salaka” is a sign or representamen. Its ground of representamen (idea or concept) is a metaphor of “salakai mette’e”–talk only properly and say only the truth. It is based on the value of silver. Silver is finery or thing that has higher quality than others do in the life of people, so, “mette’e” is an analogy of “salaka”. The ground functions refer to the object, which creates better attitude than others and the character building of Buginese as a powerful life principle and philosophy of life of Buginese. He/she is a true-person if he/she said, “the truth is true and the false is false. Its icon (similarity) is “kebenaran” ‘rightness’. “Kebenaran” is something that has higher value and quality than others do in society. Its index (causal) is “jujur demi kebenaran” ‘conveying the rightness’. “Kejujuran” is caused by the rightness and reflected by the true remarks and deeds of someone. Its symbol (convention or rule of agreement) is “kejujuran” ‘honesty’. Therefore, “salakaimette’e” ‘to talk is better if we know the truth of something’, “salaka” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “ada14 tongeng” ‘true utterance’. In philosophy of life of Buginese, if someone does not know the rightness of something, it is better to be quiet, as a poetical and aesthetical concept of, “ulawengngi mamekkoe salakai mette’e” as the object of the ground of representamen as the concept of Buginese ethnic poetics (symbol), “tell the truth and never lie”. IV. CONCLUSION The writer finds eight kinds of cultural symbols, which have different message. They are (1) unganna panasae -tunas nangka ‘jackfruit flower’ a metaphor or symbol of lempu ‘honesty’, (2) belo kanukue ‘nail adornment’ means pacci‘LAWSANIA ALBA’ metaphor/symbol of paccing or hidupbersih ‘clean life’ not to do grafts and corruption, (3) mabbulosibatang ‘be unity’ or massiddi ‘unite’ metaphor/symbol of assidiang ‘sitting together to get an agreement’, (4) sulo ‘torch’ metaphor of paddisengeng ‘knowledge’ symbol of tau-macca ‘smart/clever people’, (5) bokong or bekal ‘provisions’ metaphor/symbol of makkamala or beramal or amal ‘charity, provisions in the world and hereafter, (6) golla ‘palm sugar’ macenning ‘sweet’ metaphor/symbol of kebaikan ‘doing goodness and having happiness’, like maperru ‘thoughtful’, malabo ‘generous’, pattulung ‘helpful and philanthropy’, and patturung ‘fond of participating’, (7) ulawengi mammekoe ‘be silent is the best’, metaphor/symbol of sifa makanja ‘good behavior’ or ‘good attitude’. It means do the best along the life. (8) Salakaimette’e ‘to talk is better if we know the truth of something’, “salaka” as Buginese cultural symbol is a metaphor or symbol of “ada-tongeng” ‘true utterance’. It means tell the truth and never lie. All these should be taught at the early of character building and enlightenment of heart of the generation, at home, at schools, and at the university. Therefore, parents, teachers, and lecturers are motivators. They should try to implement their local genius anytime and anywhere. V. REFERENCES Carver, D.J. and Wallace, M.J. 1985. Pacific School Dictionary. William Colins Sons & Co. Ltd., London. Harun, Sudarmin. 2012. Cultural Values in Buginese Traditional Songs. Unpublished Dissertation. Program Pascasarjana Unhas, Makassar. Koentjaraningrat. 1974. Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Jambatan, Jakarta. Linton, Ralph. 1984. The Study of Man: An Introduction.Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York. Peirce, Charles Sanders.1960. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. 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