2015 SPRING SOPHOMORE COLLEGE PREP RESEARCH PAPER YOU WILL UTILIZE SKILLS LEARNED IN THE FIRST RESEARCH PAPER, SUCH AS RESEARCH PROCESS searching for and finding sources recognize the elements of a citation annotating and taking notes avoiding plagiarism analyzing information citing sources on NoodleTools constructing a Works Cited page writing note cards RESEARCH PAPER organizing your paper in an outline writing body paragraphs integrating quotations using signal phrases incorporating in-text citations paraphrasing using transitions effectively introduce your thesis revising and editing creating the MLA header FOR THIS RESEARCH PROJECT, YOU WILL ALSO: learn to identify source types write a thesis write a five-paragraph essay with an introduction and conclusion create a title RESEARCH QUESTION: WHAT MAKES A HERO? Show what it means to be a hero by examining the life of a person from history and/or the modern world. Using the qualities or attributes that we listed in class, identify three qualities or attributes of your hero. You will use examples from his/her life as proof of each heroic quality / attribute. VERY IMPORTANT POINTS: You are required to use a minimum of four (4) reference sources o At least one book (can be e-book) o At least one database You may use the free web only to view preliminary information while choosing a topic, but you may NOT use information from free websites in your paper. The final paper must be submitted in a 3-ring binder. RESEARCH PAPER DUE DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ASSIGNMENT TITLE DUE DATE 1. Topics chart due Thursday, February 27 2. Pre-research worksheet due Friday, March 6 NO FREE WEB MAY BE USED FROM THIS POINT ON 3. Media Center- Research and Instruction Mon-Wed, March 9-11 4. 4 Articles with Source forms Friday, March 13 5. Annotated Articles 6. 4 Source Citation List Friday, March. 20___ 7. 12 Note Cards Monday, March 30 8. Thesis & Topic Outline Friday, April 17 ___ 9. First Draft Essay Completion Monday, May 1_____ 10. Peer Editing and Required Conferences Beginning May 1_____ 11. Final Essay, Works Cited & Sources Tuesday, May 12_ ____________Friday, March 20 ___ Your final product will be a five-paragraph essay with an introduction, conclusion, and three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph will discuss one of your hero’s heroic qualities. IMPORTANT: If you are absent from school on the due date for the research paper, you must have someone submit the work for you. Do not give your paper to anyone other than me. If someone submits the paper for you, have that person get a receipt. Computer/printer excuses will not be accepted, as you will have ample time to complete the paper. Have a back-up of all your work; save it on your hard drive, an external drive/flash drive, and in your school network folder. Your grade will drop 10 points for each day it is late. Plagiarism will result in a zero. If you have any questions, please come see me for extra help. I am happy to help you succeed! CHOOSING A TOPIC Choose anyone in history who you believe is a hero and whose life demonstrates three of the qualities of a hero. A hero has usually accomplished something important as a result of those heroic qualities. As you read, look for events, accomplishments, generous deeds, sacrifices, decisions, etc. in the hero’s life. Below is a list of some people who are generally considered to be heroes, but you may search for someone else. Be careful about choosing a sports figure, because he or she must be heroic for more than just being successful in his or her sport. Your choice must be approved. On Thursday, February 27, we will choose final topics in a fair manner, since every student in class will research a different hero. Oskar Schindler Dorothea Dix Nellie Bly Mary Harris Jones Cesar Chavez Nicholas Winton Douglas MacArthur Frederick Douglas Irina Sendlerowa Nelson Mandela Sir Edmund Hillary Amelia Earhart Elizabeth Fry Jane Addams Florence Nightingale Catherine the Great Horatio Nelson Corrie Ten Boom Thomas Paine Jane Goodall Lucy Stone Meip Gies Patrick Henry Charles A Lindbergh Louis Pasteur Delores Huerta Mother Teresa Clara Barton Clara Barton Louis Pasteur Thomas Foxwell Buxton Sir Thomas More Lech Walesa Delores Huerta Raoul Wallenberg Amelia Earhart Harvey Milk Jane Addams Marie Curie Arthur Ashe Harriet Tubman Susan B. Anthony William Wallace Gloria Steinem Corrie ten Boom Mahatma Ghandi George Washington Spartacus Stephen Hawking Joan of Arc Deitrich Bonhoeffer Ellen Gates Starr Lech Wallesa T.E. Lawrence Eleanor Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln John F. Kennedy Alexander Graham Bell Winston Churchill Sojourner Truth Lucy Burns Elizabeth Cady Stanton Janusz Korczak Bella Abzug Nat Turner