Acid Rain

Acid Rain
What goes up, must come down
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Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
– rain naturally weakly acidic from dissolved CO2
A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
 Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Acidity of Rainfall (pH) 1996
National Acid Deposition Program
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
SO2 from coal, oil
NOx from automobiles, electric generation
Problems in regions downwind
 Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
 Electric
 Refineries
How Acid Rain Is Formed
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
Kills fish in lakes
Destroys paint, stonework
Contributes to forest dieback / decline
• Buffered temporarily by basic soils
Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Tolerance of Fish to Acidity
Effects of Acid Rain on
 Range from no effect to completely barren
Variable from lake to lake
 Basic rocks (e.g. limestone) neutralize acidity in
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
Kills fish in lakes
Destroys paint, stonework
Contributes to forest dieback / decline
• Buffered temporarily by basic soils
Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Acid Rain on Structures
Accelerates decay of stonework
 Ruins finishes on cars and other paint work
King’s College, Cambridge, England : The Chapel
Decay of Stonework
German sandstone statue from 1702 photographed
in 1908 (left) and 1969 (right).
Photo: Westfäliches Amt für Denkmalpflege.
Courtesy Norwegian Department of Environment
Effects on Marble
Column capital volute, Jefferson
Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Marble surfaces exposed to rain develop a rough
"sugary" texture because the calcite grains are
loosened as the edges dissolve in the rain water.
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
Kills fish in lakes
Destroys paint, stonework
Contributes to forest dieback / decline
• Buffered temporarily by basic soils
Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Forest dieback
Many causes of
– shade
– insects
– climate
 Acid rain
leaf damage
leached from
Rebertus- University of Missouri
Effects of
Acid Rain?
 German
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
 Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
– cools Northern Hemisphere continents by day
– global effect much less than CO2 induced warming
– controlling acid rain increases global warming
Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Sulfate Aerosol
& Global Warming
 SO2
->Sulfate aerosol -> Acid Rain
 Sulfate aerosol reflects sunlight
-> cools the Earth -> part offsets CO2
 Cooling over N.H. continents by day
Estimated contributions to
global warming
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
 Problems in regions downwind
 Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
– Established in U.S. by Clean Air Act 1990
– Enables stricter standards than command and control
– Presumes effective monitoring of actual emissions
– Prototype for international allowance trading of CO2
Causes of Acid Rain
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Regulation of Emissions
large point sources
 Command
the traditional approach
mandate cleanup technology
accept best efforts
 Market
and control
novel approach Clean Air Act 1990
allowance required for actual emissions
open market for trading allowances
mandate total allowances issued
Trading Emissions
Requires credible monitoring of actual
 Market value of allowances
provides incentive to invest in more
efficient technology
allows individual scheduling of plant
Price rises till weak demand controls
total emissions
 Less political intrusion in management
Application to SO2
Assumes unit emissions in different places
are equivalent ( a rough approximation)
 Electric utilities only
most of the problem (for SO2)
well organized institutions
forward planning usual
Allowances may be banked for future use, but
not used ahead of time
 Congress set total emissions through 2025
the screws tighten in 2000
$ Price of 1 ton SO2
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Emission Allowances
Trading: a Good Idea?
 A right to pollute?
– We all pollute the environment
Can emissions be credibly monitored?
Essential to link responsibilities to rights
Is there an efficient market?
– Low transaction costs, no monopolies
Do similar emissions have equivalent effect?
 So far, so good ...
– A prototype for international CO2 controls
Joint Implementation
Key Points
Enhanced acidity (average pH < 5.0)
 A product of industrial air pollution
SO2 from coal, oil
NOx from automobiles, electric generation
Problems in regions downwind
Kills fish in lakes
Destroys paint, stonework
Contributes to forest dieback / decline
• Buffered temporarily by basic soils
Sulfate aerosol conceals greenhouse warming
 Reduction facilitated by SO2 emissions trading
Sources of Information
 U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency