audience Analysis survey and report

C121 Public Speaking – Advocacy Speech Audience Analysis Project (35 points)
Step 1 (20 points):
Read chapter 7. Create a 5 question class survey on your chosen topic for your persuasive speech (see sample
below). Be sure to put your name on the top of the survey. Make copies and hand them out to classmates.
Printing your survey on a half sheet of paper will save paper and copies for you to make.
Step 2 (5 points):
Collect the completed class surveys from your classmates. Compile the results by adding up numbers and
writing this on one blank copy of your survey. Indicate the percentages. Look also for surprising information
from your open-ended question that you might use as attention-getting material. Turn this in the day you give
your advocacy speech.
Step 3 (10 points):
Include the class survey in your Outline Bibliography as one of your 7 required sources. Citation should look
like this:
Class Survey, C121 Public Speaking Class, 15 January 2015.
Choose at least 1 of the results from your survey that you will use in your persuasive speech as one of your oral
citations. It might sound like, "According to my class survey, only 5 members of this class use floss daily."
SAMPLE Class Survey for Discussion Classmates
The goal of this assignment is to find out the audience’s knowledge and feelings about your chosen topic so you
can adapt your speech content accordingly. Use 2 fixed alternative questions, 2 scale questions, and 1 openended question. If you chose the importance of dental care for your speech topic, your class survey might look
like this:
1. Do you floss every day? Yes___No ___
2. How often do you go to the dentist?
___ at least every 6 months
___ at least once a year
___ less often than once a year
3. How important do you feel that dental hygiene is?
___ Very important
___ Somewhat important
___ No opinion either way
___ Relatively unimportant
___ Not important at all
4. Good oral hygiene must include quitting smoking:
___ Strongly agree
___ Somewhat agree
___ Neutral
___ Somewhat disagree
___ Strongly disagree
5. What would be one thing you would like to learn more about regarding dental health?
One week after you give your informative speech. Due date _______________________
After you have looked at the results of your audience analysis, consider the following question:
How may you use the audience analysis information that you have just gathered to more effectively persuade
your audience in the upcoming advocacy speech?
There are 3 strategies discussed in the chapter for using audience analysis information to enhance the content of
your speech (151-152). Another is discussed on page 153. Below are questions that address each of the
strategies. You will write an audience analysis report that answers all of the questions on the other side of this
page. You may decide that not all strategies will be effective. In that case, say why you do not believe a
particular strategy will be effective for your advocacy speech.
Strategy 1: Establishing common ground
Where would it be most useful to use “we” language in your speech?
Strategy 2: Incorporating what you know about your listeners into the speech
How could you incorporate personal knowledge about your listeners into the content of your speech?
Strategy 3: Selection of stories, statistics, and examples that will resonate with your audience
How might you reference things that are familiar to your audience?
Strategy 4: Analyzing the audience during the speech (153)
What are some effect ways that you or another speaker have used nonverbal cues to adjust a message to an
audience during a speech? If you cannot think of any, can you think of a time when you or another speaker
should have used nonverbal cues to adjust a message to an audience during a speech?
Be sure to attach a blank copy of your survey to your audience analysis report.
Structure of Audience Analysis
 use TNR 12 font
 double space
 1-2 pages
 Due ___________________
Heading in MLA format
Snazzy title of your speech: Audience Analysis
1. Answer to question 1. Answers to questions must be in complete sentences. Be sure to use specific
examples in your answers. If you do not plan to use a strategy, tell why you do not believe it will be
2. Answer to question 2.
3. Answer to question 3.
4. Answer to question 4.