2012 Industrial Life Lesson

2012 Industrial Life Lesson
Date your papers:
Monday, February 27, 2012---Take Notes
Tuesday, February 28, 2012---Take Notes
Wednesday, February 29, 2012---Share Notes
Thursday, March 1, 2012---Create Annotated Illustration
Friday, March 2, 2012---Create Annotated Illustration
Monday, March 5, 2012---Create Annotated Illustration
Tuesday, March 6, 2012----Last Day To Create Annotated
Wednesday, March 7, 2012---Presentations
Thursday, March 8, 2012---Presentations
Friday, March 9, 2012---Last Day of Presentations
Industrial Revolution Study Guide
Questions Addressed With This Lesson
3. Why did factories develop? What were the positives and negatives to the
4. Why did mines increase? Who were the workers? Dangers? Pay? Hours?
5. Why did they use child labor? What were the types of jobs they did?
What were the effects?
6. What were the issues surrounding child labor? How were these addressed
by reforms?
9. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the social classes? How were
each of the social classes defined?
13. What were the advances made in transportation for roads, canals, and
railroads? What role did the British government play with this? What
were the positive and negative effects of each?
14. What was urbanization? Why did it happen? What were the key
characteristics of urbanization? What were the effects?
• Guiding Questions:
• How did western civilization move
from an agrarian society to an
industrialized society?
• What major economic and social
changes occurred as a result of mass
industrialization during the 19th
Population Information---To Answer
Questions From Friday
Philadelphia: 2010--- 1.5 million
New York City: 2009--- 8,391,881
London: 2010---8,278,251
Paris: The city of Paris, within its administrative
limits (the 20 arrondissements) largely
unchanged since 1860, has an estimated
population of 2,211,297[2] (January 2008), but
the Paris metropolitan area has a population of
12,089,098[4] (January 2008),
Monday, February 27, 2012
• QQ: Using your Interactive Notes from the last lesson and your new
knowledge from the last Talking to the Text, analyze the National Census
Information on Population Growth to answer the corresponding
• Pair-Share: Of the seven reasons for why the Industrial Revolution began
in Great Britain first, which do you think was most important and why?
• Class: Have pairs share their thoughts. Then have the class make
predictions about how life would change due to the Industrial Revolution.
• Individual: Take the “Vile Victorian Factory Work” Quiz. Next to each,
explain your chosen answer.
• Class: Ms. Barben is now going to tell you the correct answers. Which
ones surprised you and why?
Monday, February 27, 2012
• Groups: Because the Industrial Revolution brought about such radical
changes to the daily ways of life, we are going to break it up into four
main areas for groups to explore.
• You must address all the characteristics identified in your notes in your
Annotated Illustration.
• You must read and take notes in the provided graphic organizer from the
following sources:
– Photocopied Supplemental Reading: Three People
– Ms. Barben’s Powerpoint: Three People
– Textbook Pages: Add to another’s part
• Graphic Organizer Notes:
– Key Characteristics
– Examples and Statistical Evidence
– Primary Source Quotes: Capture the essence of the aspect, not too long, but
powerful and descriptive
Period One: Groups
Group One: Factories
Rita---Disney Trip
Group Two: Child Labor
Matt D
Period One: Groups
Group Three: Mining
James G.
Rachel---Disney Trip
• Group Four:
• Mikal
• Jason
• Liz---Disney Trip
• Anthony
• Dana
Period One: Groups
• Group Five:
• Raphael
• Alexis
• Peter
• Orrae---Disney Trip
Period Two
Group One: Factories
Group Two: Child Labor
Connor A.
Period Two
Group Three: Mining
Nick Stallone
• Group Four:
• Seamus
• Matt
• Brianna
• Kevin
• Kristina---Disney Trip
Period Two
• Group Five:
• Danny
• Cari
• Connor N.
• Tori
• Jorge
• Natalie
Period Three
Group One: Factories
Kelsey---Disney Trip
Group Two: Child Labor
Hannah---Disney Trip
Matt M.
Period Three
Group Three: Mining
Emily---Disney Trip
John G.
Matt C.
• Group Four:
• Lindsey---Disney Trip
• Farrell
• Katie M.---Disney Trip
• Travis
• Jon W.
Period Three
• Group Five:
• Katherine
• Nick D.
• Laura
• Katy
• Matt F.---Disney Trip
Period Six
Group One: Factories
David H.
Charlie---Disney Trip
Group Two: Child Labor
Austen---Disney Trip
Period Six
Group Three: Mining
David C.
Sarah G.---Disney Trip
• Group Four:
• Kevin---Disney Trip
• Mary
• Henry
• Hannah
• Connor P.
Period Six
• Group Five:
• Jenna
• Chris
• Sarah D.
• Evan
• Matt ---Disney Trip
Period Seven
Group One: Factories
Sydney B.---Disney Trip
Sean F.
Group Two: Child Labor
Sydney V.
Period Seven
Group Three: Mining
• Group Four:
• Saely
• Dana
• Josh
• Jason
• Izzy R.---Disney Trip
Period Seven
• Group Five:
• Nick
• Cailin---Disney Trip
• Elise
• Cole
Group One---Must Address All
• Development of Factories:
1) Cottage Industries/Domestic System
2) Inventions and Inventors: Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Spinning Mule, Power
Loom, Steam Engine, Puddling and Rolling Iron, Bessemer Process, and Open
Hearth Furnace
3) Rise of Factories and Assembly Line Process
4) Geographic Placement of Factories
5) Workers Homes
6) Working Population
7) Workers Wages
8) Working Hours
9) Treatment of Women
10) Treatment of Children
11) Piecers
12) Scavengers
13) Factory Pollution
14) Factory Food
15) Factory Labor and Physical Deformities
16) Factory Accidents
17) Economic Benefits
Group Two: Must Address All
• Child Labor:
1) Child Labor Before Industrialization
2) Early Industrial Work
3) Reasons for Child Labor
4) Factory Acts Limiting Child Labor
5) Child Labor Workforce---how many, ages, and percentages
6) Home Life
7) Work in the Coal Mines: trappers, drawers, pullers, hurriers, coalbearers, breaker boys
8) Work in the Factories: apprentices, scavengers and piecers
9) Chimney Sweeps
10) Street Children
11) Working Hours
12) Working Wages
13) Working Conditions
14) Dangers
15) Education
16) Economic Benefits
Group Three: Must Address All
• Mining:
1) Use of Correct Terminology
2) Location of Mines and How Many
3) Building and Layouts of Mines
4) How Much Coal and Iron was Harvested
5) Inventions to Improve: steam pump, steam engines, and Davy lamps
6) Workforce: How Many, Ages, etc…
7) Overall Mining Accidents Statistics
8) Cave-ins
9) Flooding
10) Choke Damp and Explosions
11) Black Lung and Other Health Issues
12) Working Hours
13) Different Jobs for Child Labor
14) Use of Animals
15) Deforestation
16) Economic Benefits
Group Four: Must Address All
• Transportation:
1) Need for Better Transportation
2) Role of British Government: Acts and Funding for Roads, Canals, and Railroads
3) Advances in Roads: Metcalfe, Telford and Macadam
4) How Many Roads Built and Where
5) Turnpike Trusts, Toll Roads and Rebecca Riots
6) Coaches and Mail Service
7) Effects of New Roads
8) Building of Canals: Why
9) How did they Build Canals
10) Role of James Brindley
11) Canal Mania
12) Effect of Canals
13) Reasons Railroads Developed
14) Inventors and New Types of Railroads: Trevithick, Blenkisop, Hedley, Stephenson
15) Railway Mania
16) Navvies
17) Railroads and Social Classes
18) Effects of Railroads
Group Five: Must Address All
• Urbanization:
1) Reasons for Urbanization
2) Population Statistics and Life Expectancy
3) Housing: Buildings and Issues
4) Homeless
5) Poverty
6) Noise Pollution
7) Smog
8) Sanitation Issues
9) Polluted Rivers
10) Lack of Water and Cleanliness Issues---Lack of Hygiene
11) Diseases: Typhoid, Smallpox, TB, Typhus, and Cholera
12) Public Health Acts
13) Education and Newspapers
14) Leisure Time: Sports, Art, Music, Coffee Houses
15) Crime: Prostitution and Jack the Ripper
16) Development of the Police Force
17) The Great Exhibition
18) Impact on the Family
• __________A) An Annotated Illustration is a detailed drawing of a
historical scene.
• Key characteristics, events, people are incorporated into the scene like a
photograph or an oil painting; they are integrated into the scene. IT IS
• You cannot repeat aspects.
• Each of the main aspects is identified with either a number or letter that
corresponds with the annotations below.
• You should use historical images you have downloaded from the
computer of the actual events, places, etc … to be as historically accurate
as possible and also to save time---HALF OF THE IMAGES MUST BE
• You may also draw in images and backgrounds to bring the scene to life.
• Each should be numbered from 1-20, so they correspond with the
• The illustrations should be in color.
• You may go beyond the minimum of TWENTY for extra credit points.
• __________B) There should be a minimum of TWENTY different historical
aspects in the illustration for your assigned aspect: Factories, Child Labor,
Mining, and Transportation. A and B together are worth 100 Points.
• __________C) The Annotations are the key that explains what is
happening in the illustration/scene.
• For each of the TWENTY historical images in the illustration, there should
be THREE well-developed sentences that identify the facts, details,
people, and events, for each historical image.
• The annotations should address Who, What, When, Where, How, Why,
Importance, and Effects.
• In each annotation, you should include/embed a primary source quote or
statistic that supports your point.
• Each annotation explanation should be written in your own words.
• This should be typed, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and edited for
capitalization errors. It should be in Size 12 Calibri Font.
• It should be attached to the bottom of the poster, so when they are hung,
people can read the annotations and look at the images at the same time.
• Worth 100 Points
• __________D) The annotations should correspond with your numbers, be
typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked. If not, it is 5% off the value
of the activity.
• __________E) The students were ready for the start of presentations and
put a good effort into teaching the class about their assigned aspect of
Industrial Life. If not, it is 5% off the value of the activity.
• Comments:
/200 Points
Monday, February 27, 2012---Take Notes
Tuesday, February 28, 2012---Take Notes
Wednesday, February 29, 2012---Share Notes
Thursday, March 1, 2012---Create Annotated
Friday, March 2, 2012---Create Annotated Illustration
Monday, March 5, 2012---Create Annotated
Tuesday, March 6, 2012----Last Day To Create
Annotated Illustration
Wednesday, March 7, 2012---Presentations
Thursday, March 8, 2012---Presentations
Friday, March 9, 2012---Last Day of Presentations
Monday, February 27, 2012
• Homework: Work on
Metaphorical Representation.
It is the homework all this
week and is due on Friday,
March 2, 2012.
Common Grammatical Errors
And Basic Historical Writing Errors
As seen in Napoleon Report Cards
• There is no excuse for misspelled names, terms,
and words. Most will be caught by spell-check:
– Marrot is not merit.
– Continental System not Componental System
• Edit your work and use your supplemental
readings and textbook to double-check the spelling
of the historical terms.
– These will not always be caught by spell-check.
Inconsistent Capitalization
• The first letter of a person’s first or last name
should always be capitalized.
• The first letter of a government title like Emperor
should always be capitalized.
• The first letter of each part of a name for a
government document like the Napoleonic Code
should be capitalized.
• The first letter of the names of religions should be
Apostrophes and Possession
• When you are discussing a person or
groups actions, you need to use the
• For example, Napoleon’s economic
reforms involved ….
• The Catholic Church’s use of the
I Statements
• I statements do not belong in any historical
writing…writing for Social Studies is different from
writing for English…there are different rules for
• I know this is what you believe, because it is what you
are arguing and writing about.
• Just write strong persuasive sentences…
• There should never be:
– I believe
– I think
– I disagree
– I agree
Historical Evidence
• You are never to write a vague, general, or broad
• And while providing the historical evidence, you
should be explaining and providing analysis of how
the evidence supports your points.
– Examples: causes and effects relationships, positives and
negatives, comparing and contrasting, main arguments
• You need to provide:
– Supportive historical details/facts like who, what,
when, where, how, why
– Statistics involving how many, how much,
percentages, etc…
– Supportive primary source quotes from the
historical readings
Wednesday, March 7- Friday, March 9,
• Class: Groups will present their Annotated Illustrations, while
the class takes notes in the graphic organizer.
– You cannot read from the poster key.
– You must be able to present on your own using the project as a visual
– You will have half a class period to teach the content to the class.
– There will be three days for presentations.
• Individual: You will have half of the last class period to then
move around the room to the hanging Annotated Illustrations to
examine the visual primary sources more closely, to fill in any
gaps in your graphic organizer, get down Primary Source
Evidence, etc…
Wednesday, March 9, 2012
• Homework: You will have a choice between ONE of the following:
• Write a Place Poem modeled after Carl Sandberg’s “Chicago” for Industrial
• Write a Narrative Poem tracing the journey and life of a displaced farmer
in Industrial England.
• Requirements:
a) In each poem, you must address a minimum of:
Three different aspects of Urbanization
Three different aspects of Mining
Three different aspects of Factories
Three different aspects of Child Labor
Two different aspects of Transportation
And all should be explored in a logical context of what daily life was like in
Industrial England.
Length of each poem must be a minimum of THIRTY QUALITY LINES.
They must be organized into stanzas to help the flow.
• Writer’s Purpose: You are to integrate your newfound
knowledge of Industrial England into a piece of poetry that
captures daily life for a working-class English citizen during
the Industrial Revolution living in either London or
Manchester. It is to explore the negatives and positives of
life in Industrial England.
• Writer’s Role: You are a poet during the Industrial
Revolution. William Wordsworth and the Literati Poets and
Charles Dickens, a Realist novelist, are organizing poets to
write and publish poetry that accurately depicts life for the
working class in the major newspapers to draw attention to
the abuses and injustices of Laissez-Faire Capitalism to the
middle class to gain support for reforms.
• In each poem, you must use a minimum of FIVE different
poetic devices
Rise of the individual  alienation
Focus on idea of hero
Dehumanization of industrialization
Strove for freedom---Political freedom--American and French
Revolution(liberty, equality, fraternity); antislavery and women’s
suffrage movements
Represented common people
Focus and use of emotion
Reaction against Industrial Revolution
Simple language
Focus on nature
For some, on the other hand, the new age of industry and
technology was itself exotic and exciting.
Many romantic artists identified with the nationalist movements
of the times and either supported their own country's fight for
freedom (as in the case of Verdi) or championed the cause of
others (as did Byron).
Depicts life with absolute honesty
Ordinary life
Did not use emotional language
Specific & verifiable details vs. sweeping generalities
Vivid picture of life as poor but also using humor to
show humanity
Value impersonal, photographic accuracy vs.
Influenced by science, reaction to Romanticism
Stresses commonplace life & brutal nature of man
Purpose was to identify the problems of society to the
higher classes to motivate reform
• FCA One: Required Content: It examined the negatives and positives of
Industrial Life through the eyes of a working class person in a logical flow
and addressed a minimum of: Worth 80 Points
Three different aspects of Urbanization(15 Points)
Three different aspects of Mining(15 Points)
Three different aspects of Factories(15 Points)
Three different aspects of Child Labor(15 Points)
Two different aspects of Transportation in relation to other choices(10 Points)
And all should be explored in a logical context of what daily life was like in
Industrial England. (10 Points)
• FCA Two: The required length of each poem must be a minimum of
THIRTY QUALITY LINES and written using stanzas to help the flow of the
poem. Worth 30 Points
• FCA Three: The student used a minimum of FIVE different poetic
devices/strategies appropriately throughout the poem. These were
identified at the end of the poem. Worth 25 Points
• No Excuses: There was a self-edited rough draft with actual revisions on
historical content and style comments. Then there was a final draft that
was also spell-checked, grammar-checked, edited for capitalization errors.
It was typed in size 12 Calibri Font. Worth 15 Points
• Total:
/150 Points
• Reading and Writing Poems About Place
Overview: What makes a poem sing? Good readers know to
look for images, metaphors and similes, personification,
detail, inference, tone, meaning. They know to identify
words, phrases, sentences they do and don’t understand,
and to ask questions of themselves and others in order to
expand their understanding.
• Good writers know how to use tools such as image,
metaphor and simile, personification, selective descriptive
detail, and appeal to the senses in order to convey meaning
and mood. They know how to edit and revise to make their
writing speak to an audience.
• In this activity, students will learn to be good readers as
they study poems centered in a sense of place. Following
their study, students will attempt to become good (or at
least better) writers themselves by. With the Sandberg
poem, consider what sort of a person he’s made Chicago,
and examine the poetic strategies he has used.
• Narrative Poems: A narrative poem tells a story in an
entertaining way: with rhyme. It follows a similar
structure as that for a short story or novel. There is a
beginning, a middle and an end, as well as the usual
literary devices such as character and plot. A narrative
poem can take the form of rhyming couplets, or it can
go more in the direction of prose poetry, in that the
rhyme scheme is flexible. There are many variations
on the theme of the narrative poem. As narrative
poetry has its roots in ancient oral traditions, it is
thought that the rhyme schemes were a mnemonic
device that allowed performers to carry many stories
inside them, before the advent of literacy. It allowed
for the history to be passed down generation by
generation through word of mouth. In the modern
era, many musicians use narrative poetry to tell a
story within the framework of a song, as in the case of
many folk, country and hip hop artists.
Homework Due Date:
• The Industrial Life Narrative or
Place Poem is due on Monday,
March 19, 2012!