Roma, SS 2006 Pier Luigi Luisi Aggregati macromolecolari di tensioattivi ; self-assembly e loro applicazioni La importanza delle vescicole e liposomi come modelli per le cellule biologiche 1 amphiphilic molecules hydrophilic H2O oil hydrophobic hexanol 90 10 70 30 50 50 30 70 90 water 10 10 30 50 70 90 CTAB 2 Industrial uses dominate surfactant demand Personal care Soaps 10% Shampoos 6% Cosmetics & toiletries 1% Household Laundry 16% Dishwashing 7% Other 6% 54% Total 1988 demand = 7.59 billion Ib Source: Freedonia Group 17% 29% Industrial Industrial processing 43% Cleaning products 6% Food processing 5% 3 Anioics comprise almost two thirds of U.S. surfactant production while nonionics grab majority of sales Amphoteric Total 1988 production = 7.32 billion Ib Cationic Nonionic Anionic Total 1988 salesa = $2.30 billion a Sales of 4.26 billion Ib. Source: U.S. International Trade Commission 4 d = 5 cm Organic phase Interface surface A = 19.6 cm2 Water phase Micellar surface A = 19.6 10-14 cm2 r = 12.5 Å Spherical Micelle of caprylate ions 1.7 10-10 8.5 10-8 8.5 10-5 1.0 10-3 Micellar surface in a litre of solution 19.6 cm2 1.0 m2 103 m2 0.012 Km2 equals a surface of a passport photo desk swimming pool stadium [Micelles](mol/lit.) 5 two personal reasons of fascination 1. self-organization: spontaneous formation of ordered structures (…evolution, origin of life…) cmc 2. compartmentation (microheterogenous reactions...) B A A+B ? 6 Surfactat molecule lipophilic chain CH3 CH2 polar head aqueous micelles CH2 COOCH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH COOCH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 SO3 Na+ CH2 CH3 Aerosol-OT (AOT) bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)sodium sulfosuccinate reverse micelles typical conditions: water pool hydrocarbon Isooctane 25 - 100 mM AOT 0.5 - 2 % water W0 = [H2O ] [AOT ] Reverse micelles are fairly monodisperse, dynamic aggregates which can solubilize relatively large (~10%) amount of water (microemulsions) 7 Micelles from sodium laurylsulfate (SDS) Average radius of a micelle (RH) Average aggregation number Approximate relative mass of a micelle (Mr) Average half-time of a SDS molecule in the micelle CMC (25°C, H2O) i.e.: monomer concentration by 10g SDS/l (35mM) 2.2 nm 62 1.8 104 0.1 ms 8.1 10-3 M 2.3 g/l 8 MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE of the animal-cell membrane is determined primarily by the interactions of phospholipid molecules in water. Phospholipids can minimize their energy in water by forming a bilayer about 40 angstrom units thick. The hydrophobic tails of the molecules sequester themselves on the inside of the bilayer and the hydrophilic heads (blue) face the water on both sides of the bilayer. If any edge of the bilayer were open to the water, hydrophobic tails along the edge would be exposed; hence the bilayer closes to form a vesicle, effectively segregating fluid inside the vesicle from fluid surrounding it. 9 Liposomes (SUV) from egg Lecithin External radius of a liposome (RH) 50 nm Approximate aggregation number of lecithin molecules per liposome 81`900 Approximate relative mass of the liposome-shell (Mr) Average residence life of a lecithin molecule in the liposome CAC i.e.: monomer concentration by 10 g lecithin/l (13 mM) 6.6 107 3h 5.0 10-10M 10 self assembly may be described in terms of the curvature which exists at the hydrocarbon-water interface the surface packing parameter v/AL (*) A A: head group area V L L: lengh (fully extend.) V: volume of the hydrocarbon chain(s) (*) Mitchell & Ninham, J. Chem. Soc. Farad. Soc. 11 (1981) 77, 601 11 Mean (dynamic) packing shapes of lipids and the stuctures they form Lipid Single-chained lipids (surfactants) with large head-group areas: SDS in low salt Single-chained lipids with small headgroup areas: SDS and CTAB in high salt, nonionic lipids Double-chained lipids with large headgroup areas, fluid chains: Phosphatidyl choline (lecithin), phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidic acid, sphingomyelin, DGDG a, dihexadecyl phosphate, dialkyl dimethyl ammonium salts Double-chained lipids with small headgroup areas, anionic lipids in high salt, saturated frozen chains: phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl serine +Ca2+ Double-chained lipids with small headgroup areas, nonionic lipids, poly (cis) unsaturated chains, high T: unsat. phosphatidyl ethanolamine, cardiolipin +Ca2+ phosphatidic acid +Ca2+ cholesterol, MGDG b a Critical packing parameter v/aolc Critical packing shape Cone < 1`3 v a0 lc Structures formed Spherical micelles Truncated cone 1/3-1/2 Truncated cone 1/2-1 Flexible bilayers, vesicles Cylinder Planar bilayers ~1 Inverted truncated cone or wedge >1 Inverted micelles 12 b DGDG, digalactosyl diglyceride, diglucosyl diglyceride; MGDG, monogalactosyl diglyceride, monoglucosyl diglyceride. hydrophobic forces as the main factors for the association of surfactant molecules water oil "free" water oil H 2O H2 O 13 Two main ordering processes polymerization S0 < 0 self-assembly S0 > 0 G 0 = H0 - T S < 0 14 hydrophobic forces: attractive intereactions between apolar compounds in water important in membranes protein folding DNA duplex all aggregation forms G° < 0 ! INCEASE IN ENTROPY water made "free" 15 reaction features of surfactant aggregates 4. The local concentration effect (micelles as scavengers....) Oil + H 2O - reverse micelles: all water-soluble compounds will be forced in the water pool - H2O H2O aqueous micelles: the lipophilic compounds will be uptaken by the oil-droplet (soap effect) ....or by the lipophilic bilayer membrane 16 reaction features of surfactant aggregates 5. Catalysis hydrophobic OHOH- OH- in a lipidic environment -more powerful nucleophile H+ micellar catalysis H+ H2O OH- H 2O see hydrolysis of esters & anhydrides.... 17 Aggregate N, XN, °N kl Monomer kN N=1 Xl °l association of N monomers in a micelle for a thermodynamic treatment see: J.N. Israelechvili “Intermolecular & Surface Forces” N.Y., Acad. Press 1985 18 For a system of micelles with aggregation number i we can write for Gibb`s free energy: n G = Ni i 1 Ni = number of micelles i with chem. pot. i For an ideal solution is also i = oi + kT In i Xi = molar fraction of micelles with aggregation number i By minimizing G with constant numbers of monomers i = i 1 i = chem. pot. of a monomer in solution on It is thus possible to obtain the fundamental equation for describing the size distribution of the micelles: n = n1· exp on- no1 RT from mixing entropy.probability that n monomers are together in one aggregate. 1 10-5, very small! 19 so that, in first approximation, on- no1 A very useful parameter, A A = exp for no < n ono- no1 1 no – 1 RT because it expresses the relative concentrations , 1 and no A = critical micelle concentration, c.m.c. with a sharp change in the concentration of the monomers and/or the micelles. Physical meaning: (on- no1) / (no – 1) is the gain of the chemical potential for a monomer, present in the micelle, with respect to the monomer in solution. 20 n = n1· exp from mixing entropy contribution; probability that n monomers are together in an aggregate. Very small 10-5. The formation of micelles is entropically unfavorable. on- no1 RT “Boltzmann factor” energetically favorable intereaction of the monomers in the micelle, with respect to the intereaction with the solvent. only for on< n·o1 can we have aggregates; till a minimal micelle size no the formation of micelles will be unfavorable 21 cmc is generally given in molarity several experimental methods: Physical property molecular weight (average) scattering conducibility spectroscopy ½ cmc [surf.] Typical values are in the millimolar range 10-3 M; but there are cases 10-5 M or smaller 22 The determination of the cmc for soap molecules by using pinacyanol chloride (solubilisation of dye molecules by the micelles, e.g. [30-33]) “The absorption spectrum of pinacyanol chloride in aqueous solution of anionic soaps changes sharply to that characteristic of its solutions in organic solvents over a short range of soap concentration ( max ~ 610nm). This effect is attributed to the formation of micelles, in whose hydrocarbon-like layers or cores the dye is solubilized. The concentration of soap at which this spectral change occurs is taken as `the critical concentration for the formation of micelles`. …” CH3 CH3 N + Cl N pinayanol chloride The cmc of sodium laurate (=sodium dodecanoate) at 50 °C in water, [33]: CH3(Ch2)10COO-Na+ “…Each of the laurate solutions was equilibrated in a cuvette at 50 °C inside a spectrophotometer and the absorbance at 610 nm was adjusted to zero. A methanolic solution of pinacyanol chloride was added to obtain a dye concentration of 10.5 M. An absorbance reading was then taken. A plot of absorbance vs. laurate concentration shows a striking change at 9 mM (cmc). A spectrophotometer is in fact unnecessary for the cmc determination: above the cmc the solutions are bright blue, while below it they are a light shade of pink. …” The absorbance of 1.05 X 10-8 M pinacyanol chloride at 610.0 m in pH 9.59 sodium borate buffer (l = 0.1) at 50.0° vs. laurate concentration. The use of dyes for the determination of cmc-values may lead to micelle formation at a concentration below the “true” cmc. ”…In practice, the method gives only a rough approximation of the cmc. …” 23 An overview on vesicles and liposomes (liposomes: vesicles made out of lipids) 24 25 PHOSPHOLIPID MOLECULE is the primary structural element in all cell membranes. Four main kinds of phospholipid are found in animal-cell-membranes. The one shown at the left in the diagram is phosphatidylcholine, but the other tree differ from it and from one another only in the chemical structure of their head groups, which are diagrammed here as colored spheres. The electric charge in each head group makes the group hydrophilic. The head group is connected to a glycerol group, and two hydrocarbon chains are attached in turn o glycerol. The hydrocarbon chains are oily and therefore hydrophobic. 26 O O O P O O H N O O- + POPC O hydrophobic (lipophilic) hydrophilic (lipophobic) ONa O + sodium oleate + oleic acid OHO 27 COO - caprylate or oleate CH 3(CH 2)7 -CH = CH-(CH 2)7COO - form micelles at alkaline pH COO (Deamer, 1976) vesicles at pH=7-8 _ pk) (pH ~ COO - HOOC precursors ( water insoluble! ) R OH - CO micelles or O R CO or R COOR' R COO OH - vesicles 28 Soaps self-assemble into micelles as soon as the cmc is reached. 12 11 Fatty acids are almost insoluble in water. pH 10 Mixtures of fatty acids and the corresponding soaps assemble into vesicles, at concentrations above the cvc. 9 8 vesicles micelles 7 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 HCl (equivalent) Equilibrium titration curve of sodium oleate at 25 °C 29 Cross-sectional views of the three structures that can be formed by mechanically dispersing a suspension of phospholipids in aqueous solution Micelle Liposome Bilayer sheet The red circles depict the hydrophilic heads of phospholipids, and the squiggly lines (in the yellow region) the hydrophobic tails. 30 Liposomes, as closed spherical bilayers, are considered the most likely precursors of early living cells (protocells) LIPOSOMES ARE JUST TINY SOAP BUBBLES, 50-500 nm radius 31 cac surfactant ionic amphiphilic hydrophilic 32 A realistic scenario of the emergence of life can be based on a gradual transition from random mixtures of simple organic molecules to spatially ordered assemblies displaying primitive forms of cellular compartimentation, self-reproduction and catalysis 33 Liposom / Vesikel ao v lc v ½< <1 aolc J.N. Israelachvili, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham (1976). 34 500 nm = 0.5 m 1-10 M MLV 400 nm 200 nm 20 nm SUV LUV 100 nm 35 dynamic of a liposome-membrane FlipFlop lateral diffusion rotation diffusion vertical “vibration” (amplitude 0.3 nm) DPPC (T>Tm) vertical “vibrations”, jump time 10-10 s rotation correlation time (c) 10-9 s lateral diffusion coefficient Flip-Flop time E. Sackmann (1978, 1991) 7·10-8 cm2 s-1 (wandered 4 m per second) 8 hours 36 temperature-sensitive phase transmutation of a liposome-membrane Tv L´ crystalline phase Tm P “Ripple”-phase (“quasi-crystalline”) L fluid phase (“fluid-crystalline”) described as gel-phase too all-trans- (anti-) confirmations trans- and gaucheconfirmations E. Sackmann (1978); R.R.C. New (1990) 37 permeability of the liposome-membrane lecithine (T>Tm, pH – 7) generally: The permeability for polar, charged molecules and for molecules with a high molecular weight is small. Maximal permeability: T=Tm water glycerin urea tryptophan glucose ClLysin Na+ permeability coefficient (cm·s-1) 4·10 -3 5·10 -6 4·10 -6 4·10 -10 10-11 7·10-12 5·10-12 1·10-12 Brunner, D.E. Graham, H. Hauser, G. Semenza (1980); G. Cevc, Marsh (1987); A.C. Chakrabarti, D.W. Deamer (1992) 38 Are aqueous micelles chemical equilibrium systems? How can you demonstrate this? ..the case of micelles is straightforward 39 You have two preparations of liposomes, Extruded to 50 nm, resp. 200 nm. You mix the two solutions. What happens ? Does the system reach a mixed state having the Energy minimum? O0r: do the two populations remain in solutions As they are initially? 40 41 what is then the general picture that emerges in the case of oleate vesicles, a system which is a mixed situation-partly equilibrium, partly not? nM Mn irreversible nM yes (Knappl) irreversible M`n Mn G° no Rk 42 to make liposomes is easy stock surfactant in water or methanol H2O size distribution extrusion through filters H2O "film" of surfactant relatively monodispers 43 liposomes = vesicles from lipids REVERSE PHASE EVAPORATION monomers in organic solvent reverse phase org. solvent water evaporation hydration formation of vesicles 44 Freeze / thaw entrapment method 5x freeze / thaw Extrusion 45 Liposomes prepared by the “extrusion method“ “LiposoFast“, a small-volume extrusion apparatus 46 47 Size distribution of POPC liposomes prepared by injecting 50 µL of alcoholic solution of 25 mM POPC into a 0.1 M borate buffer solution, pH 8.5. [POPC]final 0.5 mM, 2% (v/v) alcohol; measuring angle 90°. (1) 2,3-butanediol (2) ethanol (3) 1,2-propanediol (4) PEG 200 (5) methanol 48 Spontaneous vesiculation and self-replication 0.40 O OH oleic acid buffer OD 500 nm neat surfactant 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 50 100 150 time (min) 200 increased solubilisation spontaneou s vesiculation autocatalytic population increase 49 OCH3 O O P +K - O O (CH2)9CH3 O O2N O KOH 0.2 M h P O (CH2)9CH3 1 + O (CH2)9CH3 (CH2)9CH3 O K+ OCH3 2 O2N 3 spontaneous formation of vesicles J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 7078-7080 50 PHOSPHOLIPONUCLEOSIDES INVESTIGATED O NH2 N N O OH NH N N N O O OH OH Adenosine OH Uridine O O O O P O O O O_ NH4+ 51 O OO O O P O + N O NH2 N O HO + CHCl3 - H2O, pH 4.5 45 °C, 6 h HO O N O OH Phospholipase D aus Streptomyces sp. AA 586 NH2 O N OO O O P O O N O O HO O + HO OH + N 52 How do you entrap drugs or biochemicals inside liposomes? 53 Operational ENZYME OD ENZYME SOLUTION E E oleate film E E make liposomes (vortex ca. 30”) E fractions E E chromat. Sepharose 4B -Enzyme free E E oleate film poly (A) E EE no free enzyme outside E time E EE chromat. Sepharose 4B - ADP free E E ADP sampling for poly (A) E no external ADP EE incubation with ADP 54 Dehydration / Rehydration method for solute entrapment Dehydration Fusion Rehydration Extrusion 55 Dispersion of a thin film of POPC in H2O A B C 56 Injection of an ethanolic solution of POPC into H2O (“ethanol injection method”) water EtOH POPC Removal of EtOH by dialysis or gel permeation Chromatography 57 3933-3935 The hydrophobicity of the lipid bilayer Is the main driving force for The activity/reactivity and applications Of liposomes 58 Cross-sectional views of the three structures that can be formed by mechanically dispersing a suspension of phospholipids in aqueous solution Micelle Liposome Bilayer sheet The red circles depict the hydrophilic heads of phospholipids, and the squiggly lines (in the yellow region) the hydrophobic tails. 59 LIPOSOMES AS DRUG-DELIVERY AGENTS CELL D D DD ENDOCYTOSIS D D DD 60 The hydrophobic effect of the membrane as a further ordering principle: It selects out of the bulk solution the most hydrophobic compounds, forming stable complexes 61 This can give rise to selfreproduction processes Additionally, these ordered structures are able to pick up and order hydrophobic di- and tripeptides 62 Gene transfer Is usually done with Positively charged liposomes e.g., DDAB 63 . DNA / LIPOSOMES + + + + POPC + + + + DNA POPC / DDAB DNA 64 65 reaction features of surfactant aggregates 3. forced compartmentation of reagents e.g. and other charged species cannot go through HPO4 O HPO4 ....but uncharged molecules go through HPO4 HO CN CN CH2OPO3 and the (charged) reaction product is blocked inside ! 66 reaction features of surfactant aggregates 2. The concentration gradient e.g. POPC liposomes HPO4 0.5 M HPO4 = 10-3 M = ( OSMOTIC BALANCE is HOWEVER NECESSARY ) IN OUT POPC liposomes pH = 9.0 these gradients can be kept for days or weeks.... pH = 5.0 IN 67 OUT EXAMPLE OF THE BILAYER HYDROPHOBIC EFFECT IN CATALYSIS POPC LIPOSOMES, OR OLEATE / OLEIC ACID VESICLES BINDING THE WEAKLY CATALYTICALLY ACTIVE TRIPEPTIDE H-Phe-His-Leu-OH AND THE POORLY WATER SOLUBLE SUBSTRATE HEXADECYL-P-NITRO-PHENYL ESTER DUE TO THE SOLUBILIZATION EFFECT, A HIGH LOCAL CONCENTRATION AND A HIGH PROXIMITY IS OBTAINED ON THE LIPIDIC MATRIX 68 Dependency of the initial hydrolysis rate (vin) for the hydrolysis of C16-ONp on the substrate concentration in spontaneously formed oleic acid/oleate vesicles ([oleic acid] + [oleate] = 20 mM) at 25 °C. The vesicles were prepared in a 0.1 M borate solution (pH 8.5), either in the absence (filled circles) or in the presence (open squares) of 1 mM Z-Phe-His-Leu-OH. 69 70 71 reaction features of surfactant aggregates . 5. Catalysis OH- OH- OH- in a { hydrophobic lipidic environment - more powerful nucleophile micellar catalysis H+ H+ OH- H2O O CO CO see hydrolysis of esters & anhydrides.... H2O 72 CTP GTP ATP TTP a DNA Plasmid E CTP GTP ATP UTP b E RNA E RNA t-RNAPhe c Phe Poly U (Phe)n t-RNAPhe Rib Ei Rib Ei 73 THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING A BOUNDARY particular chemophysical properties of the inside (D, µ, OUT IN H2O C A A B B C A binding of hydrophobic substances catalysis selective permeability no leakage gradient physical protection inside different first step towards from outside : the definition of self ... just imagine that cells would all open up: where would life go? entrapment & vicinity or reagents (high local concentration) 74