Development of an Innovative Methodology for Hydraulic Residence Time Distribution Analysis – Virtual E-Curve Method November 17, 2015 Don Lee, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Wastewater Process Engineer Project Manager AECOM, Greenville SC Tom Leland P.E. Ovivo USA, Salt Lake City, UT Steven A. Yeats, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates, Gainesville FL Ben Koopman, Ph.D. University of Florida, Gainesville FL Virtual E-Curve Method OUTLINE Introduction Virtual E-Curve Method Application to Full-Scale Tracer Study Summary and Conclusions OUTLINE Introduction Virtual E-Curve Method Application to Full-Scale Tracer Study Summary and Conclusions Introduction: Mixing Performance Evaluation Completely Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Conditions Wastewater-mixed liquor contact Mixed liquor suspension Dead zone and short-circuiting minimization Assumption for most BNR modeling (ASMs and simulation programs) Ease of Reactor Characterization Hydraulic Residence Time Distribution (HRT) Analysis with Tracer Study Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 4 HRT Analysis with influent interferences Ideal CSTR Q C Q with slug load tracer input t t Two Ideal CSTRs in series with recirculation flow QR Q Q Q + QR t ?? C t Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 5 Live Oak WWTF Carrousel® denitIR® System, Live Oak, FL Reclaimed Water IR flow w/o influent Aeration Basin (0.834 MG) Anoxic Basin (0.34 MG) Aerators Influent (Q) Mixer RAS (QR=Q) denitIR® Gate Mixed Liquor to Clarifier (QR+Q=2Q) Internal Recirculation Combined Influent 5Q (Q IR = 3Q) IR Anoxic Basin RAS Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method MLE Process INF 6 Aeration Basin EFF Clarifier WAS OUTLINE Introduction Virtual E-Curve Method Application to Full-Scale Tracer Study Summary and Conclusions Virtual E-Curve Method (adapted from “Virtual Batch Curve” of Lee et al., 2008) Q t ?? C Q V1 C1 dC1,12 dt C1,12 t V2 C2 C Q Q C 2 C1 V V C1, 2 C1,1 C1,12Virtual t t 2 t1 C1, 2V C1,1 C1, 23Virtual t t t C1,12 t dC1,12 Q C 2,1 V C1,12Virtual t C1, 23 C1,3V C1, 2V t t t Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method t Re-integrate a virtual C-curve using adjusted rates of changes as if there were NO influent interferences. Q / V (C1, 2 C1, 2V ) Q / V (C 2, 2 ) C1, 23Virtual t t dt 8 Virtual E-Curve Method: applied to theoretical reactor behaviors simulated with programming 1 Tracer concentration in an influenced CSTR 0.8 Tracer concentration in the influent 0.6 C 0.4 0.2 1.4 0 0 1 2 Time (hours) 3 4 E Curve of non-influenced CSTR 1.2 1 E Curve of influenced CSTR from Virtual E-Curve Method E 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 2 4 6 Time (hours) 9 8 10 Verification of Virtual E-Curve Method Q Q + QR 1.4 t ?? C 1.2 Q E Curve of non-influenced CSTR 1 0.8 E Curve of influenced CSTR from Virtual E-Curve Method E t 0.6 0.4 0.2 Sensitivity analyses: 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Initial (theoretical) vs actual volume Time (hours) Numerical methods Integration step-size Sampling intervals Tested various types of influent interferences with additional simulations: Recycle flows Continuous or Sudden influent concentration changes Varying influent flowrate Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 10 OUTLINE Introduction Virtual E-Curve Method Application to Full-Scale Tracer Study Summary and Conclusions Full Scale Tracer Study EFF Sampling Aeration Basin (0.834 MG) EFF Anoxic Basin (0.34 MG) Aerators Mixer INF INF Sampling Slug Load Tracer Input Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 12 Sampling and Onsite Measurement Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 13 Full Scale Test Results EFF Anoxic Basin (0.34 MG) with a Mixer Aerators Aeration Basin (0.834 MG) INF Slug Load Tracer Input t ?? C Q Q Q t Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 14 Full Scale Test Results 300 Anoxic Anoxic Anoxic Anoxic Rhodamine WT (ppb) 250 200 Basin Influent (theoretical) Basin Effluent (theoretical) Basin Influent (test result) Basin Effluent (test result) 150 100 50 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 1.5 2.0 Time (hours) 15 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Application of Virtual E-Curve Method to Test Results 4 3.5 E Curve from Ideal CSTR 3 E Curve from Virtual E-Curve Method E 2.5 2 44 min average (115% theoretical HRT) 1.5 2.5 CSTRs in series – NOT an ideal CSTR 1 0.5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 1.5 2.0 Time (hours) 16 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Virtual E-Curve Method Error Estimations with Uniform Tanks-in-Series Modeling % Error of Virtual E-Curve Method 60 50 250% Anoxic Volume 40 100% Anoxic Volume 80% Anoxic Volume 30% Anoxic Volume 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 Number of Ideal CSTR in Series Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 17 20 25 Virtual E-Curve Method Error Adjustment with Non-Uniform Tanks-in-Series Modeling Outlet Slowly Mixed Zone (12.5-25%) Outlet PFR – tanks in series (25%) Center Rapidly Mixed Zone (50-75%) Center CSTR (50%) Inlet PFR tanks in series (25%) Tracer Injection Location Inlet Slowly Mixed Zone (12.5-25%) Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 18 Virtual E-Curve Method Error Adjustment with Non-Uniform Tanks-in-Series Modeling 4 3.5 E Curve from Ideal CSTR 3 E Curve from Virtual E-Curve Method E 2.5 E Curve from Non-Uniform Tanks-in-Series Modeling 2 1.5 Percent Error = 23% 1 0.5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Time (hours) 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 91% theoretical HRT (reactor volume utilization) Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 19 OUTLINE Introduction Virtual E-Curve Method Application to Full-Scale Tracer Study Summary and Conclusions Summary and Conclusions Virtual E-Curve method allows hydraulic residence time distribution analysis of ideal CSTRs with influent interferences. Integration methodologies, step-sizes and sampling intervals affect the accuracy of Virtual E-Curve method. Errors associated with non-ideal reactor behaviors could be adjusted using advanced reactor modeling. Lee et al., Virtual E-Curve Method 21 Questions? Don Lee, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Wastewater Process Engineer/Project Manager AECOM, Greenville SC 864-234-3583 Virtual E-Curve Method