Preliminary list of references

Understanding and addressing the impact of invasive non-native species in the UK
Overseas Territories in the South Atlantic: A review of the potential for biocontrol
DEFRA ref: CR 0492
CABI ref: TR10086
Preliminary list of references
Norbert Maczey, Rob Tanner and Richard Shaw
March 2012
Norbert Maczey
Senior Ecologist/Entomologist
Bakeham Lane
Egham, Surrey
TW20 9TY
T: +44 (0) 1491 829029
Project introduction
Recent reviews of invasive non-native species (INNS) on the South Atlantic UKOTs, revealed that
there is a considerable on-going threat by these species to the endemic biodiversity on these islands.
Management plans and capacity building efforts to combat invasive plants have already been
developed, or are in the process of being developed, by various conservation bodies and other
research institutions. However, to-date, there are few plans to include classical biological control in
these new schemes despite this management practise having a long history of successful use on
islands in the past. We understand that many species including rare, endangered and/or iconic
species are negatively impacted upon by introduced invasive plants or invertebrate species and that
the reduction of their impact through biological control could bring tangible benefits to biodiversity in
these fragile habitats. At present there is little known about the potential of this tool in South Atlantic
UKOTs and therefore this feasibility study focuses on the future potential usage of this method.
A major component of this study is a desk-based review assessing the impact of non-native plant and
invertebrate species in the South Atlantic UKOTs. We rank the need and suitability for biological
control of individual invasive species, from high to low, using a recently-developed weed biocontrol
prioritisation tool, developed initially for Australia, but already proving to be very useful on the islands
in the South Pacific. Priority species are selected on the basis of population dynamics, reported impact
on biodiversity, impact on livelihoods, costs for on-going control measures other than biological control
and others.
In addition, two detailed case studies will evaluate the potential of implementing a biological control
programme against priority species for the Falklands and South Georgia more closely. These detailed
assessments will combine all current information about the target pest species including information
on their native range, areas of introduction and recorded natural enemies in their areas of origin.
Ranked in order of priority, and associated costs of available control options, we will include a
catalogue of recommended strategies for each priority target species aimed to halt the biodiversity
loss through invasive plant and invertebrate species more effectively.
Records of IAS on SAUKOT
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