2030 English Literary Traditions II Carthage College Kiesel Spring, 2012 Literary Traditions II: Revised assignment schedule March 9, 2012 March Friday 9 Pride and Prejudice (finish the novel) Monday 12 “Literary Ballads” and “Reliques of Ancient English Poetry” (2A, 390-392); “Sir Patrick Spence” (2A, 392-393); Robert Burns, “To a Mouse” (2A, 397-399), “Auld Lang Syne” (2A, 406), “The Fornicator, A New Song” (2A, 406-407) Wednesday 14 William Blake, from Songs of Innocence and Experience (2A, 176-183 and 189-203) Friday 16 MIDTERM EXAM Spring Recess: March 19 – March 23 Monday 26 William Wordsworth, selections from the 1802 “Preface to Lyrical Ballads” (2A, 433-445), “Nutting” (2A, 450), “Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,” (2A, 429-433), “Lucy Gray” (2A, 448), “The World is Too Much With Us” (2A, 475) Samuel Taylor Coleridge, selections from Biographia Literaria (2A, 684-696); Thomas De Quincey, “What is it that We Mean by literature?” (2A, 1145); and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (2A, 632-650) Wednesday 28 NO CLASS: Assessment Day [prepare Friday’s readings!] Friday 30 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Frost at Midnight” (2A, 630-632), “Kubla Khan” (2A, 669-671), and “Dejection: An Ode” (2A, 674-678); John Keats, The Odes of 1819 (2A, 1003-1014); Percy Shelley “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” (2A, 875-877) and “Ode to the West Wind” (2A, 889-891); George Gordon, Lord Byron selections from Child Harold’s Pilgrimage (2a, 765-778) April Monday 2 Thomas Carlyle, selections from Past and Present (2B, 1074-1088); “Perspectives: The Industrial Landscape” (2B, 1088-1113) Wednesday 4 Charles Dickens, selections from “A Walk in a Workhouse” and “Companion Readings” (2B, 1425-1431); Elizabeth Gaskell, “Our Society at Cranford” (1432-1448) Easter Recess: Friday 6 - Monday 9 Wednesday 11 Matthew Arnold, from “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” (2B, 1585-1595) and “The Study of Poetry” (2B, 1604-1611); Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Mariana” (2B, 11791181) and “Ulysses” (2B, 1189-1191) Romantic Literature Paper due in class April (continued) Friday 13 Thomas Hardy, “The Withered Arm” (2B, 1448-1466); Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “A Scandal in Bohemia” (2B, 1466-1482) Monday 16 Charles Darwin, selections from On the Origin of the Species (2B, 1272-1277) and The Descent of Man (2B, 1277-1283); “Perspectives: Religion and Science” (2B, 1291-1322) Wednesday 18 Matthew Arnold, “Dover Beach” (2B, 1562), Gerard Manley Hopkins, “God’s Grandeur” (2B, 1702), “Pied Beauty” (2B, 1704), and [Carrion Comfort] (2B, 1708) Friday 20 Robert Browning, “Porphyria’s Lover” (2B, 1325); Elizabeth Barrett Browning, selections from Aurora Leigh (2B, 1155-1174) Monday 23 Alfred, Lord Tennyson, selections from In Memoriam A.H.H., (2B, 1204-1235) Wednesday 25 John Ruskin, selections from Modern Painters (2B, 1492-1495) and The Stones of Venice (2B, 1495-1505) Friday 27 Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (2B, 1829-1870) Victorian Literature Paper due in class Monday 30 Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest and selections from De Profundis (2B, 18721879) May Wednesday 2 The Good Soldier Friday 4 The Good Soldier Monday 7 The Good Soldier Wednesday 9 T.S. Eliot “The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock” and Virginia Woolf, selections from A Room of One’s Own [both texts on E-Racer] Friday 11 Conclusions and review Modernist Literature Paper due in class Monday 14 Final Exam: 3:30-5:30PM