6.1 Atoms and Elements Think about how many words are in an English dictionary. All these words are formed from only the 26 letters in our alphabet. In a similar way, three particles form the many kinds of atoms that make up everything around you. Parts of an Atom Each atom contains three kinds of particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. A proton is positively charged. A neutron has no charge and is similar in mass to a proton. Both protons and neutrons are found in the tiny central part of an atom called the nucleus. An electron is negatively charged and has much less mass compared to a proton and a neutron. Electrons orbit the nucleus, much like planets orbit the Sun. BEGIN SIDEBAR: - proton: a positively charged particle in an atom - neutron: a particle in an atom that has no electrical charge - electron: a negatively charged particle found in an orbit outside the nucleus of an atom END SIDEBAR. The numbers of protons and electrons in an atom are equal. The positive charges of the protons and negative charges of the electrons cancel each other out, making each atom neutral (neither positive nor negative). Table 1 summarizes some important information about each kind of particle found in an atom. We use atomic models to show the number of each kind of subatomic particle and where it is located (Figure 1). BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 1 This model of a fluorine atom shows that it has 9 protons (9p+), 9 electrons (blue dots), and 10 neutrons (10n0). There are 2 electrons in the first orbit and 7 electrons in the second orbit. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. Electron Orbits As shown in Figure 1, electrons are located in orbits outside the nucleus of the atom. The first orbit can hold 2 electrons. The second orbit can hold up to 8 electrons. The third orbit can also hold up to 8 electrons. Table 1 Particles in an Atom Particle name Charge proton + neutron neutral electron - Location nucleus nucleus orbits Symbol p+ n0 e- PRINT PAGE 211 The Importance of Organization If we put things in a logical order, or organize them, it is easier to find those things later. Imagine looking for items in a grocery store where items are arranged in alphabetical order. Pickles would be next to Popsicles and lettuce would be next to light bulbs! Pickles do not need to be frozen and lettuce wilts if it is not stored in a cool, damp place, so a different organizing system is needed. Putting groceries in order by the type of item and the type of storage they need makes more sense (Figure 2). BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 2 Items in a grocery store are placed in aisles according to shared properties. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. Organizing the Elements All matter is made up of elements. An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. Gold, copper, and oxygen are common examples of elements. Each element is made up of only one kind of atom. This is why gold has exactly the same properties no matter where in the world it is mined. Gold and copper have different properties because they are made of different kinds of atoms. BEGIN SIDEBAR: - element: a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances, either physically or chemically END SIDEBAR. You may recall that scientists often record data in tables. A table helps organize data so people can make sense of it. All the elements are arranged in the periodic table so that elements with similar properties are grouped together. BEGIN SIDEBAR: - periodic table: the table that lists all the known elements in rows and columns based on patterns of similar properties END SIDEBAR. PRINT PAGE 212 The Modern Periodic Table Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of the number of protons their atoms have (Figure 3). The number of protons is called the element's atomic number. Each element has a different atomic number (Figure 4). BEGIN SIDEBAR: - atomic number: the number of protons in an atom of an element; each element has a different atomic number END SIDEBAR. Figure 3 The elements of the periodic table are arranged in rows (also called periods) and columns. Each group of elements has similar properties. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 H Li * Na * K* 2 Be * Mg * Ca * Rb Sr * * Cs Ba * * Period (ARROW POINTING RIGHT) Group of Chemical Family (ARROW POINTING DOWN) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sc * Ti * Zr * Hf * V* Cr * Mn * Tc * Re * Fe * Ru * Os * Co * Rh * Ir * Ni * Pd * Pt * Cu * Ag * Au * Zn * Cd * Hg * Y* La * Nb Mo * * Ta * W * 7 Fr * Ce * Th * Pr * Pa * Ra Ac * * Nd * U * Pm * Np * Rf Db * * Sm * Pu * Eu * Am * Gd * Cm * Sg * Tb * Bk * By * Cf * Ho * Es * Bh * Hs * Mt * Ds * Er * Fm * Tm * Md * Yb * No * Lu * Lr * BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The second table is located between La, Hf, Ac and Rf in the first table. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. Figure 4 The atomic number is at the top left-hand corner of each element on the periodic table. 29 Cu copper 63.55 - Each element in the periodic table has its own box. In the box is the element's chemical symbol, name, and atomic number. - The first letter of every chemical symbol is a capital letter (e.g., N for nitrogen). If there is a second letter, it is lowercase (e.g., Na for sodium). - Each row in the periodic table is called a period. The properties of the elements that are in the same period can be very different. BEGIN SIDEBAR: - period: a horizontal row in the periodic table of elements END SIDEBAR. - The elements are also placed in columns according to how their electrons are arranged. Each column in the periodic table is called Rg * Uub a group or chemical family. Elements in the same group have similar properties. Within each group, all atoms have the same number of electrons in their outermost orbits. BEGIN SIDEBAR: - group or chemical family: a vertical column in the periodic table of elements END SIDEBAR. -Most elements are either metals (blue boxes) or non-metals (pink boxes). They are separated by a dark line that looks like a staircase. Hydrogen is the only exception. Elements along the staircase have properties in between those of metals and nonmetals. These elements are called metalloids (green boxes). BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The metals are represent by *, the non-metals by ** and the metalloids by ***. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. PRINT PAGE 213 Chemical Families Group 1 The structure of atoms explains why elements have similarities and differences. The alkali metal group consists of the elements below hydrogen in the first column of the periodic table, starting with lithium. Lithium (Li) has one outer electron, as do sodium (Na), potassium (K), and other elements in the group. When an alkali metal reacts, each of its atoms loses the single electron in its outermost orbit. The alkali metals have similar reactions because they all have one electron in their outermost orbits (Figure 5). However, the reactivity of alkali metals increases from the top of Group 1 to the bottom. BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 5 These elements react in a similar way because each atom has one electron in its outermost electron orbit. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. Group 2 The elements in Group 2 are the alkaline earth metals. Beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium, and radium (Ra) all have two electrons in their outermost orbits. The reactivity of Group 2 metals also increases from the top of the group to the bottom. Periodic Trends Elements in the same group or family always share some chemical and physical properties. Elements in the same period also show some trends in their reactivity. For example, Group 1 alkali metals are more reactive than the elements in Group 2. That means that sodium (Na) is more reactive than magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) is more reactive than calcium (Ca). The elements in Group 17 halogens are more reactive than Group 16 elements in the same row. You will learn more about Group 17 and Group 18 in Section 6.4. The rows on the periodic table are called periods because they show the repeating nature of these trends in reactivity. The word "period" refers to cycles, such as the classes that recur daily in your school schedule. Figure 6, on the next page, shows properties and common uses of the elements. PRINT PAGE 214 Periodic Table of the Elements symbols for descriptions (LINE POINTING DOWN) # atomic number) hydrogen Xx (symbol of element) BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Picture not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. example BEGIN TEXTBOX: Description * solid ** liquid *** gas **** part of the human body ***** never found in nature ****** radioactive ******* magnetic BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The symbols have been replaced by *. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END TEXTBOX. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The pictures in the Periodic Table of Elements are not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. 1 H *** **** hydrogen rocket fuel ΔΔΔΔ 3 Li * lithium batteries Δ 11 Na * **** sodium table salt Δ 19 K * **** potassium fertilizer Δ 37 Rb * rubidium global positioning system (Gps) Δ 55 Cs * cesium global 2 4 Be * beryllium emeralds Δ 12 Mg * magnesium upset stomach remedy Δ 20 Ca * *** calcium bones Δ 3 4 5 6 21 Sc * scandium racing bikes Δ 22 Ti * titanium replacement joints Δ 23 V * vanadium nuts and bolts Δ 24 * chro stai stee Δ 38 Sr * strontium flares Δ 39 Y * yttrium cancer treatment Δ 40 Zr * zirconium nuclear reactors Δ 41 Nb * niobium maglev trains Δ 42 * mol drill Δ 56 Ba * barium contrast 57 La * lanthanum carbon arc 72 Hf * hafnium reactor 73 Ta * tantalum cellphones 74 * tung ligh positioning system (Gps) Δ 87 Fr * ****** francium radioactive Δ agent for X- lamps rays Δ Δ control rods Δ Δ 88 Ra * ****** radium radioactive Δ 104 Rf ****** ***** rutherfordium no use Δ 105 89 Ac * ****** actinium radioactive medecine Δ filam Δ Db ****** ***** dubnium no use Δ 106 Sg ****** ***** seaborgium no use Δ 58 Ce * cerium self-cleaning ovens Δ 90 Th * ****** thorium camera lenses Δ 59 Pr * praseodymium coloured glass Δ 60 Nd * neodymium speakers Δ 91 Pa * ****** protactinium radioactive waste Δ 92 U * ****** uranium nuclear energy Δ 107 Bh ****** ***** bohrium no use Δ 61 Pm * promethium X-ray machines Δ 93 Np * ****** neptunium radioactive waste Δ 62 Sm * samarium headphone magnets Δ 94 Pu * ****** ***** plutonium nuclear weapons Δ BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The second table is located between lanthanum, hafnium, actinium and rutherfordium in the first table. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. Figure 6 The properties of elements determine their uses. Δ metals ΔΔ metalloids ΔΔΔ nonmetals ΔΔΔΔ hydrogen BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: The colours code for the properties of the elements have been replaced with Δ. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. PRINT PAGE 215 10 11 12 13 14 5 B * boron sports equipment ΔΔ 6 C * **** carbon diamonds ΔΔΔ 13 Al * aluminum cans and foil 14 Si * silicon computer Δ chips ΔΔ 28 Ni * ******* nickel stainless steel Δ 29 Cu * cooper water pipes Δ 30 Zn * zinc galvanized steel Δ 31 Ga * gallium light-emitting diodes (LEDs) Δ 32 Ge * germanium solar panels ΔΔ 46 Pd * palladium dental crowns Δ 47 Ag * silver jewellery Δ 48 Cd * cadmium Ni-Cd batteries Δ 50 Sn * tin bronze Δ 78 Pt * platinum jewellery Δ 79 Au * gold jewellery Δ 80 Hg ** mercury dental amalgams Δ 49 In * indium liquid crystal displays (LCDs) Δ 81 Ti * thallium ant killer and rat poison Δ 110 Ds ****** ***** darmstadtium no use Δ 111 Rg ****** ***** roentgenium no use Δ 112 Uub ****** ***** copernicium no use 113 Uut ****** ***** ununtrium no use 63 Eu * europium luminous paint 64 Gd * gadolinium magnetic resonance 65 Tb * terbium laser material 66 By * dysprosium compact discs 82 Pb * lead radiation shield for Xrays Δ 114 Uuq ****** ***** ununquadium no use 67 Ho * holmium reactor control rods 68 Er * erblum colouran in glasse Δ 95 Am * ****** ***** americium smoke detector Δ imaging (MRIs) Δ 96 Cm * ****** ***** curium energy source for the Mars Rover Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ 97 Bk * ****** ***** berkelium radioactive waste Δ 98 Cf * ****** ***** californium aircraft safety check Δ 99 Es * ****** ***** einsteinium no use Δ 100 Fm * ****** ***** fermium no use Δ PRINT PAGE 216 BEGIN TEXTBOX: TRY THIS FLAMING COLOURS SKILLS HANDBOOK 3.B.5.-3.B.7., 3.B.9. SKILLS: Performing, Observing, Analyzing, Communicating Fireworks and sparklers give off colours when they are heated or burned. You can heat substances that contain different metal elements by holding samples of them in a flame (Figure 7). This is called a flame test. The bright colours of light that result are due to the structure of the metal atoms. Light is given off when electrons of the atoms gain and then lose energy. The flame test can be used to identify unknown metals in paint samples. BEGIN TEXTBOX: CAUTION: FLAME BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Representation of a hand not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. Never heat anything without your teacher's permission. Always wear eye protection when you are working with fire. Keep yourself, and anything else that can burn, away from heat or flames. Tie back long hair and loose clothing. Never reach across a flame. Do not leave the flame unattended. END TEXTBOX. BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 7 The colour given off in a flame test can be used to identify a substance. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. Equipment and Materials: eye protection; lab apron; plastic vials; samples of metal salts; matches or striker; Bunsen burner; retort stand and clamp; wire loops; distilled water 1. Put on your lab apron and eye protection. 2. Obtain a small sample of each salt provided as well as the wire loop that goes with the sample. 3. Make a chart to record the names of your salt samples and the colour of flame each produces. 4. Clamp the burner to the retort stand. Light your Bunsen burner. Adjust the flame so that it is mostly blue. 5. Dip the end of the wire loop into the water and then into the first sample. Close the vial. 6. Hold the wire loop in the flame of the Bunsen burner until the flame changes colour. Record the name of the sample and the colour of the flame in your chart. Rinse the wire loop well in a stream of water. 7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for each sample. 8. Follow your teacher's instructions for the disposal of the materials and equipment. 9. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. A. Which element is responsible for the flame colours in each substance observed? T/I B. If your teacher gave you an unlabelled salt, and it turned the flame colour violet, what would this tell you? T/I C. Why should you clean off the wire loop each time or use a different wire loop for each test? T/I D. How might you use a flame test to determine which metal is in an unknown sample? T/I E. Look at Figure 8. How might you use a flame test to determine which metal is responsible for this green firework display? T/I BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 8 The colour of the explosion tells you what metal is in the fireworks. BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. END TEXTBOX. PRINT PAGE 217 6.1 Wrap Up - Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus. - Protons are positively charged and have about the same mass as neutrons, which have no charge. Electrons are negatively charged and have very little mass compared to protons and neutrons. - The numbers of protons and electrons in an atom are equal. The positive and negative charges cancel out each other, giving the atom a neutral charge. - Elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances. - The elements in the periodic table are in order by increasing atomic number. - Elements in the same group have similar properties. BEGIN TEXTBOX: CHECK YOUR LEARNING 1. Name the three subatomic particles. K/U 2. How many electrons would an atom with the atomic number 12 have? T/I 3. Why does an atom have a neutral charge? K/U 4. (a) Why do potassium oxide and potassium chloride give off the same colour of light in a flame test? (b) How does a fireworks technician make use of this property? K/U, C, A 5. Write the chemical symbol for each element listed below. K/U (a) aluminum (b) fluorine (c) phosphorus (d) titanium (e) carbon (f) gold (g) potassium (h) zinc 6. Write the name for the element indicated by each symbol below. K/U, C (a) As (b) B (c) Cu (d) Pb (e) Ag (f) Ca (g) Fe (h) W 7. What is an atomic number? Why is it important? K/U 8. An investigator suspects that water found at a crime scene was poisoned with barium nitrate. What experiment could be done to test the suspicion? A 9. The model in Figure 9 shows an atom of the element nitrogen. K/U BEGIN FIGURE CAPTION: Figure 9 BEGIN PRODUCER’S NOTE: Figure not reproduced. END PRODUCER’S NOTE. END FIGURE CAPTION. (a) How many protons are in one atom of nitrogen? (b) How many electrons are in one atom of nitrogen? (c) How many electrons are in the outer orbit of an atom of nitrogen? 10. Why do all alkali metals have similar reactions? K/U 11. Copy Table 2 into your notebook. Use the periodic table to complete it. T/I, C Table 2 Element Symbol hydrogen Ca phosphorus Number of Number of protons electrons 1 Atomic number 20