How to Read E-Text_Revised 2012

How to Actively Read E-Text
Using Kurzweil
By: Maureen LaFleche
What is in Diigo and Dropbox
Participant handout
Active Reading
After Reading
Kurzweil Explore
Set up Kurzweil for yourself
• 4 Toolbars
• Select Voice
• Reading speed, unit, mode
What is E-text?
• electronic text or e-text has become a preferred
format for many students and an essential
format for most students with print disabilities.
Why read E-text?
• You can
change the fonts,
change from one language to another;
transform into synthetic speech
change to MP3
Where can you find E-text?
Aesop's Fables Online Collection
CK12 Flexbooks
Classic Reader
Kurzweil Classic
Literature CD
Project Gutenburg
….and more
What about copyright and
The Canadian Copyright Act (CCA) Section 32(1)
outlines, very specifically, the acceptable creation and
use of alternate format materials for individuals with
disabilities. In simple terms, the act allows for an
individual with a perceptual disability, or an agent acting
on behalf of that individual, to create, acquire, or use an
alternate format of a copyrighted work as long as that
alternate format is not large print or is not commercially
available. The act further defines ‘perceptual disability’
as one that prevents or inhibits access to standard print
materials due to a visual impairment, a physical disability
or a comprehension disability. (ARC-BC Website)
What is public domain?
• Alternate formats of works in the public
domain (i.e. not copyrighted) can be
created and distributed freely but credits to
the original author and/or publisher should
always be included in any materials (ARCBC Website)
What reading strategies
do you use?
Swiss Army Knife Effect
• There are many
strategies. Pick the ones
that are right for your
• There are no right or
wrong strategies
• Strategies will vary from
book to book and student
to student
This PowerPoint is a
Compilation of Pre-Reading and
Guided Reading Strategies
from a variety of sources
Terence Cavanaugh
Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver
Adrienne Gear
Suzanne Manz
L. Oczuks
Taffy E. Raphael
Dawn Reithaug
Reading 44
Joan Sedita
Cris Tovanni
Jennifer Wagaman…….and many more
What is the purpose?
The purpose of pre-reading is for the
student to develop an overall view of
reading material and to develop more
depth and understanding at the onset of
What is the purpose? con’t
Have students determine what the primary
outcome of reading the text should be
to provide information,
entertainment or
gain an understanding about how something
Establish the purpose for reading and then guide your
students to that outcome.
Activating Prior Knowledge
Prior knowledge affects how the reader
reads and comprehends the text
HIAT Roadmap
adapted from HIAT Roadmap – Kurzweil in a One Room Classroom
Have digital reading
material to support content
Provide opportunities for
students to use Kurzweil
as an alternate to reading
Roadmap for Learning
Model good reading
strategies for the whole
Give students at least one
period in the computer lab
What do we know about good
Good Readers
• Think about text
• Activate background
• Make connections with text
• Take notes
• Preview vocabulary and
• Make predictions
• Establish a purpose
• Generate questions
• Re-Read text
• Test their knowledge
What do struggling readers
knowledge of different types of texts and the best strategies for reading
multiple and meaningful opportunities to practise reading in subject-specific
opportunities to practise reading with appropriate resources.
opportunities to talk about their reading and thinking.
background knowledge in subject areas.
expanded sight vocabularies and word-solving strategies for reading
subject-specific texts.
strategies for previewing texts, monitoring their understanding, determining
the most important
ideas and the relationships among them, remembering what they read, and
making connections and inferences.
strategies for becoming independent readers in any context. (Think Literacy
- Cross Curricular Approaches – Grades 7 – 12)
Strategies for Reading E-text
Activity 1: KWL Chart
What do I Know? What do I Want to learn?
What did I Learn?
Print the KWL to the Kesi Virtual Printer. Discuss
with your students how these questions relate to
their assignment. This can be done individually
or as a small group. Topic Klondike
Activity 2: Book Cover
Read Title and Author name on the Cover
Write or record book title and author in a
Text Note or a Voice Note
Make a prediction
Extended Activity – Include a reason why
you made prediction
Activity 3: Text Organizer
– Table of Contents, Index
or Glossary
Student opens the Table of Contents and
reads the title of the chapter. Using a text
or a voice note they make a prediction
about what the chapter will be about
Activity 4: Word Work/Vocabulary
Why Build Vocabulary?
This strategy is used to enhance students
vocabulary and learn how words are used
in different contexts. “Vocabulary is the
glue that holds stories, ideas and content
together…making comprehension
accessible for children.” (Rupley, Logan &
Nicols. 1998/99)
Activity 4: Word
Work/Vocabulary Development
“Starting in grade 4, students need to build
their vocabulary by approximately 2800
words per year. One of the best ways to
achieve this is for teachers to embed both
direct and indirect vocabulary instruction
into subject lessons….effective vocabulary
must be multi-componential”. (Joan
Sedita, 2010)
Activity 4: Word Work/Vocabulary
Direct Instruction
Three Activities for Direct Instruction
1. Pick 7–10 key words from text and have
the student highlight and extract words and
find a definition for each of the words
2. Pick 7-10 few key words from text and have
the student highlight word and extract the
words and write a brief story about the words
Activity 4: Word Work/Vocabulary
Direct Instruction Con’t
3. Pick 7-10 key words from text. Highlight the words
and extract to Column Notes. The first column
contains the word, the second column the student
writes or obtains a definition and in the third column
write the page number where they found the word
and write a sentence using the word.
Activity 4: Word
Work/Vocabulary Development
Indirect Instruction
Two Activities for Indirect Instruction
1. Student selects examples of new or
interesting words from the text and
highlights and extracts them. They can
look the definition up and write a
sentence using the new word.
Activity 4: Word
Work/Vocabulary Development
Indirect Instruction Con’t
2. Student selects unknown or interesting
words and finds a synonym for the word
and writes a sentence.
Activity 5: Chapter
Why Summarize?
Summarizing is extremely important in increasing
students’ reading comprehension by helping
them construct overall understanding of the text
(Oczuks, 2003)
Students have difficulty separating the “essential
content from the non-essential” (Timmer, S. A.
Activity 5: Chapter
Summary con’t
How can I summarize text?
You can create a chapter summary using
Microsoft Word – Autosummarize feature.
Please Note: This only works for
expository text because it is formula
based. It takes the first sentence of each
paragraph as the topic sentence.
Activity 5: Chapter
Summary con’t
Places where you can find chapter
summaries for novels
•Wiki Summaries
•Novel Guide
•Grade Saver
•Spark Notes
•Book Wolf
•CliffNotes etc
Activity 5: Chapter
Summary con’t
Open Chapter 1 Summary – Print to the
Kesi Virtual Printer – Click on the Read
button and read summary
Active and Guided Reading
Strategies for Reading E-text
When students
use active or
guided reading
strategies there
are a variety of
objectives to
achieve while
Objectives of Reading
Interact with text and give complete attention to the text
Create visual images as they read
Makes inferences based on text and prior knowledge
Highlight words, sentences, paragraphs and passages
Make notes about concepts and ideas
Understand characters
Answer questions from pre-reading
Write about what has been read
Predict author’s message
Identify point of view
Identify ideas expressed as true or false, real or imaginary as
they read
Activity 1: Reading
Students write a free response (questions,
thoughts, ideas, personal experiences
etc.) about what they have read. They
write for 5 – 10 minutes.
Activity 2: Sticky Notes
Why use sticky notes?
“On your sticky notes, record any questions or
comments that come to your mind as you read,
and place the notes next to the related text. On
your notes you might argue with the author,
highlight a powerful statement, explain theme,
summarize, or connect your personal
experiences to the text”. (
Activity 2: Sticky Notes
Student reads passage and types a
question(s), comment(s) or ideas about
what they have read onto a sticky note.
Activity 3: One Sentence
Why use a one sentence summary?
“One-sentence summaries are framed
activities that can clearly indicate to
teachers the level of their students’
understandings. They prompt students to
actively engage with the text in order to
complete the brief exercise”. (Santa, C.M.,
Havens, L.T., Maycumber, E.M. 1998).
Activity 3: One Sentence
Summary con’t
Student reads to a pre-determined area in
the text. While they read they write a list
of words that are associated with the
reading. When they are finished reading
they create one sentence that summarizes
the section from their list of words.
Activity 4: Highlighting
Why use highlighting?
“Highlighting promotes better reading comprehension.
Students who highlight as they read are learning to
identify the important points, and are paying close
attention to what they are reading so that they highlight
the appropriate text. Focusing on the text in this way
enables greater learning and deeper comprehension.
Highlighting also helps both visual and tactile students
remember what they are reading and will aid in studying
the text independently”. (Jennifer Wagaman. 2008)
Activity 4: Highlighting
Underlining for Critical Reading Highlighting – use one
color highlighter – Main idea, topic sentence, full
sentences or key ideas or different colored highlighters
for different parts of speech, main and supporting
ideas, opinions, problems, solutions etc.
Activity 5: Bookmarks
Students often need to locate information
in text for review in preparation for an oral
discussion, test, or activity. A student can
use Bookmarks to move quickly
throughout a novel or text or locate
information on characters, plot, theme etc.
Activity 6: Stop and Predict
Why use Stop and Predict?
Stop and Predict is great because there “are no
value judgments placed on reading at this point
in time…Anything goes at this point” (Erickson
and Koppenhaver. 2007)
When using the stop and predict strategy students
are given a predetermined place to stop in the
book, chapter, or section. They are then asked
to predict what they think will happen next.
Activity 6: Stop and
Student reads to the end of the selection
and then they make a prediction about
what they have read. They can write or
record their prediction.
You can add a Bubble Note or a Bookmark to show the end of the selection.
Activity 7: Question Answer
Relationship (QAR)
Why use QAR?
QAR was developed by Taffy E. Raphael in 1986. It is a
strategy used to increase reading comprehension. It
helps students realize that the answers they seek are
related to the type of question that is asked; it
encourages them to be strategic about their search for
answers based on an awareness of what different types
of questions look for and where the answer will come
from (
Activity 7: Question Answer
Relationship (QAR)
There are three questions:
Right There: The answer is in the text. It is on the page.
The words used in the answer are usually found in the
same sentence.
Think and Search: The answer is in the text but you have
to search for it. You have to read between the lines.
On My Own: The answer is not in the text. The text got
you thinking. The answer is in your head. You use what
you already know to answer the questions. Make
(Reithaug, D. 2002)
Activity 7: Question Answer
Relationship (QAR)
Student creates 3 Text Notes or a Sticky Notes at the
end of the reading. They write one question per box.
Right There!
Think and Search!
On My Own!
In the Text Box or Sticky Note the student writes an
answer to each question.
Optional: Share questions with class
Activity 8: Concept
Student Vertically Tiles text to be read and opens a New
document and Vertically Tiles it. In the New document
they click on Brainstorm and add a web to the document.
They develop the web by finding information related to
character, plot, setting, theme, or any ideas or thoughts
that they have about the section they have read.
Activity 9: Story Map
Student prints a story map template to the
Kesi Virtual Printer and using Text or
Voice Notes answer information about
parts of the story they have read
Activity 10: Partner
Student is paired with a buddy at the computer.
Using headsets with a splitter they read the story
or section together. They stop at predetermined areas that are marked by
Bubblenotes, Text, Voice or Sticky Notes to
discuss and answer questions or make
predictions about the text.
Other Possible Activities
Code the Text – by Tovanni,
The Question Web – Dawn
Reithaug – Supporting
Adolescent Readers – pg
SQ3R Strategies with
Kurzweil 3000
Other Possible Activities
• Non-Fiction – try T.H.I.E.V.E.S - It is an
acronym for title, headings, introduction,
every first sentence in a paragraph, visuals and
vocabulary, end-of-chapter questions, and
summary. Students are guided through a
preview of a nonfiction text. After guided
practice, partners work together to use the
strategy to preview a chapter from a textbook
- Suzanne Manz (Read-Write-Think)
After Reading
Literature Circles – small group of students
read same novel and then discuss a
previously discussed ‘big idea’
Making Connections – text to self, text to text,
and text to world – use sticky notes
Demonstrate comprehension through a
variety of activities – Sask Schools
5 Minute Write
E-Text Pre-Reading and Active/Guided Reading
Checklist – After Reading Folder
Accessible Resource Centre - British Columbia -
Cavanaugh, Terence, W. 2006. The Digital Reader - Using E- books in K-12
Education pgs. 57 – 70 -
E-Notes – Call of the Wild – Chapter 1 -
Erickson, K. & Koppenhaver, D. 2007. Children with Disabilities: Reading the FourBlocks Way
Gradesaver – Chapter 1 – COTW Summary
HIAT Roadmap – Kurzweil in a One Room Classroom
Houghton Mifflin Company – KWL Chart
Instructional Strategies Online - Story Mapping
Mans, Suzanne. Read-Write-Think – T.H.I.E.V.E.S.
Oczuks, L. (2003). Reciprocal teaching at work: Strategies for improving
reading comprehension. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Reading Quest -
Reithaug, D. 2002. Orchestrating Success in Reading
Rupley, Logan & Nicols. 1998/99
Santa, C.M., Havens, L.T., Maycumber, E.M. 1998 – The One
Sentence Summary
Sedita, Joan. 2010. Winter Newsletter. Keys to Literacy.
02928960970.html – Graphic Organizers – Story Map
Think Literacy - Cross Curricular Approaches – Grades 7 – 12
Timmer, S. A. 2004
Wagaman, Jennifer. 2008. Highlighting Skills to Improve
Comprehension: Teaching Children How to Highlight as They Read
Photos and Clipart
Call of the Wild Book Jacket – M. LaFleche
Clipart and Photos – Microsoft