Gaseous Phase Chromatography Gas chromatography Analytes must be in the gas state must be volatile, boiling point < 200°C moderately polar solutes polar solutes after derivatisation = to modify the solute to render it volatile must not be thermolabile not for fragile solutes Interactions in GC Solute Solubility in the SP Volatility No interactions with MP SP MP Liquid Gas Competitive factors: Solubility in the SP vs. Volatility Separation in GC Solute 2 Less volatile Solute 1 More volatile Stationary phase Mobile phase Analysis time Separation in GC Non polar stationary phase Cannot establish interactions other than London forces Mobile phase Stationary phase Mobile phase Solute 1, more volatile: spends more time in the mobile phase Solute 2, less volatile: spends more time in the stationary phase Separation in GC Polar stationary phase Can establish polar interactions with polar solutes Solute 1 and 2 Same volatility Mobile phase Stationary phase Mobile phase Solute 1, less polar: cannot interact with the stationary phase Solute 2, more polar: can interact with the stationary phase Effect of Temperature Solubility of a gas in a liquid decreases as T goes up = Solutes are less dissolved in the stationary phase when T goes up retention can be reduced by increasing T column Increased temperature will reduce retention but all components may not be affected to the same extent Effect of Temperature Retention time The degree of reduction of retention time with increasing T is not the same for each component Separation may improve or degrade for any pair of peaks Oven temperature Effect of Temperature Retention time The degree of reduction of retention time with increasing T is not the same for each component Separation may improve or degrade for any pair of peaks Elution order may vary Oven temperature Effect of Temperature Temperature programming Temperature held constant during the entire analysis: isothermal Temperature varied during the analysis: gradient analysis tr Carbon number Retention time increases exponentially with the number of carbon As tr increases, width decreases, making detection impossible Effect of Temperature Temperature programming Final temperature Initial temperature Ramp (°C/min) More complex programs are possible Example: Environmental issues Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Increasing number of aromatic rings = Decreasing volatility Extract injected in hexane Column: BPX5 (SGE) 25 m X 0.22 mm X 0.15 µm temperature programmed from 50°C to 310°C at 5°C/min MS detection Example: Environmental issues Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Isomers can be separated (different bp) Extract injected in hexane Column: BPX5 (SGE) 25 m X 0.22 mm X 0.15 µm temperature programmed from 50°C to 310°C at 5°C/min MS detection Example: Environmental issues Fenthion Analysis of Pesticides 68 66 64 62 60 58 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 Trifluralin Hexachlorobutadiene Dichlorvos 46 24 22 20 18 16 14 Azinphos ethyl 48 Parathion 50 Atrazine 52 Lindane 54 Fenitrothion Hexachlorobenzene Simazine 56 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (min) 26 28 Extract injected in hexane Column: BPX5 (SGE) 25 m X 0.22 mm X 0.15 µm temperature programmed from 50°C to 310°C at 5°C/min MS detection 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 Example: Derivatisation Fatty Acids Methyl Esters (FAME) Polar = High bp Less polar = bp is easily reached O Free Fatty Acid HO O Fatty acid Methyl Ester H3CO Example: Derivatisation Fatty Acids Methyl Esters (FAME) Increasing number of carbon atoms = Decreasing volatility GC analysis of a complex mixture of natural fatty acids (as methyl ester derivatives) on a packed column Data obtained with 2m x 4mm glass column packed with 15% (w/w) EGSSY stationary phase Carrier gas, nitrogen at 50 mL/min.; column temperature 194ºC "Gas Chromatography and Lipids" by William W. Christie, published by the Oily Press, Bridgwater in 1989 Example: Isomer separation Linolenic acid O 9c HO 12c O 9c HO 12t O 9t 12t 9t 12c HO O HO WCOT column (30 m x 0.3 mm i.d.) coated with SS-4™ carrier gas: Nitrogen ; operating temperature 190ºC. "Gas Chromatography and Lipids" by William W. Christie, published by the Oily Press, Bridgwater in 1989 Apparatus First instrumental chromatographic method developed commercially Relatively easy to produce a stable flow and pressure for the mobile phase Compressed gas cylinder of carrier gas Pressure regulator Sample injector Detector Valve Computer Column Filters Oven Choice of carrier gas Carrier gas is Nitrogen, Helium or Hydrogen Carrier gas need to be extremely pure -No water -No oxygen -No hydrocarbons Impurities possibly deteriorating the stationary phase Causing high baseline noise of the detector Filters Sample injector Purpose of injection: - To evaporate the sample - To introduce it in the column Sample injector Syringe to introduce a known volume of gas or liquid sample (0.1 to 10 μL injected) Septum maintains seal Liner provides an area for vaporisation All non-volatile materials and degradation products end up here Split gas is to reduce total sample size Part of the sample immediately goes to waste and doesn’t enter the column Gas expansion When a liquid is injected, the vaporisation causes an expansion = large increase in volume 1 μL liquid 100-1000 μL gas Higher boiling point species - take more time to volatilize - don’t expand as much Column The column is the heart of the separation process Vast number of materials available Classified by dimensions and packing type Packed Open Silica tubing filled with particles of stationary phase Silica is covered with a layer of stationary phase The layer can be simply coated or chemically bound to the silica Coated = simple coating on the inside of the fused silica tube Bonded = chemically bound via a silane bond Column Major choice when selecting a stationary phase is do you want a non-polar moderately polar polar column ? Non polar columns can solve about 80% of all problems Column Phase polarity examples Non-polar methyl silicone Best for non polar compounds Intermediate methyl silicone / phenyl silicone (20-50% phenyl) Best for mixed samples Polar polyethylene glycol Best for polar compounds For complex samples, pick the column that best reflects the overall polarity of your sample Detection Objectives of the detection Identification of the solute Quantification Comparison with a standard Use of a specific detector Detection Comparison with a standard Pre-requisites: Knowing the identity of the analytes Having standard solutions Katharometer or Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) Signal depends on the thermal conductivity and specific heat of the gas evolving from the column Both of these parameters change in the presence of a solute vapor Non destructive Extremely flow and pressure sensitive Must be carefully thermostated Universal Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) Sample components enter at the base of the detector, mix with H2 and enter the flame Production of ions in the flame result in a current that can be measured Response is based on the number of carbon Halogen and oxygen reduce combustion Nearly universal (very rare exceptions) Most useful GC detector available Simplest, easiest and most reliable Electron Capture Detector (ECD) Radioactive source (63Ni) produces β particles Electrophores (species containing halogens, nitriles, nitrates, conjugated double bonds and organometallics) absorb β particles, reducing the current Specific: sample must contain a gas-phase electrophore Non destructive Excellent trace analysis for halogenated compounds (pesticides), nitro group compounds (explosives), conjugated double bonds GC-Mass Spectrometry coupling Sample MS GC Chromatogram Mass Spectra GC-MS coupling To each chromatographic peak, a mass spectrum is associated Identification of the eluted analytes GC-MS coupling 799 Mass spectrum of one eluted analyte 232 797 801 400 399 401 220 299 % 139 795 234 803 151 402 398 218 132 311 265297 320 959 461 392 531 390 266 961 640 638 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 GC-MS coupling Use of a spectrum library to identify the analyte GC-MS coupling: difficulties encountered Difference of pressure: GC is under pressure MS must be in void (10-4 – 1 Pa) Mobile phase: Must be compatible with the chosen ionisation mode Interface: Quantitative transmission of the analytes No degradation of the solutes No deterioration of the chromatographic separation Suppressing the mobile phase Acquisition time: GC is very rapid: the mass spectrum must be rapidly acquired GC-MS coupling Simplest approach is to split the flow Flow from chromatograph Only allow what the MS can handle to enter MS Waste This can result in only 1/1000 or less of the sample to enter the MS (not good for trace work!) Electron Impact Mass Spectrometer (EI-MS) Column effluent Repeller Coil 70 eV trap Analyser Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CI-MS) Column effluent + reactant gas Repeller Coil Pump Emission current Comparison EI / CI More sensitive O2N OH H H More specific Example: Toxicology RT: 1.69 - 2.33 NL: 5.92E4 AA: 13499 100 m/z= 473.5474.5 MS Genesis 100fg on col 98 96 94 Relative Abundance 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 Time (min) 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 Low limits of detection allow the identification of THC in very low concentrations in hair Example: Environmental issues Analysis of Volatile Organic Ccompounds (VOC) 11.92 100 90 11.77 80 13.36 14.35 Relative Abundance 70 12.81 14.66 9.00 60 15.25 50 17.40 9.90 18.29 7.90 7.29 40 30 5.42 8.44 17.29 10.43 10.59 6.07 7.09 6.62 20 4.28 4.19 10 16.37 2.90 3.59 0 0 2 18.92 4 6 8 10 Time (min) 12 14 16 18 20 Example: Environmental issues PAK100 #10123-10127 RT: 94.38-94.41 AV: 5 SB: 63 93.90-94.10, 94.77-95.07 NL: 1.19E6 T: {0,0} + c EI det=500.00 Full ms [ 80.00-520.00] 300.2 100 Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocabons (PAH) 90 Relative Abundance 80 70 150.1 149.1 60 50 40 148.1 30 298.2 301.2 20 10 99.3 147.0 123.1 0 100 150.9 163.0 191.0 150 207.1 296.2 246.2 270.2 281.1 200 250 302.2 327.1 300 m/z RT: 10.31 - 100.01 100 NL: 1.35E7 TIC MS PAK100 90 Relative Abundance 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Time (min) 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Example: essential oils Lemon essential oil Column: SLB-5MS (30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm film thickness) Carrier gas: Helium, 32.4 cm/s Split ratio 1/10 Temperature program: 40 to 250°C, 3°C/min Crupi et al., Food Chemistry, (2007) in press 2D- GC Use of two columns to resolve a sample Current column technology is very near the theoretical limit However, it is still not possible to resolve all components in a complex mixture Basic assumption is that no column can resolve all components of interest Coupling two columns can help achieve complex separations 2D- GC Examples Tobacco smoke: over 1000 peaks identified, each actually contains 2 or more components PCBs: 207 species but only about 180 resolved Coffee: over 600 components identified 2D- GC 1D-analysis 2D-analysis Chiral fragrances 1. α-Pinene 2. β-pinene 3. Limonene 4. Menthone 5. Isomenthone 6. Menthol 7. Isomenthol 8. Pulegone 9. menthyl acetate 10. Sabinene 11. Linalol 12. α-terpineol 13. terpinen-4-ol. Chiral separations Enantiomers have Identical volatility MP cannot separate them and Identical polarity Usual SP cannot separate them Need for a stationary phase that would be able to distinguish enantiomeric species Chiral stationary phase Relies on the 3-point rule Can interact with SP A A B B C C A C B Cannot interact with SP A B C 3 different interaction sites Chiral separation in GC Lemon essential oil Crupi et al., Food Chemistry, (2007) in press 2D-chiral GC Strawberry flavour Two-dimensional contour plot of direct solvent injection of a strawberry mix, highlighting the separation of linalool enantiomers. EtTBS-β-CD (20 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm) Cyclosil-B (26 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm) Hydrogen carrier gas Detection: FID Williams et al., J. Chromatogr. B, 817 (2005) 97-107 Choice of carrier gas No interaction with the mobile phase: Choice of the carrier gas will not affect K k α But different viscosities of gases affect Dm N partition coefficient retention factor selectivity diffusion coefficient efficiency (thin peaks) Choice of carrier gas The Van Deemter curve N2 dispersion He H2 10 20 40 90 Linear velocity of mobile phase (cm/s) N2 generates the lowest dispersion (at the expense of speed) He provides better speed with only small increase in dispersion H2 is the best : high flow rate with little loss of resolution Sample injector Purpose of injection: - To evaporate the sample - To introduce it in the column T injector > T column + 50°C Temperature focusing To reduce the band width of the injected peak, solutes condense at start of column at low T Column Column Packed Capillary Length, m ID, mm Flow, mL/min Head pressure, psi Total plates Film thickness, um 0.5 – 5 2–4 10 – 60 10 – 40 4000 1 – 10 5 – 100 0.1 – 0.7 0.5 – 15 3 – 40 250 000 0.1 – 8 Major difference: smaller ID and longer length for capillaries Compounds remain in the column longer while still retaining good peak shape Longer columns allow for better efficiencies resolution = f(length1/2) Better efficiencies allow for better sensitivity