Danger Before Birth • Women who smoke while they are pregnant are more likely to have a miscarriage than women who don’t smoke. • Smoking increases the chance of your baby being born to soon or to small. • Smoking can cause damage to your baby’s brain. Dangers After Birth • Kids are more prone to ear infections, colds, and lung infections then if their mothers smoked while they were pregnant. • Kids that had a mother that smoked while pregnant, can hold less air in their lungs which can cause them to have asthma. There is a three times more likely chance of this happening to them than a child with a non-smoking mother. • ADHD along with Meningitis are some of the many effects that smoking can have on the baby. When You Smoke while your pregnant… • Your baby inhales every thing that you do. • Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide, Cyanide, tars, and lead are found found in a cigarette. When you smoke your unborn baby smokes with you. 6 Ways to Stop Smoking while Pregnant Method What Is It? Strong Points Weak Points Stopping Cold * Most common method * Most successful method * May be too hard Gradual Stopping * Stopping gradually * Lessens sickness from withdrawal * Easy to put off * Chemicals stay in body. Behavior Modification * Can be used when stopping cold * Helps people from starting again * Changing lifestyle, friends, and habits Nicotine Gum * Contains nicotine * Reduces cravings * Nicotine stays in body Nicotine Patch * Patch worn on skin which contains nicotine * Reduces cravings * Nicotine stays in body South Dakota Quit Line * Quit line * 1-866-SD-QUITS * (1-866-73-78487) * Personal counselors * A Tobacco Abuse Quit Plan • • • • Think of why you want to quit Set a quit date Get support to quit Pick something to do other then smoking WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE? Smokers WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR BODY IF YOU CHOOSE TO SMOKE? Cough up mucus Shortness of breath Heart disease Throat cancer Loss of stamina Clothes smell like an ashtray Bad breath Addiction More colds Sore throat Hair stinks Lung cancer Yellow fingers Early wrinkles Red irritated eyes Emphysema Here are some pictures of what can happen to you if you choose smoking WHAT’S IN CIGARETTES? EW YUCK! Acetone-finger nail polish remover Ammonia-toilet cleaner Arsenic-rat poison Butane-cigarette lighter fluid Cadmium-used in paint /acid Carbon Monoxide-car exhaust fumes Formaldehyde-used to preserve dead people Hexamine-barbecue lighter Hydrogen Cyanide-gas chamber poison Methanol-rocket fuel Questions And Answers For You How many teens become addicted each year? How many people does smoking kill each year? How many seconds does it take for nicotine to travel through your blood to your brain? Tobacco companies target teens because they are vulnerable and rebellious. • 3,000 • 434,000 • 8 seconds • TRUE Tobacco By: Terri Koellner & Colleen Bailey 1. TOBACCO CAN KILL YOU BIG TIME. 2. IT CAN GIVE YOU CANCER. 3. IT IS VERY EXPENSIVE. 1. IT CAN GIVE YOU YELLOW TEETH. 2. A HAIRY TONGUE. 3. MAKES CLOTHING, HAIR, AND BREATH SMELL BAD. 4. LOSE YOUR FRIENDS. 5. PEOPLE WOULD LOOK AT YOU DIFFERENTLY. 6. CIGARETTES AND SMOKING CAUSE HEART DISEASE AND LUNG DISEASES SUCH AS EMPHYSEMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS,AND LUNG CANCER. 7. IT SPEEDS UP YOUR HEARTBEAT, INCREASES YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE, TIGHTENS YOUR BLOOD VESSELS, AND LIMITS THE FLOW OF BLOOD AND AIR IN YOUR LUNGS. Hollywood Sucks Up To TOBACCO By Tasha Paulson & Tasha Maeschen Hollywood & Smoking Activity Goals • To alert Hollywood’s teen target audience in South Dakota about how smoking is shown on screen. • To help dig up the truth about the tobacco industry’s history in Hollywood. • To Empower you to challenge Hollywood to be more realistic in its portrayals of smoking –who really does it and what really happens. The Situation • Smoking in films has been a staple in the movie industry since the 1930’s What’s the deal • Supply free cigarettes to Hollywood celebrities • Pay cash to place their brands in specific movies Previous product placement • Example: Phillip Morris • In the 1980’s they paid to place Marlboro’s in Superman 2 and Larks in James Bond’s License to Kill. • But in 1989 Phillip Morris denied ever paying anyone to include smoking in films. DENY,DENY,DENY • In 1989 when Congress began to question the tobacco industry’s marketing practices relating to tobacco product placement, • Big Tobacco denies everything…. Under the Radar • Example: RJ Reynolds • Paid PR firm Rogers and Cowen $12,500 a month in 1991 to work with Hollywood . • RJR’s brands were placed in seven films, including prelude to a Kiss and the Babe (both PG-13) • The PR firm also reported rejecting some placements that would have associated cigarettes with death. Previous Product Placement • Example:Brown& Williamson • Arranged to pay Sylvester Stallone $500,000 in 1983 to use their products in at least five of his movies. • BUT in 1989, RJR had denied ever paying anyone to include smoking in films. What they say… • “[Brown & Williamson] did not know of any situation in which it caused a smoking scene to appear in a movie or television program since 1979 B&W’s response to congress • “Tobacco companies do not encourage smoking scenes on movies. They never request changes, and have never been given to right to make changes to any film. 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) • No participating manufacturer may make or cause to be made, any payment or other consideration to any other person or entity to use , display, make reference to or use as a prop any tobacco product, Tobacco product package, advertisement for a Tobacco product or any other item bearing a brand name in any motion picture, television show, theatrical production or other live performance, live or recorded performance of music, commercial film or video, or video game…” Do You Know…Which movie is Smoke-Free? • Envy • Dodge ball • Stuck on You Did You Notice? Which movie is smoke-free? • Mean Girls • Notebook • Win a Date with Tad Hamilton Did You Notice? Which movie is smoke-free? • Garfield • ScoobyDoo • Two Brothers Did You Notice? Which movies is smoke-free? • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban • Agent Cody Banks • The Hulk Did You Notice? Which movies is smoke-free? • • • • Lord of the Rings Meet the Fockers Bruce Almighty Bedazzled The Solution • Require strong antismoking ads • Studios and theaters should require genuinely strong anti-smoking ads (not one produced by a tobacco company) to run before any film with any tobacco presence, regardless of its MPAA rating. What Can You Do? • Letter writing campaigns • Stick it to ‘em • Rental card/Fliers • Flash mobs • Movie reviews • Letters to the editor • Movie nights Stick it to ‘Em • Did you know… • 60% of all smoking in films is done in youth-rated movies –G, PG , and PG-13 • In 2001, the tobacco industry spent $11.22 billion in advertising (that includes promotion in magazines, retail stores, and sponsoring sporting games). Tobacco Advertising in any form is Dangerous! The Solution • Stop identifying tobacco brands. • There should be no tobacco usage in youth movies. Does this look cool? • Are you listening??? • Look in the mirror!! • Have you been smoking lately? • This is what it will do to you. -Brad Nicholson Zane Ireland Trisha Cason Start To Quit I. II. III. IV. First, you should have never started If you want better health then QUIT! Do you have cancer? There are over 40 chemicals that cause cancer. Some Cancer Causing Chemicals Benzene Formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid) Ammonia Reasons For Quitting • Have better health • Set a better example for children • To protect your family from second-hand smoke • Find a better way to spend your money • To prevent future health problems that will decrease life span and quality of life Some Places Smoking Can Cause Cancer • It can cause cancer in the lung, bladder, stomach, larynx, and cervix. Life Expectancy of Non-Smokers!! Life Expectancy of Smokers!! Quit Some things that can help you quit if you can’t quit on your own: - Nicotine Patches - Smoke Out - Nicorette gum Numbers you can call and websites!! i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 1- 866-SD-QUITS www.saying-no.com/parents/tobacco www.sdtobaccofree.org 1-800-873-5864 1-866-smoke-free www.epa.gov/smokefree 1-866-737-8487 Tobacco Smokes You!! Secondhand Smoke KILLS! By: Emily Ruml, Amelia LaBuff, Josie Balcom • I am an 8th grader that suffers with secondhand smoke and I hate it! Everyday when I go anywhere I always smell like smoke. I know that I am not as healthy because it is very hard for me to breathe when I run. Most of my family smokes except me, who chooses not to because I want a healthy life for myself. That is why I am in SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco). I always tell my parents that smoking hurts me and them. I know that they feel bad “But it is very hard for us to quit” they say! I often leave notes around telling them how bad it is for them. I hope that I can make a difference in my sisters’, friends’, and MY life. The Effects on Children • Can suffer from: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, ear infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, cancers, hard time to learn and behave, wheezing, coughing, and leukemia. • A woman smoking during or after pregnancy can cause the child to have irreversible growth and developmental problems • Children are vulnerable to SHS and will likely smoke as they get older The Deadly Ingredients • Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), cyanide (gas chamber chemical), arsenic (rat poison), carbon monoxide (car exhaust), methane, benzene (paints), radioactive polonium-210, • Naphthalene (moth balls), ammonia(toilet cleaner), toluene, nicotine, cadmium (car batteries), tar, cleaning products, insulation, garbage bags, rubber cement, nail polish remover, styrene, vinyl chloride, bug spray What if you smoke? • Watch out for the people around you because you are not only killing yourself but the others around you! • Put out your cigarette so you don’t start a fire and make Smokey the bear mad!!! Smoking Facts BY: William Hofwolt & Junior Sanchez Smoking Myths It’s OKAY to start smoking because you can quit at any time…… NOT!!!!! The fact is 9 out of 10 times smokers who try to quit--FAIL!!!!! IS SMOKING BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH????? • Are you listening??? • I heard that smoking just a few cigarettes can’t hurt me…… • Guess again…. • Smoking robs you of your breath right away!!! • YIPES Smoking….It ain’t all bad • DUH!!!!! Oh yes it is! • Fact is there are no safe ways to use tobacco! Smokers love smoking • Are you listening????? • The truth is, most people want to quit smoking , but they can not. They are addicted to the chemicals in the cigarettes. The Truth About Smoking!!!!! 1. Nicotine helps to cause cancer. 2. Nicotine is addictive. 3. “Light” cigarettes are just as harmful as regular ones. 4. Nicotine “GUM” isn’t gum. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!