North East Homeless Think Tank (NEHTT) 'Turning Research into

North East Homeless Think Tank (NEHTT) ‘Turning Research into Practice’ seminars series
Seminar Two: Youth Homelessness in the North East 2013
Thursday 12th September 2013, Northumbria University
This series of seminars, co-ordinated by the North East Homelessness Think Tank (NEHTT), is targeted at
policymakers and practitioners working in the areas of housing and homelessness, and other related fields.
The aims of the seminars are to disseminate the findings of relevant research and to explore how the
findings could help to inform policy, good practice and innovative approaches to tackling and preventing
The second seminar presented the findings of the 2013 Survey of Youth Homelessness in the North East,
conducted by Youth Homeless North East (YHNE), in collaboration with Homeless Link and Centrepoint. The
survey analysis and report was produced by Adele Irving (Research Fellow, Northumbria University). The
survey findings were used as a basis for discussion about the implications of the changing regional picture of
youth homeless for local policy and practice.
Attendees on the day
Janet Alder, Supported Housing Manager, Community Campus ’87 Ltd
Sharon Brown (Chair), Regional Manager, Youth Homeless North East
Penny Brunton, Accommodation Services Manager, Sunderland City Council
Jean Burnside, Chief Officer, South Tyneside Churches’ Key Project
Mike Clark, Chair Vela Group
Herbie Cooper, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Your Homes Newcastle Youth People’s Service
Judith Das, Deputy Manager, Eslington House, Cyrenians
Ben Dickenson, Business Contracts Manager, Home Group
Phil Dobson, Projects Manager, Aquila Way
Joanne French, Supported Housing Manager, Community Campus ’87 Ltd
Catherine Hattam, Housing Operations Manager, Gateshead Council
Adele Irving, Research Fellow, Northumbria University
Helen Jackson, Extended Hours Visiting Officer, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
Natalie Maidment, Policy Officer, VONNE
Suzanne Martin, NEHTT Administrator, Northumbria University
Kieran Platts, Project Assistant, Youth Homeless North East
Julie Simpson, Senior Practitioner, Sunderland Youth Offending Service
Wendy Wallace, Peer Education Co-ordinator, Your Homes Newcastle Young People’s Service
About the Survey
In March 2012, YHNE conducted a survey into the nature and extent of, and responses to, youth
homelessness in the North East. The survey aimed to build upon the findings of Homeless Link’s national
research into youth homelessness, ‘Young and Homeless’, which was published in December 2011. The
North East was significantly under-represented in the national findings. As such, YHNE repeated the survey
regionally, attracting responses from 10 local authorities and 23 providers. The findings were later used to
inform strategic priorities and service provision across the region. YHNE would like the survey to become an
annual exercise, providing the region with: an up to date assessment of the regional picture of youth
homelessness and its changing nature over time, as well as a comparison of the regional picture in relation
to the national picture. As such, the survey was repeated in March 2013.
The research was carried out through two online surveys; one tailored to local authorities
and the other for providers of accommodation and support services for homeless young
people. The questionnaires focused on six key areas:
The Extent of Youth Homelessness
The Causes of Youth Homelessness
Preventing Youth Homelessness
The Support Needs of Young Homeless People
Support Services for Young Homeless People
Welfare Reform
Both questionnaires asked for information relating to ‘single homeless people aged 16-24’ and referred to
two timeframes: February 2013 for snapshot figures and the previous 12 months for the assessment of
changes over time. 34 responses from all 12 local authorities and 29 responses from projects delivered by 21
providers were received.
Youth Homelessness in the North East 2013 – Key Survey Findings
The quantitative and qualitative data was inconclusive regarding the changing scale of youth
homelessness in the region.
The age breakdown of homeless youth people is almost evenly spread across the 16-24 age bracket.
Increases were most likely to be reported among young people aged 16-17 and 20-21.
‘Relationship breakdown’ remains the primary cause of youth homelessness, although homelessness as
a result of rent arrears and benefit changes has risen.
A range of homelessness prevention service are available across the region, with returning to the family
home being the most common outcome.
Joint working between Children’s Services and Housing departments was descried as ‘effective’ or ‘very
effective’ in almost all cases.
The most frequently occurring support needs of young clients in February 2013 were: lack of
independent living skills, lack of relationship skills and not being in education, employment or training.
Levels of rough sleeping among young people remain unchanged, while the number of care leavers who
become homeless in the North East is significantly below the national average.
Respondents presented a largely positive picture regarding the availability of emergency, support and
accommodation services, reporting little change over time. B&B usage in region is low.
However, capacity constraints within the voluntary and community sector (VCS) are becoming more
acute over time.
There are concerns over the impact of welfare reform on the scale of youth homelessness, due to
financial hardship and limited accommodation option and on the likelihood of successful move-on for
many young people, particularly those with complex needs. Providers reported increases in poverty
among young clients, with more seeking support from food banks.
The survey findings indicated a number of areas that would benefit from the sector's on-going consideration.
These are:
Increasing housing options for vulnerable young people.
Maintaining or increasing the sector’s current focus on supporting young people to access employment
Protecting floating support services for young people, and
The continuation of specialist support to vulnerable young client groups, such as those with complex
needs and those with an offending history.
The full survey report can be accessed at:
Key Thoughts based on the Survey Findings
There is a need for greater clarity in monitoring single homelessness. At present, different methods of
recording or an inability to record the true scale does not provide an accurate measure of youth
homelessness. This evidences the need for a single point of contact system.
We need to have a more nuanced understanding of the causes of homelessness such as relationship
Work around positive relationships is important. Often parents need support, as well as the young
people. Mediation should look to identify the root cause of relationship breakdown.
EARLY intervention is critical. Engaging with young people aged 16-17 may be too late. There should be
greater links between the homelessness sector and the ‘Troubled Families’ initiative.
Increasing levels of substance misuse amongst young people is a recurring cause of homelessness and
requires further exploration.
Young people experiencing multiple and complex needs require intensive support. This must be
protected in the context of funding cuts and reduced capacity. However, is there duplication regarding
multi-agency involvement with young people? Could this be reduced?
It is important to maintain a focus on preventative services, such as pre-tenancy training that could
prepare young people to take up shared housing opportunities.
Are rent arrears linked to problems of financial literacy or choice/lifestyle?
Could the sector do more to create work schemes with realistic recruitment options at the end?
It is important to understand the impacts of Welfare Reform from both the provider and client
Are the long-term costs of homelessness being fully recognised, in the context of welfare reform?
Key Challenges and Concerns within the Sector
The shortage of housing options for young people, made more acute by welfare reform changes.
Young people not wanting to live in sharing accommodation options.
The limited provision of floating support services.
Negative mind-sets.
Managing relationships with difficult clients.
Further cuts to (former) Supporting People budgets are still to come.
Does the ‘care system’ effectively support young people to learn independent living/life skills?
Is returning home always a positive outcome? Do we see repeat presentations from this?
The limited employment options available to young people in the North East.
Apprentice Schemes currently exclude young people with low qualifications.
National government policy ignores the specific issues facing the North East.
Opportunities for the Sector
 Showcasing and building upon what has been proven to work.
 Closer collaboration with the private rented sector.
 Adaptation or redevelopment of empty three bedroomed properties.
 Providers managing young people’s expectations around housing/move-on options and shared living.
 Transitional housing for young people leaving care or supported accommodation?
 Employment/apprenticeship
Associations/providers building a percentage of ex-service users/young people into their employment
 Engaging with strategic influencers such as the Association of North East Councils.
The North East Homelessness Think Tank established in 2012 aims to inform and influence policies affecting
homeless people through research, campaigning and other collaborative activities. NEHTT uses the
knowledge and resources of its members in the North East to influence policy locally, regionally and
Members include academics, researchers and policy officers (from Centrepoint, Youth Homeless North East,
Homeless Link, Shelter, Barnardo’s, The Cyrenians, the Institute for Public Policy and Research North,
Northern Housing Consortium, and Northumbria University) as well as independent specialists.
More information about NEHTT can be accessed on our page of the Youth Homelessness North East website
Please follow us on Twitter at: @NEHomelessTT.
For further information about the survey, please contact Sharon Brown, Regional Manager, at