There are many different kinds of land animals across the planet

There are many different kinds of land animals across the planet. There are
many different types of land animals like Rats, Snakes, Bears, Raccoons.
These animals all live on land but they are all different.
Did you know that there are 51 species of rats? The rats body is medium
sized, they have a long tail. There are rats with black and brown fur coat.
Rats are not like mice. The rat’s body is medium sized and they have long
tails, but mice are white and they have short tails. Unlike mice, rats can be
brown, gray or black and they also have long tails. Rat families are very
large in size up to 100 – 300 in a family. Rats also live in sewers all around
the planet. Most people do not like rats because they steal food from people.
They can also spread diseases to people and animals as well.
One of the types of rats is called the Allegheny wood rat. The
Allegheny wood rat is a pack rat. The Allegheny wood rats live in the east.
The DNA of a wood rat has been proven to be a distinct species. A wood rat
is a medium a sized rat.
Another type of cave animal is a raccoon. Did you know that captive
raccoons could live up to 20 years? The raccoon’s body can be up to the
length of 40 to 70 cm and, its body weight can be up to 3.59 kg or more. An
average life of a raccoon is 1.8 to 3.1 years, which is not all that long for an
animal. Did you raccoon’s fur color is grayish brown? The diet of a
raccoon is 40% invertebrates, 33% plant foods, and 27% vertebrates, is what
it eat. Raccoons can live in the mix forest, coastal marshes, and urban areas
or they can live in zoo’s and shelters. The raccoons are related to dogs, cats,
badgers and bears, etc.
Did you know that the entrance of a cave is shelter for a bear or is
what they can sleep in for hibernation? Did you know that there are 8 living
species for a bear, the rest are all extinct. Bears can be found in North
America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Bears have a large body and
stocky legs, a lot of hair and a long snout. The different types of bears are
Black bears, Brown bears, Grizzly bear, Sloth bear, Sun bear, Polar bear and
Giant panda.
Did you know that snakes do not have any legs? Snakes are basically
legless lizards? Overlapping scales like a crocodile creates Snakes skin.
The snake’s skulls have more joints than their ancestors, the lizards. Snakes
live everywhere but, Antarctica and the islands of in Pacific and Indian
Oceans. Did you know that there are 3,400 species of snakes? Some snakes
can be up to 49 ft. long, some snakes can be small they would be 29 ft. long.
Some snakes, rattlesnakes when they bite you then their poisonous venom
seeps into the humans skin and could kill them or injure them.
Snakes use caves by sleeping in them staying away from predators.
They can also use caves to hibernate and to eat their food. There would also
be lots of protection in the cave for the snake to avoid his predators. In the
entrance of the cave, a snake would be able to catch their prey.
The temperature for a snake to start hibernating is 12˚ C. Reptiles,
like snakes when the climate gets low they have no choice but to hibernate.
Hibernation for reptiles is called brumation. Reptiles, snakes do not sleep
their winter away they will go out and hunt for food. Snakes are coldblooded, ectothermic, which means that they cannot change their body
A cave temperature will change from 60º it will go up and down.
Some caves can get to the 1º or the negatives for example a cave could be 23º. So if it does not stay warm inside a cave the temperature.
Yes snakes do hibernate in caves, but when the, are not hibernating.
When they are spending time hibernating in the cave or burrows they would
be eating or they would be sleeping. When snakes are in the entrance of the
cave they would try to avoid the predators.
As you can see all the animals are different in their sort of way. They also
can eat different things than the other animals. These animals can live in
caves at the cave entrance. Some of these animals can live in trees.