Holistic Scoring Template

Testing Tools and Methods
Used in Turkish Teaching as
Mother Tongue
Assoc. Dr. Mehmet KURUDAYIOĞLU
Abant İzzet Baysal University
Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish
Language Education
Testing Tools and Methods Used in Turkish Language
1. Items with Short Answers (Tests)
7. Attitude Scales
2. Multiple Choice Items (Tests)
8. Self Evaluation
3. Matching Items (Tests)
9. Peer Evaluation
10. Observation
4. True / False Items(Tests)
5. Open Ended Questions (Tests with
Long Answers)
6. Interview (Verbal Exams)
11. Check Lists
12. Graded Scoring Templates
13. Student Product Files
14. Performance Homework
15. Project Homework
1. Items with Short Answers (Tests)
• Used to test students’ basic knowledge about the subject. You can
demand answers by asking students questions like “Who?”,
“What?”, “When?” to that end.
• These answers may be in the form of sentence completion,
description, short explanations or explanation by table / graphic. It
is easy to score items with short answers. However, it is not
possible to test complex subjects with these items.
1. Briefly explain the difference of behaviour between protagonists in
the text ...............................
2. The protagonists in the story are, a) ...................., b) ................., c)
2. Multiple Choice Items (Tests)
• Multiple choice items consist of a question root and a series of potential
subsequent answers.
• When answering such a question, a student chooses the most appropriate
or correct answer based on the question root.
• Question root is usually stated as question.
• Multiple choice tests consist of a combination of items.
• An item is the smallest unit of a test that can be scored.
You are getting lonelier and lonelier my human brothers;
You have neither a common joy to unite you,
Nor a friend to take away your pain,
You have long since forgotten the merriment of sharing.
(Şükrü Erbaş)
Which one of the following ideas does this stanza emphasise?
A) It is frendships that make life meaningful.
B) As problems dwindle, happiness grows.
C) A person cannot live alone.
D) Love is the basis of coexistence.
(OKS 2003)
3. Matching Items (Tests)
• Matching items are structured by matching questions in a column
to answers in the other column, a notion related to another notion
or notions etc.
• It is quite easy to develop these item types.
• Match the words below with appropriate descriptions.
Various, insignificant, small things
Cotton cloth with colourful shapes on it.
Weight of 250 kilos.
Measurement of weight.
4. True / False Items (Tests)
• Students are asked to determine if a given sentence is true
or false according to existing information.
Once upon a time, a rich family had a beautiful daughter, so
beautiful that words would do her beauty no justice. Her
parents always kept an eye on her and fulfilled her every wish.
Carefully read the statements below. If you believe that the
statement is true, write ‘T’ and if you believe it to be false,
write ‘F’ next to it.
• 1. This is an epopee (or saga). ..............
• 2. Stock words in the beginning are tongue twisters. ………..
5. Open Ended Questions (Tests with Long
• It is a type of item widely used by teachers to assess student
achievements in Turkish language courses.
• During these exams, students are asked a certain number (for
instance five) of questions. Students are then asked to think and
recall the answers to questions and write them down.
• Open ended questions assess creative thinking, written expression
skill, interest and attitude in greater detail.
• Do people of a nation have to know their history? Explain.
• What does the fact that our ancestors rendered many services to
humanity make you feel/think?
6. Interview (Verbal tests)
• Interviews provide valuable information about what students
understand, think and feel.
• Official interviews are conducted by lining up a set of planned
questions. Unofficial interviews on the other hand can be carried
out by asking questions to students during classroom sessions.
• Verbal exams require verbal communication between students and
• Used to evaluate qualities like fluency, self-confidence, discussion
ability etc.
• However, its reliability is low and evaluations might not be
• Can cause stress for students and that might lead to forgetfulness.
7. Attitude Scales
• Attitude is the state or tendency of emotional readiness
observed in the form of accepting or renouncing a certain
person, group, institution or an idea.
• For measuring attitudes, Likert scale is the most widely
used method. Likert type scales include many positive and
negative statements about the attitude to be assessed.
• Responses for these statements are; ‘I fully agree’, ‘I agree’,
‘I am not sure’, ‘I do not agree’ and ‘I strongly disagree’.
• So, every respondent states how much he/she
agrees/disagrees with the object of attitude.
2 Most of the time, I feel very bored during Turkish course.
3 There should be more time for Turkish courses.
Dear Students,
This scale is for receiving your
opinions on Turkish language course.
After reading every sentence carefully,
mark the option closest to your
thinking in the DEGREES column with
There is no need to allocate extracurricular study time for
Turkish course.
5 I cannot wait for Turkish course.
6 I enjoy doing Turkish course homework.
7 I enjoy Turkish course more than other courses.
8 I usually feel uncomfortable during Turkish courses.
9 Discussing matters about Turkish course makes me happy.
10 To me, Turkish course is unnecessary.
Compared to other exams, I feel more uncomfortable in
Turkish course exams.
12 Turkish course has an important place in daily life.
13 It would be better if there was not any Turkish course.
14 No course is as boring as Turkish course.
15 Turkish course reading materials are very boring.
In the future, I would like to study in a Turkish related
I would not want to miss Turkish related programmes on TV
and radio.
18 Studying texts in Turkish course is enjoyable.
I would like to allocate most of my free time for Turkish
I would like to follow books, magzines and similar
I fully disagree
I disagree.
I am not sure.
Opinions about Turkish course
1 For me, Turkish is an enjoyable course.
I agree.
I fully agree
Gender: ( )Female( )Male
8. Self Evaluation
• It means that students make decisions on their own work. Through
self evaluation applications, students are given feedback on their
own work, helping them to gain criticism skill.
• Various self evaluation forms may be used in Turkish courses for
students to evaluate themselves. These may be check lists, open
ended questions and graded scoring templates.
• What is asked of students in Turkish courses is to identify their
strenghts and weaknesses by asking themselves questions about
activities they took part in, texts and themes studied and
performance homeworks.
Name and Surname
Evaluator’s name and surname :
Date of evaluation
Points awarded
Behaviours to be evaluated
I prepare my tools.
I can maintain my attention during
I interrupt the speaker.
I ask permission to speak.
I pay attention to accent, intonation
and pronounciation.
I can visualise and express what I
While listening, I can guess meanings
of words I do not know.
Dinlediklerimin konusunu
belirleyebiliyorum. I can make out
what I listened was about.
I can make out the punchline of what I
I can summarise the things I listened.
Average score : ………………….
9. Peer Evaluation
• As for peer evaluation, students make various
decisions about the work of their friends.
• Peer evaluation used in process evaluation gives
students a critical point of view and is effective in
giving the skill to evaluate any work according to
• Peer evaluation can be done after any work by a
single student or it can be done by many people
This form contains evaluation items about your group members. Mark the options
closest to your evaluations.
Evaluating student’s;
Name and surname :
Group no/name :
Academic year :
Always Someti
1. Enthusiastic for activites.
2. Makes preparations before activities.
2. Does his/her duties on time.
3. Respects his/her friends’ opinions.
4. Presents information from different sources.
5. Uses appropriate language when warning
his/her friends.
6. Supports his/her friends’ work.
7. Works clean and orderly.
8. Uses Turkish properly, good and effective
Speaking Peer Evaluation Form 1/2
Language and narration
Spoke with an audible voice tone
Used standard Turkish when speaking
Pronounced words correctly
Used words appropriately and with proper meaning
Spoke sentences in line with grammar
He/she was knowledgeable about the
Made accents properly
Made intonations properly
Made pauses properly
Conveyed his/her message clearly and
Supported messages with gestures and
Used body language in addition to gestures and mimics
Used an unoffensive language and style
Name of
Speaking Peer Evaluation Form
Made an introduction that could be interesting to the audience
His/her speech was relevant
Told events and information in a certain order
There was consistency and cohesion between parts of the speech
The main idea was clear
Used supporting ideas
Supported his/her speech with elements such as examples and
Enriched his/her speech with idioms, proverbs, aphorisms etc.
Related his/her speech with daily life
Gave the impression that he/she made extensive research on
the subject before speaking
Avoided giving unnecessary information and explanations, did
not digress
He/she was able to complete his/her speech on time
He/she was comfortable while speaking
Made use of audio, visual and multipurpose communication tools while presenting
Had good manners while speaking
He/she was able to remain calm while speaking
He/she was constantly watchful of the audience and the time
10. Observation
• Teachers may use direct observation in Turkish courses to
rapidly gather accurate information about students based
on a detailed, exhaustive and long process and to find out
about their participation, achievements and the extent of
• Teachers may implement the observation method using
available observation forms, check lists and graded scoring
templates or they can prepare these themselves.
• Observation forms may be filled according to student
behaviour during class sessions, their performance, their
reaction to worksheets etc.
Speaking Skill Observation Form
Student name-surname:
Speaks in İstanbul dialect
Does not use slang.
Pronounces words correctly.
Chooses words appropriately.
Correctly uses accent for words and sentences
Adjusts his/her voice according to meaning of
Forms sentences of appropriate lenght.
Speaks in legible sentences,
Finishes his/her sentences.
Speaks subsequent sentences in a logical order
Does not make word or sentence repetitions
Does not use the word ‘thing’
Does not pause unnecessarily
Does not produce ‘um’, ‘ehrm’ sounds while
Does not make unnecessary gestures or mimics.
Looks audience in the eye
*2: Exhibits behaviour properly.
*1: Cannot fully exhibit
*0: Cannot exhibit behaviour at
11. Check Lists
• It is a tool that allows the existence of performance to be
shown with a sign or word such as yes, there is, x, etc.
• Check lists may be used many times for the same
performance of one person as well as for many persons
• It is a suitable technique to identify how much of the
elements that make up the performance regarding any
subject or skill are shown by students.
• Check lists may be used at will to assess performance of
students in and out of classroom
• Since they are easy to use, students can also use check lists
to evaluate themselves and their peers.
Reading Skill Check List
Name of Student: ________________ Name of Teacher:
Class: Observation Timeframe: __/__/200_ __/___/200_
Dear Teachers,
This form is for evaluating student reading skills. Use it in a certain timeframe to observe your sturdents’ behaviour concerning
reading skills. Fill in the blanks next to statements below with (√) to specify whether your students performed those skills.
Behaviours to be Observed
1. Reads books taken from classroom and school library.
2. Reads his/her selection among 100 basic literary works
3. Can discuss with others a book he/she read.
4. Tells about news and columns he/she read on newspapers.
5. Actively participates in discussions about subjects within his/her specialty.
6. Shares with his/her friends the parts he/she liked about the books he/she read. _____
7. Uses a dictionary to find out about a word he/she does not know. _____
8. Willing to learn more about the subject.
9. Asks and answers questions about shared texts.
10. Willing to read aloud in classroom.
11. Likes reading books.
Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Listening Skill Check List
1.During converstions
a) Looking at speaker’s face
b) Listening to complete missing information
c) Concentrating on the subject of disussion
Observed Behaviour
2.During classroom discussions
a) Listening carefully to reply
b) Listening without prejudice
c) Paying attention to other speakers’ contradictions
d) Being careful to avoid digression
3.During class sessions and conferences
a) Preparing for the subject beforehand
b) Paying attention to details and examples
c) Distinguishing different parts
d) Evaluating validity of information
e) Paying attention to speaker’s narrative
f) Identifying questions
g) Listening a speech until its end
4.During panel discussions
a) Paying attention to what each speaker talks about
b) Evaluating each speaker separately
c) Looking for consensus and contradictions between each speaker
d) Trying to integrate information
5.Listening to a text reading suitable for his/her level
a) Identifying the type of text
b) Trying to understand what it is about
c) Identifying opinions
d) Grasping the details
e) Trying to figure out results of events
12. Graded Scoring Templates (Rubrics)
• It is a scoring template used to evaluate any performance
of a learner or a product.
• Descriptions are made or points are awarded for each
identified level of observed performance.
• Based on performance or product, there are two types of
graded scoring templates. These are called analytic and
holistic scoring templates
• Holistic rubrics are used to reach a general judgement
about student performance
• Analytic rubrics are used for detailed performance
Holistic Scoring Template
Annex 4: Written Expression Evaluation Form
Name and surname:
Qualities to look for in written narrative
Target score
Teacher’s score
Left appropriate spaces in on the sides of paper,
between paragraphs and lines
Writing is fluent and legible
Heading is relevant to the subject
Language and Expression
The subject was expressed with logical consistency and
Transitions between parahraphs are proper
Only a single opinion and sentiment was handled in
each paragraph
The intended main idea is captured
Main idea supported with supporting ideas and
Quotations, examples and similes are adequate and
Conclusion statement is conclusive and impressive
Sentences are in compliance with grammar rules
Words used appropriately and correctly
Sentences do not contain repeated words
Relevant resources consulted and adequately used
Peculiar expressions used
Spelling rules observed
Punctuation is correct
NOTE: Points given in the scale are examples. They may be changed by teacher.
Holistic Scoring Template
(4+1 Written Expression Evaluation Form)
1. His/her writing has a subject.
2. Set the keywords and basic notions of his/her writing
3. Limited the subject of his/her writing.
4. His/her writing has a purpose ( main idea ).
5. His/her writing has a certain target audience.
6. Did research about his/her writing.
7. Made use of different sources for his/her writing.
8. Organised the information he/she compiled for writing.
9. Made a suitable outline for his/her writing.
10. Decided on the main and sub headings of his/her
11. Identified introduction-body-conclusion parts
12. There is cohesion between parts of his/her writing
13. The introduction is consistent with the type of his/her
14. Supported the main idea with supporting ideas.
15. Made use of ways to develop ideas for his/her writing
16. Made appropriate transitions between parts of his/her
17. There are no incoherent parts about his/her writing
18. There are no needless details in his/her writing
19. In every part of his/her writing there are interesting
information, thought or event
20. Finished his/her writing in an impressive way
Holistic Scoring Template
(4+1 Written Expression Evaluation Form)
21. Arranged thoughts and events consistently.
22. There are no ambiguities about his/her sentences.
23. Established cause-effect, purpose-result relations
24. Used words suitable for the context.
25. Used punctuation marks correctly.
26. There is no misspelling in his/her writing.
27. Organised his/writing in line with features of the genre.
28. Used proper, legible handwriting.
29. Paid attention to page layout.
30. Heading and visuals he/she used are interesting.
Yes (5)
Analytic Scoring Template for Project Homework
1. Conducted his/her research according to the plan he/she made
2. Acquired striking information and evidence regarding the research
3. Made use of many sources.
4. Contacted the author in some way.
5. Written, audio and visual materials used are very relevant and interesting
6. The resulting work is interesting, explanatory and impressive
7. The report contains no spelling, punctuation or language errors
1. Tried to conduct his/her research according to the plan he/she made
2. Made use of many sources.
3. Acquired evidence and infomation about the period researched
4. Contacted the author in some way.
5. Written, audio and visual materials used are relevant and interesting.
6. The resulting work is interesting, explanatory and impressive.
7. The report contains spelling, punctuation or language errors.
1. There have been some deviations from the plan while conducting research.
2. Not enough evidence and infomation acquired about the period researched.
3. Made use of a limited number of sources.
4. Written, audio and visual materials used are few in number.
5. Made no contact whatsoever with the author.
6. The resulting work is not interesting, explanatory and impressive enough
7. The report contains spelling, punctuation or language errors.
1. Did not conduct his/her research according to the plan he/she made.
2. Did not acquire evidence and infomation about the period researched
3. Made use of a very few number of sources.
4. Did not use written, audio and visual materials.
5. Made no contact whatsoever with the author.
6. The resulting work is not interesting, explanatory and impressive.
7. The report contains many spelling, punctuation or language errors.
Analytic Scoring Template for Speaking Skill
Very good (3)
Good (2)
Never used junk words
and sounds during speech
Occasionally used junk words Often used junk words and
and sounds during speech
sounds during speech
Began with an addressing
sentence suitable for
Beginning the speech
his/her speech in front of a
Finished his/her speech
Finishing the speech with an appropriate
finishing statement
Prepared his/her
addresses in
Relevance with the
consideration of the
Venue selection
Chose and organised the
venue correctly for his/her
Used body language
Use of body language
correctly and effectively
Supporting the
Correctly used elements
that support address and
discourse (voice structure,
theatric skill, notes, daily
Began with an addressing
sentence not quite suitable
for his/her speech in front of a
Finished his/her speech with
an inappropriate finishing
Insufficient (1)
Did not begin with an
addressing sentence at all.
Finished his/her speech
without a finishing statement
Prepared his/her addresses
without considering some
features of the audience
His/her addresses are
inappropriate for the
Venue selection was wrong
or venue organisation was
Wrong choice and
organisation for venue
Occasionally used body
language correctly and
Did not use some elements
that support address and
discourse (voice structure,
theatric skill, notes, daily
Did not use body language
correctly and effectively
Did not use elements that
support address and
discourse (voice structure,
theatric skill, notes, daily
13. Student Product Files
• Student product file which is a collection of what
students make throughout the semester or year,
organised in line with certain standards, can be
described as a systematic, purposeful and meaningful
collection of what students make in one or more field
of subject
• Its contents may change according to intended purpose
and it may be used for exhibition, work and evaluation
• All items are scored, put in order and evaluated in
student product files that are intended for evaluation
Contents of a Student Product File
Guide prepared by teacher
Written homeworks of students (Drafts or completed parts)
Researches, problems and strategies
Diagrams, photographs, pictures
Video records, sound records
Group homeworks and projects
Teacher anecdotes
Word development
Letters, poems and reports of students
A book review
Teacher check lists
Homework students found difficult and want to do again
Examples selected among special homeworks
Evaluation papers (papers showing how to evalaute
developments in student work)
14. Performance Homework
• Performance homework is used to evalaute the product and the
• Contrary to traditional testing and evaluation, it contains tasks that
show students can achieve a goal and that require students to apply
their knowledge and skills in various fields.
• The purpose of performance homeworks is;
To measure higher level cognitive skills of students and to see to what
extent can students use their acquired knowledge in daily life.
• It shows how students can solve problems they encounter in life
and how to use knowledge and skills to solve problems.
• They are useful tools to measure real performance of
• Dispersed across the process. Not reliant on time.
• Requires students to structure new knowledge.
• Graded scoring templates are especially used to
evaluate project and performance homeworks (graded
15. Project Homework
• A project is an amalgamation of independent
research and activities conducted to create an
original product similar to that of in real life.
• This student centred method leaves teachers
inactive. They can only assume the role of guiding
and evaluating.
• Objectivity in scoring can be achieved by using project
evaluation form.
Types of Project
• Short Term Projects: Projects of a few hours or
one or two weeks
• Long Term Projects: Projects of a few months or
longer periods
• Action Projects: Projects for solving problems of
• Research – Review Projects: Projects for
gathering information on a certain topic and
analysing and presenting gathered information
Project Topic
Any problem that students are interested in solving
may be the project topic:
• For the purpose of writing a letter or a report and
exhibiting it in school or someplace else
• Writing a play,
• Issuing a school journal,
• Establishing new educational branches in school,
• Preparing an analysis report on certain topics.
Topics for Turkish Course Project Homework
1. Survey on reading habits.
2. Poem performance.
3. Writing and acting plays.
A survey will be conducted with certain
questions to find out about reading habits
among students.
To be prepared as a group. Selected poems
will be read with music.
A short comedy or drama will be written and
4. Interviewing.
A person will be interviewed on a certain
5. Preparing posters, pictures and writings
Information and documents about Turkish
about the importane, beauty and correct use will be collected. Documents prepared will
of Turkish
be written and hanged on the classroom
6. Introducing a city.
Writings and pictures about the features of a
city will be collected and presented
7. Introducing a writer or a poet.
Selected writer’s or poet’s life and works will
be researched and his/her photos will be
Topics for Turkish Course Project
Homework 2/4
8. Drama adaptation of a story.
A selected story will be dramatised by turning it into a
9. Compiling and dramatising Nasreddin Hoca
Selected jokes will be read aloud, one or more jokes will
be dramtised in the form of conversation.
10. Poster designing.
Information, documents and pictures about a certian
subject will be put on a large cardboard.
11. Issuing a journal. For 3 people.
Writings and poems on certain topics will be compiled to
a journal
12. Compilation of riddles, jokes and poems
Selected wiritngs will be compilde. (Pictures, caricatures
and photographs may be added)
13. Finding examples about how our Turkish is
adversely affected by foreign languages and
coming up with solutions to this problem
Shops with signs in foreign languages in our town will be
photographed, domestic products which have foreign
names will be identified. Proposals for solutions will be
14. Compilation of photographs of Turkish writers Photographs of important writers of Turkish literatüre
and poets. Brief information will be gven about
will be collected and made into a photgraph albüm.
their lives.
Topics for Turkish Course Project
Homework 3/4
15. Discussion 4 PEOPLE
Discussion of 2 groups of 2 students
16. Writing an article on the adverse effects
wars have on people
Research on the subject will be made. An
article will be written based on the
imformation gathered
The importance of trees will be described
with writings, pictures, poems and
caricatures. Infırmation on how to protect our
forests will be provided.
A crossword puzzle about the words studied
in Turkish language course will be prepared
17. Describing the place and importance
trees have in human life.
18. Preparing a puzzle.
19. Turkish women in the War of
Bravery and selfless acts of Turkish women
during the War of Indepenence will be
studied and supported with pictures.
20. Alphabets used by Turks.
Alphabets used by Turks throughout history
and writings featuring these alphabets will be
researched and examples will be found.
A film or drama will be summarised. Pros and
cons will be explained.
21. Criticism of a film or drama.
Topics for Turkish Course Project
Homework 4/4
22. Writing short stories based on proverbs. Stories of a few paragraphs will be written
about the maning of selected proverbs
23. Compilation of idioms.
Interesting and intriguing idioms that are
not well known will be compiled and
24. Compilation of folk songs. The stories
Well liked folk song will be compiled into an
behind them will be written if there are
anthology. (May be sung.)
25. Introduction of a book.
A book will be summarised and briefly
26. Making a poem anthology.
A compilation of poems will be
prepared.(Pictures and adornments may be
Name of project:
Name and surname:
Identifying the purpose of project
Making a work plan suitable for the project
Identifying needs
Gathering nformation from different sources
Conducting the project according to plan
Correct use of Turkish
Accuracy od information
Analysis of gathered information
Making deductions out of gathered information
Organising gathered information
Exhibiting the skill of critical thinking
Using creativity skill
Correct use of Turkish
Being able to answer questions
Presenting in a way that grabs the attention of
Suporting the presentation with target oriented
Using a fluent verbal and body language
Finishing the presentation on time
Being self confident while presenting
Delivering the presentation enthusiastically
Unsatisf Accepta Averag
Differences and Similarities Between Project
and Performance Homework
Performance Homeworks
1. They are short term activities
(Depending on the complexity, 1
week, month, 1 month etc.
recommended) .
2. Not necessarily about problems.
It should cater to students’ basic
skills and achievements
regarding the course
3. They are structured activities.
4. Guidelines are explained.
5. May be carried out as an
individual or group work.
Project Homeworks
1. They are long term activities
(Depending on the complexity
they may be 2 months, 4 months
etc.) .
2. It is about a problem and is
prepared in line with Scientific
Process Steps
3. They are structured activities.
4. Guidelines are explained.
5. May be carried out as an
individual or group work.
Differences and Similarities Between Project
and Performance Task
Performance Tasks
6. In a semester, a student/students
carry out at least one
performance task for each
7. Teacher determines the subject
and contents of the task.
Students may choose a specific
task they want to work on if
8. Students opinions on the
preparation of evaluation tool
may be received
9. Evaluation scale should be given
to students along with
performance task
6. In a year, a student/students
develop a project for at least one
course of their choosing
7. Students determine what the
project will be and teacher may
present alternatives at this point
8. Students opinions on the
preparation of evaluation tool
should be received
9. Evaluation scale (graded scoring
template) is given to students with
the project
10. Projects are evaluated during the
semester they are submitted.
One’s self
• The system implemented in Turkish language course is a multiple
evaluation system, not a single type.
• Teachers and students participate in the evaluation process together
Instead of results;
• Continuity of evaluation should be ensured,
• Evaluation should be for Turkish language course goals
and achievements
• Evaluation should cover many skills
• Language skills should be evaluated using different
measurement tools
• Both individual and group evaluations should take place
• Evaluation should focus on both the product and the
• Self evaluation and peer evaluation should get enough