Rams Engaging in Active Leadership

Rams Engaging in Active Leadership
The REAL Experience
Spring 2014 Workshop Descriptions
Please be sure to consult the REAL schedule for the most up-to-date times and locations of
workshops, as this list may not have been updated.
SLiCE Sponsored
Are You the Hero or the Sidekick?
2/24 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Carl Olsen and Mitch Trebesh
Description: Popular culture constructs the ideal man a certain way, with characteristics such as toughness,
strength, getting laid and competitive drive. What if we told you…That there are certain similarities that span into
video game culture, nerd culture, and bro culture? Using popular TV shows, we will discuss masculinity as it shows
up in places we aren't expecting, and what that means.
Are Restoration Treatments Exacerbating Fire Hazard?
4/1 :: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: Forestry Building 127
Presenter: Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Description: Join Justin Ziegler for the Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship’s seminar on the impact
of restoration thinnings on promoting forest structural complexity and fire hazard reduction .
Colorado Conservation Exchange: Building a Watershed Investment Fund for Northern Colorado
4/29 :: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: Forestry Building 127
Presenter: Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Description: Join Robin Reid, Director of CSU’s Center for Collaborative Conservation for the Department of Forest
and Rangeland Stewardship’s seminar on the Colorado Conservation Exchange.
Comparison of Riparian and Upland Forest Stand Structure and Fuel Loads in Mountain- Pine-Beetle Infested
Watersheds, Southern Rocky Mountains
4/22:: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: Forestry Building 127
Presenter: Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Description: Join Kate Dwire, Riparian Research Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service for the Department of
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship’s seminar on the impact of both riparian and upland forest stand structures and
fuel loads on mountain-pine-beetle infested watersheds here in the Southern Rocky Mountains.
Competing After College: Why Student-Athletes Make Desirable Employees in a Rivalrous Job Market
3/7 :: 11:00 AM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Sign-In
Presenter: 2014 Summit in the Rockies: Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Description: Every year thousands of U.S. collegiate athletes graduate from school and retire from competitive
sports. Many of them look to immediately enter the workforce. Research on the perception of how employers
value former student-athletes is scarce. Many Internet and magazine publications have written articles claiming
why athletes make good employees, but few academic research studies have conclusively asked employers why
former athletes make good employees. The purpose of this workshop will be provide results from interviews with
hiring managers from multiple businesses to gauge their unique perspective on what unique employment skills and
qualities former student athletes possess that make them desirable candidates for employment. Through focusing
specifically on the employer’s perception, the academic area of employability of former athletes will be
strengthened because the perspectives will be extended.
Confessions of a First Generation College Student
4/16 :: 4:00 pm :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenter: Vanessa Porras
Description: College in itself is already a lot to take on, but college as a First Generation student is another story.
From balancing family to working to pay for school, things can be stressful at times. This workshop will provide
participants with some tips and tricks on to navigate through school and will give them a chance to hear from
peers about some ways they have overcome these challenges.
Dare You to Move with LZ Granderson (Black History Month Event)
2/20 :: 7:00 PM :: 120 min :: LSC Theatre
Presenter: LZ Granderson
Description: LZ Granderson is an American journalist and commentator for CNN and ESPN. “Dare You to Move,”
will cover a variety of topics including his personal upbringing in Detroit and his experiences as an openly gay man
working in the sports industry today.
DARING GREATLY: The Power of Vulnerability
4/7 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Elizabeth Supinski and Daniel Kay
Description: Have you ever had a great idea or a dream you wrote off as being too big or silly to tell other people
about? What would happen if you believed in your big ideas, dreamed your biggest dreams...and shared them with
others? In this workshop, we will focus on the power of vulnerability in making ideas, visions, and dreams come to
life. Participants will reflect on how vulnerability promotes connectivity and creativity, and why it is a great skill to
develop for emerging leaders.
Don’t Be Scared: Learn to Give and Receive Feedback
3/31 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Latoya Noel
Description: A strong leader is able to effectively give and receive feedback. Even with the best of intentions, an
important message can get lost and sometimes create conflict in an important relationship if we are unable to
effectively communicate. This session will focus on the power of effective feedback, how to say what we mean and
ultimately work to get better results from friends, roommates, peers, employees and supervisors alike. Learning
new techniques for delivering feedback and practicing receiving feedback aids in creating an effective, transparent
and responsive leader!
4/8 :: 10:00 AM :: All day :: LSC North Ballroom
4/9 :: 10:00 AM :: All day :: LSC North Ballroom
Presenter: No More Injustice
Description: Walk in the shoes of a modern-day slave in this 15 minute experiential simulation. Following the
experience, sample fair trade products and connect with other humanitarian organizations combatting human
trafficking. Drop in anytime April 8th or 9th from 10am-4pm to walk through the simulation. This experience
requires a 500 word reflection emailed to slice_real@mail.colostate.edu .
Ethics at the End of the World
2/25 :: 5:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenter: Brandon Devlin
Description: We all make decisions every day, some are routine, but sometimes we may face some serious
dilemmas. When faced with tough decisions, it is often hard to decide whether to let our heads or our hearts rule.
But what if the fate of humanity depended on our decisions? This hour will focus on some ethical dilemmas
borrowed from The Walking Dead, and we will explore how our values and personal philosophies of right and
wrong can guide us through decisions which may seem like the end of the world.
Event Planning 101
3/27 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenters: Tiffani Kelly and Jennifer Nival
Description: Event Planning 101 will give you the opportunity to understand the basic logistics of how to plan and
implement a program or event. This workshop will be beneficial for departments, student organizations, and any
one is interested in planning and implementing a program.
Everything I’ve Learned about Leadership, I’ve Learned from Forrest Gump
3/3 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Vanessa Porras
Description: “Life is life a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get” - but if you take a Forrest
Gump approach to leadership, you’ll be able to overcome any obstacles that get in your way! This workshop will
give participants the opportunity to apply philosophies and insights gained from the movie Forrest Gump to real
life challenges so they can be prepared for whatever life brings their way!
Hoodwinked: Misconceptions of the Black Man (Black History Month Event)
2/6 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 228
Presenter: Janks Morton
Description: Film director Janks Morton will speak about his film Hoodwinked, an in depth exploration of how the
over-exaggerated negative depictions and statistics about African Americans has debilitating effects on Black
‘I Never Sat on the Bench’: Redshirting and the Black Male Student-Athlete First-Year Experience
3/7 :: 9:00 AM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Sign-In
Presenter: 2014 Summit in the Rockies: Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Description: Redshirting is a current practice in intercollegiate athletics that delays a student-athlete’s participation
in his or her sport for one season. Scholars have advocated that student-athletes redshirt or that the NCAA
reinstate freshmen ineligibility (i.e. a mandatory redshirt) for varsity sports to help incoming student-athletes get
acclimated to life as a student-athlete and get accustomed to their academic and athletic demands. Meanwhile
researchers have found a relationship between athletic identity and African American male intercollegiate studentathletes that tends to be stronger than athletes of other ethnicities and how it may potentially be disruptive to
their academic achievement. This presentation will highlight the experiences of African American male studentathletes who redshirted during their first year at a large, NCAA Division I football program.
Is Basketball Everything?
3/7 :: 3:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Sign-In
Presenter: 2014 Summit in the Rockies: Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Description: Sports as a mode of freedom permeates a common theme across African Americans and hegemonic
powers historically. Contemporarily, the common theme that sports act as a mode of upward social mobility and
steadfast economic gain for some African Americans is prevalent. The powers controlling sports and modern media
target athletic careers as a ‘way out’ for young Black males. The Derrick Rose and Adidas commercial, ‘Black is
Everything’, highlights the problematic common themes of meritocracy, misogyny, commodification of the Black
body, and Blackness in America. This presentation seeks to deconstruct how the commercial holds hidden
meanings for young African American males and problematize the theme that basketball is everything and the
‘only way out’. We also note questions moving forward to incite critical awareness and analysis of images of
African Americans in sports. We posit the media not only acts as one informant of Blackness, but also familiarizes
American with a hidden message of the modes of success and characteristics of Black men. Ultimately, we as
scholars, solicit that educators and students think critically about information provided in today’s media that
inform Blackness and the professional aspirations of Black males.
Is Chivalry Dead?: From the Damsels’ Perspective
3/5 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 227
Presenters: Kira Mazzola and Juliet Letteney
Description: Chivalry is a gendered code of conduct that once guided many people in their beliefs and behaviors.
Today, we only talk about chivalry as something that is dead and gone. But is it dead? If it is, should we care? This
workshop will explore how ideas of chivalry remain decades after the glory days of knights on horseback. Come
explore what chivalry means to you and the connection between chivalry and leadership.
It's Handled: What Would Olivia Pope Do?
4/17 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenters: Teri Engelke, JR Rosario & Tolu Taiwo
Description coming soon!
Keynote Performance by Guante
4/8 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presented by: WGAC Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Description: Critically-acclaimed hip hop artist, two-time national poetry slam champion, social justice activist,
educator and writer Guante will be providing the keynote performance for the Women and Gender Advocacy
Center’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Please join in for the kick-off of a month of events, workshops, and
Leading through Conflict
2/17 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenters: Melissa Emerson and Samantha Sickbert
Description: All leaders are faced with managing conflict. If left unresolved, conflict may quickly spiral into
hardened positions and polarized factions, in which communication and productivity grind to a halt. Leaders can
instead view conflict as an opportunity to improve relationships and the environment in the workplace. This
interactive session will challenge participants to recognize various conflict styles and embrace those different from
their own; dissect conflicts, separating interests from positions; and examine strategies to manage conflict
Look Who's Talking: Presenting on Absolutely Anything
4/3 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenters: Niamh O’Shea
Description: Do you get nervous when public speaking? Feel uncomfortable with the concept of sharing your ideas
in front of a large group? Leadership is in part about being able to effectively share one’s beliefs and ideas with
others, so they can buy into your vision of the world. In this workshop, we will focus on key public speaking skills,
as well as how to create impactful presentations that allow you to share your perspective on absolutely anything!
Made in Poverty: Understanding Trade Justice
4/14 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Room 2
Presenter: Lindsey Earl & Connor Schmidt
Description: Everyday, people across the United States purchase clothing, food, and other items with varying
degrees of consciousness about where these items comes from. Take a look at where your shirt comes from. Why
was it 'Made In’ whichever country it was? This workshop will focus on the impact of free trade rules on trade, and
on how students are taking part in the global response to gain trade justice
Make Time with No Time
3/6 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenters: Whitley Hadley
Description: Do you ever have days when you’re not sure how the time has passed by? Do you ever feel like there
is too much going on to get anything accomplished? If you are feeling overscheduled but less productive than you
would like, this is the workshop for you! We will be focusing on how to make the most out of the minutes you have
available, so you can be as productive as possible.
Making a Positive Impact as a Leader: Skills for Connecting Across Difference
4/28 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Room 2
Presenter: Latoya Noel & Elissa Buxbaum
Description coming soon!
Mind Mapping
2/11 :: 7:00 PM :: 120 min :: LSC North Ballroom
Presenter: Bobby Kunstman
Description: Mind mapping is an organizational technique that allows us to make sense of big ideas. Mind maps
assist us in learning more effectively, understanding the structure behind a subject, and problem solving creatively.
Come learn how mind mapping can help you strategize around your goals, values, and vision, and try out this
technique for yourself!
Passion in the Workplace
4/2 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North Room 234
Presenter: Stephanie "Mo" Moreira
Description: Do you feel lost? Are you unsure of what you want to do in the future? Is your major connecting with
your interests? More people have heart attacks at 8am on Monday morning than at any other time of the day or
day of the week (CDC, 2009). Overworked employees and safety in the workplace has become an increasing topic
of interest for the U.S. Government. In this workshop, participants will investigate their own passion areas through
a carefully crafted series of questions and BEGIN the lengthy process of discovering how to connect their passion
with a professional purpose. Participants should also be prepared to have a brief discussion about the concept of
"burn out."
Pornography: Would You Know It If You See It?
4/15 :: 7:00 PM :: 90 min :: LSC 228
Presented by: WGAC Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Description: Men in the Movement will be presenting a workshop about the mainstreaming of pornography and
it’s pervasiveness in our culture. To learn more about the messages and implications, come as you are!
Self-Compassion for Survivors: An Intro to Using Acceptance, Gratitude, and Mindfulness to Relieve Emotional
4/16 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Behavioral Science 131
Presented by: WGAC Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Description: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is not. This workshop will explore ways to cope with pain in
meaningful ways that may help you to live a life you value with--not in spite of--your past. Open to all.
Service Continuum
3/26 :: 5:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 3
Presenter: Erin Mross & Kasey Broscheit
Description: Is there only one type of service? Is one type of service better than another? Are you interested in
knowing the benefits and drawbacks of different types of service? This workshop is for you! During this workshop
we will examine the different types of service and where they all fall on the Service Continuum.
Shade Ashani (Black History Month Event)
2/11 :: 7:00 PM :: 120 min :: LSC North Ballroom
Presenter: Shade Ashani
Description: The memoir, In Search of My Father, is Shade's first work. Come hear her speak about her
experiences, journey, embarrassing mistakes, and the wisdom she gathered along the way.
Situational Leadership
4/21 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Bobby Kunstman
Description: This workshop will present an understanding of the connections and relationships between taskoriented behaviors and relationship-oriented behaviors in being an effective leader in any situation. Through this
workshop, participants will learn about the foundation of personal interaction, impact that leadership style has on
followers, how to adapt their leadership style to a given personality type, and how to move a team forward by
closing the gap between the leader and the follower.
Split It: Balancing School and Involvement
2/10 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Room 2
Presenter: Lindsay Mason
Description: We’re often told that college is just as much about our co-curricular experiences as it is about what is
going on in the classroom. With all this encouragement, however, the question remains: how can we make the
most out involvement opportunities without letting our grades slide (or vice versa)? This workshop will focus on
providing participants with strategies on how to balance academic and co-curricular opportunities, in order to
make the most out of their time at CSU!
Spontaneous Combustion or Planned Ignition?: An Explorative Analysis of Monumental Movements that
Impacted Sport
3/8 :: 10:00 AM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Sign-In
Presenter: 2014 Summit in the Rockies: Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Description: Narratives are popular teaching tools in American public schools. The narrative of Rosa Parks is
pervasive in textbooks and lessons pertaining to the Civil Rights’ Movement, yet the story is taught in an extremely
simplistic and concise manner. After Parks refused to move to the back of the bus, she sparked a “spontaneous”
boycott that ultimately led to the integration of the bus system. This portrayal is injurious because it presents the
struggle to integrate as an individual battle of wills not a system of oppressive structures supported by everyday
people, the law, the police, etc. The “spontaneous” nature of the event also devalues the intellect and planning of
African Americans. In the realm of athletics, the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Black power display, James Harris’
integration of the quarterback position, and Jackie Robinson’s reintegration of baseball all reveal that any
systematic change is well thought out, planned, and impacts the finances of White America and portrays America
internationally in a negative light. This Mexico City Olympics is considered by many as one of the most
controversial, expressive, courageous and “spontaneous” displays of Black Power. We will analyze the portrayal of
the events at the 1968 Olympics, the integration of the quarterback position and the reintegration of baseball in
order to uncover the hidden curriculum and the implications these “spontaneous” narratives have on
contemporary curricular understandings.
Survivor: Leadership Island
4/24 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenter: Niamh O’Shea
In a world of opposing ideas and ideologies, establishing a core set of values is hard. Living out these values in our
day to day actions can be even harder. In this workshop, participants will participate in a survival simulation asks
you to explore how your values play out in the most extreme of situations, and how your decisions impact others.
Synergy, Dynamics and Ideas: Being a Great Facilitator
2/13 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenter: Brandon Devlin
Description: Involved with a group on campus? If so, chances are you will get to lead some sort of discussion. We
all have our own communication styles, and it can be difficult to engage everyone in a group. Explore what your
own needs and wants are from a facilitator, and begin to discover how you can use your own strengths to help
others be productive leaders, increasing your group’s efficiency and impact!
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Effective Teambuilding & You
4/10 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenter: CJ Harrison
Description coming soon!
3/27 :: 5:00 PM :: 120 min :: Grey Rock Room
Presenter: TEDxCSU
Description: Join TEDxCSU for an evening of live and recorded TED talks surrounding the theme of ‘community’.
Refreshments and networking opportunities will be provided.
Terry McMillan (Black History Month Event)
2/26 :: 7:00 PM :: 120 min :: North Ballroom
Presenter: Terry McMillan
Description: New York Times #1 bestselling author Terry McMillian shares her inspiration and personal journey
behind her books including Waiting to Exhale and How Stella Got Her Groove Back.
The Line: Film Screening and Discussion
4/23 :: 7:00 PM :: 120 min :: Natural Resources 113
Presented by: WGAC Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Fraternity and Sorority Life
Description: Told through a “sex-positive” lens, THE LINE is a short documentary about the filmmaker, who is
raped, and then confronts her attacker on film. Sex workers, survivors and activists discuss justice, accountability
and today’s “rape culture.” The film asks: where is the line defining consent?
There’s an App for that? Using Online Tools to Help Promote Your Organization
2/5 :: 1:30 PM :: 60 min :: Morgan Library 171
Presenter: Phil Mayhoffer
Description: Facebook and Twitter have taken over the interwebs. For your organization to take full advantage of
the myriad of tools available to facilitate communication with current and potential members, you need to use
multiple outlets. Come learn how tools like Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and especially RamLink can help your
organization leave its mark on campus and in the community!
Think Fast! Improvisation in Leadership
2/27 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 234
Presenter: Kira Mazzola
Description: When everything that could go wrong does, how will you react? As leaders we should have a thorough
understanding of Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Come play theatre-based
improvisation games to practice thinking on your feet, working with restraints and learn about the benefits of
being able to laugh when nothing seems to be going right.
Tribes – Leadership is a Choice
2/6 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenter: Bobby Kunstman
Description coming soon!
Want to Start Your Own Student Organization?
3/10 :: 6:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center
Presenter: Lindsey Earl and panel
Description: How do you want to make a difference within the CSU community? Join a panel of various students
who will speak about their experiences of starting a student organization. Attendees are allowed to then ask the
panel questions. This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to ask the panel questions, and hopes to
inspire students to start their own organization and increase the niche communities within the greater CSU
'Who's the (Wo)Man?': Gender Performance, Homophobia, and Creating Inclusive Cultures in Intercollegiate
3/7 :: 3:00 PM :: 60 min :: Durrell Center Sign-In
Presenter: 2014 Summit in the Rockies: Diversity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Description: If gender is a socio-cultural construct and sex and sexual orientation are biological, why are the two
concepts so distinctly interwoven, especially in sports? Sport is often viewed as a space that reinforces gender rols
and homophobia. Yet, it is also a space in which the meaning of sex, gender, and sexual orientation may be
resisted, challenged, and changed. Taking lessons learned through education, research, and experience, this
presentation will focus on the ways gender and sexual orientation are linked, often creating hostile environments
within intercollegiate teams. Participants will be led through an exercise that will help them understand the origin
and power of gender and sexuality stereotypes and oppressions. The critical objective of this presentation is to
ensure that all participants walk away with a stronger sense of the gendered and sexualized student-athlete
experience and the tools necessary to inspire and enact practical change in a variety of sport related setting.
Women’s Conference
3/1 :: 10:00 AM :: All Day Event :: 112 Student Service Building
Presenter: Women and Gender Advocacy Office
Description: This one day conference is designed to be educational and entertaining, providing opportunities for
the community to engage in conversation surrounding gender and other social justice issues. Throughout the day,
the conference will host a keynote speaker, a performance piece, and several breakout sessions that allow
attendees to take part in critical dialogue and reflection.
You Gotta Fight For Your Rights… To The City!
2/20 :: 4:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC North 232
Presenter: Niamh O’Shea
Description: Oftentimes when we think about democratic change-making, we focus on change at a national and
global level. At these levels, we are able to appeal to rights-based bodies as citizens and humans. What would it
mean to think about having a right to the city? Come learn about the Right to the City movement, and how we can
work towards urban justice though a focus on housing, urban land, civic engagement, and community
Getting to Year 2 @ CSU
Business in the Front, Party in the Back: a Mullet's Guide to Professionalism
2/18 :: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC Grey Rock Room (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Samantha Borrego
Description: Learn how to walk, talk, dress, and think like a professional. This session will give you the tools to live
as a professional in your everyday life. Don't wait until after graduation to be taken seriously; get the respect you
want today.
Connecting the Dots
2/18 :: 12:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Jon Linn & Robyn Jeep-Ernst
Description: Grab a chair, be ready for conversation, and join us to take a journey in to you. This session will get
you out of your seat and learning more about yourself with small group sharing and conversations. We'll also take
a trip to learn more about values and see how this can all connect with interests and pursuits (academic and career
Financial Literacy and U at CSU
2/18 :: 10:00 AM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Eleni Beaty
Description: We will provide financial literacy tips and guidance for financing a college education. We'll review next
steps for financial aid and scholarships for year 2 @ CSU as well as address how to manage a financial aid refund
when living off campus and how academics/credits impacts financial aid and scholarship eligibility. We'll also
provide interactive tools in determining student loan repayment.
"I know what I need to do, but I can't seem to get it done" ... Motivation, Goal Setting, and Balance
2/18 :: 9:00 AM :: 60 min :: LSC 224-226 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Demetrios Godenitz
Description: We all enter situations with expectations, and often our expectations do not match reality. Or, we
know what we need to do, but cannot make it happen. Why? Something interferes! This session will explore
expectations, obstacles that block our goals, the concepts of motivation versus will, and how setting goal setting
can enrich your college experience (personal & academic).
Mindfully Managing Stress
2/18 :: 9:00 AM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Janelle Patrias
Description: Are you struggling to get a handle on your stress? Is stress interfering with your studies? Perhaps you
are ready to learn about mindfulness? Mindfulness is a way to train ourselves to be in the present moment with
more attentiveness, awareness and acceptance. Learn how mindfulness can help you cope with stress and begin to
restore a balanced sense of health and well-being by applying simple mindfulness principles.
Outsiders Within
2/18 :: 12:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC 230 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Cynarra Tweed & Carl Olsen
Description: Students with marginalized identities already feel a sense of disconnectedness from campus groups
and resources. CSU provides a lot of spaces and groups to alleviate some of those feelings, and yet many students
of color, students with disability, and GLBTQ students do not find community within existing Cultural and Resource
Centers. Join us for this session where we will explore this topic and ways that you can build a support network.
Prejudice Sticks
2/18 :: 11:00 AM :: 60 min :: LSC 230 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Carl Olsen & Kate Wormus
Description: This dynamic and interactive session is designed to address the ways we receive messages about the
groups we identify with most, using STICKY NOTES! The activity highlights many aspects of the way we are
socialized and how that affects everyone. Come join us to explore the ways that prejudice sticks, whether we like it
or not…
Staying Motivated in College When the Going Gets Tough
2/18 :: 11:00 AM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
2/18 :: 1:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
2/18 :: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC 220-222 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Darrie Burrage & Heather Landers
Description: By the time you are in the middle of your second semester of college, the honeymoon phase has
probably worn off and you realize that this is a heck of a lot of work! How do students keep their motivation for
three (or four, or five) more years of this? In this session we will reflect on some of the important reasons to stay
engaged in your education, as well as think about what it takes to get the most out of your academic and social
experience at the University. We'll also talk about how approaching your coursework with a growth mindset will
help you do your best work academically, and how that translates to being successful in all aspects of your life, in
college and beyond.
Who Am I & What's My Major?
2/18 :: 2:00 PM :: 60 min :: LSC 228 (Check in at LSC Room 227)
Presenter: Demetrios Godenitz
Description: Are you interested in some self-reflection and learning more about decision making? We'll take time
to look at decision making and consider ways you have made past decisions. We will then explore and record
interests, abilities, and skills and consider how these inform possible majors
Off-Campus Living Sponsored
Dollars and Cents: Budgeting Basics (Where Will I Live Series)
2/12 :: 5:30 PM :: 60 min :: Aspen Hall D112
Presenter: Connie Jaime-Lujan
Description: Are you nervous about being able to afford living off campus? Are you unsure of what to consider
when creating a budget for off-campus living? This workshop will cover the basics when creating a budget for living
off campus including rental rates, utlities, food, emergencies, and other items to consider, and help you determine
whether living on or off campus is the best option for you.
Fort Collins 101: Living and Learning in Ft. Collins (Where Will I Live Series)
2/26 :: 5:30 PM :: 60 min :: Aspen Hall D112
Presenters: Emily Allen and Polly Lauridsen
Description: Are you aware that there are specific Fort Collins city ordinances? Did you know that the Off-Campus
Life office can help you plan a safe party? This workshop will cover everything from important city ordinances to
how to be a good neighbor, and help you determine whether living on or off campus is the best option for you.
Fort Collins 101: Sign Here, Please? (Where Will I Live Series)
2/19 :: 5:30 PM :: 60 min :: Aspen Hall D112
Presenters: Kathleen Harward
Description: Are you intimidated by the idea of signing a lease? Are you unsure how to read a lease and
understand what it all means? This workshop will cover the basics of lease components, tenants’ rights, how
Student Legal Services on campus can help you prepare to lease, and help you determine whether living on or off
campus is the best option for you.
TILT Sponsored
Apps for Academic Success (presented with the CSU ATRC)
3/10 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
3/13 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: Learn about apps that help you keep organized, take notes, and stay ahead.
Getting Organized
2/17 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/18 :: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/20 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will cover how to organize yourself and your course materials for the semester.
Mindfully Managing Stress
3/3 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
3/4 :: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
3/6 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will cover how to be more present in the moment and how mindfulness can help with
Motivation and Goal Setting
3/24:: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
3/25:: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
3/27:: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will cover how to create short and long-term goals to keep you motivated.
Study Smarter: High Impact Learning Strategies
2/24 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/25 :: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/27 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will use what research says are the best ways to learn how to enhance study habits.
Taking Great Notes
2/3 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/4 :: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/6 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will cover different styles of note-taking, and how note-taking can be used for maximum
Test Anxiety
2/10 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
2/13 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: Presented by the CSU Health Network, this session will cover strategies to calm yourself before exams
and boost your confidence.
Time Management for Busy Students
1/27 :: 4:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
1/28 :: 5:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
1/30 :: 6:00 PM :: 50 min :: TILT 221
Description: This session will cover how to tackle everyday tasks based on your larger goals and how to prioritize in
order to be productive. You will also learn scheduling tips.